John McClane

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Human (Variant) Folk Hero

John McClane
Chaotic Good
20 Gunslinger

+6 19
Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack
19 +12 30 ft. rolls you make with ranged weapons.

◆ +10




● +12

Learn trick shots, total of 6. Use a grit point
Sharpshooter -5 +10 for a trick shot. Regain a grit point when
nat 20, regain all at a short or long rest.

Dagger +12 1d4 + 6 Piercing

20 Dagger (Offhand) +12 1d4 Piercing

12 2 4 3

Quickdraw: You add your proficiency
bonus to your initiative. You can also stow
a firearm, then draw another firearm as a
16 3
+3 20 single object interaction on your turn.

+3 ●


-2 Musket +12 1d12 + 6 Piercing

480 ft. Reload 1, Misfire 2

-2 -2
Pistol +12 1d10 + 6 Piercing
Rapid Repair: You learn how to quickly
240 ft. Reload 4, Misfire 1 attempt to fix a jammed gun. You can spend
a grit point to attempt to repair a misfired
Gunner (Feat): You gain proficiency with
(but not broken) firearm as a bonus action.
firearms (see “Firearms” in the Dungeon
Master’s Guide). You ignore the loading Bullying Shot: You can expend one grit point while making a Charisma
(Intimidation) check to gain advantage on the roll.
property of firearms. Being within 5 feet of Dazing Shot: Firearm attack, you can expend one grit point to attempt to
dizzy your opponent. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must
a hostile creature doesn’t impose make a Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attacks until the

disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.

end of their next turn.
Deadeye Shot: Firearm attack, you can expend one grit point to gain
Lightning Reload : You can reload
advantage on the attack roll.
Forceful Shot: Firearm attack, you can expend one grit point to attempt to any firearm as a bonus action.
trip them up and force them back. On a hit, the creature suffers normal
damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet
away from you.
Common, Elvish Piercing Shot: Firearm attack, the initial attack gains a +1 to the firearm’s
misfire score. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and you make an
● ●
attack roll with disadvantage against every creature in a line directly behind
the target within your first range increment. Only the initial attack can
● ● Violent Shot: Firearm attack, For each grit point expended, the attack gains a
Vicious Intent: Your firearm attacks score a
+2 to the firearm’s misfire score. If the attack hits, you can roll one additional critical hit on a roll of 19-20, and you regain a grit
Vehicles (Land), weapon damage die per grit point spent when determining the damage.
point on a roll of 19 or 20 on a d20 attack roll.
● ● Disguise Kit
John McClane

Sharpshooter: Pistol (2)

- Attacking at long range doesn't Musket
impose disadvantage on your Dagger (2)
ranged weapon attack rolls. Disguise Kit
- Your ranged weapon attacks Common Clothes
ignore half and three-quarters Studded Leather (+1)
cover. Manual of Quickness of Action
- Before you make an attack with
a ranged weapon that you are
proficient with, you can choose to
take a -5 penalty to the attack
roll. If that attack hits, you add
+10 to the attack's damage. Manual of Quickness of Action
Your Dexterity score increases by 2, as does
Tough: your maximum for that score (included).
Your hit point maximum
increases by an amount equal to
twice your level when you gain
this feat. Whenever you gain a
level thereafter, your hit point
maximum increases by an
additional 2 hit points.

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