INS PP EN Ichroma PCT Plus - Rev.03 - 181112
INS PP EN Ichroma PCT Plus - Rev.03 - 181112
INS PP EN Ichroma PCT Plus - Rev.03 - 181112
Revision date : November 12, 2018
PCT Plus
The cartridge should remain sealed in its original pouch until just
before use. Do not use the cartridge, if pouch is damaged or has
already opened.
Frozen sample should be thawed only once. For shipping,
samples must be packed in accordance with local regulations. A
INTENDED USE Sample with severe hemolysis and/or hyperlipidemia must not
ichroma™ PCT Plus is a fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) for the be used.
quantitative determination of Procalcitonin (PCT) in human whole Allow the cartridge, the detector and the sample to be at a room
blood/serum/plasma. It is useful as an aid in management and temperature for approximately 30 minutes before use.
monitoring of bacterial infection and sepsis. The instrument for ichroma™ tests may generate slight vibration
For in vitro diagnostic use only. during use.
Used detectors, pipette tips and cartridges should be handled
carefully and discarded by an appropriate method in accordance
with relevant local regulations.
Identifying sepsis is a daily challenge in intensive care unit of every An exposure to larger quantities of sodium azide may cause
hospital. Early assessment of sepsis is vital for determination of the certain health issues like convulsions, low blood pressure and
appropriate treatment since various therapeutic strategies are known heart rate, loss of consciousness, lung injury and respiratory
to improve survival of patients with sepsis. failure.
In healthy people, the concentration of plasma PCT is below 0.1 ichroma™ PCT Plus will provide accurate and reliable results
ng/mL. The level of PCT rises rapidly after a bacterial infection with subject to the below conditions.
systemic consequences. It can also be elevated by other situation - ichroma™ PCT Plus should be used only in conjunction with
such as major surgery, severe burns, or in neonates. However, it instrument for ichroma™ tests.
returns to baseline rapidly. Viral infections, bacterial colonization,
localized infections, allergic disorders, autoimmune diseases, and - Have to use recommended anticoagulant sample.
transplant rejection do not usually induce a significant PCT response Sample type Recommended anticoagulant
(values <0.5 ng/mL). Therefore, by evaluating PCT concentrations, the Whole blood
physicians are able to engage in the risk assessment for progression to EDTA, heparin, citrate
severe sepsis and septic shock. Serum Not applicable.
The test uses a sandwich immunodetection method; Dried
The cartridge is stable for 24 months (while sealed in the original
antibodies in the detector tube, once diluted with the diluent, bind
aluminum foil pouch) if stored at 4-30 °C.
with antigens in the sample to form antigen-antibody complexes.
The detector and the diluent are stable for 24 months if stored at
These complexes then migrate through the nitrocellulose matrix and
2-8 °C.
are captured by another sets of immobilized antibodies on the test line.
After the cartridge pouch is opened, the test should be
The more antigens in the sample, the more antigen-antibody
performed immediately.
complexes, which leads to a stronger fluorescence signal. This signal
then is interpreted by the reader to display the PCT concentration in
The test may yield false positive result(s) due to the cross-
COMPONENTS reactions and/or non-specific adhesion of certain sample
components to the capture/detector antibodies.
ichroma™ PCT Plus consists of ‘Cartridges’, ‘Detectors’, ‘Diluent’,
The test may yield false negative result(s) due to the non-
‘Capillary tubes’ and an ‘ID chip’.
responsiveness of the antigen to the antibodies which is most
The cartridge contains a test strip, the membrane which has
common if the epitope is masked by some unknown components,
streptavidin at the test line, with chicken IgY at the control line.
so therefore not being able to be detected or captured by the
Each cartridge is individually sealed in an aluminum foil pouch
antibodies. The instability or degradation of the antigen with
containing a desiccant. 25 sealed cartridges are packed in a box
time and/or temperature may also cause the false negative as it
which also contains an ID chip and 25 sealed capillary tubes.
makes antigen unrecognizable by the antibodies.
The detector contains anti human PCT-fluorescence conjugate,
Other factors may interfere with the test and cause erroneous
anti chicken IgY-fluorescence conjugate, bovine serum albumin
results, such as technical/procedural errors, degradation of the
(BSA) as a stabilizer and sodium azide as a preservative in
test components/reagents or presence of interfering substances
phosphate buffered saline (PBS).
in the test samples.
Each detector contains 2 granules. 25 tubes of detector are
Any clinical diagnosis based on the test result must be supported
packed in a pouch and packed in a box with 5 ml of diluent.
by a comprehensive judgment of the concerned physician
including clinical symptoms and other relevant test results.
For in vitro diagnostic use only. MATERIALS SUPPLIED
Follow the instructions and procedures described in this
‘Instruction for use’.
Use only fresh samples and avoid direct sunlight. Components of ichroma™ PCT Plus
Lot numbers of all the test components (cartridge, ID chip, Cartridge Box:
detectors and diluent) should agree.
cartridge region to select ID chip what you want to use. Cholesterol 13 mmol/L
9) When the selected cartridge slot is activated, set the number of D-Glucose 55 mmol/L
test cartridge by tapping. Hemoglobin 2 g/L
10) Tap the button located in the upper side of the No. of reagent
L-Ascorbic acid 170 umol/L
region to select ID chip what you want to use.
Triglyceride 37 mmol/L
11) When the selected slot is activated, set the number of Detector
by tapping. EDTA 3.4 umol/L
12) Set the number of pipette tips by tapping. Heparin 3,000 U/L
13) Tap the ‘START’ button on the left upper of the main screen to Citrate 2 mg/mL
start test.
(Please refer to the AFIAS-50 operation manual for complete Precision
information and operation instructions.) - Between Lot
One person tested three different lots of ichroma™ PCT Plus, ten
times at each concentration of the control standard.
Instrument for ichroma™ tests calculates the test result Three different persons tested ichroma™ PCT Plus, ten times at
automatically and displays PCT concentration of the test sample each concentration of the control standard.
in terms of ng/mL. - Between day
The cut-off (reference value): 0.5 ng/mL One person tested ichroma™ PCT Plus during five days, ten times
- ichroma™ PCT Plus should be considered as a screening tool only. at each concentration of the control standard.
In case of a positive result (above 0.5 ng/mL), consult a physician - Between site
to discuss the test result. The physician may decide further Three persons tested ichroma™ PCT Plus at three different sites,
ten times at each concentration of the control standard.
course of action.
- Test result of > 2 ng/mL may reflect severe sepsis. between Lot between person between day between site
(ng/mL) CV CV CV
mean CV (%) mean mean mean
Diagnosis of bacterial infection/sepsis (%) (%) (%)
[ng/mL] state 0.2 0.2 5.6 0.2 5.64 0.2 5.92 0.2 5.98
PCT<0.5 Local bacterial infection is possible 0.78 0.79 6.03 0.78 5.8 0.78 5.78 0.77 5.22
0.5≤PCT<2 Infection is possible 3.13 3.19 5.94 3.14 6.24 3.11 6.03 3.11 5.86
Infection (sepsis) is likely, unless other cause is
2<PCT≤10 Accuracy
PCT>10 Severe bacterial sepsis or septic shock The accuracy was confirmed by 3 different lots testing ten times
Working range: 0.02-50 ng/mL each different concentrations.
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 AVG Recovery (%)
QUALITY CONTROL 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 101%
0.78 0.75 0.8 0.77 0.77 99%
Quality control tests are a part of the good testing practice to 3.13 3.17 3.16 3.11 3.15 101%
confirm the expected results and validity of the assay and should
be performed at regular intervals.
The control tests should be performed immediately after opening Comparability
a new test lot to ensure the test performance is not altered. PCT concentration of 100 standard materials were quantified
Quality control tests should also be performed whenever there is independently with ichroma™ PCT Plus (ichroma™ II, AFIAS-50
any question concerning the validity of the test results. and ichroma™ 100) and Cobas e411 (Roche Diagnostics Inc.
Control materials are not provided with ichroma™ PCT Plus. For Switzerland) as per prescribed test procedures. Test results were
more information regarding obtaining the control materials, compared and their comparability was investigated with linear
contact Boditech Med Inc.’s Sales Division for assistance. regression and coefficient of correlation (R). Linear regression
(Please refer to the instruction for use of control material.) and coefficient of correlation between the two tests are as
follows respectively.
coefficient of
Analytical sensitivity Linear regression
correlation (R)
- Limit of Blank (LoB) 0.01 ng/mL ichroma™ Ⅱ y = 0.9971x + 0.242 0.9923
- Limit of Detection (LoD) 0.02 ng/mL
AFIAS-50 y = 1.0093x + 0.0593 0.9895
- Limit of Quantification (LoQ) 0.02 ng/mL
ichroma™ 100 y = 1.0013x + 0.0936 0.9927
Analytical specificity
- Cross reactivity 60.00
There was no significant cross-reactivity from these materials
with the ichroma™ PCT Plus test measurements. 50.00
Cross-reactivity material Conc. [ng/mL]
ichroma™ II [ng/ml]
- Interference 10.00
There was no significant interference from these materials with
the ichroma™ PCT Plus test measurements.
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Interference material Conc.
Cobas e411 [ng/ml]
Bilirubin (conjugated) 342 umol/L
y = 1.0093x + 0.0593
R² = 0.9791
AFIAS-50 [ng/ml]
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Cobas e411 [ng/ml]
y = 1.0013x + 0.0936
ichroma™ 100 [ng/ml]
R² = 0.9854
For technical assistance; please contact:
10.00 Boditech Med Inc.’s Technical Services
Tel: +82 33 243-1400
E-mail: [email protected]
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Cobas e411 [ng/ml]