Hostel Mangement System NK

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submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree



Submitted by
NEHA KUMARI (1907618)
under the supervision of


Rayat-Bahra Institute of Engineering & Nano Technology,




S.No. Topic Page

1 Introduction 1
2 Feasibility study 2
3 Objective 3
4 Project Category 3
5 Tool and Platform 3
6 Methodology/ Planning of work 4
7 Hardware and Software Requirements 4
8 Bibliography 5

In our current era of automated systems with it being either software or hardware, it’s not
advisable to be using manual system. Hostels without a management system are usually
done manually. Registration forms verification to other data saving processes are done
manually and most at times, they are written on paper. Thus a lot of repetitions can be
avoided with an automated system. The drawbacks of existing systems lead to the design
of a computerised system that will help reduce a lot of manual inputs. With this system in
place, we can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the
existing manual system.This system is designed in favour of the hostel management
which helps them to save the records of the students about their rooms and other things. It
helps them from the manual work from which it is very difficult to find the record of the
students and the mess bills of the students, and the information of about the those ones
who had left the hostel years before.
This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids the
problems which occur when carried manually. Identification of the drawbacks of the
existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to
the existing system with the system which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented.
We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the
existing system

Feasibility study:

After doing the project Hostel mangement syatem and analysing all the existing or required
functionalities of the system, the next task is to do the feasibility study for the project. All
projects are feasible- given unlimited resources and infinite time. feasibility study includes
consideration of all the possible ways to provide a solution to the given problem. The proposed
solution should satisfy all the user requirements and should be flexible enough so that future
changes can be easily done based on the future upcoming requirements.

Economical visibility:

This is a very important aspect to be considered while developing a project we decided the
technology based on minimum possible cost factors.

•All hardware and software cost has to be done by the organization.

•Overall we have estimated that the benefits the organization is going to receive from the
proposed system will surely overcome the initial course and the later on running costs for system

Technical feasibility:

This included the study of function, performance and constraints that may affect the ability to
achieve an acceptable system. For this facility study, we studied complete functionality to be
provided in the system ,as described in this system requirement specification as are as and
checked if everything was possible using different type of frontend and backend platform.

Operational feasibility:

No doubt the proposed system is fully GUI based that is very user-friendly and all inputs to be
taken all self-explanatory even to a layman. Besides a proper training has been conducted to let
know the essence of the system to the users or that they feel comfortable with new system. As far
our study is concerned the clients and comfortable and happy as the system has cut down there
load and doing.


Hostel Management system is the system that manages the student data, staff data,
students’ admission process and create receipt for the fees paid by the student who stay in
the hostel and also help in maintaining visitor’s messages.
This system is designed in favour of the hostel management which helps them to save the
records of the students about their rooms. It helps them from the manual work from
which it is very difficult to find the record of the students and the mess bills of the
students, and the information of about the those ones who had left the hostel.

We design this system on the request of the hostel management, through this they
cannot require so efficient person to handle and calculate the things. This system
automatically calculates all the bills and issued the notifications for those students who
against some rules. Through this it’s possible to check the personal profile of all the
current students within fraction of seconds.

The proposed system for “HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is computerized. Today is the
era of computers. This software project solves all the problems discussed above in the present
system. The main objective of developing this project is to save time and money. The proposed
system provides the following features on different tasks.
 All the details related to a hosteller could be find in one place like the admission details, fees
details, room details , attendance ,mess details, stipend details etc.
 Will make the monitoring of student moment and stock details easy.
 The same application could be used by both the account section and the hostel management for
their specific needs and purposes.


Hostel Management System starts with login where the user is asked to enter the
username and password. The system logs the user into the system and opens the main
system form where the user can perform different tasks available in the system.
 Registration: - Allows to add the details of students regarding personal
information, Academic Information, room details etc. Student details can also be
modified and deleted.
 Room Details: - Allows the user to add details of rooms. Also possible to view
the status of rooms such as occupied, vacant. Room details can also be modified
and deleted.
 Fees: - Allows entering the Fees details of the student. Student Fees details can
also be modified and deleted.
 Employee: - Allows the user to add the details of Employees. Employee Details
could be modified and deleted. Viewing the Employees as well as searching also
could be done. Employee salary could be generated.
 Complaints: - Allows the user to add the complaints. Details could be viewed,
modified and deleted.
 Registry (Leave and Outing): - Allows entering the leave and outing details of
the students. It also helps in knowing the number of students present in the hostel.
The records could be modified, viewed and deleted.
 Expenditure: - allows the user to enter the monthly expenditure details of the
hostel. It also helps in viewing the expenditure month wise and year wise. The
records could be viewed, modified and deleted.

 Receipts: - it allows the user to enter the payment details of the students. It also
helps in viewing the outstanding amount of the students. The records could be
viewed, modified and deleted.

Hardware and Software Requirements:-

This project is being build keeping in mind the generally available hardware and software
compatibility. Here are the hardware and software requirements for this project.

Hardware Requirements:-

 Processor:-preferably 10 GHz or greater

 RAM:-512 MB or greate

Software Requirements:-

 Operating system:-window 10

 Front end:-PHP

 Databases:-MySQL





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