SHOWCast Manual - v2021-10-26
SHOWCast Manual - v2021-10-26
SHOWCast Manual - v2021-10-26
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Objective ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2 DOWNLOADING SHOWCAST ................................................................................... 5
3 SHOWCAST DIRECTORY STRUCTURE .................................................................. 5
5 INSTALLING THE SHOWCAST PROCESSING MODULE ........................................ 7
5.1 Installing on Windows ................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Installing on Linux ....................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 The SHOWCast Installer Terminal ........................................................................................... 8
6 BASIC SHOWCAST CONFIGURATION .................................................................. 12
6.1 Configuring the file ................................................................................... 12
6.2 Configuring the file ................................................................................ 13
6.3 Configuring the file ............................................................................. 15
6.4 Configuring the showcast_start_windows.bat or file ................ 16
7 ADVANCED SHOWCAST CONFIGURATION ......................................................... 16
7.1 Parallel processing ................................................................................................................... 16
7.2 Network configuration .............................................................................................................. 17
8 STARTING THE SHOWCAST PROCESSING MODULE ......................................... 19
9 THE SHOWCAST IMAGERY AND HTML STRUCTURE ......................................... 21
10 THE SHOWCAST PRODUCT SELECTION INTERFACE ........................................ 22
10.1 Selecting a product category .................................................................................................. 23
10.2 Opening a quicklook ................................................................................................................. 24
10.3 Changing from the “Full Disk” interface to the “User Sector” interface ............................ 25
10.4 Visualizing a Product Quick Guide ......................................................................................... 26
11 THE SHOWCAST ANIMATION INTERFACE ........................................................... 27
11.1 Animation interface commands .............................................................................................. 28
12 CUSTOMIZING THE PLOTS .................................................................................... 29
12.1 Using your own logo ................................................................................................................. 29
12.2 Using your own labels .............................................................................................................. 29
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Fig. 1: SHOWCast running at INPE - National Institute for Space Reseach - Brazil (January 16,
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This document will introduce SHOWCast (Simple HTML Operational Wrapper for
GEONETCast-Americas), a processing and visualization tool for GEONETCast-Americas
users created by Diego Souza (INPE - Brazil). SHOWCast provides a basic HTML structure
for product selection and animation, and Python scripts to convert satellite data into
imagery automatically. SHOWCast can also be used with other satellite reception
mechanisms like GRB, Amazon AWS and UNIDATA THREDDS. The package runs on
both Windows and Linux operational systems.
1.1 Objective
The primary goals for the development of SHOWCast are: Provide a free tool that can be
customized (both processing and visualization) and put into operations without the need of
having a BIG knowledge in programming and web development (human resources issue)
and provide a free tool that can be adapted to the available hardware (technology
resources issue).
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You may download the latest version of SHOWCast at the following link:
After unzipping the package, you will see the following directory structure when accessing
the SHOWCast directory for the first time:
Cloud: SHOWCast “Cloud” Module
Colortables: Some color palettes used by part of the
Python scripts.
Guides: “Quick Guides” (PDF format) for various
satellite products visualized.
HTML: The HTML and visualization structure.
Installer: The SHOWCast installation files.
Legends: Some legends used by part of the plots.
Logos: Logos used by the scripts.
Logs: Log files (what have been already processed).
Maps: Background maps used by part of the scripts.
Output: Historical plots generated by SHOWCast
(they are not part of the animation or HTML structure).
Scripts: Python scripts used to process the products.
Shapefiles: Shapefiles used by the scripts.
Utils: Software utilities (e.g.: third-party)
SHOWCast.html: SHOWCast visualization interface.
showcast_start_*: Start the SHOWCast processing
on Windows (“.bat”) or Linux (“.sh”).
Fig. 3: The SHOWCast directory.
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Fig. 4: The SHOWCast visualization menu opened for the first time
On the left side of the page, you may navigate through the product categories. You will see
the message “NO IMAGE AVAILABLE” for all the product thumbnails, because we didn’t
activate the SHOWCast processing yet.
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SHOWCast uses Python to process information, and provides an easy way to install
Python and all the libraries needed. First, access the “Installer” folder in the SHOWCast
main directory:
Inside this folder, we have two installation files, one for Windows
(showcast_install_windows.bat) and one for Linux ( Also,
we have a folder called “Miniconda3” (where the installation files are found). There’s no
need to access this “Miniconda3” folder.
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If you are using Linux, please change the permissions of the SHOWCast subfolders:
chmod -R 777 *
And execute the “” script: ./
On both Windows or Linux, the SHOWCast installer will show up. It has the same
structure, independent if you are using Windows or Linux:
First, the prompt will ask if you want to proceed with the Miniconda installation. Miniconda
provides everything we need to process data: Python (the programming language used to
process our data), a “Library Manager” (used to install the required Python libraries) and a
Virtual Environment Manager (where our libraries will be installed). Enter ‘y’ + ‘Enter’ (or
just ‘y’ on Linux) and Miniconda will be installed automatically (this will take some minutes).
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After this step, a new “Miniconda3” folder will appear in the SHOWCast main directory.
This is where all Python related files will be. There’s no need to access this folder.
When the Miniconda installation is finished, the prompt will ask if you want to proceed with
the SHOWCast environment installation. This step will install the Python libraries in a virtual
environment called “showcast”. Enter ‘y’ + ‘Enter’ (or just ‘y’ on Linux) and the environment
will be created automatically.
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This step could take a considerable amount of time, depending on your internet and
hardware capabilities.
This images below show the installation in process. First, the Python libraries that will be
installed are listed. The following Python packages and its dependencies are set to be
affine, cartopy, folium, gdal, geopandas, glymur, matplotlib, metpy, netcdf4,
pandas, pygrib, pyhdf, pyorbital, pyproj, pyresample, rasterstats, satpy, siphon,
pip and pillow.
After some minutes, when you see the following message, the SHOWCast processing
modeule installation has been finished.
On this script, we select the number of parallel processed that will be started by
SHOWCast (more details on 6.4).
In the variable “ingest_dir”, insert the name of the directory where you are ingesting data.
By default, it is configured as ‘D://data//fazzt//’. Change it according to your needs.
In the variable “vis_dir”, insert the name of the directory where you want your images to
be stored. By default, it is configured as showcast_dir + ‘//HTML//Output//’. There’s no
need to change this, except if you want to have multiple machines running SHOWCast in
your internal network.
Let’s configure the data we want to process and how we want to process them.
For each product that SHOWCast has been tested and configured to process, you will find
the following block of code inside the script:
Fig. 15: Configuring the variables (sectorized GOES-16 Band 13)
For each block of code, you will see the following variables:
sss: three letters to designate the satellite or category
pppppp: six letter to designate the product type
rrr: three letter to designate the region (fdk - Full Disk, or sec - Sectorized)
example: g16_band13_sec (sectorized GOES-16 Band-13)
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If set as True, this product will be processed, if set as False, it will not be processed.
sss_pppppp_rrr_identifier: A unique part of the file names so this file can be detected by
the scripts.
Example: '*L2-CMIPF-M*C13_G16*.nc'
sss_pppppp_rrr_extent: For the sectorized products, the region you would like to plot
(min. lon, min. lat, max. lon, max. lat).
sss_pppppp_rrr_interval: For the GOES-R products, the scan minute interval we want
to plot (00, 10, 20, 30, 40 and / or 50).
sss_pppppp_rrr_output: Where the historical plots will be stored. You may use network
addresses like: ‘//’ to direct the plot to another machine in your
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In the variable “ingest_dir”, insert the name of the directory where you are ingesting data.
By default, it is configured as ‘D://data//fazzt//’. Change it according to your needs.
In the variable “delete_historical_ingest”, you select if you want to delete your ingestion
historical data (True) or if you do not want to delete ingestion historical data (False). By
default, this is set as False.
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We saw on item 6.2 that we may configure in which parallel processing cycles we would
like to add a given product. In order to configure how many parallel processing cycles
showcast will create when executed, change the num_process variable in the
showcast_start_windows.bat or script.
Fig. 17: Changing the number of parallel processing cycles for Windows
Fig. 18: Changing the number of parallel processing cycles for Linux
In older versions of SHOWCast, processing products sequentially was the only option, and
this could cause huge delays in the processing scheme. If one of the products take long to
process, all the other subsequent products would be delayed.
In newer versions of SHOWCast, we have the option to create multiple parallel process,
as seen in 6.4 and select which group of products will be processed in each parallel cycle,
as seen in 6.2.
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This allows users to test different setups and optimize the solution for their hardware.
In older versions of SHOWCast, it was not possible to share SHOWCast files running in
different workstations in a local network. We had the possibility of running the ingestion,
processing, storage and visualization in a single workstation:
We also have the possibility to run the ingestion in one workstation and the processing,
storage and visualization in another workstation, using a network address when configuring
the “ingest_dir” variable in the script (item 6.1), using for example
(ingest_dir = ‘//’) in the second workstation.
Fig. 22: Ingestion in one workstation, processing, storage and visualization in a second
Fig. 23: Ingestion in one workstation, processing and visualization split in two workstations
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To start the SHOWCast processing module, in the SHOWCast main directory, if you are
using Windows, just double click the showcast_start_windows.bat, if you are using
Linux, execute the script (./
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When starting the processing module, the following terminals will be open:
Fig. 26: SHOWCast processing module being executed (credits: William Abarca - MARN El
Each product enabled in the (set as “True”) will be processed by its
parallel process and if the processing is successful for a given product, the thumbnails will
start to appear in the SHOWCast main interface and the visualization and animation
interfaces will be populated.
Each plot will be saved on the SHOWCast_v_X_X_X\Output folder. The plots found on
this folder are the historical plots and they are not the plots used by the visualization and
animation interfaces. These interfaces use the plots found on the
SHOWCast_v_X_X_X\HTML\Output folder, which uses plots copied from the
SHOWCast_v_X_X_X\Output folder.
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In SHOWCast, we have basically two directories where the plots are stored:
• SSS – Three letter representing the satellite our main category (e.g.: G16).
• PPPPPP – Six letter representing the product name (e.g.: BAND13).
• RRR – Three letters representing the region (FDK or SEC)
Inside each subfolder, the plots have the following naming convention:
• SSS – Three letter representing the satellite our main category (e.g.: G16).
• PPPPPP – Six letter representing the product name (e.g.: BAND13).
• RRR – Three letters representing the region (FDK or SEC)
Inside each subfolder, the plots have the following naming convention:
When the processing module is started, the plots will start to appear in the SHOWCast
main interface. In the left side of the interface, we have the product categories and on the
right side, the thumbnais showing the product “quicklooks”. These quicklooks show the
most recent plot a a given product.
Fig. 27: The SHOWCast main interface showing the processed products (credits: Gustavo
Rodriguez - CSPU / Uruguayan Air Force)
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There are four main product categories in the SHOWCast product selection menu:
ICSC (The US National Weather Service "International Services and Communication
Systems"). To facilitate the navigation, you may hide and show each category by clicking
at the checkbox near each category title:
To select a product set, just click at the product name on the left menu. The selected
product set box will change to dark blue, and a white arrow will appear. By clicking it, the
visualization preview in the right side will be changed, according to the product selection.
The interface thumbnails show the last plot generated for a particular product. If you click
on it, the quicklook will be visualized in a new browser tab.
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10.3 Changing from the “Full Disk” interface to the “User Sector” interface
The combobox in the upper-side part of the interface allows users to change from the
SHOWCast’s “Full Disk” visualization window to the “User Sector” (products on the
cylindrical equidistant projection) visualization window.
Fig. 32: Changing from the “Full Disk” interface to the “User Sector” interface
When the interface is changed, we see the same product thumbnails, but for the sectorized
region, as configured for each product on the The “Fulls Disks” are
available for the products from the “GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITES” menu category.
For some products, there are “Quick Guides” available. These guides are developed by
the satellite community (CIRA, NASA SPORT, etc.) and have basic information related to
a given product (applications, limitations, importance, interpretation, etc.). To visualize a
Quick Guide, click at the “Quick Guide” hyperlink below a product quicklook.
To open the SHOWCast animation window for a given product, just click at the hyperlink
right below the product quicklook.
Fig. 36: Opening the SHOWCast animation interface for a given product
In order to use your own logo in the plots, simply put your logo (PNG format) inside the
“Logos” folder in the SHOWCast main directory, and call it “my_logo.png”. By default,
the logo from INPE will be added to the plots.
Inside the SHOWCast_v_X_X_X/Utils/Labels folder there are some “.ini” files with labels
definitions. These files are called:
Inside each “.ini” file, you have the label definitions. You man change it according to your
The labels_example.ini is an example label configuration file with the Brazilian capitals.
Fig. 41: Plot created with the example label configuration file
The SHOWCast “Cloud” module gives the user the possibility of downloading data from
Amazon (AWS) or UNIDATA (THREDDS). This is very useful if a user wants to
complement their GEONETCast-Americas data (or other receive mechanisms they have),
or if they would like to use SHOWCast without having a physical receive station.
All the files related to the Cloud module are inside the SHOWCast_v_X_X_X/Cloud/
folder. These are the steps required to use the Cloud module:
Note: In the current SHOWCast release, from Amazon it’s possible to download all GOES-
R Bands (L1b or L2), all Level 2 derived products, GLM and SUVI data. From UNIDATA,
it is possible to download all GOES-R Bands (L1b only). For both services, the GOES-R
imagery and products are available for the CONUS, MESOSCALE and FULL-DISK
domains. SHOWCast currently processes FULL-DISKS only. With little modification, it
could easily process CONUS and MESOSCALES, but this is not in the scope of this
After configuring which data we want to download and where to store the data, in order to
run the Cloud module, if you are using Windows, just double click the
“pda_aws_download_start_windows.bat” or “grb_unidata_download_start_windows.bat”,
and if you ware using Linux, execute the “” script
or the “”. The Cloud module terminal will be
When the download is finished, the files are moved to the directory configured, and the
files may be processed and visualized.
Fig. 48: Downloading and visualizing data with the SHOWCast Cloud module
Note: If you configure the same directory for both the Cloud module (“ingest_folder”
variable) and the SHOWCast processing module (“ingest_dir” variable in the
“” script), you may use SHOWCast without having a receive station
like GNC-A.
The following SHOWCast versions have been release until the time this document was
• Users who want to use both processing and visualization interfaces, adapting it
according to their needs:
Fig. 49: Using both SHOWCast processing and visualization interfaces (credits: William Abarca
[MARN El Salvador])
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Fig. 50: Using both SHOWCast processing and visualization interfaces (credits: Ricardo Valenti
[Argentine Air Force])
Fig. 51: Using both SHOWCast processing and visualization interfaces (credits: Gustavo Rodriguez
[Uruguayan Air Force])
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• Users who already have means for visualization and just would like to use the script
examples found at SHOWCast_v_X_X_X/Scripts:
Fig. 52: Using only the SHOWCast example scripts (credits: Ever Barreto [Asunsíon Catholic
University] / Wilson Caballero [DINAC] - Paraguay)
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• Users who create big SHOWCast adaptations, like the “SHOWCast.GR” solution
created by HNMS - Hellenic National Meteorological Service (Greece):
In this example, SHOWCast was adapted to process the content from the EUMETCast-
Europe service, like 15-minute METEOSAT Second Generation data, among other new
features like a multi panel visualization interface.
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Or the INMET SEPIS solution created by INMET (Brazilian National Weather Service):
In this example, SHOWCast was adapted and new features have been created, like a
product comparison interface, a slide show, or exporting to Google Earth.
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SHOWCast has also been used to teach students (satellite data access and processing).
Fig. 55: Using SHOWCast in the classroom (credits: Demilson Quintão [IPMET - Brazil])
Fig. 56: Using SHOWCast in the classroom (credits: Demilson Quintão [IPMET - Brazil])
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Some SHOWCast configuration aspects are still available only via scripts. Making these
changes easily configurable is on the plans for future releases.
- Number of animation frames: The default number of frames for the animations
are 20 for most products (30 for GFS and 60 for NUCAPS Soundings). You may
change the number of frames in the scripts found at SHOWCast_v_X_X_X/Scripts/,
by changing the parameter “nfiles”.
Note: If you change the “nfiles” parameter in the scripts, it is also necessary to
change the “last_image” variable in the correspondent HTML file for that particular
product. The “nfiles” from the Python script and te “last_image” must be equal.
Fig. 58: Changing the number of animation frames in the HTML files
- GFS plot interval configuration: In order to configure the GFS plots start hour,
end hour and interval, it is necessary to edit the GFS python scripts found at
SHOWCast_v_X_X_X/Scripts/. You need to configure the following variables:
“hour_ini”, “hour_end” and “hour_inc”. In the example below, plots will be created
between 0 and 120 hours, with a 3-hour interval, totalizing 40 plots per GFS run.
SHOWCast is a simple yet powerful data processing and visualization package developed
mainly using Python.
As seen on this manual, it is relatively easy to get started and it may be used as a starting
point for your own processing scheme. If your institution does not have a processing
mechanism or visualization interfaces, you may use SHOWCast and adapt it according to
your needs. If you already have a visualization interface available (e.g.: your own
webpage), you may use only the plots that are generated routinely (available at the
“Output” folder) or use the example scripts as a reference. If you are an experienced
programmer or web developer, you may make it bigger and better!
SHOWCast provides easy data access for those who doesn’t have a receive station
through the “Cloud” module and it also can be used to teach students on satellite data
access and processing (it currently has +120 Python example scripts).
New features and optimizations are being added over time based on user suggestions, so
do not hesitate to contact me!
I’m very happy with the knowledge gained, lessons learned and friends made throughout
the SHOWCast development process.
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I would like to thank some colleagues that contributed during the development of
Gustavo Rodriguez (FAU - Uruguay): For patiently testing new releases, helping with
bug corrections and making great suggestions.
Ricardo Valenti (FAA - Argentina): For helping understanding the ISCS messages and
the processing development, also testing SHOWCast with an awesome portable setup and
making great suggestions.
Demilson Quintão (IPMET - Brazil), Henry Ramírez (FAP - Peru), Kleber Ataíde
(INMET - Brazil): For testing new releases and making great suggestions.
Diego Enoré (INPE - Brazil): For helping in the development of the (hyper complicated)
NUCAPS Sounding scripts.
Ester Regina Ito (INPE - Brazil): For the great help in the development of the GFS plots.
Juan José Amides Figueroa (MARN - El Salvador): For helping in the development of
the GFS plots (color palletes suggestions and GDI processing example).
Douglas Uba, Renato Galante, Rogerio Batista (INPE - Brazil) and Marcial Garbanzo
(UCR - Costa Rica): Great Python advices from these experts!
Eric Madsen (NOAA) - NESDIS International and Interagency Affairs: For the great
contributions to the GNC-A community and the INPE / NOAA Cooperation.
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The following product categories are available for visualization in the latest release.
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• NUCAPS Soundings
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• Blended Ozone
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• Ocean Color
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• GFS Plots (Central America + Caribbean / South America) - 00Z and 12Z Run
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