COT LP G6 Compound Sentences
COT LP G6 Compound Sentences
COT LP G6 Compound Sentences
Performance Standard: The learner speaks and writes using good command of the
conventions of standard English.
4. K to 12 Curriculum Guide English (EN6SS-IVg-1.10) page 142
IV. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
Setting of Classroom Standards by reviewing the classroom rules and
silent signals..
1. Be respectful.
2. Be on task.
3. Be on time.
B. Pronunciation Drill
Compound Words (stressed on the first word)
backache cupboard backfire
backstroke carfare backseat
backpack cartwheel backlog
background carpool blackberries
bathrobe candlestick blackout
C. Review:
Read the sentences and identify the subject and the predicate. Tell
whether the subject and predicate is simple or compound.
1. Sheila listens attentively in class.( Sheila-simple subject; listens
attentively in class-simple predicate)
2. She does her homework daily. (she-simple subject; does her
homework daily-simple predicate)
3. Mary and her classmates help maintain the cleanliness of their
classroom.(Mary and her classmates-compound subject; help
maintain the cleanliness of their classroom-simple predicate.)
4. They work together during the group activity.( they-simple
subject; work together during the group activity-simple
5. Ana and her groupmates work quietly and do their task
accurately.(Ana and her groupmates-compound subject; work
quietly and do their task accurately-compound predicate)
D. New Lesson
1. Unlocking of Difficulty
Show pictures and some real objects to unlock the difficult words. Then
let them guess the meaning of the word.
a. Soothe ( to feel better and comfortable)
b. Fascinate (to cause to be very interested in something or someone,
c. Mellow ( very calm and relaxed)
2. Motivation
Guess the Music
Play the music and let them identify whether it is sweet or rock
3. Motive Question
Let the class read the motive question.
E. Development of Lesson
1. Presentation
Read the selection then answer the questions below it.
2. Comprehension Check-up
1. What is the selection all about?
The selection is all about music.
2. What does he love to listen?
He loves to listen rock music but later on he learned to listen
sweet music too.
3. Why does the author consider music really good?
The author consider music really good because it soothes
her feelings.
4. What was mother’s advice to him?
Mother wants him to listen sweet music.
5. Why do you think mother loves sweet music?
Mother loves sweet music because it relaxing and calming.
(answers may vary)
6. Did he follow mother’s advice? Would you do the same? Why?
Yes, he did follow his mother’s advice. If I am in the same
situation, I would also obey my mother because mother
knows best. She won’t ask me to do something that would
make me any harm. (answers may vary)
7. If you have to say something to your parents, how are you going to
say it?
We should always be tactful or careful with our words in
talking to our parents. We should always be polite and
should never shout at them.(answers may vary)
Celia wants to pass all her subjects; she studies
4. Group Activity
a. Remind the pupils to behave accordingly before the distribution of
the task cards. They must stay in their groups, work quietly and
cooperatively. They must also make sure to keep their area clean
as they go.
Group 1: The Poetic Group
Compose a short poem of any topic using compound
sentences. Write it in a Manila paper for you and your classmates
to see as you recite your poem in class.
Good luck and have a great time working with your groupmates!
5. Generalization
How do we form a compound sentence?
A compound sentence is formed by joining two independent
clauses with the use of coordinating conjunctions.
6. Application
Circle the correct conjunction to complete each compound
sentence below.
1. Dan likes to race his car fast, (and, or, but) he should think
about his safety.
2. Plants give us oxygen, (and, but, so) they give us food to eat.
3. Newspapers inform us about many things, (and, or, but)
4. Our family provide us our needs, (yet, nor, so) we should be
good in our studies.
5. Lara is a happy person,(and, or, but) she loves travelling around
the world.
7. Evaluation
Read and understand the selection. Choose the letter of the correct
conjunction that will complete each sentence.
V. Assignment:
In your notebook, write 5 compound sentences using coordinating
conjunctions. Be ready to share it in class tomorrow.
Grade VI- Daniel
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