Journal Review Report 15%

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Revised on 15 October 2022


Kod Kursus/ Course Code: AFT3093 Nama Kursus: Keusahawanan Korporat

Course Name: Corporate Entrepreneurship
Fakulti/ Pusat: Fakulti Keusahawanan dan Perniagaan Jabatan: Keusahawanan
Faculty/ Centre: Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business Department: Entrepreneurship
Program /Programme: FKP, FHPK, FPV, FIAT, FSB, FBKT, FTKW, FSE & FBI

Attribute Very Weak = 1 Weak = 2 Fair = 3 Good = 4 Very Good = 5

Write clear journal Not able to write Able to write ideas with Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Able to write ideas /5
review report ideas clearly limited clarity and clearly with excellent clarity
fairly clearly but
require further
improvements require minor

Write coherent journal Not able to write Able to write ideas with Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Able to write ideas /5
review report ideas coherently limited coherent and coherently with excellent
fairly coherently but
require further coherence
improvements require minor

Write systematic Not able to write Able to write ideas with Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Excellent ability to /5
journal review report ideas limited systematic and systematically write ideas
fairly systematically
systematically require further systematically
improvements but require minor
MARKS / 15%

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