The Contributions of The Prague School To The Study of Language

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Asist.univ. drd. Crina Herţeg

,,Universitatea 1 Decembrie1918”,Alba Iulia

The Prague Linguistic Circle represented an important moment in the development of

phonology, structuralism and linguistics in general and it prepared the grounds for research and
the subsequentevolution of linguistics. The paper attempts a general view on what The Prague
School meant for linguistics and it aims at giving a general survey on the activity and on the
contributions brought by The Prague Linguistic Circle.It focuses on the novelty which the most
important membersof the Prague Linguistic Circle brought to linguistics and it points out the
importance of the Prague School momentin the history of linguistics.

The Prague Linguistic Circle came into being and properly started its activity in 1926, the
official year of its members`first meeting and the ”so-called” classical period in the activity of the
circle.However, its members`earlier preoccupations and researchin the field of language and their
first irregular meetings should not be left aside.Thesesupplied material for the papers and works
which were later written and published by the members of the Prague School and representedthe
foundations on which further researchwas built. The circle`s roots can be dated back asfar as1911
when Vilém Mathésius, who was to become an important member of the circle, independently of
and without having any connection with Ferdinand de Saussure,predicted the synchronic study of
language. The preoccupations and the research of its members did not emerge out of nothing, they
set out with a solid foundation behind them. The forerunners of The PragueLinguistic Circle had
been Ferdinand de Saussure`s“Course in General Linguistics” and the Moscow Linguistic Circle,
founded in 1915. The membersof the Moscow Linguistics Circle were interested in and also dealt
with problems regarding language and linguistics. The sourceson which its members` studies were
based were Ferdinand de Saussure`s and Baudouin de Courtenay`s works. Due to historical
background and events which occurred there (The October Revolution from Russia) the membersof
the Moscow Linguistic Circle were forced to leave Russiaand to continue their activity elsewhere.
Roman Jakobsonand Nicholay Serghey Trubetzkoy fled to Czechoslovakia, where they joined The
PragueLinguistic Circle. Besides the scholars of Russian origin The PragueLinguistic Circle also
counted among its founding members personalities such as Vilém Mathésius, Seghey Karcévsky,
JanMukarovsky. In 1930s younger membersjoined the circle: RenéWellek and Felix Vodicka and
many visitors amongwhom Emile Benveniste had the opportunity of presenting papersin the circle.
The circle united scholars who wrote and published their papers in German, French, Russian and
Czech. They had the samepreoccupations and interests without creating in and without using the
samelanguage. Up to that point mention should be madeupon an important aspectin the activity of
the circle, namely its multilingualism. Moreover not only did The PragueLinguistic Circle benefit
from the former activity of the Moscow Linguistic Circle but it also inherited the legacy left in the
field of languageby Ferdinand de Saussure.All theseturned The PragueLinguistic Circle into one
of the most influential, multilingual and important schoolsof linguistics before the war. In 1928, at
the first International Congress of Linguistics organized in The Hague, the Prague participants
presented the Prague Circle program drafted by Roman Jakobson and co-signed by Nicholay
SergheyTrubetzkoy and SegheyKarcévsky. A year later, in 1929 at The First International

Congress of Slavicists held in Prague, the Prague scholars launched “Travaux du Cercle
Linguistique de Prague” where they recorded and published the results of their efforts. The first
volume of “Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague”, volume entitled “Thèses du Cercle
Linguistique de Prague” sets out the principles of the new linguistics, a structural linguistics. The
war broke out with the consequencesit brought about. One of the consequenceswas the non-
stimulating intellectual background, the lack of intellectual incentives the Czech universities being
closed by the Nazis. The members of the circle had time to make public their ideas and their
program but after the outbreak of the war the circle could not properly continue its activity and
toned it down. They continued to meetin private placesuntil 1945 when they could publicly resume
their activities. By this time they had already lost some important members either due to natural
death, Nicholay Serghey Trubetzkoy and Vilem Mathesius or due to exile, Roman Jakobson who
had fled to the United Statesof America. However, even with the interruptions causedby the war,
there was not any areaof languageto remain unexploited by the membersof The PragueLinguistic
As regards linguistics, the members of the circle laid down as the basis for further research,
important concepts and theories such as the approach to the study of language as a synchronic
system, the functionality of elements of language and the importance of the social function of
language. In the field of linguistics they were greatly influenced by Ferdinand de Saussureand by
his incipient structuralism. Structuralism is unanimously believed to have appearedin1916 when
Ferdinand de Saussure`s“Course in General Linguistics” was published and Ferdinand de Saussure
is considered father of structuralism.1 He left a legacy, which greatly influenced linguistics in
general and the first to be influenced by Ferdinand de Saussurewere the members of the Prague
Linguistic Circle. It is The Prague School by its exceptionally prolific scholar, Roman Jakobson,
which is responsible for coining the term structuralism in 1929. One can detect in the earlier works
of Wilhelm von Humboldt and Baudouin de Courtenay much of Ferdinand de Saussure`stheory.
Ferdinand de Saussure`sstructuralism is to be found in his two dichotomies: langue/vs/parole and
form/vs/substance. By langue Saussure understands the totality of regularities and patterns of
formation that underlie the utterances of a language while parole represents language behaviour.
This is what Wilhelm von Humboldt and Baudouin de Courtenay referred to and when they made
the distinction between inner and outer form. The Prague members approached language
systematically and structurally and they defined language as a system of signs. This is how the
definition of languageis conceived by Trubetzkoy, an important memberof the circle: “un système
phonologique n`est pas la somme mécanique des phonèmesisolés mais un tout organique dont les
phonèmessont les membres et dont la structure est soumise à des lois “2. In studying language the
Prague scholars took into account and attached a great importance to external factors (political,
social and geographical factors). A strong emphasiswas laid on the functions of language and this
emphasis included both the function of language in the act of communication and the role of
language in society. Linguists of the Prague Circle stressed the function of elements within
language, the contrast of language elements to one another and the total pattern or system formed
by these contrasts and they have distinguished themselves in the study of sound system. Prague
structuralism is functionalistic. Functionalism representsapproachinglanguagefrom the perspective
of the functions performed by it. The Prague School becomes famous for its interest in the
application of functionalism, the study of how elements of a language accomplish cognition,
expression and conation. This combination of structuralism with functionalism is yet another
contribution to modern linguistics. Starting from Karl Buhler`s tripartite system(emotive, conative
and referential), Roman Jakobson was to develop a model of the functions of language, model
which, hasmarkeda decisive influence on literary theory.
Another distinction made by Ferdinand de Saussureand adopted by the members of the Prague
Linguistic Circle is synchrony- diachrony. Ferdinand de Saussuremade the distinction between
diachronic and synchronic linguistics, he maintained that whereassynchronic linguistics should deal

with the structure of a languageat a given point in time, diachronic linguistics should be concerned
with the historical development of isolated elements. To support this distinction, he arguedthat in
the languagesystem there are only differences without positive terms and every element derives its
identity from its distinction to other elements in the samesystem. What the membersof The Prague
Linguistic Circle did was that they tried to reconcile Ferdinand de Saussure`s opposition of
synchrony and diachrony. In supporting this Vilém Mathésius pointed out the positive and negative
aspectsof descriptive and historical research and Roman Jakobson taking into account Saussure`s
theory stated that Saussure tried to suppress the tie between the system of a language and its
modifications by considering the system as exclusively belonging to synchrony and assigning
modifications to the sphereof diachrony alone. Moreover Jakobsonshowed that, asindicated in the
different social sciences, the concepts of a system and its change are not only compatible but also
indissolubly tied.
The Prague School is basically associated with its phonology, with its phonologically
relevant functions: expressive and demarcative and with the theory of oppositions which its
members (Trubetzkoy) provided linguistics with. In fact, the distinction between phonetics and
phonology is associatedwith The PragueLinguistic Circle. In the field of phonology two members
of the circle stand out: Roman Jakobsonand Nicholay Serghey Trubetzkoy, both of Russian origin
and both former members of the Moscow Linguistic Circle. The circle`s preoccupations in
phonetics and phonology date from the outset of its coming into being. At the International
Congressof Linguistics, held in 1928, the membersof the Prague Linguistic Circle presentedthe
famous Proposition 22, which became the manifesto of the circle. This program of the Prague
Linguistic Circle changedthe developmentof the Europeanlinguistics and marked the beginning of
a new science- phonology. This new scienceoperateswith concepts, which are to becomeimportant
for analytical grammar: opposition, synchrony, diachrony, marked, unmarked. Phonology
representedyet another contribution brought by the Prague Linguistic Circle. It introduced new
concepts, which were further inherited by linguists and linguistics. This is how phonology is
describedby its founders: ‘’Toute description scientifique de la phonologie d’une langue doit avant
tout comprendrela caractéristique du repertoire, propre à cette langue, desdifferences significatives
entre les images acoustico- motrices. (…) La phonologie compareéa à formuler les lois générales
qui régissent les rapports des corrélations dans les cadres d`un système phonologique donné.
L`antinomie de la phonologie synchronique et de la phonétique diachronique se trouverait être
supprimée du moment que les changementsphonétiques seraient considérés en fonction du système
phonologique qui les subit. Le problème du but danslequel ceschangementsont lieu doit être posé.
La phonétique historique se transforme ainsi en une histoire de l`évolution d`un système
phonologique. D`autre part, le problème du finalisme des phénomènesphonétiques fait, que dans
l`étude du côté extérieur de cesphénomènes,c`est l`analyse acoustique qui doit ressortir au premier
plan.”3. As it is conceived by the members of the circle, phonology has the following tasks: to
identify the characteristics of particular phonological systems in terms of the language particular
range of significant differences among “acoustico-motor images”; to specify the types of
differences that can be found in general; to formulate laws governing the relations of these
correlations to one another within particular phonological systems; to found phonetic studies on
acoustic rather than articulatory basis.
Trubetzkoy chiefly contributed to phonology and phonological theory. He signed the birth
certificate of functional phonology, he made the distinction between phonetics and phonology by
taking into accountthe criterion of function andhe also formulated the principles of phonology. It is
also Trubetzkoy who provided the school`s most encompassingand thorough work on phonology:
“Principles of Phonology”. In separating phonetics from phonology and phoneme from sound,
Trubetzkoy adopted Ferdinand de Saussure`sdistinction between langue and parole. Trubetzkoy
defined the phonemeasa set of distinctive features and he linked the concept of neutralization with
the distinction marked/unmarked.According to his theory when two phonemesare distinguished by

the presence/absenceof a single distinctive feature one of them is marked and the other unmarked.
Not only is he responsible for coining and circulating conceptsof neutralization and archiphoneme,
but he also laid stress on the concept of phonological opposition and founded a new theory, the
theory of opposition. However, Trubetzkoy did not develop this theory without a solid ground
behind him. Once again they turned to Ferdinand de Saussure`s“Course in General Linguistics”. It
is Ferdinand de Saussurewho createsand initiates this term of opposition: “De îndată ce comparăm
între ele semnele-termenipozitivi-, nu mai putem vorbi de diferenţă; expresiaar fi improprie, pentru
că eanu se aplică bine decît comparaţiei dintre două imagini acustice, de exemplu tată şi mamă,sau
la cea dintre două idei, de exemplu ideea de „tată” şi ideea de „mamă”; două semne ce comportă
fiecare un semnificat şi un semnificant nu sunt diferite; ele sunt numai distincte. Între ele nu există
decît opoziţie.Întreg mecanismul limbajului, despre care vom vorbi mai departe, se bazeazăpe
opoziţii de acestgen şi pe diferenţele fonice sau conceptuale pe care le implică ele” 4. Trubetzkoy
did more than Saussure, in analysing oppositions he stated that oppositions suppose a base of
comparison,similarity and properties, which are different. It is he who distinguished different types
of oppositions, who gave a classification of oppositions and extensive examples of the different
oppositions of various languages. Along with Roman Jakobson, Trubetzkoy attached a great
importance to the oppositions among phonemes rather than to phonemes themselves. For Roman
Jakobson oppositions represent the constitutive features of relations among phonemes. Jakobson
initiated the theory of binary oppositions by which he states that the system of linguistic units
dependson the idea of difference and the idea of difference dependson binary opposites. This is
how Jakobsondescribesthe systemof binary oppositions: “L`ensemble de choix par oui ou non qui
est sousjacent à chaque faisceau de ces traits discrets par le linguiste: ces choix sont réelement
efféctués par le destinataire du messagechaque fois que les suggestions du contexte, verbal ou non
verbalisé, ne rendent pasinutile la reconnaissancedestraits.”5 Jakobson`scontribution to linguistics
and phonetics can be represented by concepts such as: feature, binary, redundancy, universals and
by his rich publishing activity. The Praguephonology, conceptsand theory did not remain without
echo. Its contribution and its manifesto changedthe direction of the development of the European
phonology. Notions and concepts, developed in Prague phonology such as markedness were
subsequently extended to morphology and syntax.
The most important and valuable contribution of the PragueLinguistic Circle after the war was
brought by Vilém Mathésius in the field of syntax namely the distinction, which he madebetween
theme and rheme. He tried to surpassphonology and to study grammar, especially syntax. Vilém
Mathésius approached and analysed the sentence from a functional perspective, he stated that the
sentencehas two parts: the theme and the rheme. By the theme of a sentenceis meant the part that
refers to what is already known or given in the context while the rhemeis the part that conveys new
information. Although this contribution representsthe school`s last efforts to tackle and conquer
another area of linguistics, syntax, Mathésius` work and terminology remained unknown and
without echo in the world of linguistics. 1948 representsthe year when Praguescholars went public
for the last time. This is the year when the last lecture of the circle took place. It is also in 1948
when the school`s last representative works, Vodicka`s monograph “The Beginnings of Czech
Artistic Prose” and the three-volume edition of Mukarovsky`s selectedworks “Chapters from Czech
Poetics” were published.
The PragueLinguistic Circle greatly contributed to the way linguistics developed,by coining
new concepts and theories by providing rich material for the following generations of linguists.
Their works and papersare widely consulted nowadays, Trubetzkoy`s “Principles of Phonology”,
Roman Jakobson`s “Comments on Phonological Change in Russian Compared with that in Other
Slavic Languages” (1929), “Characteristics of the EurasianLanguageAffinity” (1931). The Prague
School`s linguistics, theory and activity influenced and changed the character of the European
linguistics. Trubetzkoy`s contributions were inherited and further elaborated by André Martinet
who founds the functionalist school and develops functionalist linguistics. The new concepts and

theories, launched by The PragueLinguistic Circle becamekey concepts in linguistics so happened

with the conceptof neutralization and the theory of markedness, which were inherited by generative
grammar. It anticipated and supported the emergence of new movements in linguistics. Prague
scholars provided the first systematic formulation of semiotic structuralism. Semiotics emerged
from PragueLinguistic Circle structuralism. The PragueLinguistic Circle memberswere the first
to claim that literary history has to be based on literary theory and the first to develop a
comprehensive theory of literary history. Without the Prague School the image of the twentieth
century structuralism and linguistics is incomplete both historically and theoretically. They brought
innovations and contributions not only to the development of linguistics, but also to the
development of phonetics, phonology and syntax.

. Ionescu,Emil - Manual de lingvistică generală,Editura All, Bucureşti, 1997 p.86
. La phonologie actuelle în Psihologie du langage,Paris, 1923, p.245 apud Maria
Manoliu Manea,Strucuralismul lingvistic p.87.
. Actele Primului CongresInternaţional al Lingviştilor de la Haga,p.33 apud.Maria
Manoliu Manea,Strucuralismul lingvistic p.26-27.
. Saussure,Ferdinand de- Curs de lingvistică generală,Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 1998 p.133
. Jakobson,Roman Essaisp.92 apud apudMaria Manoliu Manea, Strucuralismul
lingvistic p.133.


1.Coşeriu, Eugeniu- Introducereîn lingvistică,Editura Echinox, Cluj, 1999

2. Coteanu, Ion- Crestomaţiedelingvistică generală, Editura Fundaţiei România de
Mâine, Bucureşti, 1998
3. Elgin Haden, Suzette-Whatis Linguistics?Prentice Hall-Inc., New Jersey, United
Statesof America, 1979
4.Graur, Alexandru; Wald, Lucia- Scurtăistoriea lingvisticii,Editura Didactică şi
Pedagogică, 1977
5.Ionescu, Emil- Manual delingvisticăgenerală,Editura All, Bucureşti, 1997
6.Archibald, A. Hill- Linguistics,United Statesof America, 1969.
7.Lyons, John- Introducereîn lingvisticateoretică,Editura Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1995
8.Lyons, John; Coates,Richard; Deuchar, Margaret; Gadzar, Gerald- New Horizonsin
Linguistics,Great Britain, Penguin Books, 1987.
9.Manoliu Manea, Maria- Structuralismullingvistic,Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică,
Bucureşti, 1973
10. Saussure,Ferdinand de- Curs delingvistică generală, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 1998
11.http: // jakobson.html
12.http: // / trubetzkoy.html.

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