Unit-I Water

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Unit - III

Water and It’s Treatment

The pure water is composed of two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen by volume and
dissolves many substances. These dissolved salts are the impurities in water. Water is a very
good solvent. So it is called as universal solvent.

3.1 Hardness of water: -

The water which does not give lather with soap is called Hard water. The Hard water contains
dissolved calcium & magnesium salts.

Soft water: - The water which can give lather with soap easily is called as soft water.

Na-stearate + H2 O NaOH + stearic acid

Soap (soft water)

Stearic acid + Na- stearate formation of lather

2 Na – stearate + ca2+ ca-stearate + 2 Na+

(Soluble salt)

Hard water

Types of Hardness:- Hardness in water is of two types.

(1) Temporary hardness and (2) permanent hardness

Temporary hardness:- The hardness that can be removed simply by boiling is called the
temporary hardness. It is due to the presence of boiling. On boiling Ca(Hco3)2, Mg(Hco3)2 are
precipitated as insoluble salts. Which can remove through filtration?

Ca (HCO3)2 ∆ CaCO3 + H2O +CO2

Mg ( HCO3)2 ∆ Mg(OH)2 + 2 CO2

Permanent Hardness:- Permanent hardness cannot be removed by boiling . It is due to CaCl2,
3+ 3+
CaSO4, MgCl2, MgSO4 and nitrates in H2O. These salts cannot remove this hardness. Fe , Al
& Mn2+ also cause hardness in water.

Units of Hardness:-

(1) Parts per million (ppm):- It is the number of parts of equivalents of CaCO3 hardness causing
salt present in one million parts(106 parts ) of water.

(2).Miligram per litre(mg/l):-It is the number of milligrams of equivalentof CaCO3 per litre

of hard water. E.g.:- 1mg/li means 1 mg of equivalent caco3 present in litre of hardwater.

(3)Degree Clarke (o cl):-It is the number of gains of equivalent CaCO3 equivalents of

hardness causing salt in 70,000 parts of water.

(4)Degree French (o Fr):- It is a French unit. The number of parts of caco3 equivalent hardness
causing substance in 105 parts of water.

Inter conversion: - 1ppm=1mg/l == 0.07 o cl = 0.10 Fr

1o cl=1.43o Fr = 14.3 ppm=14.3 mg/l

Determination of Hardness of Water: - Two different methods are there

(1)EDTA method:- In EDTA methods, the known water sample is titrated against standard
EDTA solution using EBT as indicator in the presence of basic buffer solution(PH=10). At the
end point the wine red color changes to blue.

Principle:- The ca 2+ &Mg2+ ions present in water are responsible for hardness. These icons
form selectable complexes with the indicator (EBT) and these metal icons forms stable
complexes with EDTA. This fact is used to estimate the hardness of water sample.

The metal ions ca 2+ & Mg2+ react with the EBT indicator and forms a stable complex at PH-10.

PH 9-10

M2+ + EBT M2+ EBT (or) M- In

Ca 2+ or Mg2+ Indicator less stable wine red color

Hard water complex

Whenever we are adding EDTA solution to the wine- red color (M-In) solution, the metal ions
form more stable complex with EDTA. When all the metal ions in the sample complexed with
EDTA, further addition of EDTA liberates the free indicator solution at PH-10 which in blue
color indicates the end point of the titration

Fig3.1 Metal ion-EDTA complex

Experimental procedure:- A known volume of Hardware sample is titrated with about 3 ml of

buffer solution and 4- 5 drops of EBT indicator. This solution is treated against a standard EDTA
solution. The end point is the color change from wine –red to blue.

Let the titer value = v1 ml (End point)

1ml of EDTA (0.01m) = 1 mg of CaCO3

V1 ml of EDTA (0.01m) =v1 mg of CaCO3

So v1 mg of equivalent CaCO3 hardness is presented in v ml of hard water

The total hardness of sample = ppm

A known volume of water sample is taken in a beaker and boiled for half an hour, after cooling it
is filtered and the filtrate titrated against EDTA by adding EBT indicator & PH-10 buffer
solution. Here the volume of EDTA consumed v2ml gives us the permanent hardness of water.

Permanent hardness of water = ppm

The total hardness of water= (Temporary hardness + permanent hardness)

Temporary hardness= (Total hardness-permanent hardness)

Determination of Hardness of Water by Winkler’s method:

The determination of dissolved oxygen is to bring about the oxidization of potassium iodide with
the dissolved oxygen present in the water sample after adding MnSO4, KOH and KI. The basic
manganic oxide formed acts as an oxygen carrier to enable the dissolved oxygen in the molecular
form to take part in the reaction. The liberated iodine is titrated against standard hypo Solution
using starch indicator.

MnSO4 + 2KOH→ Mn (OH) 2 + K2SO4

2Mn (OH) 2 + O2 →2 MnO (OH) 2

Basic manganic oxide (Brown precipitate)

MnO (OH) 2 + H2SO4 → MnSO4 + 2H2O + [O]

2KI + H2SO4 + [O] →K2SO4 + H2O + I2

I2 + Na2S2O3 →Na2S4O6 + 2NaI

Starch + I2 →blue colored complex.

Experimental Procedure:

Take the standard flask with 200 ml of water to that add 2ml of MnSO4 and 2ml of KI + KOH
(alkali potassium iodide).Light brown precipitate forms, to this add 2ml of conc.H2SO4
precipitation dissolved into brown colour. Take 100 ml of solution which is in the standard flask
and pour it into conical flask. To the conical flask add 1–2ml of starch needed immediately
colour changed to blue. Then titrate the solution with hypo solution until the solution becomes
colourless. Note down the readings and repeat it. Amount of dissolved oxygen content is
obtained in mg/ lit (or) ppm.


D.O = Normality of Hypo×V×8×1000

Volume of the sample

Effects of hardness: - (1) Hard water is harmful for drinking due to the presence of excess of

Ca+2 and Mg+2 ions

(2)Hard water used in boilers forms scales & sludge and results in corrosion, priming caustic
embrittlement of the boilers.

(3)Hard water used does not give lather with soap, so it sticks to clothes and body.

(4)Hardness in water causes blockage in holes.

(5)Hard water is not suitable for laboratory analysis, because hardness producing icons interfere
in various reactions.

3.2 Boiler Troubles: - Continues use of hard water in boilers causes boiler troubles that are
1. Priming: - The carrying out of water droplets with steam in called “priming” Because of rapid
and high velocities of steam, the water droplets moves out with steam from the boiler. This
process of wet steam generation is caused by (i) The presence of large amount of dissolved
solids.(ii)High stream velocities (iii) sudden boiling (iv) improper designing of boilers (v)
sudden increase in stream production rate and (vi) The high levels of water in boilers.

Prevention of priming: - The priming is avoided by

(i)Fitting mechanical steam purifiers

(ii)Avoiding rapid change in steaming rate

(iii) Maintaining low water levels in boilers and

(iv)Efficient softening and filtration of boiler feed water.

2. Foaming: - Formation of stable bubbles at the surface of water in the boiler is calling
foaming. More foaming will cause more priming. It results with the formation of wet steam that
harms the boiler cylinder and turbine blades. Foaming is due to the presence of oil drops, grease
and some suspended solids.

Prevention of Foaming:- Foaming can be avoided by

(1)Adding antifoaming chemicals like castor oil. The excess of castor oil addition can cause

(2) Oil can be removed by adding sodium aluminates or alum.

(3) Replacing the water concentrated with impurities with fresh water.

3. Scale &sludge formation:- The water in boiler is continuously heated causes the increase in
the concentration of dissolved and suspended solids. These are precipitated and slowly
precipitate on the inner walls of the boiler plate. This precipitation takes place in two ways.

(1)The precipitation in the form of soft loose and slimy deposits (sludge)

(2)The precipitation in the form of hard deposits, which are sticky on the walls of boilers (scale)

Sludge: The muddy solid at the bottom of the boiler (or) the loose, slimy and soft deposits in the
boiler are called sludge.

Causes of the sludge:- The sludge is caused by MgCO3, MgCl2,CaCl2 which have more
solubility in hot water.

Disadvantages of sludges: - 1. sludges are bad conductors of heat and results in wastage of heat
and fuel.

2. Sludges entrapped in the scale get deposited as scale causes more loss of efficiency of boiler.

3. Excessive sludge formation leads to setting of sludge in slow circulation. Areas such as pipe
connections leading to chocking (or) blockage of the pipes.

Prevention of sludge formation: - (1) By using soft water which is free from dissolved salts like
, MgCO3, MgCl2, CaCl2&MtgSO4.

(2)Blow down operation can prevent sludge formation

Scale: - Scales are hard sticky deposits on the inner walls of boiler. The scales are very difficult
to remove.

Reason of Scale:- (1) Due to the decomposition of Ca(HCO3)2 at high temperature & pressure
present in boiler, It forms caco3 insoluble salt settles as ppt in the boiler.

(H CO3)2 ∆ CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O

(2) CaSO4 present in water in highly solute in cold water and less soluble in hot water. So the
CaSO4 in boiler water is precipitates out as hard scale, whenever the temp of boiler increases.

(3) Hydrolysis of MgCl2:- The dissolved mgcl2 present in water is precipitates as Mg (OH) 2 at
high temperature, deposits as scale.

MgCl2 +2H2O Mg (OH)2 +2HCl

(4)Sio2 present in water deposits as calcium silicate or magnesium Silicate. The deposits are very

Disadvantages of Scale: - (1) As the scale is hardly sticky on the walls of the boiler and it is
very bad conductor of heat. So there is loss of heat and fuel.

2. Due to the scale formation we have to heat the boiler to high temperatures this causes the
weakening of boiler material.

3) Due to scale deposits the chocking of boiler is observed.

4) Due to uneven heat there may be developing of cracks in Scale. Whenever the water passes
through this crack comes to contact with boiler plate and generates sudden steam and high
pressure results explosion of boiler.

Removal of Scales:-

(1) If the scale is soft. If can be removed by scrapper.

(2) By giving thermal shocks done by heating to higher temperature and suddenly cooling.

(3)The CaCO3 scale is removed by the washing with 5-10% HCl Solution and CaSO4 scale in
removed washing with EDTA solution.

(4)Blow down operation also removes Scale

Fig3.2 Sludge Scale

4. Caustic embrittlement:- The Na2 CO3 present in water hydrolysed to NaOH at high
pressures in boilers.

Na2 CO3 + H2O 2NaOH + CO2

The NaOH formed concentrates after long use. It causes inter-granular cracks on the boiler walls,
especially at the stress points. The concentrated alkali is dissolved iron as sodium ferrote in
cracks and cause brittlement of boiler.

The formation of cracks in boilers due to NaOH is called caustic embrittlement. The created
concentration cell is explained
Iron at bends concentrated Diluted Iron at plane surface

(Anode) NaoH NaoH (cathode)

The iron is dissolved at anode i.e undergoing corrosion

Prevention of caustic embrittlement :- 1) by using sodiumphosphate as softening agent

instead of Na2 CO3.

2) By adding tannin or lignin to boiler water which block the hair cracks and pits in boiler.

3) By adding sodium sulphate to soften the water and this also blocks the hair cracks present on
the surface of the boiler plate.

3.3Treatment of boiler feed water (Softening of water):-

Treatment of Boiler feed water is of two types.

External treatment Internal treatment

Lime-soda Ion-exchange

1. Process process



(1)Zeolite (or) permutit process:- Zeolite is a three-dimensional silicate. The chemical

formula of zeolite is hydrated sodium aluminum silicate represented as Na2 OAl2 O3.xH2O yH2O
(x=2 to 10 &y=z-6). Zeolites are capable exchanging ions with sodium ions. So it is capable of
exchanging hardness producing icons present in water. This process also called as permutit
process. Zeolite can be written as Na2Ze The two Na+ icons is replaced by one Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions.

Na2 Ze + Ca2+ CaZe + 2 Na+

Naturally occurring Zeolite is Natolite –Na2 O.Al2 O3.SiO2.2H2 O.The Synthetic Zeolites are also
prepared with the help of feldspar &China clay on heating.

Process:-The apparatus is made of cylindrical metallic vessel several beds are made inside it
where zeolite salt is kept. Raw water is poured inside the apparatus through inlet that passes
through beds and thus chemical ion exchange reactions are takes place. After the use of this
process for a certain time, Zeolite is exhausted .i.e all Na+ ions are replaced by ca2+/mg2+ and
therefore this will not be used for soften the water.

Na2Ze +CaCl2 (or) CaSO4 (or) Ca (HCO3)2 CaZe+2NaCl(or)Na2SO 4 or 2NaHCO3

Exhausted zeolite can be regenerated or reactivated by heating it with brine solution(10% NaCl

(Ca2+/Mg 2+) Ze + NaCl Na2 Ze + CaCl2(or)MgCl2

Exhausted Zeolite on washing with cold water, CaC2 & MgCl2 can be removed and regenerated
zeolite is this ready to be reused.

Zeolite softener

Fig 3.4 Zeolite softener

Advantages:- Hardness of water is removed and it is about 10ppm in the soft water obtained by
this process. It is easy to operate (3) It occupies less space (4) sludge or Scale in not formed (5)

The process can be made automatic & continuous. (6) This process is very cheap since
regenerated permutit is used again.

Disadvantages:-1) In zeolite process 2Na+ ions replaces by ca2+/mg2+ icons. The soft water
obtained by this process has excess of Na+ ions.
2) If the hard water containing acid destroys the zeolite bed.
3) The turbidity (or) suspended particles present in water will block the pores of zeolite.
4) Bicarbonate & carbonate ions present in water are converted as sodium salts resulting the
alkalinity of water.
(5) The coloured ions like Mn2+ &Fe2+ cannot be removed by this process.

(2) Ion exchange process (or) deionization or demineralization:-

Ion exchanges are of two types. Anionic & Cationic. These are co-polymers of styrene & divinyl
benzene.i.e. Long chain organic polymers with a micro porous structure.

cation exchange resins:- The resins containing acidic functional groups such as -COOH,-SO3H
etc. are capable of exchanging their H+ ions with other cations are cation exchange resins ,
represented as RH

Anion exchange resins:- The resins containing amino or quaternary ammonium or quaternary
phosphonium(or) Tertiary sulphonium groups, treated with “NaoH solution becomes capable of
exchanging their oH- ions with other anions. These are called as Anion exchanging resins
represented as R OH

Fig 3.5 Cation exchange resin Anion exchange resin

Process: The hard water is passed first through cation exchange column. It removes all the
cation (ca2+ & Mg2+) and equivalent amount of H+ icons are released from this column.

2RH+ + Ca2+ (or) Mg2+ R2 Ca2+ +2H+



After this the hard water is passed through anion exchange column, which removes all the anions
like SO42-,Cl-,CO32- etc and release equal amount of OH- from this column.

R1 OH + Cl- R1Cl +OH-

2R1OH +SO42- R21SO4 +2OH-

The output water is also called as de -ionised water after this the ion exchanges get exhausted.
The cation exchanges are activated by mineral acid (HCl) and anion exchanges are activated by
dil NaOH solution.

R2 Ca +2H+ 2RH +Ca+

R21 SO4 + 2OH- 2R1O H + SO42-

Fig3.6 Ion exchanger

Advantages:-The process can be used to soften highly acidic or alkaline wate. (2) It produces
water of very low hardness. So it is very good for treating for use in high pressure boilers.

Disadvantages:- The equipment is costly and common expensive chemicals required. (2) It water
contains turbidity, and then output of this process is reduced. The turbidity must be below 10

Internal treatment: - In this method raw water in treated inside the boiler. This is a process
of adding suitable chemical to residue scale &sludge formation. It is mainly based on solubility.
This is a corrective method. This method is also called conditioning method.

Conditioning of water:-

1) Carbonate conditioning:- In low pressure boilers scale formation can be avoided by treating
the boiler water with Naco3. Where CaSO4 is converted into CaCO3.

CaSO4 is precipitated as loose sludge in the boiler which can be scrapped off.

2) Calgon conditioning: - calgon means calcium gone i.e the removal of ca2+. Sodium hexa-
meta phosphate is called calgon. It reacts with calcium ion and forms a water solute compound.

Converted to scale which on drying converted to scale reduces the efficiency of the boiler.

Na2 Na4 [PO3]6 + 2 Ca2+ Na2 Ca2 [PO3]6

At higher temperature NaPO3 is converted to Na2P2O4 that also reacts Ca2+ to foam loose sludge
of Cap2 O7.removed by blowing air.

3) Phosphate conditioning: - It is applied to high pressure boilers. When sodium phosphate is

added to boiler water, It reacts with Ca & Mg salt forming soft sludges.

3 CaCl2+ 2 Na3 PO4 Ca3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl

3 MgCl2+2 Na3 PO4 Mg3 (pO4)2 + Na2 SO4

Trisodium phosphate is used when the alkalinity of boiler water is 9.5 to 10.5 at that PH Ca gets

If alkalinity is too high NaH2pO4 (acidic) is used and Na2HPO4 is used if sufficiently of alkaline.

(4). Treatment with Sodium Aluminate: - when boiler water heated with Sodium aluminate it
gets hydrolyses to give NaOH and gelatinous precipitate of Al (OH) 3.

NaAlO2 + 2 H2 O NaOH +Al (OH)

The NaOH formed react with MgCl2 to form Mg (OH) 2 . These two precipitates entrap
colloidal impurities like oil drops, sand and make them settle down.

Disadvantages of hard water in domestic and Industrially In Domestic use:-

Hard water, when used for washing purposes, does not producing lather freely with soap.
As a result cleaning quality of soap is decreased and a lot of it is wasted.
Hard water reacts with soap it produces sticky precitates of calcium & Mg soaps. These are
insoluble formations.
(a) Bathing:-
Hard water does not produce lather freely with soap solution, but produces sticky scum on the
bath-tub and body. Thus, the cleaning quality of soap is depressed and a lot of it is wasted.
(b) Cooking:-
The boiling point of water is increased because of presence of salts. Hence more fuel and time
are required for cooking.
(c) Drinking:-
Hard water causes bad effects on our digestive system. Moreover, the possibility of forming
calcium oxalate crystals in urinary tracks is increased.

Industrial use:-

(a) Textile industry:- Hard water causes wastage of soap. Precipitates of calcium and magnesium
soaps adhere to the fabrics and cause problem.
(b) Sugar Industry:- Water containing sulphates, nitrates, alkali carbonates etc. if used in sugar
refining, causes difficulties in the crystallization of sugar. Moreover, the sugar so produced may
be de-liquiscent.
(c) Dyeing industry:- The dissolved salts in hard water may reacts with costly dyes forming
(d) Paper Industry:- Calcium, magnesium, iron salts in water may affect the quality of paper.
(e) Pharmaceutical Industry:-Hard water may cause some undesirable products while preparation
of pharmaceutical products.
(f) Concrete making:- water containing chlorides and sulphates, if used for concrete making,
affects the hydration of cement and the final strength of the hardened concrete.
(g) Laundry:- Hard water, if used in laundry, causes much of the soap used in washing to go as
waste iron salts may even causes coloration of the cloths.

Why is hard water harmfull to boilers?

Steam generation purpose boilers are used in Industries. If the hard water is fed directly
to the boilers, there arise many troubles such as:
(a) Scale & Sludge formation:- The hardness of water fed to the many causes scale & sludge
(b) Corrosion:- Hard water may cause caustic embrittlement which is a type of boiler corrosion.
(c) Priming & Foaming:- Hard water used in boiler cause priming and foaming which results in the
formation of wet steam
(d) Caustic embrittlement

Hardness- Numerical problems:-

(1) One litre of water from an underground reservoir in tirupathi town in Andhra Pradesh showed
the following analysis for its contents. Mg (HCO3)2= 42 Mg, Ca(HCO3)2= 146 Mg, CaCl2= 71
Mg, NaOH= 40 Mg, MgSO4=48 Mg,organic impurities=100 Mg, Calculate temporary,
permanent and total hardness?

Hardness causing Quantity (H.C.S) Mol.Wt.of (H.C.S) Equivalent of

salt (H.C.S) CaCO3
CaCl2 71 =64
MgSO4 48 120 =40
Ca(HCO3)2 146 162 =90.1
Mg(HCO3)2 42 146 =28.7
NaOH 40
- -

Temporary Hardness= Mg(HCO3)2+Ca(HCO3)2

= 28.7+90.1=118.8ppm

Permanent Hardness=CaCl2+MgSO4

= 64+40 = 104ppm

Total Hardness=Temporary Hardness + Permanent Hardness

= 118.8+104=222.8ppm

(2) One liter of water from khammam Dist in A.P showed the following analysis.
Mg(HCO3)2=0.0256 gms, Ca(HCO3)2=0.0156 gms, NaCl=0.0167gms, CaSO4=0.0065gms, and
MgSO4=0.0054gms. Calculate temporary, Permanent & total hardness.

S. No Constituent Amount Mg/l Mol. Wt. of salt Equivalent of
CaCO3 mg/l
1 CaSO4 6.5 136 =4.77
2 MgSO4 5.4 120 =4.5
3 Ca(HCO3)2 15.6 162 =9.6
4 Mg(HCO3)2 25.6 146 =17.5
5 NaCl 16.7 _ _

Temporary hardness=Mg(HC3)2+Ca(HCO3)2

= 17.5+9.6=27.1 ppm

Permanent hardness=CaSO4+MgSO4

=4.77+4.5=9.27 ppm

Total hardness=Temporary hardness +Permanent hardness

= 27.1+9.27=36.37 ppm

(3) Calculate the temporary & permanent hardness of 100 litre of water containing the following
impurities per litre MgCl2=19 mg, MgSO4=60 mg, NaCl=36.5 mg, CaCl2=11.1 mg,
Ca(HCO3)2=32.4 mg & Mg(HCO3)2=7.3 mg

S No Constituent Amount Mg/l Mol.wt. of salt Equivqlent of

1 CaCl2 11.1 111 =10
2 MgCl2 19 95 =20
3 MgSO4 60 120 =50
4 Ca(HCO3)2 32.4 162 =20
5 Mg(HCO3)2 7.3 146 =5
6 NaCl 36.5 _ _

Temporary hardness=Mg (HCO3)2+Ca (HCO3)2

Temporary hardness for 100ml = 25×100=2500 Mg/l

Permanent hardness= CaCl2+MgCl2+MgSO4

= 10+20+50=80 Mg/l

Permanent hardness for 100l= 80*100=8000 Mg/l

Total hardness= Temporary hardness + Permanent hardness


Total hardness for 100 litre = 105×100=10,500 Mg/l

(4) A sample of hard water contains the following dissolved salts per liter
CO2=44Mg, Ca (HCO3)2=16.4Mg, Mg (HCO3)2=14.6 Mg

CaCl2=111 Mg, MgSO4=12 Mg, &CaSO4=13.6 Mg. Calculate the temporary &

Permanent hardness of water in °Fr &° Cl. (2013)

S.No Constituent Amount Mg/l Mol.wt. of salt Equivqlent of

1 CO2 44 44 =100
2 Ca(HCO3)2 16.4 162 =10
3 Mg(HCO3)2 14.6 146 =10
4 CaCl2 111 111 =100
5 MgSO4 12 120 =10
6 CaSO4 13.6 136 =10

Temporary hardness of water= CO2+Ca(HCO3)2+Mg(HCO3)2

=100+10+10=120 mg/l

Permanent hardness of water=CaCl2+MgSO4+CaSO4

=100+10+10=120 mg/l

Conversion of hardness:-

1ppm = 1 mg/l = 0.07 °cl = 0.1 °fr

Temporary hardness = 120 mg/l, 120 ppm, 120*0.07 = 8.4 °cl

= 120*0.1 = 12° French

Permanent hardness = 120 mg/l, 120 ppm, 120*0.07 = 8.4°cl

= 120*0.1= 12°french.

(5) Calculate the lime and soda needed for softening 50,000 litres of water containing the following
salts: CaSO4 = 136 mg/l, MgCl2=95mg/l, Mg(HCO3)2 = 73 mg/l, Ca(HCO3)2= 162 mg/l. given
that molar mass of Ca(HCO3)2 is 162 and that of MgCl2 is 95.

S No Constituent Amount mg/l Mol.wt CaCO3

1 CaSO4 136 136 =100
2 MgCl2 95 95 =95
3 Mg(HCO3)2 73 146 =50
4 Ca(HCO3)2 162 162 =100

Lime required= (Ca(HCO3)2 + 2Mg(HCO3)2+MgCl2)

= (100+2*50+100+100)

= * =296 mg/l

For 50,000 lit of water= 50,000*296=148kg of lime required

Soda required= (CaSO4+MgCl2)

= * =212mg/l

For 50,000 lit of water: 50,000*212=10.6kg of soda required.

3.4 Disinfection:- The process of destroying/killing the disease producing bacteria, micro
organisms, etc, from the water and making it safe are, is called Disinfection.

Disinfectants:- The chemicals or substances which are added to eater for killing the bacteria. The
disinfection of water can be carried out by following methods

(a) Boiling:- Water for 10 -15 min.boiled,all the disease producing bacteria are killed and water
become safe for use.
(b) Bleaching powder:-

It is used to purity the drinking water from micro organisms. The purification process is
achieved by dissolving 1 kg of bleaching powder in 1000 kilo litres of water. This dissolved
water solution is left undisturbed for many hours when bleaching powder is mixed with water,
the result of chemical reaction produces a powerful Germicide called Hypochlorous acid. The
presence of chlorine in the bleaching powder produces disinfection action, kills germs and
purifies the drinking water effectively.

CaOCl2+H2O → Ca(OH)2+Cl2

HOCl+ germs → germs are killed → water purified.

(c) Chlorination:-
Chlorination is the process of purifying the drinking water by producing a powerful
Germicide like hypochlorous acid. When this chlorine is mixed with water it produces
Hypochlorous acid which kills the Germs present in water.
H2O+Cl2→ HOCl+HCl
Chlorine is basic (means PH value is more than 7) disinfectant and is much effective over
the germs. Hence chlorine is widely used all over the world as a powerful disinfectant.
Chlorinator is an apparatus, which is used to purity the water by chlorination process.
(d) Ozonisation:-
Ozone is powerful disinfectant and is readily dissolved in water. Ozone being unstable
decomposes by giving nascent oxygen which is capable of destroying the Bacteria.This nascent
oxygen removes the colour and taste of water and oxidizes the organic matter present in water.

O3 → O2+ [O]

Break- Point Chlorination:-

Break Point Chlorination is a controlled process. In this process suitable amount of

chlorine is added to water. In order to kill all the bacteria present in water, to oxidize the entire
organic matter and to react with free ammonia the chlorine required should be appropriate.
Break point determines whether chlorine is further added or not. By chlorination, organic
matter and disease producing bacteria are completely eliminated which are responsible for bad
taste and bad odour in water. When certain amount of chlorine is added to the water, it leads to
the formation of chloro-organic compounds and chloramines.

The point at which free residual chlorine begins to appear is terms as “Break-Point”.
Fig3.9 Breakpoint chiorination

3.5 Desalination
The removal of dissolve solids (NaCl) from water is known as desalination process. It can be
carried out by

(1) Reverse osmosis and (2) electro dialysis.

Reverse osmosis process:-

The membrane process used in the water purification system has been of much use now a
days. Electro dialysis and reverse osmosis are part of the membrane process.

In osmosis, if a semi-permeable membrane separates two solutions, solvent from the

lower concentration passes to the higher concentration to equalize the concentration of both. But
in the reverse osmosis, pressure higher than osmotic pressure is applied from the higher
concentration side so that the path of the solvent is reversed, i.e. from higher concentration to
lower concentration.

Fig 3.10 Reverse Osmosis

This method is applicable mainly for the desalination of sea water. Sea water and pure
water are separated by a semi-permeable membrane made up of cellulose a cetate fitted on both
sides of a perforated tube. Inventions are in progress to search for better membrane.
Polymethylmethacrylate and polyamides have been proved to be better membranes.

The process is very easy. It is used to make pure water. It removes the ionic and non ionic
substances in the water. It also can remove suspended colloidal particles. The life of a membrane
is nearly 2 years and it should be replaced after this period. By this process, sea water is made to
fit for drinking water obtained after being treated by this process is used in boilers.


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