Ketamine - 200 073 US Label Leaflet 100 - MGML 1 5 2
Ketamine - 200 073 US Label Leaflet 100 - MGML 1 5 2
Ketamine - 200 073 US Label Leaflet 100 - MGML 1 5 2
Acepromazine may also
be used. However, recent
information indicates that
Ketamine some phenothiazine
Hydrochloride derivatives may potentiate
the toxic effects of organic
Injection phosphate compounds
Veterinary Injection such as found in flea collars
and certain anthelmintics.
For Intramuscular Use A study has indicated that
in Cats and Subhuman ketamine hydrochloride
Primates Only alone does not potentiate
the toxic effects of organic
Caution: Federal law phosphate compounds.
restricts this drug to use To report suspected adverse
by or on the order of a events, to obtain a Safety
licensed veterinarian. Data Sheet or for technical
Description: Ketamine assistance, call Dechra at
Hydrochloride Injection (866) 933-2472.
is a rapid-acting, For additional information
nonnarcotic, about adverse drug
nonbarbiturate agent experience reporting for
for anesthetic use in animal drugs, contact FDA at
cats and for restraint 1-888-FDA-VETS, or online at
in subhuman primates.
It is chemically
designated dl 2- Action: Ketamine
(o-chlorophenyl)-2- Hydrochloride Injection is
(methylamino) a rapid-acting agent whose
instead Ketamine
restraint or as the sole Hydrochloride Injection
anesthetic agent for produces a state
diagnostic or minor,
of unconsciousness
brief, surgical procedures which has been termed
that do not require skeletal “dissociative” anesthesia
muscle relaxation. It may in that it appears to
be used in subhuman selectively interrupt
primates for restraint. association pathways
Dosage and to the brain before
Administration: producing somesthetic
Ketamine Hydrochloride sensory blockade.
Injection is well tolerated In contrast to other
by cats and subhuman anesthetics, protective
primates when administered reflexes, such as
by intramuscular injection. coughing and swallowing
Fasting prior to induction are maintained under
of anesthesia or restraint Ketamine Hydrochloride
with Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection anesthesia. The
Injection is not essential; degree of muscle tone is
however, when preparing dependent upon level 1.53125"
for elective surgery, it is of dose; therefore,
advisable to withhold food variations in body
Subhuman Primates: the swallowing reflex aids
in minimizing the hazards
The recommended
restraint dosages of associated with ptyalism.
Ketamine Hydrochloride Salivation may be
Injection for the effectively controlled
following species are: with atropine sulfate in
Cercocebus torquatus dosages of 0.04 mg/kg
(white-collared (0.02 mg/lb) in cats and
mangabey), 0.01 to 0.05 mg/kg
Papio cynocephalus (0.005 to 0.025 mg/lb)
(yellow baboon), in subhuman primates.
Pan troglodytes verus Other reflexes, e.g.,
(chimpanzee), corneal, pedal, etc., are
Papio anubis maintained during
(olive baboon), Ketamine Hydrochloride
Pongo pygmaeus Injection anesthesia, and
(orangutan), should not be used as
Macaca nemestrina criteria for judging depth
(pig-tailed macaque) of anesthesia. The eyes
(entellus langur)
3 to 5 mg/kg; bland ophthalmic
Gorilla gorilla gorilla ointment be applied to
(gorilla) 7 to 10 mg/kg; the cornea if anesthesia
Aotus trivirgatus is to be prolonged.
(night monkey) Following administration
10 to 12 mg/kg; of recommended doses,
Macaca mulatta cats become ataxic in
(rhesus monkey) about 5 minutes with
5 to 10 mg/kg; anesthesia usually
Cebus capucinus lasting from 30 to
(white-throated capuchin) 45 minutes at higher
13 to 15 mg/kg; and doses. At the lower
Macaca fascicularis doses, complete
(crab-eating macaque), recovery usually occurs
Macaca radiata in 4 to 5 hours but with
opisthotonos, dyspnea
and cardiac arrest. In the
convulsions can be
controlled by
barbiturates which
should be given to effect.
The barbiturates should
be administered
intravenously at a dose
level of one-sixth to
10 mL
Net Contents:
ANADA # 200-073
Approved by FDA under
or on the order of a licensed
restricts this drug to use by
CAUTION: Federal law
100 mg/mL
Hydrochloride Injection
Rev. January 2022 1000001250
Overland Park, KS 66211 USA
Dechra Veterinary Products
Manufactured for:
Do not use if precipitate appears.
Protect from light.
temperature, 68-77° F (20-25° C).
Storage: Store at controlled room
refer to package insert.
For complete product information,
subhuman primates only.
For intramuscular use in cats and
Primary brand description font size:........................... 6.44pt and 5pt on the label
Body text font size: ....................................................................... 6pt and 4.75pt
Item code: ....................................................................................... 1000001250
Pharmacode: ..................................................................................................N/A
Pantone reference guide STYLE DEVIATIONS
Colours to be printed: Label front panel - volume point size reduced owing to a lack of space.
541 Cool Grey 3 - 50% Label front panel - text reduced to 5pt owing to a lack of space.
Label front panel - there are no animal type pictograms or product type pictogram owing to a lack of space.
315 Cool Grey 3 - 20% Label front panel - text under the brand name has a horizontal scale of -10, 85%.
Label back panel - the text has a horizontal scale of -10, 85%.
BLACK Label back panel - text reduced to 4.75pt owing to a lack of space.
Label back panel - the address information has been abbreviated.
Leaflet text is not 15pt smaller than the leaflet brand name owing to a lack of space.