Towards Smooth Monotonicity in Fuzzy Inference System Based On Gradual Generalized Modus Ponens
Towards Smooth Monotonicity in Fuzzy Inference System Based On Gradual Generalized Modus Ponens
Towards Smooth Monotonicity in Fuzzy Inference System Based On Gradual Generalized Modus Ponens
Membership requirements
In this study, the membership functions are as- Figure 1: Examples of inferences using the Gener-
sumed to be convex, normalized and continuous, alized Modus Ponens (t-norm Lukasiewicz, impli-
and their supports are required to be bounded. cation Reichenbach). We observe that if there is
Moreover, the convexity notion is restricted to strict gradual relationship between premise and conclu-
convexity as discussed in [10], i.e., the fuzzy sets sion (what we call the gradual hypothesis) then it
have no partially constant membership functions. is not modeled by the GMP: we obtain the same
In this sense, fully continuous fuzzy numbers can conclusion for observations clearly smaller or larger
be used with the proposed method. Examples of than the premise. If the gradual hypothesis is han-
viable membership functions are shown in Figure 2. dled we expect to obtain an inferred conclusion
smaller (or larger) than the rule’s conclusion.
Universe partitioning
We define membership functions of three parts
Smaller, Greater and Indistinguishable of fuzzy
set A, using the kernel and complement of A (Fig-
ure 3).
Let us refer to the kernel of a fuzzy set A by
[AL , AR ], i.e., the interval so that ∀x ∈ [AL , AR ]
µA (x) = 1.
The membership function of the Smaller part of
A is defined as follows: Figure 2: Examples of strictly convex, normalized
and continuous membership functions
µA(x) = 1 − µA (x) x < AL
ϕSmallerA (x) =
0 otherwise
The membership function of the Greater part of
A is:
µA(x) = 1 − µA (x) AR < x
ϕGreaterA (x) =
0 otherwise
The membership function of the
Indistinguishable part of A is:
1 x ∈ [AL , AR ]
ϕIndistinguishableA (x) = (4)
0 otherwise
ψ(y) = {x ∈ U | Figure 4: Gradual Generalized Modus Ponens im-
ϕPA (x) = ϕPB (y) and ϕPB (y) > 0, proves the specificity of the inferred conclusion by
P ∈ {Smaller, Greater, taking advantage of the gradual relationship (t-
Indistinguishable}} norm product, implication Brouwer-Godel)
T-norm Definition U which is the chosen point to infer µB 0 (y0 ), i.e.,
Lukasiewicz TL (u, v) = max(0, u + v − 1) x0 = arg max T (µA0 (x), I(µA (x), µB (y0 )))
Minimum TM (u, v) = min(u, v) x∈ψ(y0 )
3.1. Towards GGMP-based FIS
Several difficulties have to be solved when replac-
ing, in a classical FIS, the GMP by the introduced
gradual version (equation 5). Most of these chal-
lenging questions are due to the high interaction of
the different rules of the FIS. Thus, one of the adap-
tations we propose is to restrict the rules to be fired,
to the ones concerned by the observation. In other
words, if the observation is out of the support of the
premise, the inference mechanism is not applied to
deduce the conclusion. This is obtained with the fol-
lowing formulation: For the inference step, we pro-
pose that for given input vector X = (x1 , x2 , ..., xn ),
for rule Ri , the result for each input value xj , called
Bi j , should be calculated separately by:
µB 0 j (y) = sup T (µxj (x), I(µAj (x), µBi (y)))
i i
Figure 5: GGMP preserves the ordering of conclu- x∈ψij (y)
that there may be several inputs). The output of explained by the fact that there is no gradual be-
the system is plotted and compared with similar havior in areas, of the input universe, where only
plot obtained using the reference system (Mamdani one rule applies. And since Mamdani inference (as
controller). In other words, for a system with one well as others) does not integrate a gradual behavior
input variable, we compare two curves, while for one (when this hypothesis can be retained), we observe
with two input variables, we compare two surfaces. plateaus in the response.
The linguistic values of the antecedents as well
as of the consequences of the rules are ordered as
illustrated in Figure 2, i.e., for universe Ui :
future works which will concentrate on a general
formulation, able to handle any type of fuzzy obser-
vation, for GGMP-based FIS.
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