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Inter - and Trans-Disciplinary Research - A Critical Perspective

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GSDR 2015 Brief

Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Research: A Critical Perspective

By Anne H. Toomey, Nils Markusson, Emily Adams, Beth Brockett

Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University*

Introduction rather, it is an integrated approach to answering a

question that recognizes the limitations inherent in the
Contemporary sustainable development challenges
compartmentalized system of academic research.
are complex, and tackling them demands cooperation
While the ultimate aims of inter-disciplinary research
between specialists with diverse backgrounds in both
can either be theoretical (towards the consilience of
the natural and social sciences (Sillitoe 2004; Farrell
knowledge) or practical (providing solutions for
2011). There is growing recognition that new
society), it is most often connected with applied
approaches and different types of expertise are
research that starts with a real-world question and
needed to renew science, and among the most cited of
uses different disciplinary ideas and methods not just
these are the concepts of inter- and trans-disciplinarity
as guideposts, but rather as tools. As such, this
research. In academic literature and in funding bids it is
approach can result in novel, unexpected answers to
becoming increasingly common to mention the
familiar, timeworn questions.
importance of bridging divides within academia as well
as between scientific communities and the rest of
Trans-disciplinary work moves beyond the bridging of
society. While the creation of more spaces for science
divides within academia to engaging directly with the
to engage with different publics and vice-versa is a
production and use of knowledge outside of the
laudable objective in itself, it is essential to take a
closer look at what these concepts entail in order to
better understand the challenges associated with
In this approach, societal impact is laid out as a central
these types of research.
aim of the research at hand. Solutions that emerge
from the research may additionally be put into place
Defining inter- and trans-disciplinarity
through an action-oriented process built on direct
collaboration with the groups involved (Klein 2004).
There are many definitions of inter- and trans-
This way of doing research has also been referred to as
disciplinary research, and this can lead to
post-normal science, Mode-2 thinking, or co-produced
misunderstandings. For example, a common
knowledge, and can be linked to theories and methods
misconception confuses multi-disciplinary and inter-
that were first established by social reformists in the
disciplinary approaches. “Multi-disciplinarity draws on
mid-20th century, and that were defined both by
knowledge from different disciplines but stays within
participation and a determination to produce
their boundaries. Inter-disciplinarity analyzes,
knowledge in the interest of social change (Stokols
synthesizes and harmonizes links between disciplines
2006). While both inter- and trans-disciplinary
into a coordinated and coherent whole” (Choi, 2006).
research offers great hope for bringing holistic, out-of-
Inter-disciplinarity is not just research in two or more
the-box thinking to an increasingly-specialized
different disciplines, nor is it adding methodologies
workforce of experts, it is necessary to outline some of
from other disciplines to an already discrete project;
the main concerns for the effective promotion of these
approaches in social and environmental research.
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent A Critical Perspective
those of the Secretariat of the United Nations. Online
publication or dissemination does not imply The radical roots of inter- and trans-disciplinary
endorsement by the United Nations. Corresponding approaches are important for understanding that one
author: [email protected]. of the original aims was that of ‘conscientization’,
defined as “a process wherein people develop critical balance them. This is why the process of reflection is
consciousness through collective inquiry, reflection, so important – to establish awareness early on in the
and action on the economic, political, and social research process about the intergroup dynamics and
contradictions they are embedded in” (Torre 2014, 3). their potential influences on the (in)equalities in the
Whether bridging disciplinary divides between group. If this is not considered, there is the threat that
different ways of knowing within academia (inter- the inter- and trans-disciplinary research is seen as
disciplinarity), or extending the ‘right to do research’ to new kind of imposed ‘tyranny’ from above, much in
marginalized communities and groups (trans- the same way ‘participation’ was appropriated for top-
disciplinarity), a key feature of these processes is that down development by powerful institutions like the
of reflection – both of the world and of one’s role in World Bank in the 1990s (Cooke and Kothari 2001).
that world. Thus, especially in the case of trans-disciplinary
research, care should be taken to ensure that the
However, with the increasing use of inter- and trans- research questions and methods have been developed
disciplinary as buzzwords for leveraging funding bids in collaboration with those social groups who are
and to make research seem ‘current’, these concepts intended to be ‘impacted’ by the work at hand.
are being co-opted in less thoughtful ways and there is
a danger that the terms will lose credibility (and could Another major concern with these new research trends
be used to advance powerful agendas without is that they may be used to (re)produce existing
consideration of the true definitions). Critical scholars disciplinary hierarchies. For example, Castree et al.
have noted that when it comes to evaluating the (2014) critique the partial and selective uptake of social
impact of science on society, more weight is often science and humanities into global environmental
given to research impact on powerful actors, such as change science, observing that approaches
policy or industry, as compared to less powerful groups emphasising human diversity and social inequality are
such as local communities or marginalized populations given little room amidst the more dominant
(Pain et al. 2011). For example, new partnerships perspectives from the physical sciences and
between universities and multinational corporations mainstream economics. With growing calls from
are developing under the banner of trans-disciplinary powerful institutions for inter- and trans-disciplinarity
research – where the science that is produced by research to be enacted, there is a risk that these
experts is mobilized to support existing unequal approaches will decrease rather than increase critical
structures of economic dominance (Leach et al. 2005). capabilities by displacing crucial disciplinary research,
As these collaborations may be built around profit which continues to have important insights into ‘real-
motives advanced through the ‘greenwashing’ of world’ problems (Strengers 2012).
existing practices, this motivation leaves little space
for the kind of reflection or concientization that Recommendations
original understandings of trans-disciplinarity seek to
inspire in practitioners. There is a strong case for inter- and trans-disciplinarity
in environmental and sustainable development
Much of the discussion around inter- and trans- research, alongside existing disciplinary research
disciplinarity deals with the notion that knowledge is efforts. However, as discussed above, such research
or should be co-produced between academics and needs to be embraced in a critically reflective manner.
other groups. But the whole process of cooperatively To aid this process, we put forward the following
creating new ways of thinking and doing are recommendations:
dependent on several aspects that are often left out of
the ways inter- and trans-disciplinarity are talked 1. Funding calls for inter- and trans-disciplinary
about in the mainstream. For example, projects research should clearly define these terms so as to
involving co-produced knowledge should invoke give better guidance for applicants. Examples of
relations that are reciprocal and have high levels of exemplary research should be given as guidance.
trust between the different groups involved (Marzano 2. There is a need to build time and opportunity for
et al. 2006). They should foster relations where power reflection into inter- and trans-disciplinary
differences are accounted for and attempts made to research processes to build trust within the

group(s), and to emphasize the importance of the Marzano, M., D. N. Carss, and Bell, S. (2006). Working
entire process, not just the delivery of to Make Interdisciplinarity Work: Investing in
measureable outputs. Communication and Interpersonal Relationships.
3. There is a need to ensure that big funding calls for Journal of Agricultural Economics 57:185-197.
‘scaling-up’ projects do not diminish smaller
efforts. As both inter- and trans-disciplinarity Pain, R., M. Kesby, and Askins, K. (2011). Geographies
approaches to research are in their infancy, it of impact: power, participation and potential. Area, 43:
makes sense for researchers to start small and 183-188.
learn from those projects before contributing to an
‘Inter- / Trans-disciplinary Revolution’. Sillitoe, P. (2004). Interdisciplinary experiences:
4. We need to foster critical inter- and trans- working with indigenous knowledge in development.
disciplinary scholars by questioning entrenched Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 29: 6-23.
disciplinary structures. Some suggestions: a)
allowing submissions to research assessment Stokols, D. (2006). Toward a Science of
schemes to be from more than one discipline; b) Transdisciplinary Action Research. Am J Community
providing more funding opportunities where Psychol, 38: 63-77.
project outcomes can be more flexible / less
defined up-front; and c) support early career inter- Strengers, Y. (2012). Interdisciplinarity and industry
and trans-disciplinary scholars through support collaboration in doctoral candidature: tensions within
networks and training. and between discourses. Studies in Higher Education,
39: 546-559.

References Torre, M. E. (2014). Participatory action research in T.

Teo (Ed). Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. Springer,
Castree, N., Adams, W.M. and Barry, J. et al. (2014). New York.
Changing the intellectual climate, Nature Climate
Change, 4: 763–768.

Choi, C.K., Pak, A.W.P., (2006). Multidisciplinarity,

interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in health
research, services, education and policy: 1. Definitions,
objectives, and evidence of effectiveness. Clinical
Investment in Medicine, 29 (6): 351-364.

Cooke, B., and Kothari, U. (2001). Participation: the

New Tyranny? Zed Books, London.

Farrell, K. N. (2011) Snow White and the wicked

problems of the West: a look at the lines between
empirical description and normative prescription.
Science Technology Human Values, 36: 334-361.

Klein, J. T. (2004). Prospects for transdisciplinarity.

Futures, 36: 515-526.

Leach, M., Scoones, I., and Wynne, B. (Eds). (2005).

Science and Citizens: Globalization and the challenge of
Engagement. Zed Books, London.

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