AES2016 Annual Report Black Soldier Flies

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UVI/AES Annual Report 2016 - Alternative Sources of Food for Aquaponics in the
U.S. Virgin Islands: A Case Study with Black Soldier Flies

Technical Report · January 2016


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4 authors, including:

Rhuanito Ferrarezi Donald S. Bailey

University of Florida University of the Virgin Islands


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Agricultural Experiment Station
Table of Contents
3 Breeding for an Earlier Dark Open Sorrel, by Thomas W. Zimmerman and Carlos

6 Vahl’s Boxwood, (Buxus vahlii Baill): A Federally Endangered Tree of St. Croix, by
Michael Morgan and Thomas W. Zimmerman

10 Effects of Agricultural Intensification on Soil Quality in Tropical Low-External-

Input Organic Cropping Systems, by Stuart A. Weiss, Danielle D. Treadwell,
Carlene A. Chase, and Rachel Ben-Avraham

20 Evaluating the Impact of Breed, Pregnancy and Hair Coat on Body Temperature
and Sweating Rate of Hair Sheep Ewes in the Tropics, by Robert W. Godfrey,
Whitney Preston, Amy Hogg, Serena Joseph, Lucas LaPlace, Peter Hillman, Kifle
Gebremedhin, Chin Lee and Robert Collier

27 Valuation of Vegetable Crops Produced in the UVI Commercial Aquaponic

System, by Donald Bailey and Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi

34 Alternative Sources of Food for Aquaponics in the U.S. Virgin Islands: A Case
Study with Black Soldier Flies, by Lorenzo Cannella, Abdel Rahman Ahmed
Nassef, Donald Bailey and Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi

40 Current Projects

42 Publications

44 Faculty and Staff

Alternative Sources of Food for Aquaponics in the U.S. Virgin
Islands: A Case Study with Black Soldier Flies

By Lorenzo Cannella, Abdel Rahman Ahmed Nassef, Donald Bailey and Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi

Overview of black soldier fly growing unit. Left: Abdel Rahman Ahmed Nassef, Right: Lorenzo Cannella.

SUMMARY project consists basically in the design, assembling,

The reduction of anthropogenic impact on nature and operation of a unit to produce the BSF larvae.
is important to maintain the sustainability of food and The growing unit was designed from different sources
animal production. Different techniques in aquaculture available online, focusing primarily on having all the
have emerged in the past years to support sustainable growing stages being performed at the same structure.
food production such as recirculating aquaculture We started with an initial population of 5,000 larvae.
systems (RAS). An aquaponics system is designed In the beginning the BSF production presented several
to produce fish and vegetables. Fish, which are issues related to the identification of the proper
daily fed a protein-rich diet, generate waste which food source and the amount of food that should be
flows to the hydroponic benches. The hydroponic provided. The system was improved to increase the
component has an environment suitable for bacteria number of larvae being produced. During 90 days
to convert the waste into compounds required for we were able to produce 2,080 larvae, generating
plant growth. Fish feed represents the unsustainable 318.5 g of BSF in 22.794 kg of compost and 4 m3
and expensive component of the system, since it total available space. The production of the larvae is
relies on fishmeal with high protein content. For this possible but the economy of scale to generate enough
reason, the Horticulture and Aquaculture program larvae to supplement the tilapia feed needs to be
of the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) started determined.
growing black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens) (BSF)
in order to evaluate the use of alternative sources of INTRODUCTION
food to feed the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the The number of commercial aquaculture operations
UVI Commercial Aquaponics System (CAS). The has increased in the last year due to the growth of the
fish demand and the reduction in fresh and saltwater and finally adult. The cycle is approximately 45 days
fish availability due to overfishing (Msangi et al., long (Figure 1).
2013). This has increased the amount of fish feed Black soldier flies are a great source of protein
needed to maintain the industry and raised concerns for fish and animal production. In the pre-pupal stage,
about sustainability. The “Fish to 2030” report from the flies are composed of 42% protein and 35% fat,
FAO indicates that 62% of fish production will be including essential amino and fatty acids and are 44%
supplied from aquaculture farms by 2030 (Msangi et dry matter (Hale, 1973). The harvested pre-pupae are
al., 2013), increasing the need of alternative sources of used in tilapia aquaculture and also in animal feed
food for RAS. (such as poultry and pork) (Yu et al.,2009; St-Hilaire
Fishmeal is the most important source of protein et al., 2007). Results have shown BSF are useful to
in the feed fish. Its production is not sustainable due prevent the spread of disease like Salmonella and
to the reliability in corn, soybean, poultry, pork and Escherichia Coli (Erickson et al., 2004).
wild-caught fish (Naylor et al., 2000). In addition, the Black soldier flies can reduce from 65% to 79%
price of feed has increased from US$493 (US dollars of the given waste (Diener et al., 2011). This value
per metric ton) in 2000 to US$1,424.61 in April 2016 depends on the amount of feed provided (740 g/m2/
(Indexmundi, 2016). The feed price increased by day) and the presence of drainage system. The BSF
288% due to the increasing cost of feed ingredients ability to reduce waste is negatively influenced by
(fishmeal, fish oil, and grains) and transportation costs. larval mortality and lack of eggs due to elevated zinc
The high price of feed and the cost of concentration in the waste and limited access to food
transportation represents a major issue especially for (Diener et al., 2011). Pre-pupa production can reach
remote locations such as Caribbean islands. In the up to 252 g/m2/day (wet weight), with a growing rate
U.S. Virgin Islands all the fish feed is imported with of 4 kg/m2, generating 145 g/m2/day (dry weight)
a high shipping cost. To import fish feed to St. Croix (Diener et al., 2011).
(Aquamax Pound Fish 4000, Purina, Shoreview, Black soldier flies have been successfully used
MN) feed costs are $1.01/kg and shipping charges on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and catfish
are $0.38/kg (ocean freight, bunker surcharge, low (Siluriformes spp.) diet. Fish feed formulated with
sulfur fuel surcharge, and U.S. terminal surcharge). 25% of BSF pre-pupa (15% protein derived from
Over 30% of the operating budget is attributed to feed BSF pre-pupa) showed no significant difference of
costs. The CAS requires 7,524 kg of feed annually, an feed conversion rate and no significant difference
average of 20.5 kg/day. Replacing the feed required
by a locally produced resource would reduce the
quantity of feed needed, potentially reducing the
system footprint. That is the primary reason why
our local stakeholders cannot compete with the
products produced in the mainland U.S., reducing the
expansion of commercial aquaponics production in
the island. Furthermore, high electricity and supply
costs make the profit margins very tight (when
positive). New technologies seeking less expensive
and more sustainable alternative sources of fish feed
are necessary (St-Hilaire et al., 2007; Bondari and
Sheppard, 1987). Different studies have shown that
BSF can be used as a substitute for fish feed (Bondari
and Sheppard, 1981).
Black soldier flies (Stratiomyidae family) are Figure 1. Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) life cycle
decomposers, breaking down organic matter. Black (45 days total). They spend two stages of their life in the
soldier flies feed on scrap food or any kind of protein growing media as eggs (4 days) and larva stage (18 days).
or organic waste. However, they prefer proteins over Only when they are transforming from pre-pupa (14 days)
vegetables. Black soldier flies are not considered to adults (9 days) do they move away from the media to
find a dry place to complete the metamorphosis (source
disease vectors for animals, plants and humans. eggs stage:, source larva stage: www.
Actually BSF are commonly used to reduce regular fly, source pre-pupa stage:
(Musca domestica) population (Sheppard, 1983). The, source adult stage: www.aqua-
life cycle of BSFs starts with eggs, larvae, pre-pupa
Figure 2. The black soldier fly growing unit schematics. The unit is covered with plastic nets on both sides to increase
the air recirculation and has a central door to facilitate the daily operations.

in total weight gain compared to regular feed based daily requirements of fish feed. Then we would feed
on 40% protein (67% fish source, 33% plant source) the fish in the CAS with BSF in order to be more
(St-Hilaire et al., 2007). This has caused a reduction sustainable and reduce the costs of fish feed.
of 38% in oil fish component, the unsustainable
component of fish feed, but at the same time a MATERIAL AND METHODS
decrease of oil fish component due to a decrease of The project started by adapting project designs
omega 3 fatty acids in fish muscle (St-Hilaire et al., available for hobbyists to one that can have the
2007). The replacement of 10% fishmeal by 10% possibility to produce all BSF phases (larvae, pre-pupa
BSF larvae did not reduce the growth rate of catfish and adult stage). Our setup also provides space for
cultivated in culture tanks (Bondari and Sheppard, reproduction, keeping the flies inside the growing unit.
1987). Black soldier flies have a chitin shell, which is
indigestible to vertebrate animals and can clog filters Black soldier fly growing unit
and pumps. When BSF are dried and mixed with The BSF growing unit has a dimension of 2.5 ×
other ingredients its use is similar to the commercial 1.8 × 1.2 m (Figure 2). The system was assembled
feed (St-Hilaire et al., 2007; Bondari and Sheppard, using two 2.5 × 0.6 m and two 1.2 × 0.6 m plywood
1987). Feeding the fish with 100% larvae did not sheets. Plywood was also used to assemble two sliding
provide sufficient dry matter or protein intake for doors for the larvae collection compartment and the
good growth (St-Hilaire et al., 2007). Positive results 2.5 × 1.2 m roof. The dimensions of the growing
have been collected when fish food was substituted unit were 0.9 × 1.2 × 0.6 m, with a volume of 0.648
with BSF pre-pupae as 25% and 50% replacement m3. The BSF growing unit was surrounded by a 1
for the fish meal component of the control diet (St- × 5 m plastic screen (2 × 2 mm mesh) to cover the
Hilaire et al., 2007). Furthermore, Stamer et al. (2014) sides, keep the flies inside and allow air movement.
have indicated that substituting 50% of rainbow trout In the front there was a 0.9 × 0.9 m door made with
fishmeal with BSF decreased the feed conversion plywood to allow feeding activities inside the growing
ratio and protein retention ratio, resulting in increased unit (Figure 2). The project design was created using
body weight gain. Based on Stamer et al. (2014) and Google SketchUp 2016 (Google, Mountain View,
St-Hilaire et al. (2007), the percentage of BSF pre- CA).
pupa in the fish feed should between 25% and 50% Inside the growing unit there are two ramps with
(and never exceed 50%) of the total commercial feed a hole on the top to help the BSF larvae move from
amount or other component, to stimulate a significant the growing media to a 26-L tray (Sterilite, Fitchburg,
gain of weight. MA) installed in both sides (Figure 2). During the pre-
The goal of this project is to provide guidelines pupa stage, larvae start migrating from the food area
related to designing and assembling a BSF growing to the 26-L trays. The larvae start a metamorphosis
unit and produce enough BSF pre-pupa to supply the phase, where they stop eating and empty their
trial we added ground coffee in the media.

Table Differentdiet
Vegetable Cafeteria Water added Frequency per
Day waste Fish waste (L) week
3 to 15 ✓ 3 2
16 to 28 ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 2
29 to 71 ✓ 7 2

For this reason, the BSF move into a new maintain the media moisturized by using a 3.78-L
area without food and water. Our growing unit design sprayer (Root-Lowell manufacturing Co., Lowell, MI).
Both sides of the growing unit were
is adequate to maximize the BSF migration and checked daily and the
1.5 to 2 were
kg of collected. If
tilapia carcass every 3 days to
another type of fly was found inside the system, it was manually removed. The pre-pupae
simplify the harvest by having the larvae BSF fall into feed the BSF. We recorded the amount and weight of
collected were counted and weighed and returned to a 3.78-L bucket (Sterilite, Fitchburg, MA)
the 26-L trays. larvae, water, feed and coffee during the trial.
inside the growing unit to allow metamorphosis into the adult phase and generation of more
flies. facilitate the reproduction
also added 7 L of waterofdaily
BSF toadults, we the media moisturized by using a 3.78-L
attached a piece of corrugated cardboard
sprayer (Root-Lowell manufacturing Co., Lowell, MI). (25 × 25 cm)We Temperature
added 1.5 to 2monitoring
kg of tilapia carcass
on the wall of the growing unit. The BSF spawn the
every 3 days to feed the BSF. We recorded the amount and weight An automated
of larvae,system
water, was
and to monitor
coffeein during the trial. and the larvae fall down directly environmental conditions inside the growing unit
the cardboard
onto the compost after hatching. Our BSF growing from day 77. We used a low-cost open-source
unit has a cost of approximately $250. microcontroller (Arduino Mega 2560 R3; Arduino,
The larvae monitoring
Temperature were obtained from a commercial Ivrea, Italy) connected to a compost temperature
An automated system was used to monitor environmentalsensor
supplier available at (Alfredo Llecha, (DS18S20;
conditions inside Adafruit,
the growingNewunit
York, NY) and an air
77. We used in aasmall container
low-cost with coffee
open-source microcontrollertemperature and relative
(Arduino Mega 2560 R3; humidity
Arduino,sensor (AM2302;
grounds to keep
Ivrea, Italy) the larvae
connected to aalive.
compostThe temperature
trial started onsensor Adafruit,
(DS18S20;New York,New
Adafruit, NY).York,
The assembling
NY) instructions
and an1st, air 2016 (day 1),and
temperature and relative
5,000 first and second
humidity sensor (AM2302;and basic programming
Adafruit, New York, areNY).
The in Ferrarezi et
instar larvae instructions
assembling was added on andMarch
basic8th, 2016 (day are
programming al. (2015).
8). available The system
in Ferrarezi et al. was monitoring
(2015). The the data every
system was monitoring the data every
The BSF growing unit media was composed of 60% 15 minutes and recording the data automatically using
15 minutes and recording the data automatically
Wi-Fi in a Google
woodchips Sheets spreadsheet
(B&T Shavings, Jasper, AL) (Google,
and 40% Mountain View,
Wi-Fi in a Google Sheets spreadsheet (Google,
peat moss (Lambert Peat Moss Inc., Riviere-Ouelle, Mountain View, CA).
Quebec, Canada), creating a moistened environment
with the addition of 7 L/day of water. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION From day 1, the BSF were fed with vegetable
Feed waste (lettuce and squash leaves) and 2-3 L of water
We provided a diet using only vegetable waste were sprayed twice a week. From day 16, we started
(lettuce, squash) every 5 days in the beginning of the adding a source of protein (1.5 to 2 kg of tilapia) to
trial. After two weeks, we started adding fish to the supplement the diet because the larvae 5 were not eating
diet (tilapia, 1.5 to 2 kg), cafeteria scrap (pasta, rice, the vegetables. Tilapia was added twice a week. From
meat, and salad), and water with the same frequency. day 23, we started adding cafeteria scraps (mix of
However, that approach resulted in the attraction of pasta, rice, meat and salad) with the same frequency.
other flies because the BSF were not eating all the The change in diet resulted in maintenance of larvae
organic material available. On day 16 we started production.
feeding the BSF only with 1.5 to 2 kg of tilapia and The first pre-pupa collection was on day 21. In the
on day 29 we started applying 7 L of water twice per next weeks the BSF pre-pupa number collected were
week (Table 1). During the development of the trial irregular, ranging from 5 to 1,120 (Figure 3). During
we added ground coffee in the media. this period, BSF continued to be fed with the same
amount of fish and cafeteria food.
Procedures The uneaten feed was attractive for other types of
Both sides of the growing unit were checked daily flies, especially maggots (order Diptera, in particular
and the BSF pre-pupae were collected. If another type larvae of Brachyceran flies, such as houseflies,
of fly was found inside the system, it was manually cheese flies, and blowflies). From day 25 to 29, the
removed. The pre-pupae collected were counted and trial recorded a high amount of maggots and larvae.
weighed and returned to a 3.78-L bucket (Sterilite, On day 29, we collected 95 g of maggots. That was
Fitchburg, MA) inside the growing unit to allow a high amount when compared with 160 g of BSF
metamorphosis into the adult phase and generation pre-pupa collected at the same day. The pre-pupa
of more flies. We also added 7 L of water daily to collected presented the highest value reported in
Figure 3. Number and weight of pre-pupa collected overtime. The large amount of pre-pupa collected on day 29 was
due to the initial larvae added to the system. The peaks of pre-pupa collection are related to the larvae cycle.

maggots disappeared. We noticed the increase in

BSF population efficiently reduced the regular fly
population and consequently the number of maggots
as indicated by Sheppard (1983). The peak in the
amount of pre-pupa collected on day 29 could also
be caused by the large number of larvae used to start
the trial. On days 50 and 63 there are two peaks of
pre-pupa production. Those values indicate the start
of a new life cycle in the growing unit. It will be
interesting checking this type of recurrence to be sure
if the system is self-sustainable. In gaining knowledge
through experience and by providing the right amount
of feed and water based on the BSF needs, the
growing unit started generating new larvae.

Temperature monitoring
The air temperature inside the growing unit
presented a minimum of 21.6°C and maximum of
32.94°C following the day and night temperature
variation. The same trend can be seen for the compost
temperature with minimum of 28.75°C and maximum
of 31.81°C (Figure 4A). The humidity sensor has
recorded minimum value of 58.8% and maximum
value of 99.% (Figure 4B). Calculated vapor pressure
deficit (VPD) ranged from 0.03 to 2.04 kPa (Figure
Figure 4. The air and compost temperature (A) and rela- 4B).
tive humidity and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (B) over
time. Practical recommendations
For system assembling, we recommend the use of
plywood sheets. All the materials should be secured
the trial. The maggots have a shorter life cycle than to avoid open spaces, reducing the entrance of other
BSF and colonized all the growing unit. We had to insects or animals inside. It is recommended painting
reduce the food source from cafeteria scraps and the outside of the growing unit using white paint to
vegetables to only fish, and added more media (wood reduce the growing unit temperature. Drill a few small
chips) to the growing unit. The number of maggots holes (2 × 2 mm) on the unit bottom to avoid water
started to decrease, and by the end of the month, the accumulation.
Related to the BSF growing unit management, source microcontrollers. HortTechnology 25(1):
feed the BSF at libitum, adding small amounts of 110-118.
feed. If the BSF are eating all the food in less than 1 Indexmundi. 2016. Fishmeal monthly price. May
h provide more in the next meal. Make sure the BSF 31, 2016. Available at Available at:
growing unit is completely sealed, with no openings
to other flies or animals — especially lizards that can meal&months=120.
eat all the BSF larvae. After the pre-pupa reach the Msangi, S., M. Kobayashi, M. Batka, S. Vannuccini,
adult stage, throw away the larva skin from the bucket M. Day, and J.L. Anderson. 2013. Fish to 2030:
inside the growing unit since they can attract ants and Prospects for fisheries and aquaculture.
other insects. Moisten the media in the growing unit Washington DC: World Bank Group. World Bank
regularly (twice a week). Report 83177, vol. 1, 102 p.
Naylor, R.L., R.J. Goldburg, J.H. Primavera, N. Kautsky,
CONCLUSIONS M.C.M. Beveridge, J. Clay, C. Folke, J. Lubchenco,
During 90 days we were able to produce 2,080 H. Mooney, and M. Troell. 2000. Effect of
larvae, generating 318.5 g of BSF from 22.794 kg aquaculture on world fish supplies. Nature 405,
of compost and 4 m3 total available space. This 1017-1024.
amount of larvae produced was not economical. Sheppard, C. 1983. House fly and lesser fly control
Approximately 5 kg/day of larvae is needed to utilizing the black soldier fly in manure
supplement 10% of the feed requirements of the management systems for caged laying hens.
CAS. The production of the larvae is possible but Environmental Entomology 12(5): 1439-1442.
the economy of scale to generate enough larvae to Stamer, A., S. Wessels, R. Neidigk, and G. Hoerstgen-
supplement the tilapia feed needs to be determined. Schwark. 2014. Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia
illucens) larvae-meal as an example for a new
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS feed ingredients’ class in aquaculture diets.
We thank Amro Mustafa, Donna Gonzales, Luis p.1043-1046. In: Rahmann G. and U. Aksoy (Eds.).
Carino Jr., and Micaiah Forde (Horticulture and Building Organic Bridges. Proceedings of the 4th
Aquaculture program) for their technical assistance. ISOFAR Scientific Conference. Organic World
Funding for this research was provided by USDA- Congress 2014, 13-15 Oct., Istanbul, Turkey.
NIFA-Hatch Funds. St-Hilaire, S., C. Sheppard, J.K. Tomberlin, S. Irving,
L. Newton, M.A. McGuire, E.E. Mosley, R.W.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Hardy, and W. Sealey. 2007. Fly Prepre-pupae
Bondari, K. and D.C. Sheppard. 1981. Soldier fly as a Feedstuff for Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus
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Hermetia illucens L., larvae as feed for channel Research progress on the larvae and prepare-
catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), and pupae of black soldier fly Hermetia illucens
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Diener, S., N.M.S. Solano, F.R. Gutiérrez, C. Zurbrügg,
K. Tockner. 2011. Biological treatment of
municipal organic waste using black soldier fly
larvae. Waste and Biomass Valorization 2(4): 357-
Erickson M.C., M. Islam, C. Sheppard, J. Liao, M.P.
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Ferrarezi, R.S., S.K. Dove, and M.W. van Iersel. 2015.
An automated system for monitoring soil moisture
and controlling irrigation using low-cost open-

Administration UVI Student Employees
Robert W. Godfrey, Director Ezron Brooks, Agronomy
Thomas W. Zimmerman, Assistant Director Serena Joseph, Animal Science
Fiola Alexander, Administrative Specialist I Juan Martinez1, Animal Science
Jacqueline Romer, Administrative Specialist I Amran Nero, Animal Science
Angel Gonzalez, Trades Leader Gilbert Roberts, Animal Science
Jose Herrera, Agriculture Aide – Trades leader Devon Bracey, Biotechnology & Agroforestry
Imani Dailey, Biotechnology & Agroforestry
Faculty Shamali A. Dennery, Biotechnology & Agroforestry
Robert W. Godfrey, Professor - Animal Science Kenya M. Emanuel2, Biotechnology & Agroforestry
Thomas W. Zimmerman, Associate Professor - Samuel Joseph, Biotechnology & Agroforestry
Biotechnology & Agroforestry Tyrone R. Pascal2, Biotechnology & Agroforestry
Rhuanito Ferrarezi, Assistant Professor – Horticulture Seti Balkaran2, Horticulture & Aquaculture
& Aquaculture Jomanni Bernier, Horticulture & Aquaculture
Stuart A. Weiss, Assistant Professor - Agronomy Kalunda Cuffy, Horticulture & Aquaculture
Micaiah Forde, Horticulture & Aquaculture
Professional Staff Jayar Greenidge, Horticulture & Aquaculture
Michael J. Morgan, Research Specialist - Agroforestry Amro Mustafa, Horticulture & Aquaculture
Donald Bailey, Research Specialist - Aquaculture
1Visiting student from Texas A&M University - Kingsville
Kenneth Beamer, Research Analyst - Agronomy
2Graduated with Bachelor’s degree in Spring 2016
Sue A. Lakos, Research Analyst - Animal Science
Henry C. Nelthropp, Research Analyst – Animal
Science Graduate Students
Carlos Mantilla, Research Analyst - Biotechnology Lorenzo Cannella3, Horticulture & Aquaculture
Thomas Geiger, Research Analyst - Horticulture Abdel R. A. Nassef4, Horticulture & Aquaculture
3Graduate Exchange Student - University of Genoa
Field Staff 4Graduate Exchange Student - University of Cairo
William Gonzales, Research Assistant - Animal Science
Donna Gonzales, Research Assistant - Aquaculture Sabbatical Visitor
Henry Harris, Research Assistant - Biotechnology Andrew Riseman, PhD - Associate Professor, UBC
Nelson Benitez, Agriculture Aide - Agronomy Centre for Sustainable Food Systems-UBC Farm,
Ephraim Rodriguez, Agriculture Aide - Agronomy Faculty of Land and Food Systems, The University
Royson Joseph, Agriculture Aide - Animal Science of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada –
Jose Torres, Agriculture Aide - Animal Science Horticulture & Aquaculture
Ismael Montes, Agriculture Aide - Animal Science
Luis Carino, Jr., Agriculture Aide - Aquaculture
Raheem Smart, Agriculture Aide - Biotechnology
James Gordon, Agriculture Aide - Biotechnology
Naima Jenkins, Agriculture Aide - Horticulture
Victor Almodovar, Agriculture Aide – Horticulture

© 2016
Argicultural Experiment Station
Dr. Robert W. Godfrey, Director

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