WRBS Las Week 2

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DepEd Learning Activity Sheet

Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

Worldview, Belief Systems, and Religions
Quarter 1 Week 1

Background Information for Learners

Religion and Spirituality

- Etymologically is defined as coming from the Latin word, “religare” or which means “to bind” or “to tie.”
- It is the opium of the people. it means we become so dependent with God that we rely everything to him
and we undermine our capabilities as human beings.

● Popular views holds that you should become a member of a religious organization to cultivate your
spiritual life. Their views lead to the misunderstanding between Religion and Spirituality. The question is:
Is religion the same as spirituality? can you become a spiritual person without being a member of a
religious organization? What is the difference between being religious and being spiritual?

Deepak Chopra- said that, “Religion is a belief to someone else’s experience while Spirituality is having your own

Religion Spirituality
For religion, the questions are: For spirituality, the questions are:
what is true or false? What is right o wrong? Where do Where do I find meaning? What is my purpose?
I belong? What rituals, sacraments should I do? Where do I find my direction in life? What are my
Religion is more legalistic in terms of practice of Spirituality entails more freedom in exercising what
beliefs they believe
Religion makes us vow Spirituality sets us free
Religion shows us fear Spirituality shows courage
Religion tells us the truth Spirituality allows us to discover the truth
Religion separates from other religion Spirituality unites them
Religion makes us dependent Spirituality makes us independent
Religion applies discipline Spirituality applies destiny or faith
Religion makes us follow its journey Spirituality allows us to create our own personal

Religion and Theology

Theology- is a systematic study of God just like other disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, and
other sciences
- Also believes about God just like religion but it utilizes more the intellect to understand everything about
God rather than faith alone

Philosophical Theology

Philosophy- uses reason to explain the essence or the ultimate reasons why things exist and where they come from

Philosophical Theology- uses reason alone in knowing about God

St. Thomas Aquinas- a famous theologian in the Catholic Church in the 13th century who exemplifies Philosophical
Theology. His work is called “Summa Theologiae” wherein one summa is devoted to the “Five Ways of Knowing
God.” Here the existence of God can be proven in the five ways using logical argumentation.

Learning Competency: Differentiate the concepts, elements, and characteristics of belief system, world view,
religion, and spirituality.
Code: HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIa-1.1-1.4

Instruction: Read the directions carefully. Use black ink only and red ink in case of highlighting answers.

Activity 1

Direction: What is asked? Choose your answer from the box.

Theology Philosophical Theology Worldviews Polytheism

Atheism Religion Religare Monotheism Theism
St. Aquinas Belief System
1. A belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world
2. The belief that there is only one God who could have designed and created the universe
3. The belief in many principal gods among whom no one is supreme
4. Denial of the existence of God
5. An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
6. The systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine
7. It is the study of knowing God through the use of logical reasoning
8. It is a set of beliefs that is both coherent and comprehensive
9. This means “to bind” or “to tie”
10. A Christian theologian famous for his five proofs for the existence of God

Activity 2

Direction: Present the similarities and differences of spirituality, theology, and religion using the expanded venn
diagram below.


Religion Theology

Activity 3

Direction: Draw-out (5pts)

1. Sketch an image of a person who is “religious” but not “spiritual” and a person who is not a “religious” but
a “spiritual” person.
2. Use a separate coupon bonds (short) in your illustration and answer the question below.

“Can you become a spiritual person without becoming a member of a religious organization?” Expound
your answer.

Rubric for Activity 3

5 4 3 2 1

There is an The student The student The illustration No illustration

excellent ability shows shows some was created and does not
to create an adequate effort effort in hastily and provide answer
illustration of the in illustrating illustrating the reasoning does to the question
Organization and concepts with the concepts concepts and not clearly
Content clearly presented and provides provides explain the
relevant facts, appropriate reasoning that question
and/or reasoning that clearly explains
explanation clearly explains the question
the question

References for Learners:

Jose and Ong. Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc,.
Ferrer and Solis. Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems- Quarter 1- Module 1

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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