Amef 2019

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AMEF 2019 Conference Programme

Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

08:00 – 08:50 Registration & Refreshments

08:50 – 09:00 Welcome Speech by the Head of Department

Costas Karfakis, University of Macedonia

09:00 – 10:00 Keynote Speech

Prof. Brian Lucey, Trinity Business School
Chair: Stylianos Fountas
Room: A

10:00 – 12:00 Parallel Sessions – Groups A1, B1, C1, D1, E1

Chair: Panagiotis Konstantinou
Room: A

1. Commodity Price Uncertainty and International Trade.

Athanasios Triantafyllou (University of Essex, UK), Dimitrios Bakas (Nottingham Trent
University, UK) and Ioanna Konstantakopoulou (Centre for Planning and Economic Research,

2. The determinants of Non-Performing Loans in Greece: did bankruptcy protection schemes

affect their evolution?
Andreas Zervas (Hellenic Ministry of Finance, Greece), Konstantinos Loizos (Centre of
Planning and Economic Research) and Apostolos Fasianos (Hellenic Ministry of Finance)

3. Do multiple credit ratings facilitate the going public process? Evidence from the U.S.A.
Panagiotis Koutroumpis (Queen Mary University London, UK), Marc Goergen (IE Business
School, Spain), Dimitrios Gounopoulos (University of Bath, UK)

4. The Effects of Capital Controls on Loan Defaults: Micro-Level Evidence from Cyprus.
Panagiotis Konstantinou (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece), Costas
Roumanias (Athens University of Economics and Businness, Greece) and Kostas Drakos
(Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece)

Chair: Ekaterini Panopoulou
Room: B

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

1. Stock-market volatility and jumps in times of uncertainty.

Anastasios Megaritis (University of Essex, UK), Nikolaos Vlastakis (University of Essex, UK)
and Athanasios Triantafyllou (University of Essex, UK)

2. The three dimensional hyperbolic asymmetric power HEAVY model: the importance of the
range based volatility and structural breaks.
Stavroula Yfanti (Loughborough University, UK), Menelaos Karanasos (Brunel University,
UK) and Emmanouil Noikokyris (Kingston University, UK)

3. Estimating the Probability of Informed Trading: A Bayesian approach.

Jaideep Oberoi (University of Kent, UK), Jim Griffin (UCL, UK) and Samuel D. Oduro (NHS
National Services Scotland)

4. Asset allocation with machine learning; Evidence from multi-asset portfolios.

Ekaterini Panopoulou (University of Kent, UK) and Iason Kynigakis (University of Kent, UK)

Chair: Nikos Tsakiris
Room: C

1. Peer Pressure and Wealth Inequality.

Spyridon Lazarakis (University of Glasgow, UK), Konstantinos Angelopoulos (University of
Glasgow and CESifo) and James Malley (University of Glasgow and CESifo)

2. The Reverse Charge Mechanism. An Effective Measure against VAT Fraud in the EU?
Wojciech Stiller (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany) and Marwin Heinemann
(PwC Berlin, Germany)

3. Monetary Policy and Wealth Inequalities in the UK: Assessing the role of unconventional
policies for a decade of household data.
Apostolos Fasianos (Hellenic Ministry of Finance, Greece) and Anastasios Evgenidis
(Newcastle University Business School, UK)

4. Vertical Fiscal Externalities and Federal Tax-Transfers under Variable Factor Supplies.
Nikos Tsakiris (University of Ioannina, Greece), Panos Hatzipanayotou (Athens University of
Economics and Business, Greece) and Michael S. Michael (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)

Chair: Mihaela Mocanu
Room: D

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

1. Bank Capital and Liquidity Creation in Europe: A GMM Panel VAR Approach.
George Kladakis (University of Sheffield, UK), Lei Chen (University of Sheffield, UK), Sotirios
K. Bellos (University of Sheffield - CITY College, Thessaloniki, Greece; South East European
Research Centre- SEERC)

2. Backtesting Expected Shortfall via Multi-Quantile Regression.

Ophélie Couperier (CREST – ENSAE, France) and Jérémy Leymarie (LEO - University of
Orleans, France)

3. Negative Interest Rates, Bank Profitability and Risk-taking.

Whelsy Boungou (University of Bordeaux, France)

4. Operational risk disclosure practices in Romanian banks.

Mihaela Mocanu (Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania)

Chair: T. Huw Edwards
Room: E

1. Estimation of Import Demand and Export Supply Functions for Greece, 1995-2017.
Nicholas-Joseph Lazarou (Ministry of Finance of the Hellenic Republic) and Andreas Zervas
(Ministry of Finance of the Hellenic Republic)

2. TBA

3. Wage elasticity of labor demand for foreign MNCs vs domestic Firms in South Korea.
Minjung Kim (Wonkwang University, South Korea)

4. Postcolonial trade between Russia and former Soviet republics: Back to Big Brother?
T. Huw Edwards (Loughborough University, UK) and Arman Mazhikeyev (University of
Lincoln, UK)

12:00 – 12:15 Coffee Break

12:15 – 14:15 Parallel Sessions – Groups A2, B2, C2, D2, E2

A.2 Regional Economics

Chair: Dimitris Ballas
Room: A

1. Productivity, Capital Accumulation and the Effectiveness of EU Cohesion Policy.

Petros Milionis (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Sjoerd Beugelsdijk (University of
Groningen, Netherlands) and Mariko Klasing (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

2. How happy are my neighbours?

Athanasios Ziogas (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Dimitris Ballas (University of
Groningen, Netherlands), Arjen Edzes (University of Groningen, Netherlands) and Sierdjan
Koster (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

3. Social Assistance Experiment Groningen: Distance to the labour market or distance to

society – The use of trust and freedom to choose in activating labour market participation.
Arjen Edzes (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Richard Rijnks (University of
Groningen, Netherlands) and V.A. Venhorst (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

4. Social Assistance Experiments Groningen - Who wants what?

Richard Rijnks (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Lianne Hans (Kadaster), Arjen Edzes
(University of Groningen, Netherlands) and Victor Venhorst (University of Groningen,

Chair: Dimitrios Bermperoglou
Room: B

1. The Effects of Gender Discrimination in DSGE Models.

Daniel Stempel (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany) and Ulrike Neyer (Heinrich
Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany)

2. Debt Attitudes in Gender Perspective: Is There an Effect of Debt Knowledge and Skills?
Wiktor Cwynar (University of Economics and Innovation, Poland), Andrzej Cwynar
(University of Economics and Innovation, Poland), Piotr Białowolski (Harvard T. H. Chan
School of Public Health, USA) and Dorota Węziak-Białowolska (Harvard T. H. Chan School of
Public Health, USA)

3. Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based
Preventive Solutions.
Christos Mavrodimitrakis (King's College London, UK)

4. Fiscal policy across the housing cycle.

Dimitrios Bermperoglou (Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany)

Chair: Gianko Michailidis
Room: C

1. Intra-Household Income Risk in the United Kingdom.

Johanna Tiedemann (University of Glasgow, UK)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

2. The Impact of Wage Premiums on Educational Attainment and Social Mobility.

Niclas Frederic Poitiers (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

3. Fertility Postponement and the Easterlin Relative Income Hypothesis: Evidence from the
Georgios Mavropoulos (University of Macedonia, Greece) and Theodore Panagiotidis
(University of Macedonia, Greece)

4. Determining Education Quality in a Graying Society.

Gianko Michailidis (University of Barcelona, Spain) and Niclas Poitiers (University of
Barcelona, Spain)

Chair: Costas Roumanias
Room: D

1. Franchise extension and tax structure in the presence of home production: Evidence from
the Kingdom of Greece.
Pantelis Kammas (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece) and Vassilis
Sarantides (University of Sheffield, UK)

2. Railways (and Roadways) to Trust.

Anastasia Litina (University of Ioannina, Greece) and Georgios Tsiachtsiras (Universitat de
Barcelona, Spain)

3. The Role of Institutional Quality for Economic Growth in Europe.

Linda Glawe (FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany) and Helmut Wagner (FernUniversität in
Hagen, Germany)

4. From the Fringe to the Frontstage. European Immigration and the Far-Right Vote: An IV
Costas Roumanias (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece) and Panagiotis
Konstantinou (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece)

Chair: Evangelos Rasvanis
Room: E

1. Geography, Land Ownership and Literacy: Historical Evidence from Greek Regions.
Sofia Tsitou (University of Ioannina, Greece), Nikos Benos (University of Ioannina, Greece)
and Karagiannis Stelios (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

2. Peer effects, economic attitudes and household finance.

Lefkothea-Georgia Oikonomou (Univeristy of Ioannina, Greece) and Mylonidis Nikolaos
(University of Ioannina, Greece)

3. Comparison Analysis between Start ups and Existing Firms that are benefited from
Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020
Chrysanthi Balomenou (EPOKA University, Albania), Marianthi Malliari (Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Simeon Semasis (Hellenic Open University)

4. Geography as a determinant of FDI in the tourism and transport sector: Τhe case of
Evangelos Rasvanis (University of Thessaly, Greece) and Vassilis Tselios (University of
Thessaly, Greece)

14:15 – 15:30 Lunch (University Restaurant)

15:30 – 16:30 Keynote Speech

Prof. Harris Dellas, University of Bern
Chair: Menelaos Karanasos
Room: A

16:30 – 18:45 Parallel Sessions – Groups A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3

A.3 Energy Markets Modelling Session

Chair: Nikolaos Thomaidis
Room: A

1. Evaluating the rationality of the day-ahead power market: the case of Greece.
Nikolaos Thomaidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Pantelis Biskas
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

2. The dynamic links between nuclear energy, environment and sustainable growth. Do
institutions matter?
Theodoros Christoforidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Constantinos
Katrakilidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Achillefs Karakotsios (Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Dimitrios Dimitriadis (Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

3. Mitigating wind energy risk in decentralized power systems.

Theodoros Christodoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Nikolaos S.
Thomaidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Francisco J. Santos-Alamillos
(University of Cádiz, Spain)

4. The long-term effect of renewable electricity on UK employment.

Theodoros Arvanitopoulos (University College London, UK) and Paolo Agnolucci (University
College London, UK)

5. Price formation in European power markets.

Michail Seitaridis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Nikolaos S. Thomaidis
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Pantelis N. Biskas (Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece)

Chair: Kostas Mouratidis
Room: B

1. The impact of unconventional monetary policy on major European banks’ interest spreads.
Michael Sigmund (Oesterreichische National bank, Austria) and Sophia Doeme (FMA,

2. Monetary policy trade-offs in an open economy: The role of large wage setters.
Xakousti Chrysanthopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Sidiropoulos
Moise (University of Strasbourg, France)

3. The Relation between Municipal and Government Bond Yields in an Era of Unconventional
Monetary Policy.
Martin Nordström (Örebro University School of Business, Sweden), David Knezevic (Örebro
University, Sweden) and Pär Österholm (Örebro University, Sweden)

4. On the dynamics of the explanatory power of the granular residual.

Omar Blanco-Arroyo (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) and Simone Alfarano (Universitat Jaume I,

5. The Impact of Monetary Policy on Liquidity Creation: A Markov-Regime Switching

Kostas Mouratidis (University of Sheffield, UK) and Mustafa Caglayan (Heriot-Watt
University, UK)

Chair: Nikos Benos
Room: C

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

1. The dynamic effects of debt and equity inflows: evidence from emerging and developing
Behzod Alimov (Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy)

2. Foreign ownership and firm’s efficiency in Dubai: A two-stage analysis.

Haifa Alhamdani (University of East Anglia, UK)

3. How Important are Capital Controls in Shaping R&D Activity?

Alexandros Bechlioulis (University of Piraeus, Greece), Claire Economidou (University of
Piraeus, Greece) and Dimitris Konstantios (University of Piraeus, Greece)

4. A VEA Approach for Gauging Effectiveness.

Panagiotis Ravanos (University of Macedonia, Greece) and Giannis Karagiannis (University
of Macedonia, Greece)

5. Innovation and inequality in the EU: for better or for worse?

Nikos Benos (University of Ioannina, Greece), Karagiannis Stelios (European Commission,
Joint Research Centre) and Raab Roman (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

Chair: Tommaso Gabrieli
Room: D

1. Consumption, personal income, financial wealth, housing wealth and maturity rate: A
panel cointegration for the 51 States of US.
Dimitra Kontana (University of Macedonia, Greece) and Stylianos Fountas (University of
Macedonia, Greece)

2. Retail fuel price adjustment in Greece: A threshold cointegration approach.

Stavros Malkidis (University of Macedonia, Greece) and Stylianos Fountas (University of
Macedonia, Greece)

3. The implications of the wealth effect in 25 EU countries .

Mihaela Nicolau (University of Poitiers, France)

4. Financial Markets, Financial Development and Economic Growth.

Robert Mullings (Nottingham Trent University, UK)

5. Pair-wise Convergence of Intra-city House Prices in Beijing.

Tommaso Gabrieli (UCL, Bartlett School of Planning, UK), Theodore Panagiotidis (University
of Macedonia, Greece) and Yishuang Xu (University of Manchester, UK)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

Chair: Chris Magnis
Room: E

1. Forecasting of some key indicators of the RFI and RFP processes at one of the Bulgarian
mobile telecommunication operators.
Sophia Mirchova (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria), Preslav Dimitrov (South-
West University"Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria) and Avgustin Milanov (South-West University
"Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria)

2. Fiscal And Monetary Determinants of the Euro Area's Growth and Cyclical Recurrence.
Ivan Todorov (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria), Stoyan Tanchev (South-
West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria) and Petar Yurukov (South-West University "Neofit
Rilski", Bulgaria)

3. Bank Diversification and Bank Performance: Evidence From Turkey.

Ibrahim Halil EKŞİ (University of Gaziantep, Turkey) and Burcu Buyuran (University of
Gaziantep, Turkey)

4. Impact Of Corporate Governance On Financial Reporting Lag: The Case Of Turkey.

Burak Büyükoğlu (Gaziantep University, Turkey), Ahmet ŞİT (Kilis 7 Aralık University,
Turkey), Burak Büyükoğlu (Gaziantep University, Turkey) and İbrahim Halil EKŞİ (Gaziantep
University, Turkey)

5. Cross - country evidence on the association between earnings quality and risk - taking by
banks before and after the financial crisis. Does the WCAMELS Score operate as another
default risk measure?
Chris Magnis (University of Thessaly, Greece) and George Iatridis (University of Thessaly,

Chair: Kostas Vasilopoulos
Room: F

1. Private Mortgage Securitization and Loan Origination Quality - New Evidence from Loan
Abdullah Yavas (University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA) and Shuang Zhu (Kansas State
University, USA)

2. Housing (Un)Affordability.
Alexandros Skouralis (Lancaster University, UK), Ivan Paya (Lancaster University, UK) and
Efthymios Pavlidis (Lancaster University, UK)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

3. Monetary Policy and Real Estate: Residential and Commercial.

Kostas Vasilopoulos (Lancaster University, UK)

4. Impact of the German Real Estate Transfer Tax on the Commercial Real Estate Market.
Coletta Frenzel Baudisch (University of Giessen, Germany) and Carolin Dresselhaus
(University of Giessen, Germany)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

08:30 – 09:00 Registration

09:00 – 10:00 Keynote Speech:

Prof. Thanasis Stengos, University of Guelph
Chair: Georgios Chortareas
Room: A

10:00 – 12:00 Parallel Sessions – Group A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4

Chair: Theodore Koutmeridis
Room: A

1. To Create or to Redistribute? That is the Question.

Demetris Koursaros (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus), Christos Savva (Cyprus
University of Technology, Cyprus), Nektarios Michail (Cyprus University of Technology,
Cyprus) and Niki Papadopoulou (Cyprus Central Bank, Cyprus)

2. The Effect of Subminimum Wage Introduction on Employment in Greece.

Alexandros Karakitsios (Ministry of Finance, Greece) and Panos Tsakloglou (Athens
University of Economics and Business, Greece)

3. Minorities at Risk Organisational Behaviour: Terrorism, Insurgency, State Repression, and

Cycles of Violence.
Pierre Pecher (Aix-Marseille University, France) and Christophe Muller (Aix-Marseille
University, France)

4. Shaking Criminal Incentives.

Theodore Koutmeridis (University of Glasgow, UK) and Yu Aoki (University of Aberdeen,

Chair: Menelaos Karanasos
Room: B

1. Testing for Rational Bubbles in the Oil Market using a Coexplosive Vector Autoregression.
Ioannis Korkos (University of Essex, UK), Neil Kellard (University of Essex, UK) and Sam Astill
(University of Essex, UK)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

2. Point and density exchange rate forecasts using yield curve factors in a time-varying
Anastasia Allayioti (University of Warwick, UK)

3. A new and unified, in a general sense, theory for time series models with ARMA
representations and varying coefficients.
Menelaos Karanasos (Brunel University London, UK), A. Paraskevopoulos (University of
Piraeus, Greece) and A. Canepa (University of Turin, Italy)

4. Revisiting cointegration tests: power versus frequency - some further Monte Carlo results.
Georgios Papapanagiotou (University of Macedonia, Greece), Theodore Panangiotidis
(University of Macedonia, Greece) and Jesus Otero (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia)

Chair: Spyridon Vrontos
Room: C

1. Forecasting economic recessions using Machine Learning: An empirical study in six

Andreas Psimopoulos (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

2. Investment, Uncertainty, and Market Power in South Africa.

Emmanouil Noikokyris (Kingston University, UK), Georgios Chortareas and Fathima Roshan
Rakeeb (Kingston University, UK)

3. Panel analysis of capital mobility in commodity exporters.

Andrey Zubarev (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public
Administration, Russia), Andrey Polbin (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy
and Public Administration, Russia) and Konstantin Rybak (Russian Presidential Academy of
National Economy and Public Administration, Russia)

4. On the Directional Predictability of Equity Premium Using Machine Learning Techniques.

Spyridon Vrontos (University of Essex, UK) and Jonathan Iworiso (University of Essex, UK)

Chair: Dimitrios Varvarigos
Room: D

1. Privately Provided Public Goods in a Dynamic Economy with Heterogeneous Individual.

Thomas Renström (Durham University, UK) and Laura Marsiliani (Durham University, UK)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

2. Leisure Externalities and Innovation in an Endogenous Growth Model.

Spyros Boikos (University of Macedonia, Greece), Alberto Bucci (University of Milano, Italy)
and Thanasis Stengos (Univesrity of Guelph, Canada)

3. Optimal Tax Policy under Tax Evasion.

George Economides (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece), Apostolis
Philippopoulos (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece) and Anastasios Rizos
(Athens University of Economics and Business, and Alpha Bank Economic Research Division,

4. Economic Growth and the Timing of Childbirth: A Perspective on the Fertility Rebound.
Dimitrios Varvarigos (University of Leicester, UK)

Chair: Achillefs Karakotsios
Room: E

1. Reference Groups and Consumption for Different Consumption Categories: Evidence from
Unay Tamgac (TOBB ETU, Turkey) and Asena Caner (TOBB ETU, Turkey)

2. Dissemination of Two Faces of Knowledge: Do Liberal-Democracy and Income-Level

Samira Hasanzadeh (Mount Allison University, Canada)

3. Is Democracy-Led Economic Growth a Myth or a Reality? Evidence from a Meta-Analysis

Kyriakos Xafis (University of Macedonia, Greece) and Theodore Panagiotidis (University of
Macedonia, Greece)

4. Taxation and income inequality. An empirical panel investigation.

Achillefs Karakotsios (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Constantinos
Katrakilidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Dimitrios Dimitriadis (Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Theodoros Christoforidis (Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece)

Chair: Panagiotis Petris
Room: F

1. Bubbles and Crashes: A Laboratory Experiment.

Alvaro Andres Perdomo Strauch (Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito,

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

2. Stock Price Reactions to Publications of Financial Statements: Evidence from the Moscow
Stock Exchange.
Parmenas Njoroge (Southern Federal University, Russia), Dmitry Shevchenko (Southern
Federal University, Russia) and Michael Heinrich Baumann (University of Bayreuth,

3. Bitcoin and conventional payment companies.

Peter Molnar (University of Stavanger, Norway)

4. The Effect of Buyer’s Network of Outside Options in the Bargaining Outcome. Empirical
Evidence from the UK residential market.
Panagiotis Petris (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece), Georgios Dotsis
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) and Panagiotis Alexakis (National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)

12:00 – 12:15 Coffee Break

12:15 – 14:15 Parallel Sessions – Groups A5, B5, C5, D5, E5, F5

Chair: Stephanos Papadamou
Room: A

1. How Central Bank Characteristics Affect the Volatility of Stock Market Returns in the 20
Most Developed Stock Exchanges.
Georgios Oikonomou (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece) and Eleftherios
Spyromitros (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)

2. Macroprudential and monetary policies: Friends or foes?

Jose David Garcia Revelo (University of Orléans, France), Yannick Lucotte (University of
Orléans, France) and Florian Pradines-Jobet (PSB Paris School of Business, France)

3. US Unconventional Monetary Policy and Risk Tolerance in Major Currency Markets.

Stephanos Papadamou (University of Thessaly, Greece), Athanasios P. Fassas (TEI of
Thessaly, Greece) and Dimitris Kenourgios (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,

Chair: Theologos Dergiades
Room: B

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

1. Do Capital Flows Improve Macroeconomic Performance in Indonesia? The Perspective of a

Single and Two-Country SVAR Approach.
Trinil Arimurti (University of Bath, UK)

2. Estimating State-dependent Public Expenditure Multipliers via the TVP-SVAR. Mission:

Zamid Aligishiev (City, University of London, UK)

3. Dynamic Interactions between Financial and Macroeconomic Imbalances: a Panel VAR

Amat Adarov (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Austria)

4. Vector autoregressive models: A Gini approach.

Ndiaye Oumar Hamady (Le Mans Université, France) and Mussard Stéphane (Université
Nçimes, France)

Chair: Panagiotis Karavitis
Room: C

1. Stakeholder Incentives, Self Dealing and Optimal Compensation.

Melania Nica (University of Kent, UK) and Jaideep Oberoi (Kent Business School, UK)

2. Factor Misallocation and Adjustment Costs: Evidence from Italy.

Robert Goodhead (Central Bank of Ireland, Ireland)

3. Shareownership Distribution and Natural Resource Extraction.

Laura Marsiliani (Durham University, UK), Xiaoyan Liu (Durham University, UK) and Thomas
Renstrom (Durham University, UK)

4. Corporate Social Responsibility and Profit Shifting.

Panagiotis Karavitis (University of Glasgow, UK), Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University, USA),
Pantelis Kazakis (University of Glasgow, UK) and Woon Sau Leung (University of Cardiff, UK)

Chair: Dimitrios Zormpas
Room: D

1. Determinants of perceived normal capacity utilisation - Evidence from international panel

data and Swiss micro data.
Michael Graff (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Richard Etter (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) and Martin
Wörter (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

2. Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency in Developing countries: A Stochastic Frontier

Paraskevas Kipouros (University of Portsmouth, UK)

3. Energy policy tools in Luxembourg Assessing their impact on households’ space heating
energy consumption and CO2 emissions by means of the LuxHEI model.
Stéphane Poncin (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)

4. Investing in electricity production under a reliability options scheme.

Dimitrios Zormpas (University of Padova, Italy), Tiziano Vargiolu (University of Padova,
Italy) and Fulvio Fontini (University of Padova, Italy)

Chair: Archontis Pantsios
Room: E

1. Strategically important sectors in Central Eastern Europe: The embeddedness of national

economies in global supply networks.
Erik Braun (University of Pécs, Hungary) and Tamás Sebestyén (University of Pécs, Hungary)

2. U.S.-Turkey crisis and Black Sea Region: Economic impact analysis.

George Abuselidze (Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia) and Lela Mamaladze
(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia)

3. Building an effective international architecture for climate finance.

Octavia Cerchez (Interdisciplinary Center for Economics and Law Geneva, Switzerland)

4. Systemic Crises and Conflict in the Eurozone: A Revisit.

Archontis Pantsios (Liverpool Hope University, UK) and Kallinikos Nikolakopoulos (Greek
Ministry of Economics, Greece)

Chair: Spyros Boikos
Room: F

1. Beyond Human Development Index: a stochastic spanning methodology.

Mehmet Pinar (Edge Hill University, UK), Thanasis Stengos (University of Guelph, Canada)
and Nikolas Topaloglou (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece)

2. Highway capital, congestion and productivity growth.

Elena Ketteni (Frederick University, Cyprus) and Theofanis Mamuneas (University of Cyprus,

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

3. On the Role of Migration on the Satisfaction of European Researchers: Evidence from

Pantelis Kazakis (University of Glasgow, UK) and Sarah Jewell (University of Reading, UK)

4. Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement. A Case of Caldas, Colombia.

Héctor Mauricio Serna-Gómez (Universidad de Manizales, Colombia), Alejandra Castaño-
Franco (Universidad de Manizales, Colombia) and Germán Albeiro Castaño-Franco
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia)

14:15 – 15:30 Lunch (University Restaurant)

15:30 – 16:30 Keynote Speech

Prof. Sophocles Mavroeidis, University of Oxford
Chair: Costas Roumanias
Room: A

16:30 – 16:45 Coffee Break

16:45 – 19:00 Parallel Sessions – Groups A6, B6, C6, D6, E6

Chair: Eleftherios Filippiadis
Room: A

1. The Cost and the Benefit of Privatization.

Polyxeni Gioti (University of Ioannina, Greece) and Minas Vlassis (University of Crete,

2. Partial Cross-Ownership in Oligopoly. Theory and Experimental Evidence.

Konstantinos G. Papadopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Wasilios
Hariskos (University of Erfurt, Germany) and Manfred Koenigstein (University of Erfurt,

3. Mapping of the market of public procurement using network analysis. Mining the
opportunities for economic operators.
Ioannis Fountoukidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Eleni Dafli (Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Nikolaos Varsakelis (Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece)

4. An endogenous network model of monopolistically competitive markets.

Dóra Longauer (University of Pécs, Hungary)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

5. Conspicuous consumption with status seeking and environmental concern: a note.

Elias Asproudis (University of Swansea, UK) and Eleftherios Filippiadis (University of
Macedonia, Greece

Chair: Theologos Dergiades
Room: B

1. Dynamic correlation between oil assets and the Athens Stock Exchange.
Theocharis Iosifidis (University of Macedonia, Greece) and Stavros Papadopoulos
(University of Macedonia, Greece)

2. Futures as Hedgers on Equity Investments.

Anastasios Zachariou (University of Macedonia, Greece)

3. Oil Prices and European Industrial Stock Returns: A spatial econometrics approach.
Nisar Ahmad (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)

4. Behavioural Finance and Foreign Direct Investments: Towards the neuro-capital market.
Konstantina Roussidi (University of Macedonia, Greece)

Chair: Anastasia Angelopoulou
Room: C

1. Evidence of the incompatibility between the export-led growth strategy and the inflation
targeting regime for Mexico.
Roberto Arriaga (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México)

2. Income Inequality and Macroprudential Policies.

Artemis Stratopoulou (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece)

3. Has globalization made the world smaller from a macroeconomic point of view?
Zita Iloskics (University of Pécs, Hungary) and Tamás Sebestyén (University of Pécs,

4. First Five EU Members in Economic Adjustment Programme Need: A Macroeconomic

Evaluation and Scoring Approach.
Anastasia Angelopoulou (University of Peloponnese, Greece), Vasilis Pilichos (University of
Peloponnese, Greece) and Dimitria Rotsika (University of Westminster, UK)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

Chair: Elias Katsikas
Room: D

1. European Union Legislation for encouraging the social entrepreneurship for people with
Irina Atanasova (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria), Ivan Todorov (South-
West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria), Vladislav Krastev (South-West University "Neofit
Rilski", Bulgaria) and Petar Parvanov (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria)

2. Forecasting and Deregulation of the Aviation Transport in Europe.

Sophia Mirchova (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria), Preslav Dimitrov (South-
West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria), Avgustin Milanov (South-West University "Neofit
Rilski", Bulgaria), Irina Atanasova (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria) and
Rouska Krasteva (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria)

3. Simulating raising the retirement age and alternative tax reforms for Russia in a global
CGE-OLG model.
Kristina Nesterova (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public
Administration, Russia), Andrey Zubarev (Russian Presidential Academy of National
Economy and Public Administration, Russia)

4. European Union policies for encouraging the social entrepreneurship for people with
Petar Parvanov (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria), Ivan Todorov (South-West
University "Neofit Rilski"), Vladislav Krastev (South-West University "Neofit Rilski, Bulgaria)
and Irina Atanasova (South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria)

Chair: Georgios Bampinas
Room: E

1. Military Spending and Economic Growth: A panel data investigation.

Alexandra Gkoulgkoutsika (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Evangelia Desli
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

2. FDI and political risk in developing countries: an empirical investigation.

Polina Kechagia (University of Thessaly, Greece) and Metaxas Theodore (University of
Thessaly, Greece)

3. Which are the Factors that affect the Export Performance of Greek Firms?
Panagiota Boura (University of Patras, Greece), Antonios Georgopoulos (University of
Patras, Greece) and Maria Kalogera (University of Patras, Greece)

AMEF 2019 Conference Programme
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, 1st floor

4. The Macroeconomic Determinants of Crime: Empirical Analysis of CEE economics.

Nemanja Lojanica (University of Kragujevac, Serbia)

5. Religious tourism as an economic development in Greece.

Evgenia Symvoulidou (University of Macedonia, Greece) and Sofia Boutsiouki (University of
Macedonia, Greece)

19:00 Concluding Remarks


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