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School: Grade Level: 6

GRADE 6 Teacher:
Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: November 14-18, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates…
 understanding of the oral standards of English in order to participate in various oral communication demands (situation, purpose and audience
 understanding that English language is stress timed to support comprehension
 understanding of text types to listen for different purposes from a variety of texts
 understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
 understanding that reading a wide range of texts provides
 understanding of different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purposes
 command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
 understanding of library skills to research a variety of topics
 demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions materials to critically analyze the meaning constructed in print, non-print, and digital
B. Performance Standards The learner…
 prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversations and collaboration with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their
 own clearly and persuasivel
 uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
 uses literal information from texts heard to construct an appropriate feedback
 uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
 uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
 drafts texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
 uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and written)
 applies knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the speaker undivided attention and acknowledge the message
 utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies appropriately them to all or most fields of study
  evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives EN6LC-IIb- 3.2 EN6OL-IIb- 3.7 EN6RC-IIb- 5.5 EN6WC-IIb- EN6VC-Ibc- 3.7
Write the LC code for each Distinguish various types of Employ an appropriate style Respond appropriately to the Plan a composition using an Infer the target audience
informational/factual text of speaking, adjusting messages of the different outline/other graphic
EN6V-IIb- 12.3.3 language, gestures, rate, and authentic texts organizers
EN6V-IIb- volume according to audience EN6SS-IIb- 1.4 EN6G-IIb-6.6
EN6V-IIb- and purpose EN6SS-IIb- 1.4.1 Compose clear and coherent
Infer meaning of borrowed EN6F-IIb-1.6 Gather relevant information sentences using appropriate
words and content specific EN6F-IIb-1.3 from various sources - grammatical structures:
terms using -context clues – EN6F-IIb-1.7 -Dictionary -Order and degrees of
affixes and roots -other Read grade level text with -Thesaurus irregular adjectives
strategies (Science) accuracy, appropriate rate EN6A-IIb-17
EN6A-IIb-16 and proper expression Show tactfulness when
Observe politeness at all EN6A-IIb-18 communicating with others
time Show openness to criticism
II. CONTENT Various Types of Appropriate style of speaking, Responding appropriately to Outline/Graphic Organizers, Target Audience
Informational texts adjusting language, gestures, the messages of the different Order of Adjectives
Inferring meaning of rate, and volume according to authentic texts Degrees of Irregular Adjectives
borrowed words and audience and purpose Using Dictionary and
content specific terms in Reading grade level text with Thesaurus in gathering
Science-based texts using - accuracy,appropriate rate, relevant information
context clues -affixes and and proper expression
roots –other strategies
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learning Materials pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Activity Sheet in English 6
Resource (LR) portal (Quarter 2: Week 2)
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Recall previous lesson. Call volunteers to recite the Recall previous lesson. Ask: What have you
presenting the new lesson Read “Let’s Learn This” poem studied in the previous learned about order of
Ask: What are the different
Activity Sheet in English 6 type of informational texts? lesson. adjectives? degrees of
(Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 1, irregular adjectives?
p. 1)
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Do “Let’s Try This” Do “Let’s Try This” Do “Let’s Try This” Do “Let’s Try This” Do “Let’s Try This”
Task 1 & 2 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Task 1 & 2 Task 1
Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 2, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 3, Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6
(Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 1, p. 1) p. 1) (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 4, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 5,
pp. 1-3) p. 1) p.1
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Read “Let’s Study This” Read “Let’s Study This” Read “Let’s Study This” Read “Let’s Study This” Read “Let’s Study This”
new lesson Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6
(Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 1, (Quarter 1: Week 2-Day 2, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 3, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 4, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 5,
pp. 3-4) pp. 1-2) pp. 1-2) pp. 2-4) p.1)
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Answer “Let’s Do This” Do “Let’s Do This” Answer “Let’s Do This” Do “Let’s Do This” Do “Let’s Do This”
new skills Task 3 Task 1 Task 1 Task 3 Task 2
(Leads to formative assessment No. 10) Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6
(Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 1, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 2, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 3, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 4, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 5,
p. 4) p. 3) p. 2) p. 4) p. 2)
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Answer “Let’s Do More” Do “Let’s Do This” Do “Let’s Do This” Answer “Let’s Do More” Do “Let’s Do This”
new skills Task 4 Task 2 Task 2 Task 4 Task 2
(Leads to formative assessment No. 2) Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6
Group Activity (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 1, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 2, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 2, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 4, (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 5,
pp. 5-6) p. 3) p. 3) pp. 4-5) p. 2)
Remind the learners to Remind the learners to show Remind the learners to show
observe politeness at all time. openness to criticism. openness to criticism.
F. Developing Mastery Do “Let’s Do More” Do “Let’s Do More”Task 4 Answer “Let’s Do More”
(Leads to formative assessment No. 3) Task 3 Activity Sheet in English 6 Task 5
Individual Activity Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 3,p. 4) Activity Sheet in English 6
(Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 2, Remind the learners to show (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 4,
(pp. 3-4) tactfulness when p. 5)
communicating with others.
G. Finding practical applications of Ask: How can you apply Ask: Why should we use Ask: Why is responding Ask: Is using outline/graphic Ask: Why do you think it is
concepts and skills in daily living your knowledge in various appropriate speaking style, appropriately to the organizers helpful? Why? important to know your
(Reflective Approach) informational texts in real rate, volume and pitch in messages of the different What is the importance of target audience when you
life situations? reading and speaking? authentic texts important? learning the order and write or speak?
Is learning word strategies How can you apply this in What is the importance of degrees of irregular adjectives
in inferring the meaning of daily life? using dictionary/thesaurus in in daily life?
borrowed words and content real life situations?
specific terms in Science-based
texts important? Why?
H. Making generalization and abstractions What are the various types Ask: How should we employ Ask: What are the uses of Ask: What are the uses of Ask: What is an audience?
about the lesson. of informational text? proper volume, rate, pitch, dictionary? thesaurus? dictionary? thesaurus? What is target audience?
gesture and style in speaking
according to purpose?
according to audience?
Read “Let’s Remember This”
Activity Sheet in English 6
(Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 2,p. 6)
I. Evaluating Learning Answer “Let’s Do More” Do “Let’s Test Ourselves” Do “Let’s Test Ourselves” Answer “Let’s Test Ourselves” Do “Let’s EnrichOurselves”
Task 5 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 & 7 Task 3
Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6
(Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 1,p. 6) (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 2,p. 5 (Quarter 1: Week 2-Day 3,p. 5) (Quarter 2:Week 2-Day 4, pp.5-6) (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 5,p. 2)
J. Additional activities for application or Do “Let’s Enrich Ourselves” Do “Let’s Enrich Ourselves” Answer “Let’s EnrichOurselves” Do “Let’s Enrich Ourselves”
remediation. Task 6 Task 5 Task 6 Task 8
Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6
(Quarter 2: Week 3-Day 1,p. 7) (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 2,p. 6) (Quarter 1: Week 2-Day 3,(p. 6) (Quarter 2: Week 2-Day 4,p. 7)
A. No. of learners earned 80% in
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
well? Why did these work? ___ Group collaboration ___ ___ Group collaboration ___ ___ Group collaboration ___ ___ Group collaboration ___ ___ Group collaboration ___ Games
Games Games Games Games ___ Power PointPresentation ___
___ Power PointPresentation ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Power PointPresentation Answering preliminary
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises ___ Discussion ___ Case
___ Discussion ___ ___ Discussion ___ ___ Discussion ___ ___ Discussion ___ Method
Case Method Case Method Case Method Case Method ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Role
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Playing/Drama ___ Discovery
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction Method ___ Lecture Method
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Why?
Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ ___ Complete Ims
Lecture Method Lecture Method Lecture Method Lecture Method ___ Availability of Materials ___
Why? Why? Why? Why? Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Group
___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims member’s Cooperation in doing their
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials tasks
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation ___ Group member’s Cooperation ___ Group member’s Cooperation ___ Group member’s Cooperation
in doing their tasks in doing their tasks in doing their tasks in doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I encounter which __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
my principal or supervisor can help me __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
solve? __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology Equipment
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet Lab
Lab Lab Lab Lab __ Additional Clerical works
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __Reading Readiness __Lack of
__Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness Interest of pupils
__Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
G. What innovation or localized materials Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
did I use/discover which I wish to share __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
with other teachers? __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from views of
views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used as
used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials Instructional Materials
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition
__Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards
Teaching Dates and Time: November 14-18, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER

A. Pamantayang Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring pakikinig at pag-unawa sa napakinggan

Pangnilalaman Naipamamalas ang kakayahan at tatas sa pagsasalita at pagpapahayag ng sariling ideya, kaisipan, karanasan at damdamin
Naisasagawa ang mapanuring pagbasa sa iba’t ibang uri ng teksto at napalalawak ang talasalitaan
Naipamamalas ang iba’t ibang kasanayan upang maunawaan ang iba’t ibang teksto
Napauunlad ang kasanayan sa pagsulat ng iba’t ibang uri ng sulatin
Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring panood ng iba’t ibang uri ng media
Naipamamalas ang pagpapahalaga at kasanayan sa paggamit ng wika sa komunikasyon at pagbasa ng iba’t ibang uri ng panitikan
C. B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap Nakapagsasagawa ng isahang pagsasadula tungkol sa isang isyu o paksang napakinggan.
Naiuulat ang isang isyu o paksang napakinggan.
Nakagagawa ng character profile batay sa kuwento o tekstong binasa.
Nakagagawa ng graph o dayagram upang ipakita ang nakalap na impormasyon o datos.
Naisasakilos ang isang paksa o isyung napanood.
Napapahalagan ang wika at panitikan sa pamamagitan ng pagsali sa usapan at talakayan, paghiram sa aklatan, pagkukuwento, pagsulat ng tula at kuwento.
C. Mga Kasanayan sa F60L-IIa-e-4 F60L-IIa-e-4 F6V-IIb-4.2 F4A-0a-j-1
Pagkatuto. Isulat and code ng Nagagamit nang wasto Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-uri sa Nabibigyang kahulugan ang salitang hiram. Naipagmamalaki ang sariling wika sa
bawat kasanayan ang pang-uri sa paglalarawan sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon pamamagitan ng paggamit nito.
F6PN-IIb-4 paglalarawan sa iba’t
Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasan ibang sitwasyon
sa napakinggang teksto.

F. Pag-uugnay ng Sariling Pagmamalaki ng Sariling Wika sa
Karanasan sa mga Pangyayari sa Paggamit ng Pang-uri sa Paggamit ng Pang-uri sa paglalarawan sa Pagbibigay kahulugan sa salitang hiram Pamamagitan ng Paggamit nito
Kuwento paglalarawan sa iba’t iba’t ibang sitwasyon (ANTAS)
ibang sitwasyon (ANTAS)
A. Sanggunian
1. Mga pahina ng Gabay ng
2. Mga pahina ng Hiyas sa Pagbasa p. 151-153
Kagamitang Pang-Mag-
3. Mga Pahina sa teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan FILIPINO 6 DLP 49 FILIPINO 6 DLP 49
mula sa portal ng
Learning Resources (LR)
B. B. Iba pang kagamitang http://teksbok.blogspot.com/2012/06/
panturo paghihiram-ng-mga-salita.html

A. Balik-Aral sa nakaraang Tumawag ng mga mag-aaral Piliin ang wastong pang- Piliin ang wastong pang-uri na nasa loob ng Pagbabaybay ng mga salitang-hiram Pagsasanay
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng upang pumili ng mga pangyayari uri na nasa loob ng panaklong na Pag-tsek ng takdang aralin na inihanda ng Sabihin ang kasingkahulugan ng mga
bagong aralin na naganap na sa knilang buhay: panaklong na angkop sa pangungusap. mga bata sumusunod na sinalungguhitang salita.
angkop sa pangungusap. 1. (Mas malawak, Malawak, Pinakamalawak)
 Hindi nakasali sa 1. (Mas malawak, ang Dagat-Pasipiko Mariwasa ang buhay niya
pasulit dahil nagkasakit Malawak, Pinakamalawak) kaysa sa Dagat-Atlantiko. kaya nabibili lahat ng gusto niya.
ang Dagat-Pasipiko 2. Si Merle ay (magaling, ubod ng galing, Karamihan sa Filipino ay
 Napagalitan dahil
kaysa sa Dagat-Atlantiko. higit na magaling) sa maralita dahil kahit pangunahing
ginabi ng uwi 2. Si Merle ay (magaling, paglalaro ng chess. pangangailangan ay hindi natutugunan.
 Pumasok sa ubod ng galing, higit na 3. (Pinakamataas, Mataas, Magsintaas) ang Salat sa pangangailangan
eskwelahan nang magaling) sa Mt. Apo sa lahat ng ang taong maralita.
walang baon paglalaro ng chess. bundok sa Pilipinas. Nakaukit sa utak ko ang
 Walang natanggap na 3. (Pinakamataas, 4. Ang araw ang (pinakamalapit, mas sinabi ni Amy.
Mataas, Magsintaas) ang malapit, malapit) na bituin sa Naglaho lahat ng sinabi ni
regalo sa pasko
Mt. Apo sa lahat ng daigdig. ate, wala akong maaalala.
Napalo noong maliit pa bundok sa Pilipinas. 5. (Higit na matayog, ubod ng tayog,
4. Ang araw ang matayog) ang lipad ng ibon
(pinakamalapit, mas kaysa manok.
malapit, malapit) na bituin
5. (Higit na matayog, ubod
ng tayog, matayog) ang
lipad ng ibon
kaysa manok.
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng Anong mga bagay ang Nakakita ka na ba ng Nakakita ka na ba ng sisiw, lawin at uwang? Ipapanood ang youtube video na ito. Pag-aralan natin ngayon ang mga
aralin karaniwan makalimutan sisiw, lawin at uwang? Kung hindi pa, Ipaalala ang mga dapat at di-dapat gawin mahihirap na salita. Alamin natin ang
natin sa daan? Kung hindi pa, pansinin mo ang makaguhit sa ibaba. sa panonood. Sabihin din sa mga bata na kahulugan at pagkatapos gamitin natin
pansinin mo ang maari nilang isulat sa kanilang kuwaderno ito sa pagsulat ng komposisyon.
makaguhit sa ibaba. ang mga importanteng salita na kanilang
makikita at maririnig. iskwater – (Ang guro ay
magtanong kung alam ba nila ito.
Magbigay ng pangungusap hanggang
sa malaman ang kahulugan nito.)

Anu-anong mga Inaasahang sagot: paglilipat – lipat ng

hayop ang nakita tirahan
Anu-anong mga hayop mo sa larawan? yari – gawa
ang nakita mo sa Kilala mo ba ang kahirapan – dukha
larawan? uwang? Sakaling partikular – lalo na
Kilala mo ba ang uwang? hindi, ang
uwang ay kulisap na kadalasang
naninirahan sa puno ng niyog

hindi, ang uwang ay
kulisap na kadalasang
naninirahan sa puno ng

C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Pagbasa ng kuwento Pagbasa ng kuwento https://www.youtube.com/watch? Gawin Natin:

halimbawa sa bagong aralin Basahin ang nakatalang mga Ang Lawin, ang Sisiw, at Ang Lawin, ang Sisiw, at ang Uwang v=YA-ans78i8o Ngayon gagawa kayo ng komposisyon
salitan inuulit. Bilugan ang ang Uwang gamit ang mga salitang inyong
salitang kasingkahulugan nito. natutuhan.
1.Bagong-bago (pinakabago, di-
gaanong bago, lumang-luma) Tandaan lamang na sa paggawa ng
2.Mahapding-mahapdi (mahapdi komposisyon ay:
nang bahagya, mas mahapdi,
sobra ang hapdi) Isulat ang pamagat sa gitna ng papel.
3.Patakbo-takbo (takbo nang
takbo, takbo-hinto-takbo, mabilis Ipasok ang unang salita ng unang
ang pagtakbo) pangungusap sa bawat talataan.
4.Taking-taka (labis ang Lagyan ng palugit sa magkabilang tabi
pagtataka, nagtataka, nagtataka ng talataan. Gawing isang dali ang
nang kaunti) Palugit sa kaliwa, kailangang higit itong
5.Malapit-lapit ( lubhang malapit, malapad kaysa kanan na may palugit
higit na malapit, malapit nang na kalahating dali lamang.
kaunti) Gumamit ng wastong bantas sa
pagkatapos ng pangungusap.
Gawing malaking titik ang simula ng
bawat pangungusap.
Ang bawat talataan ay dapat magtaglay
ng isang paksa lamang.
Pumili ng isang paksang nais talakayin.
Magpayaman ng talasalitaan kaugnay
ng paksa.
Gamitin sa mga pangungusap ang
nalinang na talasalitaan.
Bumuo ng iba’t-ibang uri ng
pangungusap ayon sa anyo at
Isaayos ang mga binuong
pangungusap nang sunud-sunod ayon
sa diwang ipinahahayag nito.
Isulat sa talataan ang isinaayos na
Lagyan ito ng pamagat batay sa
pamaksang pangungusap.
Gawin itong modelo o
D. Pagtalakay ng bagong Pagganyak na Tanong: Sagutin: Sagutin: Itanong: Ano-anong mga salitang-hiram ang Gawin Ninyo:
konsepto at paglalahad ng  Bakit kaya naiwan ni 1. Paano pinaghambing 1. Paano pinaghambing ang lawin at ang iyong nadinig at ang katumbas nito sa Hatiin ang mga bata sa 2 pangkat.
bagong kasanayan #1 Liza ang payong? ang lawin at ang uwang? uwang? ingles? Papiliin sila ng paksang gagawan nila
Pakikinig sa kuwento. 2. Paano naman 2. Paano naman pinaghambing ang lawin at ng komposisyon. Bago ang pagsulat
pinaghambing ang lawin ang sisiw? Mga sagot: alamin muna nila ang mga salitang
at ang sisiw? 3. Paano naman inihambing ng lawin ang 1. haynayan – biology gagamitan at kapag natutuhan na saka
3. Paano naman kanyang sarili sa iba? 2. bilnuran – arithmetic pa gagawa ng komposisyon. Ang
inihambing ng lawin ang 4. Paano inihambing ang ibon sa ibang uri ng 3. miktiinig – microphone unang pangkat na nakatapos na tama
kanyang sarili sa iba? hayop na lumilipad? 4. pang-ulong hatinig – headset ang pagkakagawa ay panalo.
4. Paano inihambing ang 5. Kung ikaw ang pagpipiliin, alin ang gusto 5. sulatroniko – e-mail
ibon sa ibang uri ng hayop mong maging katulad, 6. pook-sapot – website
na lumilipad? ang lawin o ang uwang? Ipaliwanag. 7. pantablay - charger
5. Kung ikaw ang
pagpipiliin, alin ang gusto
mong maging katulad,
ang lawin o ang uwang?
E. Pagtalakay ng bagong Pag-unawang Tanong Narito ang mga Narito ang mga pangungusap na hango sa Itanong:
konsepto at paglalahad ng Sino ang nagkukuwento? pangungusap na hango sa pabulang iyong 1. Anu-anong pagbabago ang
bagong kasanayan #2 Ano ang kanyang suliranin? pabulang iyong binasa. Pag-aralan mo. nangyayari sa ating bansa na
Ano ang nangyari sa kanya isang binasa. Pag-aralan mo. A. Malakas ang siyap ng sisiw sa paghanap iyong napapansin?
araw? A. Malakas ang siyap ng sa kanyang mga
2. Ano ang naidudulot nito na
Paano siya napupunta kay Liza? sisiw sa paghanap sa kapatid.
Ano ang binalak na gawin ng kanyang mga B. 1. Higit na malakas ang siyap ng inahin sa maganda sa ating mga
lalaking makisig? kapatid. pagtawag sa anak. mamamayan?
Paano siya napunta sa tunay na B. 1. Higit na malakas ang 2. Ang uwang ay kasintapang din ng lawin. 3. Bakit kailangan na magkaroon ng
may-ari? siyap ng inahin sa C. Ang lawin ang pinakamalaki sa mga mga pagbabagong ito?
Ano ang nadama ni Liza nang pagtawag sa anak. pangkaraniwang ibong 4. Ang teknolohiya ba ay may
Makita ang payong na binili niya? 2. Ang uwang ay makikita natin sa paligid. mabuti o masamang maidudulot
Paano natapos ng buhay ng kasintapang din ng lawin.  Ano ang tawag sa mga salitang sa mga kabataan?
nagkukuwento? C. Ang lawin ang may salungguhit?
Mayroon ka bang alam na pinakamalaki sa mga 5. Anong mga makabagong
 Ano ang pang-uri? kagamitan ang nakatutulong sa
pangyayaring katulad sa kanya? pangkaraniwang ibong
Kung ikaw ang nag kukwento, makikita natin sa paligid.  Sa pangungusap sa A, ano ang
ano ang mararamdaman mo?  Ano ang tawag pang-uri? Ano at ilan ang iyong pag-aaral? Paano?
sa mga salitang inilalarawan nito?
may Sa pangungusap sa B. 1., ano Mayroon ba kayong dalang mga
ang pang-uri? Ano ang makabagong kagamitan
 Ano ang pang- pinaghahambing nito?
uri?  Ilan ang pinaghambing?
 Sa  Magkatulad ba ang katangiang
pangungusap inihahambing?
sa A, ano ang  Sa pangungusap sa B-2, ano ang
pang-uri? Ano pang-uri? Ano ang
at ilan ang pinaghahambing nito?
inilalarawan  Sa pangungusap sa C, ano ang
nito? pang-uri? Ano ang
Sa pinaghahambing?
sa B. 1., ano Ilan ang pinaghahambing?
ang pang-uri?
Ano ang
g nito?
 Ilan ang
 Magkatulad ba
ang katangiang
 Sa
sa B-2, ano
ang pang-uri?
Ano ang
g nito?
 Sa
sa C, ano ang
pang-uri? Ano
Ilan ang pinaghahambing?
F. Paglinang ng Kabihasaan Pag-aralan ang sumusunod na Punan ang patlang ng Punan ang patlang ng wastong anyo ng At Natutong Magluto ng Almusal si Genio Gawin Mo:
( tungo sa Formative mga pangyayari sa nabasang wastong anyo ng pang-uri pang-uri na angkop sa Ni NERISSA S. ALARDE Pumili ng paksa sa ibaba at sumulat ng
Assessment ) kuwento. na angkop sa pangungusap. Isulat ang sagot sa sagutang Tuwing umaga, kinasanayan na ni Genio na komposisyon.
Bilugan ang bilang ng pangyayari pangungusap. Isulat ang papel. gumising nang maaga, maghanda ng
sa kuwento na naranasan mo na. sagot sa sagutang papel. 1. Sina Edward at Ramon ay ____________ maaga para pumasok sa paaralan. Dahil sa
1. Sina Edward at Ramon (taas). simula pa lang, nasa mababang antas pa
1. Natutuwa ka kapag may ay ____________ (taas). 2. ____________ (bilis) ang usa kung lamang siya, tinuruan na siya ng kanyang
nakapansin sa iyong 2. ____________ (bilis) tumakbo. Nanay Minda na maghanda ng sarili sa
mga tao. ang usa kung tumakbo. 3. Ang aking bunsong kapatid ang pagpasok sa paaralan. Dapat, pagkagising
2. Pabili ng payong dahil 3. Ang aking bunsong ____________ (likot) sa mga sa umaga, ililigpit muna ni Genio ang
tag-ulan na naman. kapatid ang batang lalaki. kanyang kama, iaayos ang mga unan,
3. Maingat sa pagdadala ____________ (likot) sa 4. ____________ (hinahon) siya sa lahat ng titiklupin ang kumot at ilalagay sa
ng payong mga oras at pagkakataon. nakalaang lalagyan para sa mga ginamit sa
4. Habang nasa sasakyan batang lalaki. 5. Ang hilaw na mangga ay ___________ pagtulog. Matapos na maiayos ang
at mayroong kasama at 4. ____________ (asim) kaysa sa sampalok. kanyang silid, dapat niyang ayusin naman
ka kuwentuhan at (hinahon) siya sa lahat ng ang kanyang mga gamit sa paaralan,
biglang papara dahil oras at pagkakataon. tinitiyak niya na lahat ng kanyang mga
malapit na palang 5. Ang hilaw na kailangan sa araw na 'yon, tulad ng mga
lumagpas sa babaan mangga ay aklat at notebook na kakailanganin niya sa
5. Madalas makaiwan ng ___________ kanilang lesson sa araw na 'yon ay maayos
gamit sa sasakyan (asim) kaysa sa na nakalagay sa kanyang school bag. Hindi
6. Hindi na hahanapin ang sampalok. rin niya dapat kalimutan ang mga
naiwang bagay sa assignments na inihanda niya bago siya
sasakyan matulog. Matapos na maiayos ang lahat,
Pag-aalaalang bilhan ng isang kailangang magtungo na siya sa hapag.
bagay na kailanganng-kailangan Dahil tiyak na nakahanda na ang kanyang
ng isang mahal sa buhay. almusal na inihanda ng kanyang mahal na
nanay. Subalit nang lumabas ng silid si
Genio upang magtungo sa hapag, napansin
niyang wala pang almusal na nakahanda sa
mesa at wala pa rin ang kanyang nanay na
madalas na nauuna pang magising sa
kanya upang maghanda ng kanilang
almusal. Agad na tinungo ni Genio ang silid
ng ina.
Nakahiga pa rin si Aling Minda. Lumapit si
Genio sa kama.
“ Anak, mabigat ang pakiramdam ko,
napagod yata ako kahapon, hindi tuloy kita
naipaghanda ng almusal,” matamlay na
wika ni Aling Minda sa anak. “ Huwag po
kayong mag-alala nanay, ako na lang po
maghahanda ng almusal ko,” sagot ni
“ Marunong ka na ba?” Tanong ni Aling
“ Opo 'Nay, grade six na ako...magagawa
ko na kung paano ninyo niluluto ang
almusal ko.” pagmamalaki ni Genio.
“ May kanin sa kaldero, kaya mo na bang
iluto ang sinangag?”
“ Yakang-yaka 'nay!”
“ Pagpirito ng itlog at hotdog, kaya mo na
rin ba?”
“ Chicken!” Pagyayabang ni Genio.
“ Chocomilk mo, kaya mo na rin ihanda?”
Patuloy ni Aling Minda.
“ No problem 'nay, relax lang kayo,
ihahanda ko pati baon ko at almusal ninyo!”
pagmamalaki ni Genio.
Makalipas nga ang ilang minuto,
naihandang lahat ni Genio ang almusal
nilang mag-ina, pati na rin ang baon na
dadalhin niya sa paaralan.Matapos na
magkapag-almusal, masiglang pumasok ng
paaralan si Genio.
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa Sabihin: Ano nag pag-uugnay sa Sumulat ng mga pangungusap na a.Magbigay ng isang salitang hiram at Gamit ang bagong salitang natutuhan,
pang-araw-araw na buhay Sariling karanasan sa mga pinaghahambing ang tumbasan ito ng salita sa sumulat ng sariling komposisyon
pangyayari sa kuwento ang ating sumusunod. Filipino. tungkol sa…“Ang Pilipinas Ngayon”
talakayan ngayon… 1. Ang alaga mong aso at ang alaga ng b. Gamitin sa pangungusap ang napiling
iyong mga kaibigan salitang hiram sa ibang
Pinakamabisang paksa ang isang 2. Dalawang punong atis paraan o pangungusap.
kuwento ang karanasan ng tao. 3. Isang manggang hinog at isang
Madaling maunawaan ang manibalang
kuwento kapag ito ay ibinatay sa 4. Si Jose Rizal at ibang mga bayani
karanasan. Naiiugnay ang tunay 5. Ang iyong guro
na pangyayari sa buhay na nasa
isang kuwento o iba pang akda.
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ano ang kahalagahan ng • Ang pang-uri ay may tatlong antas: May tatlong dahilan kung bakit nanghihiram Pagsasapuso:
karanasan? 1. Lantay – kung iisang tao, bagay, hayop o ng salita ang mga Pilipino. Sabihin:
pook ang 1. Hiramin ang salita, at tumbasan sa Ang wika ay sumasalamin sa kultura at
pinaghahambing. Filipino. tradisyon ng mga Pilipino. Ito ay
2. Pahambing – kung dalawang tao, bagay, Halimbawa nagsilbing tulay sa mga Pilipinong
hayop o pook Classroom – Silid-aralan naninirahan sa iba’t – ibang kapuluan at
ang pinaghahambing. Library – Silid-aklatan sa ibang panig ng mundo. Ito ay
- ang dalawang pinaghahambing ay 2. Hiramin ang tunog ng salita at baybayin nagsisilbing pagkakakilanlan n gating
maaaring magkatulad o magkaiba ang sa Filipino. lahi sa iba. Nararapat lang na ito’y
katangian Halimbawa gamitin at ipagmalaki
• Hambingang magkatulad Cell phone - selfon
o a. Ginagamitan ng panlaping sing, - Book - buk
magkasing 3. Hiramin na ng buo ang salita
o b. Ginagamitan ng kapwa, gaya, paris Kapag mawawala ang tunay na kahulugan
• Hambingang Di-magkatulad ng salita kapag
o a. Ginagamitan ng mga salitang mas o higit tinumbasan sa Filipino, o kaya naman,
at kaysa o sa mababago ang
3. Pasukdol – kung higit sa dalawang tao, kahulugan kapag binaybay sa Filipino,
bagay, hayop o hiramin na lang ng buo ang
pook ang pinaghahambing. salita.
- ginagamitan ng panlaping pinaka o napaka
o sinasamahan ng ubod, sukdulan, nuno,
lubha, masyado, totoo, talaga, tunay
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Iugnay moa ng sanhi sa Punan ang patlang ng wastong anyo ng Pumili ng paksa sa ibaba. Gamitin ang
pangyayaring ito: pang-uri na aangkop sa bagong salitang natutunan sa pagsulat
pangungusap. ng sariling komposisyon ukol dito.
Pagsusulit noon. May 1. _____________ (sipag) si Reggie kaysa a. Kahalagahan ng Kalusugan
ginawa kang talaan ng mga petsa kay Melie.
at pangyayari hingil sa 2. _____________ (lambot) ng mamon ang Ang Pag-aaral
pagkakaroon ng kasarinlan ng puso ng pinsan ko.
Pilipinas. Ito ang iyong ginamit sa 3. _____________ (talino) ang kuya ni Ang Aking Pamilya
balik-aral. May nakalimutan kang Joyce.
limang petsa. Ang papel ay nasa 4 – 5. Sa lahat ng prutas, ____________
bulsa. Tumingin ka sa guro. Ang (baho) ang amoy ng durain
guro pala ay nakatingin sa iyo. subalit ito ang ___________ (sarap).

J. Karagdagang Gawain para Bumasa ng isang bahagi sa
sa takdang aralin at bibliya. Isulat mo sa maikling
remediation pangungusap kung paano mo ito
inugnay sa ioyng buhay.
A. Bilang ng nakakuha ng
80% sa pagtataya
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
Gawain para sa remediation
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remedial? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin
D. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa remediation
E. Alin sa mga istratehiyang
pagtuturo ang nakatulong ng
lubos? Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyonan sa
tulong ng aking punongguro at
G. Anong kagamitang panturo
ang aking nadibuho na nais
kong ibahagi sa mga kapwa
ko guro?
Teaching Dates and Time: November 14-18, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard demonstrates the concept of melody Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of shapes, demonstrates understanding of
by using intervals in the major scales shapes, space, colors, and the space, colors, and the principles of participation in and assessment of
and in the minor scales principles of emphasis, harmony emphasis, harmony and contrast in physical activities and physical fitness WEEKLY TEST
and contrast in digital painting digital painting and poster design using
and poster design using new new technologies.

B. Performance applies learned concepts of melody Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of software Participates and assesses performance
Standard and other elements to composition software in creating digital in creating digital paintings and graphic in physical activities.
and performance paintings and graphic designs. designs.
assesses physical fitness

C. Learning demonstrates the ability to sing, read, Realizes that art processes, Realizes that art processes, elements describes the Philippines physical activity
Competencies and write simple musical notations in elements and principles still and principles still apply even with the pyramid
(write the LC Code) the: apply even with the use of use of technologies. PE6PF-IIa-16
1.1 Key of C Major technologies. A6EL-IIa
1.2 Key of G Major A6EL-IIa Appreciates the elements and principles explains the indicators for fitness
1.3 Key of F Major Appreciates the elements and applied in digital art. PE6PF-IIa-17
principles applied in digital art. A6PL-IIa

Digital Painting Digital Painting An Enhanced Understanding of Melody



A. References
1. TG/CG pages CG pp. 34-35
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages .

4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Reviewing the past lesson What games have you played with your
lesson and presenting A song in the C Major scale, friends and classmates?
new lesson F Major scale, and G Major Scale

Have you wondered just what Have you wondered just what digital
digital paintings are? paintings are?

B. Establishing a Today, we will be having group Showing the art work of Vincent Showing the art work of Vincent Van Today, we will be having a group
purpose for the lesson activities. Van Gogh and Tadao Cern. Gogh and Tadao Cern. activities.
Find your group, and follow directions. Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Find your group, and follow directions.
Dutch Post-Impressionist painter Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is
who is among the most famous among the most famous and influential
and influential figures in the figures in the history of Western art. 
history of Western art. 

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas by

the Dutch post-
impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh.
Painted in June 1889, it depicts the view
from the east-facing window of his
asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-
Provence, just before sunrise, with the
addition of an idealized village.

Almond Blossoms is from a group of

several paintings made in 1888 and
1890 by Vincent van
Gogh in Arles and Saint-Rémy, souther
n France of blossoming almond trees.
Flowering trees were special to van
The Starry Night is an oil on Gogh. They represented awakening and
canvas by the Dutch post- hope. He enjoyed them aesthetically
impressionist painter Vincent and found joy in painting flowering
van Gogh. Painted in June 1889, trees. 
it depicts the view from the east-
facing window of his asylum
room at Saint-Rémy-de-
Provence, just before sunrise,
with the addition of an idealized

Almond Blossoms is from a

group of several paintings made
in 1888 and 1890 by Vincent van
Gogh in Arles and Saint-Rémy, s
outhern France of
blossoming almond trees.
Flowering trees were special to
van Gogh. They represented
awakening and hope. He
enjoyed them aesthetically and
found joy in painting flowering

C. Presenting With your group, Showing pictures of tumbang-preso, piko,

examples/instances of You are going to create a simple luksong-baka, luksong-tinik, and
the lesson melody of the different Major scale: patentero.

 C Major Scale
 F major Scale and
 G major scale song.

D. Discussing new Discuss on what to do: Van Gogh is a great Van Gogh is a great impressionist.
concepts and sings self-composed melodies in C impressionist.
practicing new skills Major, G major, and F Major key
E. Discussing new Let the pupils have time to practice Tadao is a digital painter. Tadao is a digital painter. How do they play the games?
concepts and their song selected
practicing new skills I AM NOBODY
#2 A decision to change from a career in
architecture to photography in 2011
paved the way for my path as an artist.
I've decided to move to a more
conceptual form of artistic expression
with my newly created projects 'Black
Balloons', 'Chromatic Aberrations',
'Adobe Acrobat'.

Solo exhibition featuring the artist from
Vilnius, Lithuania. In 24 large-format
photographs, Tadao Cern explores the
beach as a social location where the
uninhibited and individual lifestyle trans-
I AM NOBODY forms into an arranged portrait full of the
A decision to change from a bizarre.
career in architecture to
photography in 2011 paved the
way for my path as an artist. I've
decided to move to a more
conceptual form of artistic
expression with my newly
created projects 'Black
Balloons', 'Chromatic
Aberrations', 'Adobe Acrobat'.
Solo exhibition featuring the
artist from Vilnius, Lithuania. In
24 large-format photographs,
Tadao Cern explores the beach
as a social location where the
uninhibited and individual life-
style transforms into an arran-
ged portrait full of the bizarre.

F. Developing mastery Group Presentation/ How were you able to tell the How were you able to tell the Group Presentation/
(lead to formative Performance by group difference? difference? Performance by group
assessment 3)

G. Finding practical Sing again the different songs in the What are the rules of the games?
application of different Major scale.
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalization Which one do you like better? Which one do you like better? What are the Filipino games?
and abstractions
about the lesson

I. Evaluating learning Identify the scales and the different Choose a game and list the rules of it.
signs that are used in the different
songs found in the song
J. Additional activities for Memorize the song Define Digital Painting. Define Digital Painting. A picture of a healthy community.
application or


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which
my principal can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: November 14-18, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER

A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Form ratio/proportion for groups of Find the missing term in a Find the missing term in a proportion Solve word problems involving direct Solve word problems involving partitive
Competencies/Objectives objects/numbers proportion Write proportions correctly proportion proportion
Use colon (:) and fractions in writing Write proportions correctly Write proportions correctly Illustrate word problems through
ratios and proportion drawings or tables
Write ratio/proportion using colon or
fraction form
II. CONTENT Forming ratio and proportion Finding the missing term in a Finding the missing term in a Solving word problems involving direct Solving word problems involving
Using colon (:) and fractions in proportion proportion proportion partitive proportion
writing ratios and proportions
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides BEC PELC II K.1.1, 1.1.1 BEC PELC II.K.1.2 BEC PELC II.K.1.2 BEC PELC II.K.2.2.1 BEC PELC II.K.2.2.2
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Reference Mathematics Workbook Mathematics Workbook Mathematics Workbook Mathematics Workbook Mathematics Workbook
from Learning
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation
A. Reviewing previous Review about fractions. Have a review on equivalent Have a review on equivalent Conduct a drill on finding the missing Find the hidden message. What’s hello
lesson or presenting the fractions. fractions. term in a proportion. Use flash cards in the Hawaiian language? Give the
new lesson Checking of Assignment Checking of Assignment and have pupils missing
answer orally. element to form a proportion. Write in
Checking of Assignment the blanks the letters that correspond to
the answer.
(See slides)
Checking of Assignment
B. Establishing a purpose for Look around your room. What are the Before presenting the problem Before presenting the problem Before presenting the problem Do you share candies to your friend?
the lesson things you find inside? situation, ask the pupils if they situation, ask the pupils if they help situation, ask the pupils what they do How?
help their parents at home their parents at home on weekends. Let
especially during weekends. especially during weekends. them realize that they can earn extra
money during weekends if they are
industrious or
C. Presenting Count the number of boys. (Let the Present this problem situation. Present this problem situation. Roy and Al sell newspapers on Joy and Dale are twins. They always
examples/instances of the pupils count.) During weekends, Zeny helps her During weekends, Zeny helps her weekends to earn extra money. For share their things equally. Even their
new lesson Count the number of girls. Ex. 25 mother sell buko juice. For every mother sell buko juice. For every every 3 mother
boys and 28 girls buko, Zeny buko, Zeny newspapers that Roy sells, Al sells 5. gave them the same amount of
adds 4 litres of water. How many adds 4 litres of water. How many If Roy sold 15 newspapers, how many anything, whether money, toys,
litres of water does she need for 3 litres of water does she need for 3 did Al candies, and others. But
bukos so that bukos so that sell? one day, their father gave them 5
the taste will be the same? the taste will be the same? chocolates, 2 chocolates for Joy and 3
chocolates for

D. Discussing new concepts Ronald bought 3 pencils for 10 at Discuss the lesson through the Discuss the lesson through the Discuss the lesson through the Discuss the lesson through the problem
and practicing new skill #1 Elen’s School Supply Store. Ruby problem presented. problem presented. problem presented. presented.
bought 6
pencils for 20. Give the ratio of
pencils to the amount of money of
each child.
E. Discussing new concepts Discuss the lesson through the Give another example. Give another example. Give another example. Give another example.
and practicing new skill #2 problem presented. Group activity. Group activity. Group activity. Group activity.
F. Developing mastery Give the ratio of each of the following Tell whether the following given Tell whether the following given ratios Solve the problems. Analyze and solve each problem.
(Leads to Formative orally in two different ways. ratios are proportions. Write Yes if are proportions. Write Yes if they are a) A motorist travels 275 km in 5 1) Two numbers are in the ratio 5:3. If
Assessment) a) books to crayons they are and No if and No if hours. How far can he travel in 9 the sum is 88, find the 2 numbers.
b) flowers to leaves d) basketballs to not, change one term to make not, change one term to make them hours at the same 2) The ratio of chairs to tables is 2:7.
tennis balls them proportions. proportions. speed? There are 180 chairs and tables in a
a) 4/5 and28/35 a) 4/5 and28/35 Proportion: __________ party. How
b) 18:45 and 4:12 b) 18:45 and 4:12 Answer: __________ many are there of each kind?
c) 20/48 and l5/36 c) 20/48 and l5/36 b)Two buses can transport 130 3) The sum of two numbers is 215. If
d) 3:21 and 6:40 d) 3:21 and 6:40 people. How many buses are needed the ratio is 2:3, find the larger number.
e) 9:12 and 27:32 e) 9:12 and 27:32 to transport 780
Proportion: __________
Answer: __________

G. Finding practical Find the ratio/proportion of the Solve for the missing term. Solve for the missing term. Read and solve. Solve the given problems.
applications of concepts following. Use 2 different ways in 1) What number compared to 10 1) What number compared to 10 is 1) The ratio of the areas of 2 1) The salary of two workers is in the
and skills in daily living writing them. is the same as 28 compared to 5? the same as 28 compared to 5? squares is 1:4. The area of the ratio 3:4. They received 12,250.00.
1) There are 10 buses at a station. If 2) Lisa saves 60 in 4 weeks. At 2) Lisa saves 60 in 4 weeks. At this smaller square is 36 cm2. How How much did
each bus has 6 wheels, what is the this rate, how long will it take her rate, how long will it take her to save long is each side of the bigger each worker receive?
ratio of buses to to save 300.00? 300.00? square? 2) The ratio of men to women at a
wheels? 3) Six compared to 11 is the 3) Six compared to 11 is the same as college is 7 to 5. How many women
2) Every quarter each student same as 84 compared to what 84 compared to what number? students are there if
submits 2 projects in EPP. Give the number? 4) A motorist traveled 240 km in 3 there are 350 men?
ratio of projects to quarters. 4) A motorist traveled 240 km in 3 hours. At the same rate, how long will 3) The ratio of Math books to other
3) There are 3 caimito trees and 4 hours. At the same rate, how long it take to travel 400 books in a class is 8 to 5. How many
mango trees in Mang Tino’s orchard. will it take to travel 400 km? Math books are there
While in Mr. Muñoz’ km? 5) A scale 3.5 cm on a map if there are 247 books in all?
orchard, there are 6 caimito trees and 5) A scale 3.5 cm on a map represents an actual distance of 175
8 mango trees. Give the ratio of the represents an actual distance of km. What actual distance
mango to caimito 175 km. What actual distance does a scale distance of 5.7 cm
trees in each orchard then write a does a scale distance of 5.7 cm represent?
proportion. represent?
H. Making generalizations What is a ratio? proportion? What is a proportion? What is a proportion? Recall the steps in solving problems How do you solve word problems
and abstractions about What are the 2 ways of writing What are the terms or elements in What are the terms or elements in a involving direct proportion. involving partitive proportion?
the lesson ratio/proportion? a proportion? proportion? What must you remember when What are the processes involved?
How do we find the missing How do we find the missing element setting a direct proportion?
element in a proportion? in a proportion?
I. Evaluating learning Write a ratio or proportion for each of Solve for the missing term in each Solve for the missing term in each Analyze each problem and write a Read and analyze, then solve the
the following: proportion. proportion. proportion to solve it. Draw a diagram problems.
2.)Eight compared to 28. a) 6:n = 8:12 a) 6:n = 8:12 to help you when 1) The ratio of cats to dogs is 6:5.
3) There are 5 kites to seven boys. b) m:7 = 6:21 b) m:7 = 6:21 necessary. There are 495 dogs and cats in a
4) In a t-shirt factory, each box c) 20:24 = x:6 c) 20:24 = x:6 1) A tree casts a shadow of 12 metres certain barangay.
contains 3 t-shirts. Give the ratio of d) y:6 = 28:84 d) y:6 = 28:84 when a 5-metre pole casts a shadow a) How many cats are there?
boxes to t-shirts. e) 14:21 = 2:n e) 14:21 = 2:n of 4 metres. How tall is b) How many dogs are there?
5) In a camping, each boy scout was the tree? 2) Three numbers are in the ratio 2:5:7.
given 4 hotdogs. If there are 5 boy 2) At the rate of 3 items per 100, how If their sum is 504, what are the three
scouts, 20 hotdogs were much will 12 items cost? numbers?
cooked. Write the proportion. 3) A car travels 72 km on 8 litres of a) first number
gasoline. At the same rate, about how b) second number
far can it travel on 11 c) third number
litres of gasoline?
J. Additional activities for Form ratio/proportion for the following Find the missing term to make the Find the missing term to make the Write a proportion for each Analyze and solve the problems
application or remediation using 2 different ways. proportion true. proportion true. problem, then find the missing carefully.
1) 7 to 8 a) 9:N = 27:15 a) 9:N = 27:15 term. 1) The ratio of doors to windows is 1:5.
2) 3 to 5 is equivalent to 6 to 15 b) N:8 = 12:32 b) N:8 = 12:32 a) The ratio of 2 numbers is 3:5. There are 186 doors and windows in a
3) two barangays to 13 348 people c) 5:3 = 25:N c) 5:3 = 25:N The larger number is 30. What is building. How many
4) one boat to 3 people is equal to 6 the smaller number? doors are there? windows?
boats to 18 people b) There are 3 teachers to 125 2) The ratio of the angles of a triangle
5) 45 members of Glee Club to 30 pupils during the school program. is 3:4:5. Find the measure of each
members of Dance Club How many teachers were angle.
there if there were 2 500 pupils? 3) Three numbers are in the ratio 1:4:7.
c) The ratio of male teachers to Find the second number if their sum is
female teachers in our school is 276.
2:9. If there are 108 female 4) The difference between two
teachers, how many teachers are numbers is 40. They are in the ratio
male? 9:7. What are the numbers?

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Teacher: JOHAN B. SEGISMAR Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time: November 14-18, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together to form organ systems
A. Content Standards

The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and
B. Performance Standards nervous systems

C. Learning Competencies/ S6LT-IIa-b-1

Objectives The learners should be able to explain the organs of each organ system work together
Write the LC code for each


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Worksheets, pictures Charts and pictures Charts and pictures Charts and pictures


A. Reviewing previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson How does oxygen get into our body? 1. Review about the 1. Review about the respiratory 1. Review about the taking care of
Likewise; how does carbon dioxide get out respiratory system. system. respiratory system.
from our body? Which body system is 2. How can we take 2. How can we take good care of our 2. Present the materials for new
responsible for taking in oxygen and giving good care of our respiratory system?
lesson, The Nervous System
out carbon dioxide? respiratory system?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Four Pics, One Word. Guess the word by Ask diferrent Ask diferrent diseases/ailments Discuss the functions of the Nervous Sytem
lesson studying how the four pictures are related diseases/ailments associated with respiratory system
to each other. Write the word in the box associated with problems?
below. respiratory system

__ __ __ __ __
examples/instances of the Riddle Time: Who am I? Show pictures of respiratory Show some picture of movements and ask
new lesson Inhale these scrambled words. Exhale the diseases/ailments. their observation in the presented pictures
answers to the riddles. How the problems occur in our
1. I warm and clean the air you breathe. respiratory system?
SNOE __________ How can we avoid these problems?
2. There are 300 millions of me in your
RAI SCAS _________________
3. I leave your body when you breathe out.
4. I am a long tube connecting your mouth
to your lungs.
RATHCAE ______________
5. I go through the air sacs and into the
blood. YXGONE __________
D. Discussing new concepts EXPLANATION: EXPLANATION: Give the importance EXPLANATION:
How oxygen and carbon dioxide occur in of taking care of our respiratory Discuss the observation in the presented
alveoli of the lungs? system. pictures and explain how it works
E. Continuation of the discussion Activity #2 Activity #1 Give an example of body movements
of new concepts (leads to Identify the part of the respiratory system TRUE OR FALSE
Formative Assessment 2) which is being referred to. If False, change the inappropriate
1. Closes over your larynx when word to make the statement true.
you swallow.
2. Two short branches at the end 1. Breathing exercise improve
of the trachea that carry air into the condition of one’s lungs.
the lungs. 2. The chances of getting the
3. Cluster of tiny thin walled sacs common virus is increased
found at the end of each as one mixes with more
bronchioles. people.
4. Substance produced by the 3. Healthy lungs can draw in
lining of the nasal cavity. enough air to supply
5. Tiny hair-like structures that trap oxygen to all parts of the
bacteria in the trachea. body.
6. A tube made up of C-shaped 4. Cigarette smoking is good
rings of the cartilage. to our respiratory system.
7. Opening of the nose that leads 5. Do not wash your hands
to the nasal cavity. before eating.
8. A tube-like passage for both
food and air.
9. Produces vocal sounds.
10. Compose of alveoli arranged in
grape-like clusters.

F. Developing mastery (leads to Picture analysis: Group work. The teacher Picture Analysis: Group work.
Formative Assessment 3) show pictures of the different parts of the Show some pictures of respiratory
respiratory system. exercises. Let them do the exercises.
1. What can you see/observe in the
pictures given?
2. How do these parts work?
G. Finding practical applications ELABORATION: ELABORATION: ELABORATION:
of concepts and skills in daily How oxygen and carbon dioxide occur? What do you feel after doing the How the Nervous System works?
living exercises?
(reflective approach)
H. Making generalizations and Explain how the organs of Respiratory Explain the importance of taking good Think of a situation in your life when your
abstractions about the lesson system work together care of our respiratory system. Show nervous system worked to keep you safe
some pictures of nutritious foods that from harm. Can you imagine what might
can help our respiratory work have occurred inside your body as your
properly. nervous system received from and sent
information to various parts of your body?
I. Evaluating learning EVALUATION: EVALUATION:
Give the correct answer: Lists the four major functions of the nervous
1. A muscle that controls breathing. system and give 2 examples of its
2. A smaller extension of the corresponding controlled actions.
3. The upper part of the throat that
carries air into the respiratory
4. Opening in the nose.
5. A leaf shaped cartilage that
covers the larynx during
6. Air sacs in the lungs.
7. Upper end of the trachea which
is also known as the voice box.
8. Two large main branches of the
9. A tube that goes down the lungs
and is also known as the
10. Gas given off during exhalation.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-AGRI
Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 20 - 24, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES Perform propagation of Trees and Fruit trees following agricultural standards set in the industry.

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ 2. Uses technology in 2.1 Conduct a survey/interview 2.2 Conduct a survey/interview 2.3 Conduct a survey/interview 2.4 Conduct a survey/interview of
Objectives gathering information about for the following: for the following: of the following the following
trees and fruit trees.  elements to be observed in  market demands for fruit  sources of trees and fruit  famous orchard, farm in the
Write the LC code for each  data preparation planting trees and fruit bearing trees. trees. country.
 use of survey trees.
 use of interview

II. CONTENT 2a. Discuss the different 2.1.1. Elements to be observed 2.2.1 Identify different market 2.3.1 Present data regarding 2.4.1 Present data regarding
tools/instruments in gathering in planting trees and fruit trees demands for trees and fruit different sources of trees and famous orchards and farmlands
data for trees and fruit trees.  Be able to present data using trees fruit trees within the community in the
 Interview interview or a survey.  Be able to present data using  Be able to present data using different provinces in the country.
 Survey interview or a survey. interview or a survey.  Be able to present data using
interview or a survey.


Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-
A. References Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Agricultural Crops Production, Agricultural Crops Production, Agricultural Crops Production, Wastong Pagtatanim Wastong Pagtatanim
Learning Resource (LR) portal Teachers Guide Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual
B. Other Learning Resources Object, Guidebook, Internet. Object, Guidebook, Internet. Object, Guidebook, Internet. Object, Guidebook, Internet. Object, Guidebook, Internet.


A. Reviewing previous lesson or  Ask any one from the class  Identification of the different  Report on market demands  Discussion on the different  Presentation of the different
presenting the new lesson to report about trees and fruit elements to be observed in for trees and fruit trees. sources of trees and fruit trees. well-known orchard/farm in the
trees. planting trees and fruit trees. country.
 Importance and the benefits
we can derive from planting
trees and fruit trees.

B. Establishing a purpose for the  Be able to discuss before the  Present the different  Learners will identify the  Present before the class some  Learners will be able to gain
lesson class the use of interview and elements to be observed in different market demands for sources of trees and fruit trees. information about the success
survey in gathering data and planting trees and fruit trees. trees and fruit trees. story of some well-known
other information about trees orchards/farms in the country.
and fruit trees.

Presentation of Show data regarding the Identify market demands for Using a developed data base, Presentation of the different well-
C. Presenting data/information on the different elements to be trees and fruit trees. present before the class the known orchards/farms with
examples/instances of the new different trees and fruit trees practiced in planting trees and different sources of trees and exemplary characteristics and
lesson grown in the different fruit trees. fruit trees as follows: awards.
provinces with focused on its  Commercial Nursery
Ordinary name and its  Agricultural Institutions
scientific name  Department of Agriculture
 Bureau of Plant Industry

Present data gathering Present charts/pictures Interviewing skills on market Presentation skills using video Video presentation featuring the
D. Discussing new concepts and instrument using Interview showing the different elements demands for trees and fruit footages on the different outstanding orchards/farms in the
practicing new skills #1 and Survey. practiced in planting trees and trees. sources of trees and fruit trees. country.
fruit trees.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2

F. Developing mastery (leads to  Discussions on the use of  List down different elements  Identify some market  Presentation skills on the  Video coverage presentation of
Formative Assessment 3) technology in gathering data involved in planting trees and demands related to trees and different agencies, partners some well-known orchard farm in
on trees and fruit trees. fruit trees. fruit trees. being the source of trees and the country.
fruit trees.

G. Finding practical applications  Present before the class the  Demonstrate the different  Present before the class  Show some footages of  Present data of some
of concepts and skills in daily scientific practices in gathering practices in planting trees and videos, film clips of different different government, non- outstanding orchards/farms in the
living data about the trees and fruit fruit trees. products that serve as a market government as well as private country.
trees. demand for trees and fruit trees entities, where trees and fruit  Present their sample proposals or
trees are obtained from. project study.
(ex: foods: fruits, candies, jams,
non-food: furnitures, energy
source, infrastructure, etc.
The importance of scientific The different elements in Some products derived from Sources of trees and fruit trees. Qualities and characteristics of an
H. Making generalizations and tools in data gatherings. planting trees and fruit trees. trees and fruit trees that will ideal orchard.
abstractions about the lesson provide for a market demand.
Written examination Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation. Written examination.
I. Evaluating learning Demonstrations. Demonstrations skills. Video presentation. Word Game.
Brainstorming. Role Play. Quiz. Direct Observation.
Present documentaries and Demonstration on the different Invite at least one practitioner Develop flip chart on the Video shoot of different types of
J. Additional activities for some data about trees and practices in planting trees and who can share his/her different sources of trees and orchard.
application or remediation fruit trees that are gathered fruit trees. expertise/experiences in fruit trees.
through surveys and marketing products out of trees
interviews. and fruit trees.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 6 School Grade Level VI
Teacher Learning Area TLE – ENTREPRENEURSHIP & ICT
Teaching Dates and Time AUGUST 20-24, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates knowledge and skills that will lead to one becoming an ideal entrepreneur.
B. Performance Standard Sells products based on needs and demands.
C.Learning  Identify the buying  Plan to make a  Identify the different  Identify common
Competency/Objectives process. product/service steps in selling techniques that
Write the LC code for  Illustrate the buying available. process. advertisers use to
each. process.  Create a sketch of a  Describe the different convince customers to
TLEIE6-0b-3 product advertisement. steps in selling buy their product.
TLEIE6-0b-3 process.  Act that they are
TLEIE6-0b-4 selling
product/service to
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and
pp. 14-16 page 17 pp. 18-19 Entrepreneurship
pp. 7
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by
the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things,
practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous Review the following: Review the Buying Process. How can you promote your
lesson or presenting  Values and Qualities product?
the new lesson of a successful
 Types of
 The buyer and seller
 Steps or guides in
making simple
B. Establishing a purpose In order to effectively For you to make more sales
for the lesson promote your product, you follow this traditional 7-step
should first understand the Selling Process given in figure
buying decision process and 2.
later prepare for selling
C. Presenting Show/Illustrate the Buying Show/Illustrate the Selling
examples/Instances of Decision Steps Involved in Process Figure 2 on page 18.
the new lesson the Process Figure 1 on page
D. Discussing new Discuss the Buying Process GROUP ACTIVITY: Discuss the Selling Process on
concepts and on page 14-15. Let the pupils do Activity 1.3 page18-19
practicing new skills # Product on the Go! On Page 17.
E. Discussing new Discuss the most common GROUP ACTIVITY:
concepts and techniques advertisers use to Let the pupils do the
practicing new skills # convince customers to buy activity on “Let’s do
2 their product. this!” Act it Out on page
F. Developing mastery Give a 20 item Quiz
(leads to Formative about the Ideal
Assessment 3) Entrepreneur from Week
1 to 2.
G. Finding practical
application of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations  What is the
and abstractions about Buying Process?
the lesson  What is the
Selling Process?
 How can you
promote your
I. Evaluating learning Evaluate the pupil’s
performance in doing the
Group Activity.
J. Additional activities for Make an
application or Advertisement/Poster of your
remediation product in a Cartolina.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-IA
Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 20-24, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of knowledge and skills in enhancing/decorating products as an alternative source of income
B. Performance Standards Performs necessary skill in enhancing/ decorating finished products
C. Learning - Determine market trends on - Identify the types/sources of innovative finishing materials. 1.Discusses the effect of innovative finishing materials and creative
Competencies products made of bamboo, wood Discuss the types/sources of innovative finishing materials. accessories on the marketability of products.
and metal using technology. Cooperate actively in doing activity. 2.Give the effects of innovative finishing materials and creative
- Identify customer’s preference of accessories on the marketability of products.
products. - 3.Appreciates the effects of innovative finishing materials
Cooperate actively in group works. Identify the process in enhancing/decorating finished products made accessories on the marketability of products.
TLE6IA-Ob-3 of bamboo.
Enumerate the fundamental process in handicrafts in treating TLE6 IA OC-4
Appreciate one’s work.

II. Content Enhancing/ decorating finished products
III. Learning Resources
A. References Curriculum Guide Pages- K-12 TLE6IA-Ob-3, p. 39
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
IV. Procedures
A. Review Previous Give the different methods in Give example of activities to What are the different sources of What are the market trends should What are the finishing materials
Lessons enhancing/decorating finished determine market trends of finishing materials, accessories and be done in marketing products to enhance finished products?
products. finished products. design? made of bamboo, wood and
B. Establishing purpose - Do you have any finished - Our country has vast Show some pictures of finished 1. Showing some pictures of Have them share/show the
for the Lesson product or handicraft made of natural resources where products finishing products. given assignment
bamboo, wood or metal in useful products are
your home? Where did you derived. The different kind What finishing materials did they
buy it? of finishing materials like use to beautify it?
varnish, paint, lacquer, - Finishing- is the method of
enamel shellac and many beautifying the project. It is
more had their sources. the last step in the completion
of a project.
- In this lesson we are going
to discuss the sources of
finishing materials,
accessories and designs.

C. Presenting One of the steps to ensure the Show some pictures of finishing There are processes and treatments . Show pictures of unfinished and Have them discuss what the
examples success of the products is materials, accessories and done on some materials before finished products .Let the pupils finishing materials they used on
/instances of the marketing. designs. making them into articles. describe and compare the their finished products.
new lessons - Product marketing is the set Treating Bamboos pictures.
of activities one should be - What are the finishing 1. Preserving and Treating Bamboos
aware in order to know more materials you can see in the There are various ways of treating
about the products that made pictures? bamboo to preserve its natural
of bamboo, wood and metal. beauty. It is called the resin-oil
extraction method. It is done by
either wet or dry process. In the wet
process, the bamboo is soaked
overnight in a solution of 0.1% to
1.2% caustic soda or carbonate of
soda or boiled in this solution for 10-
15 minutes. In the dry process,
bamboo poles are evenly heated
over charcoal at a temperature of 49
C to 54 C for 20-30 minutes.
2. Bleaching
Bleaching is the process of whitening
or removing the colour by sunlight
exposure, air ventilation or by the
use of chemical solutions.
3. Dyeing Bamboo Poles and Splints
Dyeing is the process of applying
colour into the materials. The direct
dyeing or reactive dyeing method
may be used. In direct dyeing,
bamboo splints make sure of
vegetable dye. It is done by boiling
water with dye and immersing the
bamboo splints until the desired
colour is achieved. They are dried
under the sun. In reactive dyeing, the
following materials are used: 30% of
dye; salt is 30 grams per liquid and
fixing agent is 30 grams per liquid.
The dye is dissolved in water and is
diluted to the final volume. The
bamboo splints are soaked for10
minutes then salt is added and
dyeing is continued for an hour.
4. Pyrography
Pyrography is the process of burning
designs of bamboo with hot wire.
The electric soldering iron is
considered the best tool in
D. Discussing new Here are some activities to There are sources of finishing Enumerate the fundamental Why is it important to paint Why is it important to paint
concepts and determine market trends on materials like: processes in treating bamboos. materials made of wood? materials made of wood?
practicing new products made of bamboo, wood or 1. Shellac – it is a good Discuss the following processes in How finishing
skills #1. metal. finish for many projects. It treating bamboos. materials helps your -discuss/review all the previous
1. Direct Marketing – through comes from the excreta of project/product more attractive lesson you taught for the week.
demonstrations, trade exhibits and insects called a luc bug. The and saleable
other public venues. This is popular colour is yellow and appears like Have them share their learnings
activity being done by the small pieces of cellophane. on the previous lessons.
producers to motivate consumers Before it is used, it is mixed with
or buyers about the products. denatured alcohol.
2. Advertising in Print Media – 2. Varnish – it is another
these activities is done through finishing material that beautifies
advertisements in newspapers, and preserves a project. It is
magazines and flyers about the made from copal gum dissolved
product. in pure boiled linseed oil. Copal
3. Radio, Television and gum comes from resin of pine
Internet Advertising – it is a modern trees buried several feet below
ways of endorsing product. the ground. Linseed oil comes
4. Distributing Products via from oil of cotton seed. When
Transport System – Products varnish becomes sticky and
reached the consumers faster hard, add turpentine to make it
through the means of land, air and thin and usable again. Varnish
sea transportation spreading and turpentine are sold in cans
promotion, feedbacks even in the and bottles.
farthest region of the country. 3. Paint – it is another
• What is direct marketing? finishing material that is always
• Explain what advertising in used because of its beautiful
print media is. colour and a good protector of
materials. The body of paint is a
• Discuss the modern ways of mixture of four elements:
endorsing products. pigment, vehicle, thinner, and
• Give an example of drier. It comes in cans of
distributing products via transport different sizes. When the paint
system. gets sticky or hard, add paint
thinner. If thinner is not
available, use gasoline or
petroleum as a substitute.
4. Lacquer – this is a
synthetic product which is
largely used in all manufactured
articles. This finishing material
could retain the natural colour
of the material to which it is
applied. Like varnish and shellac
it is sold in cans and bottles. The
solvent used is lacquer thinner.
5. Stain (Tina) – stain is
colouring material which is
applied to the surface of a wood
to improve its appearance.
There are three kinds of stain:
oil stain, water stain, and spirit
When you mix the dye (tina)
with petroleum, the result is oil
stain. When the dye is mixed
with water, it is now water stain.
When the dye is mixed with
alcohol, the mixture is called
spirit stain.
The dye is sold in boxes or in
kilos. Spirit stain is ready mixed.
It is sold in cans and bottles. All
of these stains are applied by
means of brush, spray, or cotton
6. Sandpaper – it is made
grits, usually ground silica, flint,
quartz, or emery glued to thick
paper or cloth. Sandpaper for
wood is called flint paper and for
metal it is called emery cloth at
present we have water proof
abrasive for metal. Both are
used for smoothing rough
surface of objects.
7. Glue – glue is a paste for
wood materials. It is in powder
or in cake form. It is
manufactured from fish,
animals, and plastic resin.

- What are the different kinds

of finishing materials?
E. Discussing new If you are going to buy some Let the pupils identify the sources How do you preserve and treat Give instruction to answer the
concepts & finished products which do you of the following finishing bamboos? given activity.
practicing new prefer? Why? materials: What is bleaching? What are the effects of finishing
skills #2 • Bamboo product? - Choose your answer in the What are the two methods in materials used in decorating Determine the types/sources of
• Wood product? box. dyeing bamboos? wood, metal and bamboo? innovative finishing materials,
• Metal product? What is pyrography? accessories, and designs.

Activity No. 1
Direction: Draw smiling
face if the sentence
is correct and sad face if it
is wrong.
__________ 1. When you mixed
the dye (tina) with Petroleum
the result is oil stain.
__________ 2. When varnish
becomes sticky and hard, add
water to make it usable again.
__________ 3. The body of paint
is a mixture of four elements.
__________ 4. When the dye
(tina) is mixed with alcohol, the
mixture is called spirit stain.
__________ 5. When the dye
(tina) is mixed with water, the
mixture is called water stain.
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding Practical Why is having the
Applications of knowledge of conducting
concepts and skills survey using technology
in daily living important in your future
alternative plans?
H. Making Generalizations
& Abstractions about
the lessons

I. Evaluating Learning

J. Additional activities for

application or
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No.of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No.of learners who requires
additional acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No.of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Teaching Dates and Time: November 14-18, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


Pamantayang Nilalaman Naipamamalas ang mapanuring pag-unawa sa pamamahala at mga pagbabago sa lipunang Pilipino sa panahon ng kolonyalismong
(Content Standard) Amerikano at ng pananakop ng mga Hapon at ang pagpupunyagi ng mga Pilipino na makamtan ang kalayaan tungo sa pagkabuo ng kamalayang pagsasarili at pagkakakilanlang malayang nasyon at estado.

Nakapagpapahayag ng kritikal na pagsusuri at pagpapahalaga sa konteksto,dahilan, epekto at pagbabago sa lipunan ng kolonyalismong Amerikano
Pamantayan sa Pagganap
at ng pananakop ng mga Hapon at ang pagmamalaki sa kontribusyon ng pagpupunyagi ng mga Pilipino namakamit ang ganap na kalayaan tungo sa pagkabuo ng kamalayang pagsasarili at pagkakakilanlang malayang
(Performance Standard)
nasyon at estado
2. Nasusuri ang pamahalaang kolonyal ng mga Amerikano
2.1 Natatalakay ang mga Patakarang Pasipikasyon at Kooptasyon ng pamahalaang Amerikano
2.2 Nailalarawan ang sistema at balangkas ng Pamahalaang Kolonyal
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
2.3 Nasusuri ang mga patakaran ng malayang kalakalan (free trade) na pinairal ng mga Amerikano
(Learning Competencies)
2.4 Natatalakay ang epekto ng malayang kalakalan(free trade)
Hal: − Kalakalan ng Pilipinas at U.S.
− Pananim at Sakahan
Layunin (Lesson Objectives) 1. Nasusuri ang pamahalaang 1. Natatalakay ang mga Patakarang 1. Natatalakay ang mga Patakarang 1. Nailalarawan ang sistema at 1. Nasusuri ang mga patakaran ng
kolonyal ng mga Amerikano Pasipikasyon at Kooptasyon ng Pasipikasyon at Kooptasyon ng pamahalaang balangkas ng Pamahalaang malayang kalakalan (free trade) na
2. Napapahalagahan ang pamahalaang Amerikano Amerikano Kolonyal pinairal ng mga Amerikano
pamahalaang kolonyal ng mga 2. Napapahalagahan ang ang mga 2. Napapahalagahan ang ang mga 2. Napapahalagahan ang 2. Natatalakay ang epekto ng
Amerikano Patakarang Pasipikasyon at Patakarang Pasipikasyon at Kooptasyon ng sistema at balangkas ng malayang kalakalan(free trade)
3. Nagpapakita ng pakiisa sa Kooptasyon ng pamahalaang pamahalaang Amerikano Pamahalaang Kolonyal 3. Napapahalgahan ang mga
pangkatang gawain Amerikano 3. Nagpapakita ng pakiisa sa pangkatang 3. Nagpapakita ng pakiisa sa patakaran ng malayang kalakalan
3. Nagpapakita ng pakiisa sa gawain pangkatang gawain (free trade) na pinairal ng mga
pangkatang gawain Amerikano
4. Nagpapakita ng pakiisa sa
pangkatang gawain
Paksang Aralin Pamahalaang Kolonyal ng mga Patakarang Pasipikasyon at Sistema at Balangkas ng Pamahalaang
Patakarang Pasipikasyon at Kooptasyon Malayang Kalakalan at Epekto nito
(Subject Matter) Amerikano Kooptasyon Kolonyal
Kultura, Kasaysayan, at Kabuhayan Kultura, Kasaysayan, at Kabuhayan Kultura, Kasaysayan, at Kabuhayan pp. 141- AP6KDP-IIb-2 Kultura, Kasaysayan, at Kabuhayan pp.
Gamitang Panturo
pp.138-140 pp. 141-142 142 Bagong Lakbay ng Lahing Pilipino pp. 142-143
(Learning Resources)
Bagong Lakbay ng Lahing Pilipino Bagong Lakbay ng Lahing Pilipino pp.116- 119-121 Bagong Lakbay ng Lahing Pilipino pp.
pp.116-117 117 121-122
a. Balik-Aral sa nakaraang aralin at/o Ano ang epekto ng transportasyon at Ano ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa Ano ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa Ano ang patakarang kooptasyon at Ano ang sistema at balangkas ng
pagsisimula ng bagong aralin komunikasyon sa pamumuhay ng pamahalaang kolonyal? pamahalaang kolonyal? pasipikasyon? pamahalaan kolonyal?
(Reviewing previous lesson/s or mga Pilipino?
presenting the new lesson)
Suriin ang pamahalaang kolonyal ng Ano ang patakarang partisipasyon at Ano ang patakarang partisipasyon at Ano ang Sistema at balangkas ng Ano ang naidulot ng malayang
mga Amerikano. kooptasyon? kooptasyon? pamahalaang kolonyal? kalakalan?
b. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin
(Establishing a purpose for the lesson)

Bigyan ng Kalakip ang mag-aaral. Bigyan ng Kalakip ang mag-aaral. Bigyan ng Kalakip ang mag-aaral. Bigyan ng Kalakip ang mag-aaral. Bigyan ng Kalakip ang mag-aaral.

c. Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa sa

bagong aralin (Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson)

1. Ano ang tunay na konsepto ng Ano ang patakarang pasipikasyon? Ano ang patakarang pasipikasyon? Isa-isahin ang mga pangyayaring 1. Ano ang malayang
Benevolent Assimilation o Ano ang ipinatupad ng patakarang Ano ang ipinatupad ng patakarang nagbigay-daan sa pagkakaroon ng kalakalan?
mapagkawanggawang asimilasyon? pasipikasyon? pasipikasyon? malayang pamahalaan? 2. Ano ang Batas Payne-
2. Ano ang layunin ng pamahalaang Ano ang patakarang kooptasyon? Ano ang patakarang kooptasyon? Ilarawan ang mga pagsisikap na ginawa Aldrich?
military? ng mga Pilipino tungo sa pagkakaroon 3. Ano ang Batas Underwood-
3. Bakit ipinadala ang Schurman ng malayang pamahalaan? Simmons?
Commission? Ano ang ipinanukala Paano mo ilalarawan ang sistema at 4. Ano ang naging suliranin
d. Pagtalakay ng bagong konsepto at nito? balangkas ng Pilipinas? para sa pagsasarili ng
paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #1 4. Ano ang Taft Commission? Ano May pagkakahawig o pagkakatulad ba bansa?
(Discussing new concept) ang ipinatupad nito? ito sa umiiral na uri ng pamahalaan sa 5. Ilarawan ang malayang
5. Ano ang pamahalaang sibil? Sino ating bansa? kalakalan sa pagitan ng
ang namuno rito? Ipaliwanag ang iyong sagot. Estados Unidos at Pilipinas.
Paano nakatulong ang mga misyong 6. Naging makatarungan ba ang
ipinadala sa Estados Unidos sa mga Amerikano sa
pagkamit ng kalayaang pinapangarap pagpapatupad ng Payne-
ng mga Pilipino? Aldrich at Underwood-
Simmons para sa malayang
kalakang ito?
e. Pagtalakay ng bagong konsepto at
paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #2
(Continuation of the discussion of new

f. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan (Tungo sa Ipresent ang output. Ipresent ang output. Ipresent ang output. Ipresent ang output. Ipresent ang output.
Formative Assessment) (Developing

Mabuti ba ang ginawang panlilinlang Sa pamamagitan ng Venn Diagram ay Sa pamamagitan ng Venn Diagram ay Ano ang pagkakahawig sa ating sistema Sa inyong palagay, anoa ng naging
sa ibang tao? talakayin ang pagkakaiba ng mga talakayin ang pagkakaiba ng mga ng pamahalaan noon sa ngayon? epekto ng mga programang itinaguyod
g. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang-araw- patakarang pasipikasyon at patakarang patakarang pasipikasyon at patakarang ng mga negosyanteng Pilipino sa
araw na buhay (Finding practical kooptasyon? kooptasyon? paglutas ng suliraning ito?
application of concepts and skills in daily Patakarang Pasipikasyon Patakarang Pasipikasyon
living) Patakarang Kooptasyon Patakarang Kooptasyon
Pagkakatulad ng dalawang patakaran Pagkakatulad ng dalawang patakaran
Bakit ipinatupad ang dalawang Bakit ipinatupad ang dalawang patakaran?
h. Paglalahat ng Aralin (Making Ano ang mahahalagang pangyayari Ano ang patakarang kooptasyon at Ano ang patakarang kooptasyon at Ano ang sistema at balangkas ng Ano ang malayang kalakalan at naging
generalizations and abstractions about sa pamahalang kolonyal ng mga pasipikasyon? pasipikasyon? pamahalaang kolonyal? epekto nito?
the lesson) Amerikano?

Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot.
1. Ano ang tunay na konsepto ng 1. Ano ang dahilan ng pagpatupad ng 1. Ano ang dahilan ng pagpatupad ng 1. Sino ang naging tagapagsalita ng 1. Ano ang malayang kalakalan?
Benevolent Assimilation o dalawang patakaran? dalawang patakaran? mga Pilipino at bilang lider ng A.walang sagabal sa pagpasok ng mga
mapagkawanggawang asimilasyon? A. para makamit ang kalayaan A. para makamit ang kalayaan kapulungan mg mayorya? produktong Amerikano sa Pilipinas*
A. isa lamang pagbibigay katuwiran B. upang masupil ang nasyonalismo B. upang masupil ang nasyonalismo A. Manuel L. Quezon B. walang sabagal na pagbabayad ng
ng US sa pananakop. C.upang maging Amerikano ang lahat C.upang maging Amerikano ang lahat B. Sergio Osmeña buwis
B. kailangan ng kolonya ng US dahil D. Lahat ng mga Nabanggit D. Lahat ng mga Nabanggit C. Carlos P. Romulo C. walang batas na ipinatutupad
nag-iindustriyalisa ang ekonomiya 2. Ano ang sinasalamin ng patakarang 2. Ano ang sinasalamin ng patakarang D. A at B ay Tama* D. walang kinahinatnan ang kalakalan
nito pasipikasyon? pasipikasyon? 2. Ano ang batas Jones o Batas 2. Ano ang Batas Payne-Aldrich?
C. Kailangan ng baseng malapit sa A. malinaw na walang katotohanan ang A. malinaw na walang katotohanan ang Autonomiya? A. malayang pagpasok ng produkto
China Benevolent Assimilation Benevolent Assimilation A. magkaroon ng matatag na nang walang taripa*
D. Lahat ng mga Nabanggit B. pagsupil ng nasyonalismo B. pagsupil ng nasyonalismo pamahalaan ang bansa. B.Malayang komunikasyon
2. Ano ang layunin ng pamahalaang C. pagsupil sa kalayaan C. pagsupil sa kalayaan B. Nagkaroon ng Mataas na kapulungan C. malayang transportasyon
militar? D. Lahat ng Nabanggit D. Lahat ng Nabanggit C.Pagkakaroon ng tatlong sangay D. malayang edukasyon
A. Sugpuin ang ang mga 3. Alin sa mga batas na nagpapakita ng 3. Alin sa mga batas na nagpapakita ng D. Lahat ng mga Nabanggit* 3. Ano ang Batas Underwood-Simmons?
pakikibakang Pilipino laban sa mga kalupitan ng mga Amerikano? kalupitan ng mga Amerikano? 3. Sang-ayon dito, ipinagkakaloob sa A. nagtatanggal ng buwis sa mga
Amerikano A. pagbabawal sa pamamahayag noong A. pagbabawal sa pamamahayag noong Pilipinas sa kalayaan matapos ang 10 produktong Pilipino na inululuwas sa
B. isinaayos ang Korte Suprema na 1889 partikular na balita o artikulo. 1889 partikular na balita o artikulo. taong paghahanda, pagtatatag ng base- US*
binubuo ng siyam na hukom B. pagpapatapon sa mga Pilipinong B. pagpapatapon sa mga Pilipinong militar ng US? B. nagtatanggal ng limitasyon sa mga
C. pinanatili ang pamahalaang nakikipaglaban para sa kalayaan nakikipaglaban para sa kalayaan A. Batas Jones produktong Pilipino na inululuwas sa
munisipal C. pagbabawal sa pagtatag sa partido C. pagbabawal sa pagtatag sa partido B. Misyong OsRox US*
D. Lahat ng mga Nabanggit politikal politikal C. Komisyong Schurman C. Nagbibigay laya sa kalakalan
i. Pagtataya ng Aralin (Evaluating 3. Bakit ipinadala ang Schurman D. Lahat ng Nabanggit D. Lahat ng Nabanggit D. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Bill* D. Naging daan upang magmahal ang
learning) Commission? 4. Ito ay ang ginamit sa mga Pilipinong 4. Ito ay ang ginamit sa mga Pilipinong 4. Ano ang itinadhana ng Batas- produkto
A. upang maging maganda ang pumayag na manumpa ng katapatan sa pumayag na manumpa ng katapatan sa Tydings-Mc-Duffie? 4. Ano ang naging epekto ng malayang
relasyon ng Pilipinas at Amerika pamahalaang Amerikano? pamahalaang Amerikano? A. iniisa ang mga hakbang tungo sa kalakalan?
B. upang malaman ang kondisyong A. Benevolent Assimilation A. Benevolent Assimilation kalayaan ng Pilipinas A. Naubos ang mga produkto
political at panlipunan sa Pilipinas* B. Patakarang pasipikasyon B. Patakarang pasipikasyon B. pagtatag ng sampung taong B. Nabili ang lahat ng paninda
C. upang makipanayam ang mga C. Patakarang Kooptasyon C. Patakarang Kooptasyon pamahalaang Komonwelt bilang C. nabili ang produktong Pilipino
ilustrado D.Lahat ng Nabanggit D.Lahat ng Nabanggit pagkilala sa kasarinlan D. paglaganap ng kolonyal mentality*
D. Lahat ng mga Nabanggit 5. Ano ang tawag sa Pilipinong 5. Ano ang tawag sa Pilipinong C. Nagkaroon ng Mataas na kapulungan 5. Bakit mga dayuhang produkto ang
4. Ano ang Taft Commission? nakikipaglaban para sa kalayaan tulad ni nakikipaglaban para sa kalayaan tulad ni D. magkaroon ng matatag na tinatangkilik ng mga Pilipino?
A. Pagtatag ng Philippine Apolinario Mabini at Melchora Aquino na Apolinario Mabini at Melchora Aquino na pamahalaan ang bansa. A. Ipinag-utos ng US
Constabulary ipinatapon sa Guam? ipinatapon sa Guam? 5. Paano mo ilalarawan ang sistema at B. higit na mura kaysa sa local na
B. Pagpapagawa ng mga nasirang A. ilustrado A. ilustrado balangkas ng Pilipinas? produkto*
imprastraktura B. irreconcilables B. irreconcilables A. Nagbigay ng pagkakataon sa mga C. Nauubos ang produktong Pilipino
C. pagtatatag ng mga ahensyang C. Thomasites C. Thomasites Pilipinong makisali sa pamamalakad sa D.wala na silang ibang mabili
pampamahalaan D. pamahalaang sibil D. pamahalaang sibil pamahalaan gaya ng paggawa batas
D. Lahat ng mga Nabanggit B. Napakagulo at pinaasa lamang ang
5. Sino ang namuno sa pamahalaang mga Pilipino
sibil? C.Hindi sapat ang sampung taon upang
A. Jacob Schurman makapagsarili.
B. Pangulong William Mckinley D. Ito ay pagkakaroon ng sistema at
C. William Howard Taft balangkas na hawig sa pamahalaan
D. Heneral Wesley Merrit natin sa ngayon.

j. Karagdagang gawain para sa takdang- Magtala ng mahahalagang aral na Magtala ng mahahalagang aral na iyong Magtala ng mahahalagang aral na iyong Magtala ng mahahalagang aral na iyong Magtala ng mahahalagang aral na iyong
aralin at remediation (Additional iyong natutunan. natutunan. natutunan. natutunan. natutunan.
Activities for application or remediation)
a.     Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa pagtataya.
b.     Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang gawain
para sa remediation.
c.     Nakatulong ba ang remedial?
Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa
d.     Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa remediation.
e.     Alin sa mga istratehyang
pagtuturo nakatulong ng lubos? Paano
ito nakatulong?
f.       Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyunan sa tulong ang
aking punungguro at superbisor?
g.     Anong kagamitang panturo ang
aking nadibuho na nais kong ibahagi sa
mga kapwa ko guro?
Teaching Dates and Time: November 14-18, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa kahalagahan ng pakikipagkapwa tao na may kaakibat na paggalang at responsibilidad.
B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap Naisasabuhay ang pagkakaroon ng bukas na isipan at kahinahunan sa pagpapasya para sa kapayapaan ng sarili at kapwa.

  Alamin: Naipapakita ang Isagawa: Naipapakita ang Isapuso: Naipapakita ang kahalagahan Isabuhay: Naipapakita ang kahalagahan Subukin: Naipapakita ang
C.  Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto kahalagahan ng pagiging kahalagahan ng pagiging ng pagiging responsable sa kapwa: ng pagiging responsable sa kapwa: kahalagahan ng pagiging
Isulat ang code ng bawat responsable sa kapwa: responsable sa kapwa: Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting responsable sa kapwa:
Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting Pakikipagkaibigan Pakikipagkaibigan Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting
Pakikipagkaibigan Pakikipagkaibigan Pakikipagkaibigan
EsP6P-IIa-c-30 EsP6P-IIa-c-30 EsP6P-IIa-c-30 EsP6P-IIa-c-30

II.NILALAMAN Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting Pagpapanatili ng Mabuting
Pakikipagkaibigan Pakikipagkaibigan Pakikipagkaibigan Pakikipagkaibigan Pakikipagkaibigan

Pagmamalasakit sa Kapwa Pagmamalasakit sa Kapwa Pagmamalasakit sa Kapwa Pagmamalasakit sa Kapwa Pagmamalasakit sa Kapwa


A. Sanggunian
1.Mga pahina sa Gabay ng Guro
2.Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang
3.Mga pahina sa Teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan mula
sa portal ng Learning Resource
B. Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo
A. Balik-Aral sa  nakaraang aralin Panimulang Gawain: Balik Aral: Balik Aral: Balik Aral: Balik-aral.
at/o pagsisimula ng aralin Tungkol saan ang ating Tungkol saan ang ating talakayan Tungkol saan ang ating talakayan :Ano-ano ang katangian ng isang
Pagpapaskil ng isang slogan talakayan kahapon? kahapon? kahapon? mabuting kaibigan?
Anong pagpagpapahalaga ang Anong pagpagpapahalaga ang inyong Anong pagpagpapahalaga ang
Ang matapat na kaibigan tunay inyong natutunan tungkol sa natutunan tungkol sa aralin? inyong natutunan tungkol sa
na maaasahan lalo na sa oras aralin? Paano ito nakapukaw sa inyong damdamin aralin?
ng kagipitan. Paano ito nakapukaw sa inyong bilang isang mabuting kaibigan? Ano ang inyong naramdaman
damdamin bilang isang mabuting pagkatapos ng inyong malikhaing

B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin   Ano ang inyong masasabi Bilang isang mag-aaral, paano mo
tungkol sa slogan na inyong ipapakita na ikaw ay isang mabuting
nakita? kaibigan?

C. Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa Magkaroon ng maikling

sa bagong aralin    talakayan.

D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Iparinig /ipabasa sa klase ang Pangkatin ang klase sa limang Pangkatin ang klase sa limang grupo. Pangkatin ang klase sa limang Gumawa ng isang liham pagpapahalaga o
konsepto at paglalahad ng bagong awiting “Kaibigan” ng Apo Hiking grupo. Magpakita sila ng Magpakita sila ng malikhaing palabas grupo at bigyan ang bawat “appreciation” sa isang matalik na
kasanayan  #1   Society. malikhaing palabas batay sa batay sa tema sa ibaba. pangkat ng sobre na may lamang kaibigan.
  mga letra (jumbled letters). Buuin
tema sa ibaba.
nila ito ayon sa mga katangian ng Pag-analisa:
Tema: isang mabuting kaibigan.
Tema: Pagpapakita ng paggalang at pananagutan atpaamt -matapat Ano ang inyong naramdaman habang
Pagpapakita ng paggalang at sa isang kaibigan. halpagmama -mapagmahal sinulat ang isang liham pagpapahalaga?
pananagutan sa isang kaibigan. inmalutang –matulungin
naglagam -magalang Magbasa ng isa o dalawang liham.
nuawainam -maunawain
Pagproseso batay sa liham na
nabasa/nagawa ng mga bata.

E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Pag-analisa Pangkat 1-Magpapakita ng dula- Pangkat 1-Magpapakita ng dula-dulaan Ano ang mga nabuo ninyo? Anong katangian ang dapat taglayin
konsepto at paglalahad ng bagong a. Ano ang pamagat ng awit? dulaan Pangkat 2-Paggawa ng poster upang mapanatili ang magandang
kasanayan #2 Sino ang umawit? Pangkat 2-Paggawa ng poster Pangkat 3- Bumuo ng isang sayaw Sino ang inilarawan ng mga ito? ugnayan ng isang magkakaibigan?
b. Ano ang payo ng mang-
Pangkat 3- Bumuo ng isang Pangkat 4- Pagsulat ng maikling kuwento
aawit sa kanyang
kaibigan? sayaw Pangkat 5-Paggawa ng awit
c. Saang linya o “lyrics” ng Pangkat 4- Pagsulat ng maikling
kanta ang nagustuhan kuwento
ninyo? Ipaliwanag.
d. Paano mo mapapatunayan Pangkat 5-Paggawa ng awit
na ikaw ay isang mabuting
e. Anong katangian ang
ipinapakita ng mang-aawit
patungkol sa kanyang

F. Paglinang sa  Kabihasaan Anong aral ang iyong natutunan Pag-analisa: Pag-usapan ang Pag-analisa: Pag-usapan ang pagganap Kung bibigyan ka ng pagkakataon na
(Tungo sa Formative Assesment ) sa araw na ito? pagganap sa pamagitan ng sa pamagitan ng Rubrics. mapahahalagahan ang iyong kaibigan, sa
  Rubrics. anong paraan mo ito ipapaabot?

G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang May kaibigan k aba? Paano mo Paglalahat: Ano ang mahalagang Paglalahat: Ano ang mahalagang Ano ang mga katangiang
araw-araw na buhay siya pinahahalagahan? kaisipan/aral ang inyong napulot? kaisipan/aral ang inyong napulot? Bawat hinahanap mo sa isang kaibigan?
Bawat pangkat ay bibigyan ng pangkat ay bibigyan ng panahon na bumuo
panahon na bumuo ng kanilang ng kanilang
“Pulot of the Day”. “Pulot of the Day”.

H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ipaliwanag: “Kaibigan ko, Ipaliwanag: “Kaibigan ko, Biyaya Ipaliwanag: “Kaibigan ko, Biyaya Ko” Ipaliwanag: “Mabuting Kaibigan, Ano-ano ang inyong nabuong kaisipan
Pananagutan Ko” Ko” Hahanapin Ko” tungkol sa pagkakaibigan mula sa unang
araw hanggang sa araw na ito?
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Ang iyong kaibigan ay lumiban Gumawa ng isang “Gratitude Gumawa ng isang “Gratitude Chart”. Lagyan ng (/) ang scale na 1, 2, 3 Magpakita ng isang “graphic organizer”.
sa klase sa kadahilanang siya’y Chart”. ang mga katangiang hinahanap Sagutin ito.
nagkasakit. Ngunit nakita mo Kaibigan Bagay na Paano mo mo sa isang kaibigan kung saan
siyang naglalaro sa loob ng Kaibigan Bagay na Paano mo
na nais nais mong siya ang 3 ang siyang pinakamataas Pakikipagkaibigan
“internet café”. Ano ang gagawin na nais nais mong siya mong ipagpasa- pasasala-
mo? at ang 1 ang pinakamababa.
mong ipagpasa- pasasala-
Pasala- lamat matan
Pasala- lamat matan matan
matan Mabuting Epekto
Katangian 1 2 3 Pagpapa-natili nito
Masamang Epekto

2. matulungin

J. Karagdagang gawain para sa Bigyan ng sariling pakahulugan Gumawa ng repleksiyon batay sa journal
takdang-aralin at remediation ang salitang KAIBIGAN Ano ang natutunan ko?
  Anong pagbabago ang gagawin ko?
Paano ko isasakatuparan ang mga
pagbabagong ito?

V.MGA TALA Ang aralin sa ikaapat at ikalimang araw ay

pinagsanib sa ikalimang araw.
A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sapagtataya
B. Bilang mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
gawain para sa remediation
C. Nakatulong ba ang remedial?
Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakaunawa sa aralin?
D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na
magpatuloysa remediation?
E. Alin sa mga istrateheya ng
pagtuturo ang nakatulong ng
lubos? Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyonan sa
tulong ng aking punongguro at
G.Anong kagamitang panturo ang
aking nadibuho na nais kong
ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko guro?
Teacher JOHAN B. SEGISMAR Learning Area TLE – H.E.
Teaching Dates and Time November 14-18, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in managing family resources
B. Performance Standard Manages family resources applying the principles of home management
C. Learning a. Allocates budget for basic and social needs such as: 
Competency/Objectives i.food and clothing
Write the LC code for each. ii. shelter and education
iii. social needs: social, and moral obligations (birthdays,
baptisms, etc.), family activities, school affairs
iv. savings/emergency budget (health, house, repair)

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Management of family resources
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning.Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials
as well as paper-based materials. Hands-onl earning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B.. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Last week, there was a Recap of the lesson the previous day Recap of the lesson the previous day Recap of the lesson of the previous Recap of the lesson of the
presenting the new lesson discussion on management of day previous day
the family income. Management
of family income means As a segue, mention that the day before, Yesterday, we discussed the principles
allocating it to provide for the the class learned the factors that should that need to be applied to make family Yesterday, we learned budgeting
basic needs of members and for be considered in budgeting. budgeting a successful and fulfilling and how it can be applied to the
comfortable living. task. family.

Ask the class to identify some of the Budgeting is critical because it is

priniciples. oftentimes difficult to ensure that we
will be able to make both ends meet
We also identified items that were when times are hard.
included in the family budget.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the class about the For the day’s lesson, the class will identify Ask what items are included in the How can we prudently manage the Ask the class about the
lesson relationship between where the income goes or what the family budget. financial resources of the family? relationship between
management and budgeting of includes in the budget. management and budgeting of
family income. Then, present the following list culled Group the class into four (4). Each family income.
Aside from the knowledge of what from the book: group will answer the question. “How
comprises a family budget, the class  Food and clothing can we make both ends meet?”
needs to be aware of certain principles to  Shelter and education
be applied effectively in order to make  Social needs
Reporting per group follows.
family budgeting a successful and  social and moral obligations
fulfilling task.  family activities
 school affairs The results of the discussion will be
 Savings/emergency budget processed by the teachers.
According to Bantigue and Pangilinan  health
(2014), the summary of the principles that  house repair
should be applied to make family
budgeting a successful and fulfilling task
are as follows:
 Know the family’s income.
 List your expenses. Know which
components are fixed and which are
 Set priorities.
 Keep records of expenses.
 Allocate an amount for savings.
C. Presenting examples/Instances By means of budgeting, the Ask the class to bring out the photos they Tell the learners that items 1 and 2 are Show photos of different Divide the class into four (4)
of the new lesson family can properly allot the were asked to bring. Group the class basic needs and are familiar to them. items/situations. groups.
income. A family should have a into 4 (four). Let the class identify where Mention something about food and
knowledge of family budgeting
or what the family includes in the budget. clothing, shelter and education. Ask the learners if they are needs or Using the concepts learned
to know how much is spent for
family needs and where the Prioritize the items. The class will be wants. yesterday, come up with an
income goes. Through family given ten minutes to complete the Ask them to give examples of the items activity that will demonstrate
budgeting, the members will activity. Reporting follows. under social needs, and the difference between needs
learn to spend wisely, save Ask why they think it is a need or
savings/emergency budget. want. and wants. Think of activities
regularly, participate in family
outside the box.
matters more actively with the
maximum benefit from the These are the following:
wise use of resources, like time, a. Social and moral obligations –
energy, and abilities. birthdays, baptisms, etc.;
b. family activities;
c. school affairs.
D. Discussing new concepts and Ask: What are the factors that SHORT SKIT Mention that a family budget also The teacher writes two columns on Presentation per group.
practicing new skills # 1 need to be considered when Using the previous group assignment, provides for the following needs: the board. One column has the
budgeting? discuss among the group the principles in Refer to the examples given by the heading NEEDS. The other column
making family budgeting a successful
 Size of the family learners. If it was already mentioned, has the heading WANTS.
 Family income and fullfilling task. The twist is this will be do not include in the list.
 Kind of work each presented in a short skit. Randomly distribute metacards
family member does containing a list of needs and wants.
Food, shelter, clothing, education,
 Talents and abilities of The group will be given five (5) minutes to
each member household operations,
present the short skit.
 Locality where the maintenance/repair, utilities (water, Ask the learners to post the
family lives electricity, telephone, transportation, metacards on the board.
medical and dental care, rest and
recreation, stipend, savings.
Ask the learner to explain/defend
his/her choice.
E. Discussing new concepts and . Presentations Divide the class into four groups Based on the activity that was
practicing new skills # 2 Provide situations wherein the group will conducted ask the learners to
 Group 1
 Group 2 prepare a budget for the entire family for differentiate needs from wants.
one week.
 Group 3
Note that there are four types of A need is a requirement for survival,
 Group 4
situation. The group have the option on e.g. breathable air. A want is a desire.
how they will present it in a most It may be the desire for a need (e.g. a
creative and innovative way. choking person generally wants to be
able to breathe) or for something not
needed for survival, such as
chocolate or a new car.
F. Developing mastery Let the learners cite examples of Comments on group presentations: Reporting of results of group work. Show a short clip on managing Giving feedback on
(leads to Formative the factors that need to be  Group 4 will comment on Group 1 money: Needs versus Wants presentations.
Assessment 3) considered when budgeting.  Group 3 will comment on Group 2
 Group 2 will comment on Group 3 Analyze the movie and relate it to Examples of guide questiona:
needs versus wants. Note that some
 Group 1 will comment on Group 4 of the contents of the video may be
debatable e.g. chocolates is needed Was the group effective in
Limit the comments on the contents of by soldiers for endurance in the emphasizing the difference
the presentation. Does the presentation middle of a war while in a normal between needs and wants? If
manifests the principles in making family situation it is a want for another yes, How?
budgeting a successful and fulfilling task?
What concepts in the
presentation had an impact on
you? Why?

Do you think the presentations

can further be improved? In
what way?
G. Finding practical application of Aside from what was mentioned, -do- Ask the class on their comments on -do-
concepts and skills in daily living can you think of other factors the output of the groups. Consider the
that need to be considered factors that need to be considered in
budgeting and principles to make
when budgeting? Explain.
budgeting a successful and fullfilling
H. Making generalizations and Today we determine the Synthesize the discussion on what and There is a need to distinguish
abstractions about the lesson relationships between where the family budget is allotted, as between need and want . This will
management and budgeting of well as the principles to take into enable us to prioritize needs over
family income. We also looked consideration to make family budgeting wants, hence ensuring that the
into the factors that need to be successful and fulfilling. budget is enough to make both ends
considered when budgeting. meet moreso when times are hard.
I. Evaluating learning Ask the learners to share their insights .If you were to make a personal
on the lesson for the day budget, what would you include?
J. Additional activities for application Bring photos or drawing where If you were given a personal
or remediation family budget is spent budget by your parents more
than what you really need, how
will you spend it?


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help
your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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