Calma, Arc185, Adesgn9a, Diagnostic

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Architectural Design 9:

Thesis Research Writing

Calma, Paolo Rodrigo B.
National University – Manila


I. Instructions: Answer the following guide questions in essay form, maximum of 150
1. In your own words, what is architecture for you?
Architecture is a skill that needs to be mastered. The most fundamental design principles must
be combined in architecture in a way that serves both a practical and artistic goal. As a manner
of conveying a community's ideals as well as its extensive and rich cultural legacy, architecture
has always had a significant impact on our culture. Although it may be learned, only minds
with a propensity for odd thinking can completely master it.
2. Observing from your previous Design subjects, what are your strengths and
weaknesses in producing your plates?
One of my strengths, observing from my previous Design subject, is being quick, imaginative,
and having a strategic mind. I have a lot of pride on my mind, and I take every opportunity
or chance I can to improve my prior knowledge.
And one of the weaknesses is being clueless in romance at some time. This resentment toward
rules and my tendency to overanalyze and judge, even to the point of arrogance, adds up to a
personality type often being clueless.
3. Who is your architecture hero/inspiration/role model? Why?
When relating to inspiration or style, my role model is Frank Gehry. Like him, I also like
my work to be characterized by flowing lines, and surfaces that varies. His styles are
considered as deconstructivist, meaning thinking outside the box, a movement in postmodern
architecture where elements of the design appear to be fragmented.
4. Where can you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years from now, I see myself having a small community of mine. I really like to have a
small firm of mine, to have my own legacy. I also see myself working in a reputed institution,
spending time with family and doing something for the society.

II. Initially, what topic would you want to work on for your thesis? Why? (Answer in
maximum of 50 words. This will not be your final topic.)
My goal is to enrich our society by promoting the arts, history, religion, and heritage of diverse
cultures. Communities, municipalities, and universities invest in this enrichment by building
performing arts centers, museums, worship centers, heritage centers and libraries.
Moreover, it provides information and exhibition venues for various local and international
productions and programs. It hosts performances, festivals, exhibitions, cultural research,
outreach, preservation, and publication of materials on Philippine art and culture.

Ms. Dianne A. Naval – ARC 185 Page 1 of 1

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