Seki 2010
Seki 2010
Seki 2010
Abstract—This paper proposes a fuzzy functional inference where x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are variables of the antecedent part,
method in which the consequent parts of the T–S inference A1i , A2i , . . . , Ani fuzzy sets, and fi (x01 , x02 , . . . , x0n ) functions
method is generalized to fuzzy functions. Moreover, this paper of the consequent part, i = 1, 2, . . . , M and M is the total
addresses equivalence of the proposed fuzzy inference method.
Namely, the fuzzy functional inference method is shown to number of fuzzy rules. The inference result y 0 for inputs
be equivalent to the weighted T–S inference method whose x01 , x02 , . . . , x0n is given as
consequent parts have weights, by adopting as the weight the
area or the base length of fuzzy set obtained from the fuzzy
function in the consequent part. hi fi (x01 , x02 , . . . , x0n ) n
, hi = Aji (x0j ) (2)
The fuzzy inference methods have powerful capability hi
in nonlinear systems, control, and so on since Zadeh [1] i=1
introduced fuzzy sets and Mamdani [2] applied the concept where hi is the degree of the ith rule and M is the total
of fuzzy inference to steam engine experimental device. number of the fuzzy rules.
Especially, researches on the T–S inference method [3], [4],
which is widely used as fuzzy control method and so on, are B. Min–Max–Gravity method
reported in many papers.
We secondly explain the min–max–gravity method as
Although the antecedent parts of the T–S inference method
Mamdani’s fuzzy inference method [2] for the fuzzy inference
are fuzzy sets, the consequent parts are functions. However,
form (see Fig. 1). The rules of the min–max–gravity method
it may be completely natural that the consequent parts are
are given as follows:
also fuzzy. From this reason, Type-2 fuzzy inference method
[5], whose both the antecedent parts and consequent parts are x1 = A1i , x2 = A2i , . . . , xn = Ani
fuzzy sets, is proposed. Therefore, this paper proposes a fuzzy Rule Ri = (3)
−→ y = Bi
functional inference method in which the consequent parts of
the T–S inference method is generalized to fuzzy functions, where x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are variables of the antecedent part,
and shows the equivalence [6]–[15] of the proposed method A1i , A2i , . . . , Ani fuzzy sets, Bi fuzzy sets of the consequent
and the weighted T–S inference method, whose consequent part, i = 1, 2, . . . , M and M is the total number of rules.
parts have weights, by adopting as the weight the area or Each inference result Bi which is infered from the fact
the base length of fuzzy set from the fuzzy function in “x01 , x02 , . . . , x0n ” and the fuzzy rule “A1i , A2i , . . . , Ani −→
the consequent part. Moreover, from the above results, it Bi ” is given in the following.
is shown that the functional fuzzy inference method can The degree of fitness, hi , of the fact “x01 , x02 , . . . , x0n ” to
treat complex problem as compared with conventional T–S the antecedent parts “A1i , A2i , . . . , Ani ” is given as
inference method.
hi = min{A1i (x01 ), A2i (x02 ), . . . , Ani (x0n )} (4)
In this section we review the T–S inference method, min– Thus, the inference result Bi is given as
max–gravity method and product–sum–gravity method. Bi (y) = min{hi , Bi (y)} (5)
A. T–S Inference Method
The final consequence B of (3) is aggregated from
At first, we shall explain the T–S inference method. B1 ,B2 , . . . , BM
by using the max. Namely,
Rules in the T–S inference method [3], [4] are constituted
as B (y) = max{B1 (y), B2 (y), . . . , BM
(y)} (6)
x1 is A1i , x2 is A2i , . . . , xn is Ani
Rule Ri = (1) The representative point y0 for the resulting fuzzy set B
−→ y = fi (x01 , x02 , . . . , x0n )
is obtained as the center of gravity of B :
This work was partially supported by the NEC C&C Foundation.
H. Seki is with the Department of Technology Management, Osaka y · B (y)dy
Institute of Technology, 5-16-1, Omiya, Asahi-ku, Osaka, 535-8585, Japan
(email: h [email protected]). y0 = (7)
M. Mizumoto is with the Department of Engineering Informatics, Osaka B (y)dy
Electro-Communication University, 18-8 hatsu-cho, Neyagawa-shi, 572-
8530, Japan (email: [email protected]).
Bi ” is given in the following. • Sea surface temperatures have risen due to global warm-
= M
F i (x)
hi · Si (x01 , x02 , . . . , x0n ) Area
i=1 S i (x0 )
l i (x0 )
where the area Si of Fi is given as x0 xi
Fi (x 1 , x 2 ) 1
1 A1 1 A2 1 Si (x 1 , x 2 )
Center of gravity
fi (x1 , x 2 ) (b) xi = Ai → yi = Si (x)/fi (x)(= li (x)/fi (x)).
0 y
x1 x2 Fig. 9. Equivalent fuzzy rules in fuzzy functinoal inference rules and
Length of base weighted rules.
li (x 1 , x 2 )