Assignment Section A
Assignment Section A
Assignment Section A
This assignment is about effective use of data structures that might leads to make a prototype of your
daily life problems.
Suppose there is a Car Parking Garage that asked you to write a program about their car parking
garage. This garage has three floors A, B and C each floor has capacity of parking 7 cars at a time. Each
floor has been associated with one type of cars as described below and each type of car has same
specifications and condition in first level of assignment:
Civic: A
Corolla: B
Accord: C
Three floors should base on Queue. You have to write a class that contains three queues that might
represent three floors. Whenever user came to park his/her car, your program should ask user about the
type of car and car should be parked in the associated floor if there is empty space. On wrong entry of
model your program should display some message and asked user to enter type again.
First Level:
1) Your program should display the status of floors every time a car will be parked.
2) Whenever a car will be parked it must be placed while following the rules of Queue.
3) Whenever user wants his/her car back you should follow the rules of queue.
4) Your program should exit when users wants.
Important Note
Two persons working independently on same assignment can never write same things.
Assignment must be submitted in soft form before 30 th of November 04:00pm sharp.
No queries will be entertained in any case after provided deadline.
Copying and cheating will lead towards zero marks or more.