Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Module Description
Learning Objectives
I further solemnly swear that in all times and places I will adhere closely to
the ethical and professional rules generally accepted by the Criminology
Profession in the Philippines, and that I will well and faithfully discharge to the
best of my ability the duties and obligations incumbent upon a legally
authorized Criminologist Practitioner.
So help me God.
Ethical awareness refers to the ability to discern between right and wrong.
1. Service to others
2. Integrity and objectivity
3. Professional competence
4. Solidarity and teamwork
5. Social and civic responsibility
6. Global competitiveness
7. Equality of all professions
Limitation of Authority
a. The first duty of a criminologist as upholder of the law is to know its bounds
upon him, be aware of limitation and prescriptions and recognize the system
of government that gives to no man group or institution absolute power.
He must ensure that he is prime defender of that system and as such must
never pervert its character.
They shall recognize the limitation of their authority and at no time use the
power of their profession for personal advantage.
Private Conduct
He must so conduct his private life that the public will regard him as an
example of stability and morality.
a. The Criminologist remind at all times that dignity, fairness and a genuine
willingness to help are essential to their public image and their ability to do a
good job.
They shall regard their profession as a public trust and in the discharge of
their duties, bear constantly in mind their obligation to observe the public
efficiently and effectively.
a. The Criminologist shall strive to make the best application of science to the
solution of crime, by diligent study and sincere attention to self-improvement,
and in the fields of human relationships, strive for effective leadership and
public influence in matters affecting public safety.
They shall strive to attain certain of the most withering cross examination
particularly from fellow criminologists and associates.
d. He must never lose sight of the important fact that he should not only work
for the identification, apprehension and conviction of criminals, but must strive
with greater if not equal vigor to clear the innocent.
c. He shall cooperate with fellow criminologists and public officials to the end
that the safety and general welfare of the public will be assured, never
permitting jealousies or personal differences to influence their professional
duties and obligations.
1. Have faith in Divine Providence that guides the destinies of men and
2. Love your country for it is the home of your people, the seat of your
affections, and the source of your happiness and well-being.
5. Safeguard the purity of suffrage and abide by the decisions of the majority.
11. Be industrious.
12. Rely on your own efforts for your progress and happiness.
14. Contribute to the welfare of your community and promote social justice.
16. Use and develop our natural resources and conserve them for posterity.