Osai PLC Osai PLC
Osai PLC Osai PLC
Osai PLC Osai PLC
Osai - PLC
Osai - PLC
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Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose of document .............................................................................................................. 4
Riferimenti ........................................................................................................................... 27
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This document is meant for assistance support; therefore its aim is simplifying and speeding up
the diagnosis of any machining centre troubles.
For this purpose the following topics will be dealt with:
- Description of the main parts of OSAI automation project
- Description of the CNC and PLC basic structures and related interactions
- Description of PLC Debug operations
- Description of NC OSAI Backup and Restore operations
The figure below displays the components of a typical NC OSAI Automation project
serial OFFICE
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In particular, the NC OSAI integrates also the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) of the
machining centre. The PLC consists of a program written in a programming language called
WinPLUS which, once compiled and transferred into the NC memory, is run by the CPU of the NC
The PLC carries out the following tasks:
a) Manages the “Machine interface logic” , that is, manages all the Inputs/Outputs
(digital/analog, local/remote) of the machine.
b) Informs the machining centre operator about any anomalies, detected via screen
messages or warning lights; attends to stop the machining centre functions temporarily or
definitively based on the seriousness of such anomalies.
c) Enables the workpiece machining process to progress (Part-Program) and checks that at
the beginning and end of each programmed block all necessary conditions exist to be able
to carry on machining.
d) Manages the requests made by the Part-Program via the M,S,T auxiliary functions.
e) Manages the requests made by the machining centre operator:
o selects the operation mode of NC (AUTOMATIC, MDI, JOG, HOMING …)
o starts, stops and resets the machining process
o manages the requests made via Softkey available on the PC OFFICE.
f) Manages the various automatic cycles so that they run concurrently with the machining
g) Acquires process variable values and axis dimensions, checks axis-axis or axis-machine
frame collisions.
The NC retentive memory houses a memory area called VARIABILI PLUS which you can access
both from PLC and NC (from Part-Program or by accessing the related variable list). This memory
are is provided with 256 full format variables (subdivided into boolean variables) and 64 floating
point variables.
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On the PLC side these memories subdivide into GW memories (bit-to-bit definable, in case) and in
GD memories respectively. On the NC side such variables are seen as variables @ follone by a max
10-character name. Type, name and address are declared in the special section “LOGIC CONF” in
For any necessary in-depth details refer to the OSAI “AMP” Manual (code Osai 45006666T).
The NC has a system memory area called area S; it also reserves part of the M area to interface
with the PLC transparently for the end user.
For instance, to carry out the following operations you need to:
- request for the PLC consent to execute each M,S,T code….
- request for the PLC consent to start moving an axis
- request for the PLC consent to declare an axis movement completed
While waiting for the PLC response, the NC stops the Part-Program execution on the wait
The PLC cyclically controls the area S or area M memories, that are connected with the various NC
controls. After checking the presence of all necessary conditions, it attends to the specific
management and signals the acceptance of the request (ACK) on other memories to enable
continuing the processes under way.
For any necessary in-depth details refer to the OSAI “ WinPLUS Application” Manual (code Osai
This paragraph deals with the organization of the NC files and the description of the most
important ones, with regard to the purpose of this document.
The NC Hard Disk is partitioned into the following 4 logic partitions:
C and D : they are system disks containing the system files relating to the specific NC SW release.
E: this disk is reserved to the machining centre manufacturer, containing all NC parameterization
F: this disk is reserved to the machining centre manufacturer and to the end used; it contains all
workpiece machining cycles (Part-Program) and any other machining centre operating cycles
(paramacro, tool change programs, etc.)
The peculiar files and folder are mentioned below:
E:\AMP : folder where the various AMP (Adjustable Machine Parameters) reside, i.e., the
system characterization files.
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E:\OEM\EXE : folder where the machining centre manufacturer applications reside (CMSKMG,
CMSCON, CMSRST). These DOS Real Time applications are run by the NC in parallel
with all other activities.
E:\LOG\WIN: folder containing some PLC configuration files, the message files
and the Canbus line configuration files.
F:\CMSKMG : folder containing the CMSKMG application configuration files.
F:\UPP : folder containing the Part-Programs and any auxiliary programs by the machining
centre manufacturer (tool change cycles, workpiece loading/unloading cycles, …)
By the related utility function it is possible to define up to 4 AMP’s. In most cases one single AMP is
enough for NC characterization. At other times it is necessary to define more than one of them, as
the machining centre can adopt configurations needing different parameterizations (machining
centres equipped with Gantry tables, machining centres where no axes can be added or removed
according to the operations to carry out, …). In this case it will be the end user’s task to select the
necessary AMP each time and restart the NC for activation.
The following features can be defined for each AMP:
- number of processes and related characterizations
- number of axes for each process and related characterization
- process variables
- logic interfacing variables (PLUS Variables)
The latest versions of the CMSKMG application are provided with improved diagnostic functions.
In this connection the diagnostic file F:\CMSKMG\CMSKMG.LOG has been provided, where a
certain number of signals from the CMSKMG.EXE application is stored. This number depends on
the value of the #DEB parameter present in the file CMSKMG.CFG, which can adopt the following
#DEB 0 : Minimum signal level (default)
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N.B.: folder E:\OEM\AMP1 contains the OEM_CONF.TXT file. This file defines the priority levels
and the video resources associated with the various applications.
By default the video resource is assigned to CMSCON application.
Should any problems arise with the spindle, it is possible to assign the video resource to the
CMSKMG application, to display some additional information which might turn useful during the
diagnostic phase. After making the changes prompted below it is necessary to recompile the AMP
and restart the NC for their acquisition.
Video resource to CmsCon (default) Video resource to CmsKmg
TI 127 512 0 CMSKMG.EXE TI 127 512 1 CMSKMG.EXE
* *
TQ 10 2 TQ 10 2
SM 1 1 SM 1 1
TI 129 512 1 CMSCON.EXE TI 129 512 0 CMSCON.EXE
It is advisable to restore the default configuration any way (#DEB 0 and video resource to the
CMSCON.EXE application) as sending messages implies a waste of extra time at any rate.
Inside the WIN folder the following files can be found:
- CANBUS line configuration file: CANBUS.DBM and CANBUS.RMP
- PLC message file:
-WINPLUS.ASC (former PLC versions)
-ITA.ASC, ING.ASC, FRA.ASC …… (new PLC versions)
-Initializzation/configuration files for the PLC:
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As illustrated by the figure below the PLC is structured into more modules: configuration modules
(CicloPLC.res), variable definition modules (Varxxxx.gvl), code definition modules (xxxx.st) and
other auxiliary modules (constant definition, structure definitions, functions, functional blocks and
various libraries).
In particular:
- CicloPLC.res : lists all the tasks of the PLC project
- VarInOut.gvl : lists the definitions of all I/O’s of the PLC project
- VarMsg.gvl : lists the definitions of all messages of the PLC project
- VarMac.gvl : lists the definitions of the main variables of the machining centre in hand
- VarCom.gvl : lists the definitions of the standard variables shared by all the PLC projects
- Fast.st, Assi.st, Proc.st, Driv.st, Zero.st, Funz.st: these are the main program blocks
The nomenclature of variables has been the target of a great effort of standardization, so as to
simplify the understanding of the various projects. The following tables describe the conventions
Flow switch FL
Circuit breaker QF
Braking resistance RR
Selector SA
Button SB
Luminous button/selector SH
Level sensor SL
Pressure sensor SP
Position sensor SQ
Rotation sensor SR
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Temperature sensor ST
Thermostat TR
Instantaneous relay KA
Power contactors KM
Electromagnetic brake YB
Solenoid valve YV
VOLATILE MEMORIES 64 BIT LONG REAL floating point 64bit precis. MLR_xxxx
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RETENTIVE MEMORIES 64 BIT LONG REAL floating point 64bit precis. RLR_xxxx
VOL. MEMORIES 64 BIT NC LONG REAL floating point 64bit precis. yLR_CN
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With WinPlus it is advisable to use some symbolic values in the various computational expressions,
i.e. some CONSTANTS, instead of absolute values whose meaning is not easily grasped.
Generic constants defined in the VarCom.gvl module:
KT_10MS : TIME:= T#10ms ;
Specific constants defined in the VarAssi.gvl module:
Each name of variable is made up by the variable type, the name of the block (with exceptions)
where the variable is set and by a very concise description. The meaning of the action must refer
to logic state 1 (TRUE).
Exceptions: the name of the block does not need to be indicated in case of LOCAL variables,
system variables, I/O signals and is omitted in case of variables indicating M/S/T functions.
With WinPlus the name of a variable can be maximum 32-character long.
Per costruirlo unire fra loro TUTTE le parole della relativa descrizione, scrivendo in maiuscolo
l’iniziale di ciascuna parola tranne il tipo di variabile che va scritto interamente in maiuscolo
utilizzando il carattere “_” come separatore.
Ulteriori convenzioni vengono utilizzate per alcuni tipi di variabili utilizzate ad esempio per la
decodifica di softkey , per i messaggi , per i parametri formali delle funzioni o per variabili
rappresentanti maschere di bit.
Negli esempi e nelle note che seguono sono indicati tutti i casi previsti.
Esempi :
Indirizzo (opzionale) Nome Variabile: Tipo
M 1004,04 INP_OkModuloEmergenza Segnale ingresso
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FUNZIONE F F_EseguoSomma
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Una volta scritto il codice è necessario compilare il progetto prima di trasferirlo nel CN (download).
Per compilare il progetto cliccare sull’icona indicata in figura. Con alcune versioni di WInPLUS
l’operazione di compilazione necessita della relativa chiavetta HW.
In questo caso cliccando due volte sulla prima riga errata nella lista errori è possibile rintracciare
velocemente il punto in cui l’errore è presente. Apportare le correzioni del caso e ripetere
l’operazione di compilazione. Il risultato che si deve ottenere è il seguente:
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A questo punto è possibile scaricare il progetto in macchina cliccando sull’icona indicata nella
seguente figura.
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I seguenti comandi sono particolarmente utili nelle fasi di debug PLC e diagnostica:
a) “Cerca in files” ⇒ ctrl+i
b) “Vai alla linea” ⇒ ctrl+g--
Esistono inoltre i seguenti strumenti di debug che consentono di eseguire operazioni di diagnosi e
debugging più complesse e nel caso di utilizzo dei breakpoint anche pericolose. Il relativo utilizzo è
riservato a personale qualificato.
a) Watchpoint
b) Watch List
c) Breakpoint
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The following procedure describes the steps to be done to save all the data of the NC on the PC:
• Press MODE
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• Press SETUP
• Press BOOT
• Press REBOOT
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• Compare il messaggio “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO BOOT THE CNC”
• Cliccare su YES
• Press BACKUP and specify the path and name of the backup to be created:
• Create a new folder “BCKxxxx” (xxxx represents the serial number of the machine).
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• Open the folder you just created, specify the file name and press SAVE
• Wait for the end of the Backup operation, until it is shown the message “Operation
completed successfully!”
• Into BOOT CONTROLLER interface, select MODE then press NORMAL to restart the CN in
standard mode and resume normal operation of the machine:
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The following procedure describes the operations to load all the data from the PC to the NC:
1. CN activated
2. Machine in Emergency stop
• Press MODE
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• Press SETUP
• Press BOOT
• Press REBOOT
• It is shown the message “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO BOOT THE CNC”
• Press YES
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• Press RESTORE, select BROWSE… e indicare il percorso ed il nome del file di backup da
• Select the three options “System area”, “OEM area”, “User area”:
• Press START and wait for the completion of recovery operations CN, which is specified by
the message “Operation completed successfully!”
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• In the BOOT CONTROLLER interface, select MODE, then press NORMAL to restart the CN
in standard mode and resume normal operation of the machine:
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