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Jessy Ribordy Stu Harrington
Gabriel Davis Leon Tukker
Jordan Kerbow
Jeff Langavin

Gabriel Davis Daniel Hasenbos

Gabriel Davis Jessy Ribordy
Chris Eddie

Chris Eddie Asher McClennahan


Stu Harrington Hit Point Press Inc.
Jessy Ribordy
Chris Eddie

Hunter Fell, Gabriel Mercer, and Carly McClennahan

Some of the more mature subject matter in this adventure can be
uncomfortable for certain players, including themes and depictions of
Body Horror.

Novarail is Copyright © 2022 Arboreal, LLC., 640 Grove St, Jacksonville, OR 97530. All rights reserved. All characters and their likenesses
are property of Arboreal, LLC., in the United States and other countries. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express permission of Arboreal, LLC. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes
a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Arboreal, Lore of Aetherra, and its associated logos are trademarks of Arboreal,
LLC. Hit Point Press logo is a trademark owned by Hit Point Press Inc. First Printing. Printed in Canada.

Y ou hold in your hand The Novarail,

a standalone thematic prequel to
Lore of Aetherra: Dark Symmetry.
This fusion of narrative storytelling
and encounter mechanics is written to
she helps them escape Gloom.
A Marvel to Behold takes the party on
a railcar excursion across Chrysalea, seeing
the sights while discovering that there’s more
to this city than what's on the surface. Pre-
convey the scope and breadth of the world recorded voiceovers assist you in describing
we’ve created. Ride along with Glider each of the scenes. A gamemaster can run
Primarine as she leads you on a tour of the this section in a few minutes, or take longer
beautiful and diverse habitats that comprise if the characters want to spend time talking
the underwater city of Chrysalea, a complex to Glider.
society where intrigue and mystery lie just Finally, in Doom and Gloom, the char-
beneath the tranquil surface. All rides must acters face off against a vicious nemosynth
come to an end, however, and something while trying to restart the stalled railcar and
wicked awaits you at the end of the line. complete their escape.
Come, ride the rails, see the sights, and Appended to the adventure is a new
settle in for an adventure in the deep. fighter subclass called the Graftknight.


The Novarail, an adventure created for the The characters are residents of Gloom, a hab-

5e system, takes a party of fifth-level charac- itat overrun with pollution and isolated from
ters on a journey with three distinct sections, the rest of Chrysalea. A stranger from the
each with its own purpose. main city, Glider Primarine, offers to help you
In Cogbats!, the characters have an op- escape to a safehouse in Balance if she can fix
portunity to introduce themselves and meet a derelict railcar she found at an abandoned
the brilliant and carefree Glider Primarine as station.

T H E N O VA R A I L 3
G L O O M H A B I T A T, C H R Y S A L E A

To begin the adventure, read: a wooden toolbox containing several bi-

zarre-looking devices. Her breathing seems
You’re standing in a glass-bottom Novarail car. ragged and irregular. If asked about it, she’ll
say that she doesn’t handle pollution well.
An abandoned station lies below in ruin,
scarred and stained by the ravages of time. GLIDER’S TOOLS
The railcar’s control desk is propped open, The box that Glider pointed to contains four
exposing a circuit board overflowing with tools from which a character can select. Refer
wooden transistors, silver capacitors, and a to the table on the following page for the de-
scriptions of all four tools, but do not name
twisted mess of wires. Vines and ivy have in-
them or explain what they do, then prompt
filtrated the electronic components, evidence
one of the characters to select a tool.
of nature’s supremacy over mortal creation. A
If a character asks what it looks like, the
young elf, appearing as no more than a pair distracted Glider will only offer a vague de-
of frightfully muddy boots buried deep in tan- scription.
gled circuitry, investigates the cause of the
railcar’s stoppage. If a character chooses the wrong tool.

Glider will tell them the name of the tool they

“Curses! This old battery pack is dead. Hand chose and explain its function. She will then
me that Flitter there, will ya?” explain which tool the Flitter is and what its
function is. Additionally, a character can ask
Glider Primarine pokes her hand out from Glider to explain the other tools by making a
under the control desk and motions to DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check.

If a character chooses the Flitter. Glider Glider jams the cylinder down into the mass
takes the tool, goes still for a moment, and of orbs forming the power cell. The Flitter
then begins frantically looking around the makes a whirring sound, glowing blue, and
railcar. the bubbles inside quickly circulate. Mo-
ments later, the multicolored lights of the
“Cogbats! I ain’t seein’ no other energy control desk flicker to life and the engine be-
packs around here. The Flitter will give us a gins to hum, sending the Novarail car down
full charge, but it draws energy from nearby the track with a violent jolt. The air purifiers
sources of power, and if there ain’t any, it’s above whir to life, cleansing the air of tox-
fixin’ to siphon off of me!” ins. Glider crawls out from under the desk
and slumps over, revealing a long head of
The sprightly elf’s hoarse cough echoes from pink and white hair and pale blue skin, then
jumps to her feet.
within the console.

“Felt that one in my bones!”

“We’ll be meetin’ the beast of burden if we
don’t get moving though!”


Octlivia A ruby-encrusted brass The octlivia's hook adjusts to fit around any
hook attached to a object less than a foot in diameter. When pow-
wooden handle. ered on, the rubies glow, and the octlivia will
tighten a mechanical fastener so securely that
it's nearly impossible to remove.

Affixater Two needles attached The affixater's scope can be used to discover
by twine to a mecha- missing items when its needles are inserted
nized spyglass. into the soft tissue behind the operator's ears.
The device reads brainwaves to determine
what they are looking for and transmits the
object's location to the operator's mind.

Sinerounder An intricate tuning When the sinerounder’s forks are placed on in-
fork with a small circuit organic material, the horn emits a high-pitched
board and speaker noise that disrupts the material’s wave pattern,
horn on its handle. allowing a small object to pass through it.

Flitter A handheld cylin- When placed on a depleted power cell, a flitter

der filled with small can restore power by draining a nearby energy
turbines and constantly source. If no source is available, it will sap the
whirring water. operator’s vitality for the necessary power.
The operator must make a DC 20 Constitution
saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.

T H E N O VA R A I L 5
Glider Primarine RO LE P LAYI NG GLI D E R
Glider Primarine is a brilliant
Armor Class 13 (leather armor) inventor brimming with reckless
Hit Points 76 (17d8) abandon. She’s nonstop pep and
Speed 30 ft. can only focus on something for
a little while before moving on.
STR DEX CON I NT WIS CHA This firebrand usually acts before
thinking, rejecting safe options
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (-1) 13 (+1)
for schemes that often end in di-
saster. Although she comes from
Saving Throws Dex +4
a prominent family of Chrysalean
Skills Insight +1, Investigation +5, Sleight of Hand +4
inventors, she outshines them
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
with her keen intellect and un-
Languages Common, Gnomish, Novarian
matched skill with all things me-
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
chanical. Despite her lineage, her
rebellious spirit and empathetic
Brave. Glider has advantage on saving throws against
nature often get her in trouble,
being frightened.
and she has no qualms about
breaking a rule to help someone
Keen Hearing and Sight. Glider has advantage on Wis-
dom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
Initially, Glider will dart back
ACT IO N S and forth, making adjustments to
the car’s engine. Once the railcar
Multiattack. Glider makes three attacks with her lead
passes Balance without stopping,
Glider will attempt to fix the
brakes and become increasingly
Lead Wrench. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5
panicked as the tour progresses.
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Glider is also very sensitive to
Gloom’s pollution, so when she’s
exposed to it, you can emphasize
her hacking cough or how sickly
A WILD INTRODUCTION she may appear.
Take a moment to describe Glider Primarine to the char-
Nobody finds themselves ban-
P H Y S IC A L D ESC R IP T I O N ished to Gloom without some
unfortunate reason, and Glider
Glider is a short yet strapping young Chrysalean elf with is curious to hear the character's
pink-and-white-streaked hair spilling down below her stories. Use this time to let each
hips. She wears utilitarian clothing: thick leather boots, of the players describe their char-
insulated gloves, and a belt with pockets and hoops to acters.
store tools and trinkets. Bruises and scars decorate her Apart from a physical de-
skin, and a bandage wrapped around her left arm seeps scription, they can talk about
blood. A monocle with a rainbow lens is situated above their life before confinement in
her right eye. A wicked smile spreads across her face, and the habitat and their plans once
her eyes burn with chaotic energy. they escape.


T H E N O VA R A I L 7
A Marvel to Behold
T his trip around Chrysalea is
meant to be a fast-paced glimpse at
the underwater city and—by using
the provided voiceovers—can be
completed in a few minutes. If the characters
Sparks crackle as Glider clips a wire trying
to repair the ancient machine, causing a bar-
rage of feedback to bark through the speaker.
A hint of panic flashes across her face, and
she struggles for a moment before tightening
desire a more detailed tour experience, Glid- the correct bolt. The noise instantly stops,
er has a wealth of information that she will and the warm voice of a confident and per-
share with anyone who asks. sonable man fills the air.
As the railcar begins to move, read: As the voice of Evvan plays through the
horn in the railcar, play the included voice-
The shrill sound of static and a distorted voice over: VO-01, or in Evaan's voice, read:
blasts out from a wooden horn in the corner of
the railcar. Glider pounds her fist against the “Welcome visitors! Young and old, near and
wall to which it’s affixed. far! Welcome to the marvel of all Aetherra!
Welcome to the wondrous underwater king-
“This tour recording is likely a thousand dom of Chrysalea!”
years old. A tad outdated, but still a hoot
The car lurches forward with a groan, shud-
to listen to!”

dering as it exits the habitat and enters the MUSIC & VOICEOVER
open water. Cracks in the glass creak as the The voice of Evaan, the Novarail tour
crushing water outside threatens to break guide, can be played aloud using the pro-
through, but the glass holds true in spite vided musical ambience and voiceovers
of them. As the car’s speed stabilizes, the found at loreofaetherra.com/novarail
bubbles surrounding it dissipate, revealing
a panorama of the many translucent domes
that house the expansive elven kingdom.
city of Chrysalea lies deep below its surface,
SITE 1: CHRYSALEA sharing the darkness with strange creatures
Now moving through the open water on the the anglers above only dream of. Though
Novarail, the city of Chrysalea comes into sea creatures are fascinating, the Novarians
view. As the tour begins, play VO-02 or read: found something much more valuable: an un-

limited supply of aether, a mystical element

"Much like Fano, Chrysalea was founded
of unimaginable power! With it, Chrysalea
long ago by the Novarian elves. While Fano
has grown into a hub of innovation and tech-
sits above the waters of Chrysal Lake, the
nology. These extraordinary advancements
continue to this day, thanks to the hard [...]

T H E N O VA R A I L 9
work of Taos of the Openda family, whose • Chrysaleans record their folklore in
work provides our kingdom with all it needs hymnals.
to thrive and prosper!
"Let’s begin with the most important Hidden Knowledge. On a successful DC
dome of Chrysalea, and in it, The Moth- 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check, Glider tells
er Tree! Once a seed the size of a marble, the characters that the Mother Tree used to
be green and robust, but its health declined
it grew in tandem with the translucent cell
around the time the portals to Fano closed.
that eventually became our largest dome.
She’s heard rumors that Queen Lillius is
Once this massive habitat was complete,
gathering Allianders, warriors who derive
the Mother Tree spread her roots allowing
power from aether, believing that they are
us to expand our city into the surrounding the answer to its revitalization.
habitats. Everything here is dependent on
the Mother Tree and her roots bring life and T R ANS ITI O N
strength to all of Chrysalea.” The curve of the track makes its way
around the perimeter of the kingdom. The
railcar approaches the dome that sits to the
northeast and speeds through a dark tunnel
If the characters ask Glider about Chrysalea, at the base of the habitat.
Glider will freely offer the following informa-

• Chrysalea has two seasons: the

paralight for when the phosphorus
bacteria flourishes, and the castlight for
when it recedes.

The Covenant Of Progress

An enormous statue at the base

of the Mother Tree. It depicts
a young Lillius holding the
symbols of Chrysalean progress:
a mechanical finch and a ring
orbiting a blue star.

SITE 2: BALANCE Chrysaleans who desperately need to un-
After a short journey, the railcar approaches plug and recharge before heading back to
the next habitat along its path. Once inside, their labs. And when I’m not guiding tours,
the tour reveals a pristine landscape pep- I’m running the show here as the Peace
pered with rolling hills and groves of vibrant Mentor.”
trees. A monastery complex nestled atop a “One of the most exciting innovations
steep embankment overlooks the entire hab- here in Balance is the Mnarias Project. A sen-
itat. A wide stream meanders through the tient network that…”
pastoral utopia while a fabricated sun, fixed
in the corner, bathes the residents with the
Suddenly, the voice cuts out, and the vines
splendor of an eternal sunset.
and ivy glow brighter and tighten their grasp

on the circuitry. For a moment, the car lurch-
After describing Balance, play VO-03 or
read: es, nearly stalling out, before a whir of ener-
gy pushes it forward. The voice recording re-

“The first habitat on this tour is Balance. And sumes.

wow, look at that beauty! Doesn’t it seem
peaceful, like you could spend an eternity “I’m rambling. I assure you nothing will go
here? Well, this is a place that’s meant to awry. I’m taking all the necessary safety pre-
be just that. It’s a retreat for hard-inventing cautions in my work!”

T H E N O VA R A I L 11
If the characters ask Glider about Balance, As the car approaches the Balance rail sta-
she will freely offer the following informa- tion, Glider attempts to apply the brakes, but
tion: nothing happens. She panics for a moment,
but tells the characters that she should have
• The crystal waters in Balance’s ponds are it repaired by the time they loop around to
delicious, refreshing, and safe to drink. Balance again. She goes to work as the car
• The head gardener has an obsession starts to pick up speed on the way to Origin,
with making sure his favorite flowers, the next habitat.
the Ruby Tropicas, aren’t touched by
anyone else. On the way, the window on the left reveals a
perfect view of the Ourro Quarter.
Hidden Knowledge. On a successful DC
12 Charisma (Persuasion) check, Glider tells
the characters that the Mnarias Project is a
program in Balance where a radical medi-
cal procedure is performed on “volunteers.”
These brave souls are tethered together in a
shared waking-dream state with the hope of
experiencing an illuminated sense of being.

The Mnarias Project

A procedure performed on
individuals in the Balance
habitat that binds them
permanently to a shared waking-
dream state with a network of

other dreamers.

SITE 3: THE OURRO QUARTER the Ourro Quarter, the heart of Chrysalea’s
Continuing along the track, the railcar passes main habitat and our most populated and
by the Ourro Quarter: the sparkling center of lively area. Here, you will find shops and mar-
daily life in the main habitat. A large pond, kets stocked with all of the necessities that a
fed by a series of marble aqueducts and busy inventor might want or need. We even
painted with the reflection of the cityscape, have a learning facility for the youth in our
provides enjoyment to carefree pedestrians city—the Center of Continuum. Children are
wandering along the waterfront. A rotunda the tomorrow, as they say, and those little
capped with a twisting spire occupies the cen-
minds are quite powerful. A little too power-
ter of the district, while four tapered obelisks
ful, maybe!
peer down from high above the plaza. Leaves
"In the distance, you’ll find a stunning
tinged red and orange drift down from the
view of our beautiful Mother Tree. There,
towering Mother Tree in the distance, giving
those who wander a soft path to tread. our fair leader and eldest of the Openda sib-
lings, Queen Lillius, nurtures the Mother and

After describing the Ourro Quarter, play tends to her needs. Her wisdom guides our
VO-04 or read: good people to fulfill their purpose, encour-
aging them to be the greatest inventors the
“Before we continue to the next of the four world has ever seen.”
outer habitats, please look to your left to see

T H E N O VA R A I L 13
If the characters ask Glider about Ourro, she As the Ourro Quarter fades from view, the
will freely offer the following information: railcar moves swiftly into the darkness of the
lake. Glider continues to work on the brakes
• A pastry shop in the quarter sells slices and grows frustrated with the car’s increas-
of cake that can add an hour to your day. ing speed.
• During the turning of seasons, the
quarter holds Opus, a festival where After several minutes of travel, the view of
Chrysaleans show off their homemade the next habitat cuts through the murky
inventions. water: Origin.

Hidden Knowledge. On a successful DC

12 Charisma (Persuasion) check, Glider tells
the characters that Queen Lillius is becoming
erratic and volatile, which is out of character
for her. She will occasionally find peace by
donning her crown, placing her hand on the
Mother Tree, and speaking to it in whispers.

Crown of Lillius

This ancient headpiece passed down through

generations of prominent Novarians is
augmented with plant life enhanced by
technology. Donning the crown brings the
wearer heightened awareness of natural

SITE 4: ORIGIN After the railcar enters Origin, play VO-05
Origin’s centerpiece, built amid impeccably or read:
manicured surroundings, is an enormous
“Next up, we have the crown jewel of Chry-
laboratory that dominates the landscape with
its size and beauty. Several towers of varying salea—Origin. This habitat, dedicated to
heights jut from the complex of buildings the art of invention, exemplifies our spirit
comprising the lab. Each is topped with an of ingenuity. Our best and brightest minds
iridescent glass dome, ethereal and pulsing toil around the clock in The Reach, Origin’s
with energy. main laboratory, harnessing aether’s essence
One tower, half as big as the lab itself, and transforming it into the world’s most ad-
eclipses the others; its spire nearly reaches vanced technology.”
the summit of the habitat itself. Lush gardens “I overheard that our most esteemed
fed by cascading waterfalls decorate the
and influential scientist, Ioran Audame, has
campus, providing places of contemplation
begun work on the Peerless Arc, a curious
and relaxation for the hardworking scientists

aether-fueled device capable of producing

inside. While several minor laboratories on
an incomprehensible amount of power. Now
the fringe of Origin engage in small-scale ex-
perimentation and development, the greatest that I say that out loud, it might be best to
acts of creation occur in the main laboratory, keep that as our little secret. We must hurry
The Reach. on now; they don’t like when visitors linger.”

T H E N O VA R A I L 15
Ioran Adame

An inventor whose
reputation for fringe
science earned him a

place among Chrysalea’s

elite, until his ultimate
banishment to Gloom
for exposure to
dangerous elements.

If the characters ask Glider about Origin, she As the railcar heads towards the exit, it pass-
will freely offer the following information: es a section of the laboratory devastated by a
cataclysmic explosion. A portion of the wall
• The Reach Laboratory contains a statue lies in scattered chunks and nothing grows
of a small girl holding the symbols of within sixty feet. The ground itself glows,
progress, but Glider has no clue who the emitting radiation so strong it distorts the
girl is supposed to be. field of vision above it. The area is cordoned
• The inventors have lunch in the off and plastered with signs warning that en-
courtyard, and for some reason, they tering the area could be deadly.
always eat standing up.
Glider begins to act frantic as she continues
Hidden Knowledge. On a successful DC 12 her repairs on the brakes. The car seems to
Charisma (Persuasion) check, Glider tells the be going significantly faster at this point as it
characters that her acquaintance once came speeds toward Provis.
across a Leaflet Gridone containing classified
information about an accident in the lab that Evaan continues, read:
was covered up. Apparently, some inventors
were exposed to something dangerous and “...And rest assured, although these scien-
were quarantined in Gloom. tists here test the limits of physics and real-
ity, Chrysaleans maintain the strictest possi-
ble protocols for workplace safety!”

Leaflet Gridone

This bioorganic leaf is an

intricate data storage system used
in the Origin Laboratory. Nearly
unlimited information is stored
on fractals and can only be read
by highly trained operators using
their sense of touch. JORDON KERBOW

T H E N O VA R A I L 17
SITE: 5 PROVIS After the railcar enters the Provis habitat, de-
The low rumble of rushing water builds, fill- scribe it, then play VO-06 or read:
ing the railcar with white noise. The track
“We are now entering the habitat most cru-
takes a sharp turn upwards, and the car
rockets out of a blue pool and into the open cial to the wellbeing of our fair citizens. Be-
air of the habitat. It speeds by an abandoned hold the miracle of Provis. Here, our diligent
station platform before arcing across the horticulturists pioneer new methods to pro-
middle of the habitat. A massive warehouse vide sustainable nourishment to our people.
takes up a large portion of the dome, and There are many hardworking mouths to feed
farmland-covered hills fill in the rest of the down here, and they all need the proper sus-
available space. tenance!”
Massive smokestacks dot the landscape, “In fact, just recently the scientists in Pro-
ascending to the dome’s peak in clusters of
vis created a miraculous tonic they call Chry-
tangled wires, tubes, and vents. The world
salean Flourish. There’s no saying what it’s
outside the glass dome is nearly impercep-

made of, but it is uncommonly delicious and

tible, blocked by a thick layer of sooty smog
incredibly nourishing.”
hanging heavy in the atmosphere.

If the characters ask Glider about Provis, she
will freely offer the following information:

• A machine in a Provis warehouse

maintains a constant temperature for all
of Chrysalea.
• The warehouse’s resident cat does NOT
like being pet on the rear.

Hidden Knowledge. On a successful DC

12 Charisma (Persuasion) check, Glider tells
the characters that she heard an unsettling
rumor about Chrysalean Flourish. Appar-
ently, the scientists in Provis are hatching
creatures whose sole purpose is to be sent to
the Dead Sheds. Once there, their bodies are
drained of their nutrients and processed into
the popular food supplement.

Chrysalean Flourish

This delicious, nutrient-rich drink is a


miracle food made by Chrysaleans, for

Chrysaleans. The recipe is a secret known
only to the engineers in Provis, but given
their unusual methods, it’s likely chock-
full of strange and delightful ingredients.

T H E N O VA R A I L 19
The railcar enters the habitat and is imme-
The railcar pierces through the thick clouds of
smoke hovering above the farms at the edge diately struck by wretched pollution perme-
of Provis. The car now travels at a breakneckating this wasteland. Chasms and holes lie
in wait, ready to trap anything unfortunate
speed as Glider tries to assure the characters
that she can still fix everything in time. enough to fall in. Several huts, assembled
from refuse and building scraps, form a
Once in the open water, the car makes its makeshift village, the only bastion of civiliza-
way to Gloom, leaving a trail of murky filth tion visible in this hellscape.
in its wake. Barren hills rise up erratically, forming
steep, rocky banks. Unlike the other glass
domes, the humid climate here makes the
upper reaches foggy and an expansive patch
of technicolored bacteria covers nearly a
quarter of the surface.
Dead Sheds

These small cabins are nestled deep

in the hills of the Provis farmlands.
Each cabin houses a body being
recycled for its nutrients.

After describing Gloom, play VO-07 or read: After describing the ruins of Apitha, play the
final voiceover: VO-08 or read:
“Last, but certainly not least, we have Trace.
We originally used this habitat to develop “The ecosystem here is truly marvelous. A
and perfect our terraforming techniques. while back, a few scientists diverted just a
There, we gained the know-how to craft hills smidge of runoff from Origin to this habitat.
and gardens that can take your breath away. It turns out that the land was capable of ab-
Of course, these skills took a bit of time to sorbing the pollution and creating life in its
get right, so you may see a few minor geo- place. So fear not—Chrysaleans know how
graphical blemishes. But fear not! The envi- to properly handle waste. We’ve taken all
ronment is quite resilient, and that resilience the necessary precautions to make sure the
caught the attention of Orrien, the young- habitat remains clean and healthy!”
est Openda sibling. His love for the people “What a ride! I regret to inform you that
of Fano inspired him to build a glorious city we’re coming to the end of the Outer Ring
where Chrysaleans and surface folk can live Tour. If you hold a two-ticket card, join me
together in harmony. He’s going to name it for the walkabout Inner Ring Tour where
Apitha.” The foundations of this magnificent you’ll get an exclusive look at the person-
city of the future are visible in the distance. al lives and properties of those who invent
Chrysalea’s most important and powerful
The far corner of the habitat is home to the creations. If you hold a single-ticket card
ruins of the half-built town of Apitha. In stark
and this is your only tour for the day, for
contrast with Evvan’s description of a bud-
your safety please note that when you exit
ding utopia, this city, overgrown with moss
and step onto the platform, make sure you
and dangerous-looking plants, has certainly
seen better days. The crags surrounding the
vestigates of this ruined village drench the
town in shadows. The mud-caked skeletons
of several gargantuan creatures poke out
Suddenly, the monorail car lunges forward
from the ground, and the scattered bodies
and halts violently. The tour voice cuts out,
of creatures and humanoids alike rot in the
and the whole board goes black. Glider
sticky air.
shouts with joy, exclaiming that she’s fixed
the brakes. She tries to get the car moving
again, but it won’t start.
Over 1000 years ago, when Chrysalea was Glider then informs the characters that they
first being built, the creators named this might have a problem.
habitat Trace and used it as a sandbox for
terraforming experiments. Over the next
millennium, it became a dumping ground
for the pollution generated in Origin’s
laboratories, making life difficult for the
population forced to live there.

The squalid conditions of this once prom-

ising zone prompted the citizens of Chry-
salea to rename the habitat Gloom.

T H E N O VA R A I L 21
Doom and Gloom
G L O O M H A B I T A T, C H R Y S A L E A I
G lider darts around the cabin.
Without power, the air purifier shuts
down, letting pollution seep into the
railcar. The young Chrysalean looks
a little unsteady, violently coughing as she at-
breaches the hull, it will stick its elongated
tongue through the gash and whip it around
to ensure it can fit through. The car’s glass
floor presents an excellent opportunity to
describe the strange vegetation, ramshackle
tempts to restore the power. In the distance, huts, and dangerous wasteland beneath their
a nemosynth takes notice of the stalled rail- feet.
car and begins to fly towards it (passive Per-
ception 13+ to notice). PICK YOUR PROBLEM
The characters have two rounds to continue
RUNNING THIS SCENE repairs and prepare for the nemosynth’s ar-
The tension of the scene mounts as the char- rival before it reaches the railcar. The party
acters try to get the railcar running and leave will contend with several hazards: the toxic
Gloom while the nemosynth attempts to bore threat of the environment, the nemosynth
through the hull to get to the party. Describe trying to break in, and the need to repair
how the track bends when the creature lands the air purifiers and power drive. Glider will
on the car or the crunch of steel as it gnaws spend the first round retrieving three Oxim-
on a weak point in the wall. When it first er packs (devices worn like backpacks that

nullify the effects of Gloom’s pollution) and
offering them to the characters to use as they
wish. A creature wearing an Oximer pack au-
tomatically succeeds on their saving throw to
avoid toxicity points, but retains any points
already acquired.

Oximer Pack

A mechanism that purifies toxicity

from the body by vaporizing the
wearer’s blood, fusing it with rare
algae, and transfusing it back into
the body.
P ROBL EM 1: T HE TO X I C T H R E AT • Prompt the character to give their
solution and use their action to
For each round that the characters are ex-
attempt it.
posed to the contaminated air in Gloom,
they must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
The solution column of the repairs refer-
throw or gain one point of toxicity. This in-
ence table gives one possible resolution for
cludes Glider, who begins the encounter with
each problem, but you should encourage the
4 points due to her sensitivity to pollution.
characters to find their own method of fixing
Players should keep track of their own tox-
the situation, setting any relevant DCs to 15.
icity points. Use the reference table below to
As long as Glider is conscious, she will com-
explain the effects of accumulated toxicity. If
plete one repair every turn, starting at the
an Oximer pack is attached to Glider or an
top of the Repairs Reference table.
unconscious character, they will recover the
following round but will immediately lose
consciousness if the pack is removed before
leaving Gloom. While the characters struggle with the toxic
threat and the repairs, they encounter a new
Toxic Threat Reference Table problem: the nemosynth. This serpentine
creature flies on dozens of bat-like wings,
TOXICITY EFFECT and its round, tooth-filled maw can chew
through metal.

1 Take 1d4 poison damage

When the characters notice it rushing to-
wards the incapacitated railcar, read:
2 Take 1d6 poison damage
In the distance, hovering amid the opaque
3 Take 1d8 poison damage haze, a swarm of tiny objects flow together
in choreographed movement. As the cloud
4 Take 1d10 poison damage moves closer, the form of a hideous winged
beast begins to take shape, and lets out an
5 Become unconscious until ear-shattering noise. Several other screeches
removed from the toxic echo back from further away as the monstros-
environment. ity continues to amass, closing the distance
between you and it.
The beast takes two rounds to arrive and will
Two of the car’s primary systems are broken: spend the third round searching for a weak
the air purifiers and the power drive. point before deciding to attack a section
The characters will have to combine their where the glass meets the frame. Each round
ingenuity with the tools Glider mentioned after that, it will try to breach the hull (AC
earlier to fix the malfunctioning equipment. 15, 20 hp) using Gestating Bite, ignoring the
If a character attempts a fix one of the broken saving throw and extra damage.
systems, refer to the repairs reference table After it finally eats through, it will morph
on the following page and follow these steps: into its swarm form and begin pouring into
the cabin, taking two turns to fully form in-
• Determine which system the player side the railcar. Once inside, it will fight the
wants to repair. characters until it is destroyed.
• For the chosen system, read the
Repairs Reference Table


Air Purifier Water is dripping from an Use the Octlivia to tighten the loose bolt.
untightened bolt over-

Air Purifier The water storage tank is Fill with water (or another liquid).
nearly empty.

Air Purifier The tubing is clogged with Use the Sinerounder to allow the rock to
a rock and beginning to be removed.

Power Drive All battery cells are de- Use the Flitter to reactivate at least 2 cells.
pleted. The power gauge Of the 8 cells, only cells 2, 3, 6, and 8 are
reads empty. capable of holding a charge. A successful
DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check
allows the character to discern which ones
can be charged.

Power Drive Gear-shifting lever is Use the Affixater or make a successful DC

missing. 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to find the
lever under a pile of debris.

Power Drive Grime and residue from Wiping won’t work; the residue must be
the nemosynth swarm is burned away (DC 13 Intelligence (Inves-
coating the entire control tigation) check to learn this). Can use the
panel. Octlivia or any other method of creating
fire to clean the panel.

T H E N O VA R A I L 25
Nemosynth Nemosynth Tactics
MEDIUM CONSTRUCT (BIO-ENGINEERED) • Nemosynth will use its
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) • It will attack the nearest
Hit Points 91 (14d8+28) target with gestating bite.
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 30 ft. • It will use its tail whip attack
against the last target that
STR DEX CON I NT WIS CHA dealt it fire damage.
16 (+3) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 11 (0) 10 (0) • Otherwise, it will use its
tail whip attack against a
Saving Throws Con +5 random creature.
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Immunities poison, psychic TRANSI TI O N
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 Once the party fixes the broken
Languages — power drive, the lights on the
Challenge 5 (1800 XP) console will start flashing and
the whole car will hum with en-
Swarm. The nemosynth can move through any opening ergy. If Glider is awake, she will
large enough for a mouse by morphing into a swarm of engage the power drive and get
synthetic insects. the car moving. If she is uncon-
scious, a character will have to
Regenerate. The nemosynth regains 5 hit points at the revive her (by either fixing the
start of its turns if it has at least 1 hit point but won’t air purifiers or equipping her
regain hit points if it was dealt fire damage since its last with an oximer pack) or make a
turn. DC 14 Intelligence check to fig-
ure out how to get it going.
Multiattack. The nemosynth makes a gestating bite Once the car is moving, proceed
attack and a tail whip attack. to Back in Business.

Gestating Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach

5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage. The
target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
take 1d8 piercing damage as a grub bursts from its skin.

Tail Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. The
target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be
knocked prone.


T H E N O VA R A I L 27
BACK IN BUSINESS in increments of ten miles per hour, and it
With the railcar moving again, the party is currently on the fourth mark (40 mph).
has one fewer problem to contend with, but If conscious, Glider will tell the characters
the nemosynth will keep pressing its attack. they’ll need to peg the speedometer. Other-
Likewise, if the air purifiers haven’t been re- wise, any character succeeding on a DC 10
paired, the characters will need to continue Intelligence check comes to the same conclu-
making saves until it's fixed. All the while, a sion.
new problem lurks ahead. Refer to the acceleration chart when
a character attempts a solution to see how
JUMP T HE R A IL C A R much speed they gain. If the solution isn’t
listed, use your discretion and set any rele-
In about one minute (10 rounds), the rail-
vant DCs to 15. If the characters have diffi-
car will arrive at a section of the rail where a
culty finding possible solutions, allow them
15-foot long section of track is missing. The
to take an action to make a DC 15 Wisdom
track is bent up at a 45 degree angle right
(Insight) check, revealing one option with a
before the gap, and at the end of the gap the
track is several feet lower than where it be-
gins. If Glider is conscious, she will inform
the characters of the missing track and will,
with great glee, suggest trying to jump the
Nobody knows your players like you do.
gap. Otherwise, only characters with a pas-
Some like to dig into the mechanics and
sive Perception score of 11 or more will no-
live or die by the results, while others want
tice the perilous condition of the track ahead.
to be the cinematic action hero. If you
The car will need to go much faster to avoid
don’t think your group would enjoy the
crashing into Gloom below.
risk of falling into Gloom and a slightly less
In order for the party to make it across
heroic ending, use your discretion to help
safely, they will need to either increase their
them successfully jump the railcar.
speed or devise another plan. A speedometer
on the dash goes from zero to 120, marked

Acceleration Reference Table


Throwing 125 pounds of weight off of the rail car 10 MPH

Using the Flitter to reactivate the other two cells capable of being 20 MPH

Casting levitate on the car (functions the same as reducing the 40 MPH
weight by 500 pounds)

Dealing lightning damage to one of the non-operational power cells MPH equal to
to supercharge the system lightning damage

Executing a character-initiated plan to increase the speed GM discretion

If the party doesn’t manage to reach the re- If the characters successfully jump the car
quired speed, the car will plummet off the across the track, read:
rail and land in a small clearing on the edge
The speeding railcar reconnects with the track
of a pond of polluted sludge. The crash of
with a loud crash just as another nemosynth
the rail car deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage
lands on the roof and tries to bite its way
to all occupants, including the nemosynth.
Burning piles of trash litter the clearing out- through, unaware of the quickly approaching
side, and drops of oily black water drip from tunnel just ahead. It hits the dome's wall with
the crack creeping up the massive dome. The an echoing crack, splitting it lengthwise as the
nemosynth will continue attacking the party, railcar continues into the water. Half of its car-
belligerent until its final moment. If the char- cass, caught on the rail, trails behind the car
acters defeat their foe, proceed to Novarail like a child’s kite, while the rest falls into an
Down. unceremonious pile of torn flesh and festering
bile. As the car jets through the open water,
If the party increases the railcar to the re-
Glider unleashes a gleeful scream.
quired speed, it jumps the gap in the track
and reconnects safely at the other end. Pro-
“Did you see that? We did it!”
ceed to Making the Break.

NOVARAIL DOWN She spins her rainbow monocle, sending a

If the characters crash into Gloom but defeat prism of colors glittering around her face.
the nemosynth, read:
“Now that we’re in control of this thing we’ll
The wreckage sizzles and smokes on the bank make straight for Balance. I’ve arranged a
of a putrid pond. Parts, gears, and glittering safe place where we can hideout and… ”
glass are sprayed out across the wasteland.
Not too far off you see the lifeless, gurgling Glider's voice trails off, and her eyes grow
heap of the Nemosynth, already rotting in the wide as she stares out the window.
rancid atmosphere. Glider, smeared in blood
and covered in scrapes and burns, jams her “Oops, scratch that. Gone and made too
arm into the depths of the pond and pulls out much of a racket. Sentinels!”
her toolbox. She takes inventory and shakes
her head. In the water, seven Chrysalean sentinels de-
scend upon the car from every direction.
“Cogbats! That shoulda worked! In case it Through swirling effervescence, you see each
ain’t clear, we didn't make it out of Gloom, outfitted with heavy mechanical diving suits
and we damn near died." powered by wooden turbines. Yet they move
quickly and easily through the open water,
She wrings oily gunk out of her hair. wielding tridents twice as long as their bod-
ies with glowing orbs at the end of each ra-
"But on the bright side, you're still with zor-sharp fork.
yours truly, Glider Primarine! I know a few
more ways out of this death dome, but I’ll “And they ain’t coming to give us a slap on
tell ya this, out of all our options, that sky the wrist either. These dead-eyed creeps are
track nonsense was the safest one.” life-enders."

T H E N O VA R A I L 29
Palmy Dev, the Graftknight

The Graftknight
F lesh, muscle, organ, sinew, bone.
Unruly components of many the un-
grateful creature, made and formed
to be used for unrefined and untamed
purposes. How much more fiercely would the
Lore of Aetherra: Dark Symmetry is de-
signed to take a party of characters from
level 5 to level 10 over the course of the
predator claw rend if it knew where best to adventure. The final book will also include
aim? How much better would the scales or several new character creation options
hide of a resilient beast protect if it were to explore, including 12 new subclasses,
worn by someone trained and refined? Many one new race with two subraces, three
warriors seek out the blade or the spear, but new backgrounds, and five premade char-
if nature provides apex predators with per- acters. In this adventure, you’ll find the
fect tools, why not seek them out? Graftknight fighter subclass, along with a
These questions form the foundation premade character: Palmy Dev.
of the Graftknight, who learn the ways
of the five bodily components to improve Download the character sheet at
that with which they were born. Through loreofaetherra.com/novarail
medicinal study and a smattering of mag-
ical application, a soft hand can be traded
for one with sharp talons. A back bereft of way, be grafted onto you within 24 hours of
wings can be remedied, if only you slew an the corpse’s time of death. Additionally, the
airborne foe. The teeth with which you eat, creature you take a body part from must be
the ways in which you breathe, and even the a humanoid, beast, aberration, dragon, fey,
senses you’ve relied upon can all be traded, giant, monstrosity, or plant type creature.
swapped, or improved. You can attach another graft to your body at
For a Graftknight, any body can be a 7th, 10th, and 15th level.
treasure chest. The appearance of each graft remains
the same, though its size is changed, if need
BONUS PROFICIENCIES be, to fit according to the body. For example,
3 R D - L E V E L G R A F T K N I G H T F E AT U R E if a dragon’s eye is grafted, the appearance
You gain proficiency with Wisdom (Medi- remains that of a dragon’s eye, though its
cine) and can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower size is reduced to fit. If you remove one of
as a 10 when making a Wisdom (Medicine) your own body parts to attach this new graft,
check. you may reattach it later on, so long as it is
preserved while it is not attached to you.
FLESHGRAFTER Unless specified otherwise, a graft can
3 R D - L E V E L G R A F T K N I G H T F E AT U R E only be selected once. The following parts
You learn how to manipulate the taken anat- are available to you when you attach a graft:
omy of others to work with your body. You
can perform an hour-long surgery and graft Natural Armament. You can graft a crea-
up to two body parts onto yourself, either by ture’s weapon attack to yourself, such as a
replacing your own equivalent or simply add- claw, a bite, or a slam. This attack deals 1d6
ing it in tandem with it. The body part must plus either your Strength or Dexterity mod-
still be whole, come from a corpse that is still ifier in the same damage type while it was
largely intact, and, if not preserved in some still attached to its original owner. If the crea-

T H E N O VA R A I L 31
ture’s attack had a secondary effect, you do in the area of the breath weapon’s area must
not gain it. make a saving throw, the type of which is
This graft may be selected multiple determined by its original save when it was
times. Each time it is selected, you can im- still attached to its previous owner. The DC
prove the damage die of this attack to the for this saving throw equals 8 + your Consti-
next die size, gain an additional weapon tution modifier + your Proficiency bonus. A
attack, or gain an existing armament’s sec- creature takes 3d6 damage on a failed save
ondary effect so long as it is nonmagical and and half as much damage on a successful
forces a creature to make a strength, dexteri- one. This damage increases by 1d6 at 6th,
ty, or constitution check (such as a wolf’s bite 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level.
or a giant scorpion’s sting). The DC for this
effect is 8 + your Constitution modifier + Tail. You graft a creature’s tail to yourself.
your proficiency modifier. An armament that You are able to make Dexterity (Acrobatics)
doesn’t have its damage die increased has the checks with advantage. You are able to grab
light weapon property. — All weapon attacks with this tail, but you are unable to manipu-
are treated as magical. late objects or use weapons in it.

Wings. You can graft a creature’s wings to Bones. A trickier graft, but one most invalu-
yourself, granting you a fly speed equal to able. You graft the bones of tougher crea-
your speed. Wearing heavy armor reduces tures to take the place of yours. You gain an
this speed by half. This graft can only be se- additional number of hit points equal to your
lected if the original wings are from a crea- fighter level.
ture of medium size or larger.
Gills. You are able to breathe underwater. 7 T H - L E V E L G R A F T K N I G H T F E AT U R E

The memory of flesh joins with your own,

Toughened Skin. You graft a creature’s distinct, but familiar in the same way that
tough hide, scales, or skin into your own, giv- blood is to an animal without ever knowing
ing yourself a +1 bonus to AC. This graft can the word for it. Choose one of the following
only be taken from a creature with a natural options:
armor bonus to their AC.
Pride Begets Arrogance. You gain pro-
Sensory. You graft a sensory organ to your- ficiency in Intimidation and may use your
self. If the organ grants its owner blindsight, Constitution modifier in place of Charisma
darkvision, or tremorsense, you gain this when making Intimidation checks. If you are
sense out to 30 feet. If you already possess already proficient, you add your proficien-
these senses, they increase in range by 30 cy bonus twice when making Intimidation
feet. Alternatively, you may choose to en- checks.
hance your existing senses instead. By doing
so, when you make a Perception (Wisdom) Prey’s Clothing. You are able to suppress
check, you can roll a d4 and add the number your grafts, hiding them within your body
rolled to the ability check. and under layers of skin and muscle, forc-
ing bone to sink and limbs to bend in new
Breath Weapon. You can graft a creature’s natural ways in an aching full minute. While
breath weapon organ inside yourself, giving suppressed, you do lose any benefits of your
yourself its breath attack. When grafting this current grafts unless otherwise specified.
organ, you may choose for it to target a 30- You are able to reveal and regain use of all
foot cone or a 60-foot line, and each creature of your grafts as an action. You are able to

reveal and regain use of one graft of your
choice as a reaction.

1 0 T H - L E V E L G R A F T K N I G H T F E AT U R E

You gain an additional use of your Second

Wind feature. When you use your Second
Wind feature, you can end any or all of the
following conditions currently affecting you,
if any: Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, Para-
lyzed, Poisoned, and Stunned.


1 5 T H - L E V E L G R A F T K N I G H T F E AT U R E

The continued tinkering and grafting upon

yourself has fortified your heart and body.
You gain resistance to necrotic and poison
damage. Additionally, your Constitution
score increases by 2. Your maximum for this
score is now 22.

1 8 T H - L E V E L G R A F T K N I G H T F E AT U R E

Your knowledge of the anatomy of crea-

tures and yourself allows you to refine your
grafts to perfection. Any attack gained from
Nature’s Armament deals an additional 1d8
points of damage, and any DC derived from
any graft is increased by 1.
Additionally, you may graft two addi-
tional arms to your body. These do not count
towards your normal graft limit amount.

T H E N O VA R A I L 33
This book is published under the Open Game License (“OGL”) sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
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