Inter - and Trans-Disciplinary Research - A Critical Perspective
Inter - and Trans-Disciplinary Research - A Critical Perspective
Inter - and Trans-Disciplinary Research - A Critical Perspective
group(s), and to emphasize the importance of the Marzano, M., D. N. Carss, and Bell, S. (2006). Working
entire process, not just the delivery of to Make Interdisciplinarity Work: Investing in
measureable outputs. Communication and Interpersonal Relationships.
3. There is a need to ensure that big funding calls for Journal of Agricultural Economics 57:185-197.
‘scaling-up’ projects do not diminish smaller
efforts. As both inter- and trans-disciplinarity Pain, R., M. Kesby, and Askins, K. (2011). Geographies
approaches to research are in their infancy, it of impact: power, participation and potential. Area, 43:
makes sense for researchers to start small and 183-188.
learn from those projects before contributing to an
‘Inter- / Trans-disciplinary Revolution’. Sillitoe, P. (2004). Interdisciplinary experiences:
4. We need to foster critical inter- and trans- working with indigenous knowledge in development.
disciplinary scholars by questioning entrenched Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 29: 6-23.
disciplinary structures. Some suggestions: a)
allowing submissions to research assessment Stokols, D. (2006). Toward a Science of
schemes to be from more than one discipline; b) Transdisciplinary Action Research. Am J Community
providing more funding opportunities where Psychol, 38: 63-77.
project outcomes can be more flexible / less
defined up-front; and c) support early career inter- Strengers, Y. (2012). Interdisciplinarity and industry
and trans-disciplinary scholars through support collaboration in doctoral candidature: tensions within
networks and training. and between discourses. Studies in Higher Education,
39: 546-559.