This document provides an overview of basic thermodynamics concepts. It defines thermodynamics as the science of energy, discussing different forms of energy like mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical. It also defines key concepts like heat, work, systems, surroundings, state parameters, processes, and the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The document emphasizes that real processes are irreversible due to causes like friction, finite temperature differences, and mixing.
This document provides an overview of basic thermodynamics concepts. It defines thermodynamics as the science of energy, discussing different forms of energy like mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical. It also defines key concepts like heat, work, systems, surroundings, state parameters, processes, and the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The document emphasizes that real processes are irreversible due to causes like friction, finite temperature differences, and mixing.
This document provides an overview of basic thermodynamics concepts. It defines thermodynamics as the science of energy, discussing different forms of energy like mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical. It also defines key concepts like heat, work, systems, surroundings, state parameters, processes, and the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The document emphasizes that real processes are irreversible due to causes like friction, finite temperature differences, and mixing.
This document provides an overview of basic thermodynamics concepts. It defines thermodynamics as the science of energy, discussing different forms of energy like mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical. It also defines key concepts like heat, work, systems, surroundings, state parameters, processes, and the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The document emphasizes that real processes are irreversible due to causes like friction, finite temperature differences, and mixing.
1.1. Course Object Thermodynamics = science of energy, in the broadest sense Energy = a measure of the motion amount Motion can be – mechanical – thermal – electrical – chemical, etc. Thermodynamics appeared as science from research and experiments regarding the transfer conditions of heat to mechanical work. The starting point was the steam machine. The Energy forms are classified into two main categories: → ordered energies: can be totally transformed in mechanical work W i.e.: kinetic E, potential E, Eel → disordered energies: have a limited capacity to be transferred in mechanical work i.e.: U – internal E, Q – heat transfer the necessity to define the maximum fraction of an energy that can be transformed in W. This is the exergy. Anergy = the fraction of a disordered energy that cannot be transformed into W. It results that the energy is: E = Ex + An For - ordered forms of energy: Ex = E - disordered forms of energy: Ex < E 2
The exergy of disordered energies depends on:
- the energy parameters - the surrounding parameters. The higher the degree of disorder in a system (the higher the entropy S level), the lower the ability of the system to perform L, expressed based on Ex. Thermodynamic analysis is based on two investigation procedures: ➢ the phenomenological method providing analysis at macroscopic scale. - uses the Thermodynamic Laws (principles) stated on experimental observations First Law: the conservation and transformation of energy principle - it is a quantitative law - it introduces the Energy Second Law: asserts the natural direction of spontaneous processes in nature - it is a qualitative law, stating that energy has quality - it introduces the Entropy Third Law (Nernst theorem): states the value of entropy at zero temperature ➢ the statistic method: analyses microstructure models. - it is used when the phenomenological method is not efficient or to complete it. Other methods – thermodynamic cycles: Carnot, Clausius – thermodynamic potentials: Gibbs/Helmholtz Engineering Thermodynamics = studies processes involving Q and W transfer. 3
1.2. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
1.2.1. Energy - E is a quantitative measure of bodies motion. In engineering applications, the way that the energy is transferred from one form to another is important. 1.2.2. Heat and Work - do not characterize the thermodynamic state of a system - are forms of energy transfer, process quantities - appears only during interaction between bodies. Q - microphysical form of energy transfer between bodies as a result of thermal interaction by virtue of a temperature difference.
W - macrophysical form of energy transfer between bodies
as a result of mechanical interaction by virtue of a pressure difference (Thermodynamics) or movement (Physics) 1.2.3. Thermodynamic System = a set of material bodies that interact with each other and with the surrounding by exchanging Q, W, and matter (m) a) open system: exchanges of Q, W, and m b) closed system: exchanges Q, L c) adiabatic isolated system: does not exchanges Q d) isolated system: does not exchanges Q, W, and m 1.2.4. Surroundings = a set of bodies with which the system exchanges energy and substance. 4
In an isolated system, after a while, the state of energetic
(mechanical and thermal) equilibrium is established. Internal equilibrium state same pressure and temperature throughout the mass of the system. Mechanical/thermal equilibrium state same pressure/temperature throughout the mass of the system. External equilibrium state uniform pressure and temperature at the border between the system and its surroundings. 1.2.5. Thermodynamic (State) Parameters - characterize the state of a system in equilibrium. a) intensive parameters: do not depend on the system mass : can be measured i.e.: pressure, temperature b) extensive parameters: depending on the system mass : one cannot measure them i.e.: - volume: V [m3] = m [kg] v [m3/kg] - internal energy: U [J] = m [kg] u [J/kg] - enthalpy: H [J] = m [kg] h [J/kg] - entropy: S [J/K] = m [kg] s [J/kg K] 1.2.6. Thermal Equation of State The thermodynamic equilibrium state can be specified by several related state quantities. Typically, thermal agents evolving in thermodynamic systems have two degrees of freedom: p and T. The thermal equation of state connects these two parameters and the volume by: f (p, V, T) = 0 5
1.2.7. Thermodynamic Process
= the succession of intermediate states between an initial and a final state. Final state ≡ initial state closed process or cycle. Contrarily open process. When a thermodynamic parameter is kept constant: isometric process: V = ct isobaric process: p = ct isothermal process: T = ct adiabatic process: δQ = 0 Upon the process behavior in time: steady-state regime: unsteady-state regime: . Thermodynamic processes can be classified as: Reversible Process: if in both directions between an initial and a final state, the intermediate equilibrium states are the same. Irreversible Process: when different intermediate equilibrium states appears back and forth between two states. Real processes in nature and in thermal machines are irreversible, having as causes of irreversibility: - mechanical and gas-dynamic friction, - finite temperature/pressure differences in Q/W transfer proc., - mixing or diffusion, - throttling when passing through valves, - irreversible burning of fuels, - nuclear disintegration.
“Foundations to Flight: Mastering Physics from Curiosity to Confidence: Cipher 4”: “Foundations to Flight: Mastering Physics from Curiosity to Confidence, #4