Arts 7 Quarter 3 SLM 1

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Principles of Art
Arts and Crafts of MIMAROPA and the Visayas

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Grade and section: ______________________________

Learning Competency: Analyze principles of art in the production of one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of
MIMAROPA and the Visayas. A7EL-IIb-1


1. Are these handicrafts familiar to you?

2. Have you ever given thought of the time and planning to create these handicrafts with their beautiful and vibrant
3. How do these designs create a visual representation of the beauty that art connotes?

Basic Concepts:

The principles of art are the underlying support of the elements. While the elements are the visual tools, the
principles of art reflect how the elements are used to create a work of art. The principles of art and design are
balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity/variety.

Balance refers to the visual weight of the artwork. It is a sense that

something is not giving discomfort to the eyes of the viewers. There are 3 kinds of
1. Symmetry is a type of balance in which both sides of a composition have the
same elements in the same position.
2. Asymmetry is a type of balance in which the composition is balanced due to the
contrast of any of the elements of art. It can be perceived in the different sizes of
circles with one which is smaller and the other one, bigger.
3. Radial symmetry is a type of balance in which elements are equally spaced like
that of the bicycle wheel and the spokes.

Contrast is the difference between elements of art in a composition, such

that each element is made stronger in relation to the other. When placed next to
each other, contrasting elements command the viewer's attention. The areas of
contrast are among the first thing that the viewer’s eyes are drawn. Contrast can be
achieved by placing objects together and creating contrasting effect. Negative/Positive space is an example of
contrast including the command of variety of colors.

Emphasis is when the artist creates an area of composition that is visually dominant and commands the
viewer's attention. This is often achieved by contrast.

Movement is the result of using the elements of art where the

eyes are commanded to move around the image. A sense of
movement can be created by diagonal or curvy lines, either real or
implied, by edges, by the illusion of space, by repetition and by
energetic mark-making.
Rhythm is created by movement implied through the
repetition of elements of art in a non-uniform but organized way. It is
related to rhythm in music. Unlike pattern which
demands consistency, rhythm relies on variety.

Pattern is the uniformed repetition of any of the elements of art or

any combination. Anything can be turned into a pattern through repetition.

Unity/Variety is present when you want an

art to feel unified such that all the elements
fit together comfortably. Too much unity
creates monotony, too much variety creates disharmony. Both of these principles are
needed for the areas of interest in your composition along with places for your eyes to


Directions: Analyze elements and principles of art in the Iraya-Mangyan basket by completing the table through
answering the questions.

How is balance shown Balance is shown through the left and right
in the basket? symmetry of the basket’s design. The zigzag
patterns around the jar have the same
dimensions in each portion of the jar.
How is contrast used Contrast is shown through the darker color
in the design of the used in the rising and falling pattern. The
basket? darker color contrasts the lighter color of
the basket’s base.
How is emphasis Emphasis is achieved through the contrast
achieved in the of colors which calls the attention of the
basket’s design? observer to notice the pattern of design.
What movements are Movement is shown in the design of basket
shown in the design of through the rising and falling pattern of
the basket? design which suggest a never ending view of
mountain ranges.
What rhythm is Rhythm is created through the varying yet
created by the repeated patterns around different portions
movements of the of the jar. In the upper portion of the jar,
design? the rising and falling pattern has a wider
width than those in the lower portion of the
What pattern is The pattern created through the design of
created through the the basket is a uniform rising and falling
design of the basket? design resembling a symmetrical mountain
How is balance shown Balance was attempted by the artist
in the jar? through creating the same right and left
dimension, but it’s imperfection in balance
suggest that the artwork is handmade.
How is contrast used Contrast is used in the design through the
in the design of the darker wave designs against a lighter
jar? based.
How is emphasis Emphasis is achieved in the jar’s design by
achieved in the jar’s leaving the lower half of the jar
design? undesigned. Through this, the wave designs
above and the travelers riding the boat are
What movements are The wave designs of various lengths and
shown in the design of sizes suggest a moving body of water in
the jar? which the two travelers on the boat are
travelling in.
What rhythm is Rhythm is created through the varying yet
created by the repeated patterns of wave designs that
movements of the immitate the movement of water.
What pattern is The wave designs are repeated around the
created through the upper portion of the jar which created a
design of the jar? pattern of water waves.

Principles of Art
Arts and Crafts of MIMAROPA and the Visayas

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Grade and section: ______________________________

Learning Competency: Analyze principles of art in the production of one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of
MIMAROPA and the Visayas.

Task: Create your own woven mat inspired by the arts and crafts of MIMAROPA and the Visayas, then analyze
the principles of art in its production.

Follow the steps to create your own woven miniature mat.

1. Prepare your art materials:
Ruler Pencil 2-4 Bond papers/Construction Papers/Colored Papers Scissors Tape
2. In the absence of construction or colored papers. You may color your bond papers with crayon of different
colors or selected indigenous materials found in your surroundings as substitute for these materials.
3. Procedure:
Step 1: Measure and Cut the Artwork Base
1 1.1 Select one of your bond papers to be your base color.
Cut a square measuring 8.5 x 8.5 inches from your base
bond paper. Measure and rule a border 2 inches in from
each edge.
1.2 Measure and mark half inch increments along the top
and bottom border lines.

Step 2: Draw half-inch vertical lines within your borders. Cut these lines without cutting
over the borders.
Step 3: Measure and cut your colored bond papers into half-inches.

Step 4: Start Weaving. Insert your colored bond papers into your
base. Be creative in choosing your patterns.
4 Step 5: Finish off flipping the base over and adjust the colored strips
if necessary so they are centered. Run a line of tape along each
side to secure the ends of the colored strips.

4 5
Directions: Analyze principles of art in the production of one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of MIMAROPA and
the Visayas. Write your answers in the table.

Balance is shown through _______________________________________

How is balance shown in your
Contrast is used through ________________________________________
How is contrast used in the design of
your artwork?
Emphasis is achieved through ____________________________________
How is emphasis achieved in your
artwork’s design?
Movements are shown through ___________________________________
What movements are shown in the
design of your artwork?
What rhythm is created by the
movements of the design of your
What pattern is created in your
woven artwork?

Rubric: 3 2 1
Relevance The answer is relevant to The answer is loosely The answer is not relevant
the principles of the relevant to the principles to the principles of the
artwork analysed. of the artwork analysed. artwork analysed.
Accuracy The answer made mention The answer only made use The answer only consists of
of observable elements of of descriptive words that short descriptions to
the artwork to support the describe the artwork to support the claimed
claimed principle. support the claimed principle.

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