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TLE 6 AG-Ob-2-1.2.1 TLE 6 AG-Ob-2 - 1.2.2 TLE 6 AG-Ob-2 - 1.2.3 TLE 6 AG-Ob-2 - 1.2.4 TLE 6 AG-Ob-2 - 1.2.4

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Grades 6 School San Jose Elementary School Grade Level SIX

DAILY Teacher Cheryl S. Dimaiwat Learning Area EPP/TLE AFA6

LESSON Teaching Dates November 14-18, 2022 Quarter 2nd QUARTER
LOG and Time Mt. Kanlaon 11:00-11:50
OBJECTIVES November 14, 2022 November 15, 2022 November 16, November 17, 2022 November 18, 2022
A. Content Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning Uses of elements to Identify market Identify source of Identify famous orchard farms Identify famous orchard farms in the
Competencies / be observed in demands for fruits fruit bearing trees in the country country
Objectives planting trees and ( in the community) (In the Philippines)
Write the LC code for fruit bearing trees. TLE 6 AG-Ob-2- 1.2.4 TLE 6 AG-Ob-2- 1.2.4
each TLE 6 AG-Ob-2- 1.2.2 TLE 6 AG-Ob-2-
TLE 6 AG-Ob-2- 1.2.3
II. CONTENT Propagating trees Propagating trees and Propagating trees Propagating trees and fruit Propagating trees and fruit trees
and fruit trees fruit trees and fruit trees trees
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
5. Other Learning Resources http://www.ehow.com/info_7823641_types-
A. Reviewing previous Plants need several What are the elements What is market? Who is the orchard grower in our
lesson inputs in order to in planting and fruit- community?
survive and thrive. bearing trees? What is demand? How do they become successful?
Water, of course, is
essential, as it is for
all living things; a
medium in which to
grow; and sunlight
to enable them to
photosynthesize are
all key. But at a
smaller scale, there
are three elements
that are essential
ingredients to
healthy plant
growth: potassium,
nitrogen and
phosphorous. Each
performs a different
role for the plant,
and making a good
balance of these
elements available
to their plants is one
of the roles of the
gardener to ensure
healthy plants and a
good harvest.
Fortunately there
are methods and
techniques that
gardeners can
employ to increase
the presence of each
of the three
elements in the soil.
B. Establishing a purpose Nitrogen, taken up What is market? Let the pupil look Let the pupils identify an Look at the picture? Do you know
for the lesson by plant roots from around in the orchard in their community them?
the soil after it has What is demand? school
been processed into Each pupil will select which
a soluble form by What have you of them is the famous orchard
microorganisms, is seen? in your community
essential for plants
to develop proteins. What kind of trees
Phosphorus plays a present in our
number of surroundings?
important roles in
the physical Can you
Market- is a place
development of a enumerate the fruit
where product brought
plant. Firstly, it is bearing trees
and sold.
used by the plant to present in our
move energy and Demand- where the surroundings?
nutrients around product has a high
itself, so that all amount and has a short
parts of the plant amount present.
remain healthy.

Potassium is key to
ensuring all the
process in a plant
function normally.
It is an element that
helps the plant
activate enzymes,
form sugars, and
synthesize proteins
C. Presenting examples / Pupil will give the Show a picture of Activity Pupils will describe an
instances of the new elements in order market with has a lot List down all the orchard present in the
lesson that the plants and of mango fruits fruit bearing trees community
fruit bearing trees displayed inside the school
will grow

Show a picture of
market wherein mango
fruits is minimal.
D. Discussing new What are the plants Activity Some pupils will Activity How do they become successful?
concepts and practicing needed in order to present their work What characteristic they possess?
new skills #1 grow? Explain the picture. Describe the orchard in our Can you do the same?
What are the fruit community
How these can be bearing trees
helpful in plants inside our school?
and fruit bearing
trees? What are the fruit
bearing trees
outside the
E. Discussing new What fruit that are in Pupils enumerate Pupils will choose whose the How does planting fruit bearing trees
concepts and practicing demand in your fruit bearing tree orchard is the famous among helps our country’s economy?
new skills #2 community? present in their them all

F. Developing Mastery Why fruits are What are the quality of having
(Leads to Formative available in your the famous orchard in your
Assessment 3) community? community

Why fruits are not

available in your
G. Finding Practical What are the In your observation What are the What did you learn from the stories of
applications of concepts elements of plants what are the fruits source fruit successful orchard growers in the
and skills and fruit bearing available in your bearing trees? Phils/
trees to grow? community?
H. Making generalizations How these elements How does it affect in What are sources Who is the most famous How do orchard grower become
and abstractions about affect the plants and our needs of the fruit orchard in your community? successful in their chosen field?
the lesson fruit bearing trees? a. Availability of bearing trees?
b. Shortage of
fruits in your
I. Evaluating Learning Write true if the In paragraph form, Enumerate the List down famous orchard Identify the famous orchard grower
statement is explain how the sources of fruit grower in your community. being described
correct and shortage of fruits bearing trees in 1. 1. He is dubbed as the dragon Lady
False if not. affect sour budget? your community 2. of Ilocos Norte.
1.Always use 1. 3. 2. Owns a Banana Plantation
fertile soil 2. 4. (Cavendish Banana) in Mindanao
medium for 3. 5. and he is the CEO of La Fuerta
planting 4. Inc.
2. Water the 5. 3. The owner of Merlo Agricultural
seedlings every corporation and has coffee
morning and farming in Batangas.
afternoon 4. The Juice King of the Phils.
3.Ptassium 5. It is not only a mango plantation
helps plants but also a tourist destination.
4.Nitrogen helps
plant develop
5. Plants need
only water to
J. Additional activities for
application or

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovative or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other


Teacher III


Master Teacher I


Principal II

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