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The human body is made up of lots of different systems. These include the skeletal system
and the muscular system, which are both linked to movement. The bones in the skeleton
are pulled by muscles so that the body can move. The muscular system also gives posture
and helps to circulate the blood.

Muscles are made up of thousands of stretchy fibres, or threads, which can

do an amazing job of helping people to move, stay fit and keep healthy.

Muscles can either be classed as voluntary or involuntary.

Voluntary muscles are those that a person chooses to move. When we

want to kick a ball, for example, our brain sends a message to our leg
muscles telling them to move.

Involuntary muscles work without us having to think about it –

they move by themselves. For example, the heart beats without us
telling it to.

There are three types of muscles: skeletal, smooth and cardiac.

Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles that lie under the skin and are
attached to the bone by tendons. These skeletal muscles control movement,
posture and balance. They can pull on bones but they can’t push them
back, which is why they have to work in pairs. While one muscle contracts
(gets shorter), moving the bone in one direction, the other muscle relaxes
(gets longer). Then, to move the bone back to the original position, the
relaxed muscle contracts and the shorter muscle relaxes.

The biceps get The biceps get

shorter (contract). longer (relax).

The triceps get The triceps get

longer (relax). shorter (contract).

Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles that control our organs. They are in the walls of
some internal organs and help them to work properly. The intestine and diaphragm
are types of smooth muscles – they work involuntarily so that we don’t
have to remind them to move.

The cardiac muscle is the heart muscle, which makes up most of the mass
of the heart. This is the most important muscle as it works to pump blood
around the body. Blood carries all the things that our bodies need to
survive. The cardiac muscle is an involuntary muscle.

Some animals, like humans, need a cardiac muscle to stay alive.

Some animals have two or even three cardiac muscles, like the
octopus. Some animals, such as starfish or jellyfish, don’t have any
cardiac muscles.

Did You Know…?

It is thought that there are around 635 muscles in the human body.

The strongest muscle is the masseter muscle in the jaw and it is used for chewing.

The smallest muscle is the stapedius in the inner ear.

The largest muscle is the gluteus maximus in the buttock and hip area of the body.


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