It-Bronx Arts and Science Charter School Mail - FWD It Budget Planning For 2022-2023
It-Bronx Arts and Science Charter School Mail - FWD It Budget Planning For 2022-2023
It-Bronx Arts and Science Charter School Mail - FWD It Budget Planning For 2022-2023
It is now time for the campuses to start their IT Budget Planning for 2022-2023. Please ask your campus IT at your earliest convenience, and make sure all technology items are listed under the Asset Management tab until February 11. If all IT
assets*(see attached the applicable IT budget items), Chromebooks, Smartboards, MacBooks, etc., are properly registered, you will be given access to enter IT budget needs by February 17.
On February 18, Campus ITs and the Central Office IT admins, Mr. Karakaya, will review technology needs for each campus.
Budget Timeline
Start Date End Date ITEM
February 3 February 11 Campus ITs and Admins to review current technology assets.
February 15 February 17 CIO opens access to FY23 IT Budget Needs File
February 18 February 18 Campus ITs and Central Office IT admins review technology needs
February 12 March 5 Open to School Staff and Central Office Stafff to enter requisitions
March 6 March 12 Open to Central Office staff for final revisions
March 15 March 26 Board Approval, Open only to Business Office Staff
March 26 March 30 Submission to NJDOE
*See attached screenshot displays the Asset Management tab, sample data, and all applicable IT budget items. If you see no assets/missing assets or unassigned assets, contact your campus IT. 1/3
1/9/23, 9:57 AM Bronx Arts and Science Charter School Mail - Fwd: IT Budget Planning for 2022-2023
Fred Orcun
Chief Innovation Officer
iLearn Schools
33-00 Broadway,
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
(201) 773-9136 ext. 11150
Best regards, 2/3
1/9/23, 9:57 AM Bronx Arts and Science Charter School Mail - Fwd: IT Budget Planning for 2022-2023
Our mission is to provide high-quality STEAM-based education in a digital learning environment to empower students to meet and surpass grade-level standards and succeed in college and careers.
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