Melanogenesis Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in T

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Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in the Treatment of

Hyperpigmentory Disorders

Article  in  Journal of Pigmentary Disorders · January 2015

DOI: 10.4172/2376-0427.1000223


21 849

3 authors:

Sharique Athar Ali Ram Kumar Choudhary

Saifia Science College Sha Shib College of Science and Managment, Bhopal


Ishrat Naaz
Saifia Science College


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Melanocyte Regeneration View project

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Journal of Pigmentary Disorders Ali et al., Pigmentary Disorders 2015, 2:11

Review Hybrid open access

Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive

Compounds in the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders
Sharique A Ali*, Ram K Choudhary, Ishrat Naaz and Ayesha S Ali
Department of Zoology and Biotechnology Saifia College of Science, Bhopal, India
*Corresponding author: Sharique A Ali, Professor of Physiology and Head Department of Biotechnology, Saifia Science College, Bhopal (MP)-462001, India, Tel: +91
9893015818; E-mail: [email protected]
Rec date: September 30, 2015; Acc date: November 2, 2015; Pub date: November 10, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Ali SA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Skin pigmentation is an important human phenotypic trait that gives special aesthetic hue to individuals and also
protective covering against solar ultra violet radiations, but excessive pigment production and uneven distribution,
appear as serious undesirable hyperpigmentory anomalies. To overcome this, various therapeutic agents and skin-
lightening cosmetics are in big demand across Asia, and the quest for fairness has led to identification of many new
ingredients. The mechanisms underlying pigmentation has been researched extensively and the knowledge are
being updated regularly. To understand the etiology of normal and uneven skin pigmentation, first part of the review
serves us basic updated information regarding the normal process of melanogenesis and strict coherent attributes
that monitor the skin pigmentation control machinery. While the later part of the review focuses on some abnormal
hyperpigmentory anomalies, their mode of action at the cellular level and various approaches that exploit the natural
botanicals for their permanent and cost effective treatment.

Keywords: Skin pigmentation; Hyperpigmentation disorders; involvement or subsidiary projection of tyrosinase via unorthodox
Melanogenesis; Natural products/botanicals routes resulting into varied skin related abnormalities [6,7].
Hyper reactivity of melanocytes as well as abnormal synthesis and
Introduction accumulation of melanin leads to the consequences of skin related
Melanin is a prime contributor of pigmentation patterns in pigmentation disorders. Looking at the human history, humans have
vertebrates including human beings and is synthetized by melanocytes continually tagged and categorized end another on the basis of skin
which remain distributed in the basal layer of the skin epidermis. complexion. In most African and Asian populations, fair complexion is
Generally two types of melanin pigment are produced within the labelled/tagged as beauty, grace and high social class whereas dark skin
melanocytes, i.e. black or brown eu-melanin and red or yellow pheo- complexion is seen as being of lowest social status. This perception
melanin, which decides the colour of hair, skin or eyes [1,2]. inspires most people of both genders for the recent craze for a fair skin
and has given a forceful indulgence of their in skin care merchandise,
Upon exposure to the UV radiations, melanocytes synthesise that improve the skin complexion [8].
melanin in the membrane bound organelle, the melanosomes by
multistep, complex process of melanogenesis, and transfer them via The present review is dedicated to the updated knowledge of
their dendritic process to the adjacent keratinocytes where they form melanocytes biology including (1) biogenesis of melanosomes and
perinuclear melanin cap to protect the cells from UV induced damage melanin (2) regulation of melanogenesis, (3) hyperpigmentary
of nuclear DNA and also by removing the reactive oxygen species disorders (4) scientifically validated plants for the treatment of
(ROS). Moreover in keratinocytes, these melanin pigments give colour hyperpigmentation, and their mechanism.
to skin in combination with other pigments like carotenoid and
haemoglobin derivatives [3]. Biogenesis of Melanosomes and Melanin
Melanin synthesis is highly cooperative step carried out by Melanin synthesis starts concurrently with the biosynthesis of
tyrosinase gene family protein i.e. tyrosinase (TYR), tyrosinase related specialized intracellular organelles, the melanosomes. Melanosomes
protein-1 (TRP-1) and tyrosinase related protein-2 (TRP-2). Though are formed by multistep process during which immature, unpigmented
TYR is the key player of melanogenesis that catalyse the crucial two melanosomes matured into developed pigmented melanosomes. Based
initial steps of melanin synthesis, TRP-1 and TRP-2 also take on electron microscopic observations by Seiji, [9] melanosome
important position in the synthesis of melanin [4,5]. biogenesis has been categorized into four stages (I-IV), based on the
degree of maturation with discrete morphological and biochemical
Melanogenesis is under a mosaic regulatory control comprising
features that reveal discrete routes of the biosynthesis of structural and
interplay of different factors and signaling pathways. Among them α –
enzymatic proteins. Hence, melanin production occurs in these
melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH), agouti signal protein
particular compartments as the biogenesis of melanosomes proceeds.
(ASP) and micropthalmia associated transcriptional factor (MITF) are
Early stages (I & II) of melanosome development are referred as
the predominant regulators of melanin synthetic pathways. Conjointly,
premelanosomes which lack pigment but possess other distinct
one of such regulatory factors or pathways is the discordant
features. Stage I premelanosomes originate from endosomes, are
electron lucent and are limited by unit membrane which matures into

Pigmentary Disorders Volume 2 • Issue 11 • 1000223

ISSN:2376-0427 JPD, hybrid open access journal
Citation: Ali SA, Choudhary RK, Naaz I, Ali AS (2015) Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in
the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders. Pigmentary Disorders 2: 223. doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000223

Page 2 of 9

stage II premelanosomes. Pmel17 is a transmembrane glycoprotein or dopachrome tautomerase (TRP-2 or DCT). All the three enzymes of
that localizes in the limiting membrane of stage I premelanosomes and melanin synthesis are transcriptional products of micropthamia
then enters into the matrix of stage II premelanosomes, forms the associated transcriptional factor (MITF) which is also known as
intralumenal striations here, the formation of intraluminal fibrils being “master regulator” of melanogenesis. Under normal conditions, after
at stage I which get completed in stage II [10]. getting stimulation from UV radiation, MITF ensures the
uninterrupted transcription of tyrosinase genes via cAMP signalling
When the internal striation is formed, the following transport of
etc. [18]. Instead of MITF, many factors including biogenesis of
integral membrane proteins take place: for example enzymes TYR,
lysosome-related organelles complexes (BLOC-1), ocular albinism type
TRP-1 and TRP-2 begin the production of melanin that conceals the
1 protein (OA1), oculocutaneous albinism II (OCA2 also known as P)
Pmel17-interlumenal striation, ultimately melanosomal development
and SLC45A2 affect the trafficking and hence the function of these
proceeds towards stage III melanosomes which is partially pigmented
enzymes [10,19].
[11]. TYR is the key enzyme of melanin synthesis [12] as it catalyses
the initial two crucial steps of melanogenesis, i.e. the hydroxilation of
L-tyrosine to 3,4-dihroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), and subsequent Receptors and proteins involved in melanosomal transport
oxidation of L-DOPA to DOPA-quinone. DOPA-quinone is the After the deposition of melanin granules within the melanosomes,
branching point to form either eumelanin or pheomelanin. In the these are being migrated through microtubules (MT) from perinuclear
absence of thio compounds like cysteine or glutathione (GSH), DOPA- zone to dendritic tips of melanocytes for transfer into the
quinone gets converted into DOPA-chrome. DOPA-chrome either neighbouring keratinocytes. In addition to the MT, proteins like
tautomerize into indole 5,6-quinone 2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) the kinesin (prograde) and dynein (retrograde) seem to participate in
presence of TRP-2 or decarboxylated into 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI). trafficking of melanosomes [20].
TRP-1 is a DHICA oxidase which catalyses the formation of carboxy
group containing eumelanin. DHICA and DHI are further oxidized A combination of genetic and cell biological studies have revealed
and polymerized into eumelanin [13]. that the activated small GTPase Rab27a together with its effector
protein melanophilin, associates with mature melanosomes and
In the presence of thiol compound, the sulfhydryl group of these recruits the actin motor protein, myosin VA (MYO5A) expressed in
compound conjugate with DOPA-quinone to form 5-S-cysteinyldopa melanocytes. These proteins connected to the mature melanosomes in
or 5-S-glutathionyldopa (in the presence of cysteine or glutathione). the order of Rab27A-melanophilin-MYO5A, this complex enables
Thiol-DOPA gets subsequently oxidized and is polymerised into migration of melanosomes from microtubules onto the peripheral
pheomelanin [14]. Eumelanosomes are elliptical or oval in shape actin network of melanocytes, enabling successive transport to the
whereas pheomelanosomes are of spherical shape. Fully pigmented adjacent keratinocytes [21-22].
stage IV melanosomes are generated after additional synthesis of
melanin. These fully melanized stage IV melanosomes are then Previous pioneering research work done in our laboratory, related to
transported from melanocytic dendrites to the keratinocytes. skin pigmentation has revealed that the major signals involved in
pigment transport within the pigment producing cells are dependent
on a special class of cell surface receptors called G-protein-coupled
Crucial Factors Regulating Melanin Synthesis
receptors (GPCRs). Many of these receptors i.e. adrenergic [23-27],
Pigmentation factors that regulate biosynthesis of melanin within cholinergic or cholinomuscarinic [28-34], histaminergic [35-39],
melanocytes are typically situated within, on, or near the serotoninergic [40] have been found on melanophores/melanocytes of
melanosomes. These factors can be divided into three types i.e. protein lower vertebrate species that regulate the translocation of pigment
that regulated melanosomes development, proteins that control granules from one place to another. These large numbers of studies
melanin synthesis and proteins involved in intracellular trafficking of have also demonstrated the physiological and pharmacological role of
melanosomal components as well as their transport to the adjacent autonomic receptors from a comparative evolutionary aspect of skin
keratinocytes [15]. pigmentation. Our data categorically point that, at the cellular and
molecular level, receptors particularly those of histamine (H1, H2, H3
Melanosomal structural proteins and H4) and serotonin (5HT1, 5HT2, 5HT3 and 5HT4) play specific
role in animal pigmentation including mammalian melanocytes Figure
PMEL17/GP100 and MART-1 are the important structural proteins 1.
that play principal role in biogenesis of melanosomes. PMEL17 is an
integral membrane protein that endures transfer from the endoplasmic On the other hand endothelin and melatonin receptors have also
reticulum to the Golgi apparatus where it is glycosylated and found to be present on melanocytes, regulating translocation of
eventually exported to the limiting membrane of stage I pigment granules leading to control of skin pigmentation or
premelanosomes [16]. Here it undergoes proteolytic cleavage and phonotypical appearance of skin [41].
forms intraluminal striation of stage II premelanosomes, melanin
pigment mask these fibrils and ultimately mature stages III and IV Hyperpigmentation of skin
melanosomes formed. MART-1 is considered as melanosome specific
marker and is found plentiful in the early melanosomes, is obligatory Hyperpigmentation may be defined as increased pigmentation of
for the maturation of PMEL17 [17]. the skin, which is generally recognized by darkening or increase in the
natural color of the skin usually due to an increased deposition of
melanin pigment in the epidermis and/or dermis [42]. On the basis of
Enzymes / Proteins that control melanin biosynthesis location of over deposition of melanin granules, hyper pigmentation
The three important enzymes that take part in melanin synthesis can be classified as epidermal and dermal hyper pigmentation [43].
belong to tyrosinase gene protein family. These are tyrosinase (TYR), Epidermal hyper pigmentation is because of melanin pigmentation
tyrosinase related protein-1 (TRP-1) and tyrosinase related protein-2 and has a brownish hue, while, dermal pigmentation is called

Pigmentary Disorders Volume 2 • Issue 11 • 1000223

ISSN:2376-0427 JPD, hybrid open access journal
Citation: Ali SA, Choudhary RK, Naaz I, Ali AS (2015) Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in
the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders. Pigmentary Disorders 2: 223. doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000223

Page 3 of 9

‘ceruloderma’ or ‘blue hyper pigmentation’ which may either be due to Normally, the melanocytes are located in the basal layer of the
melanin or due to non-melanin pigments [44]. epidermis and an increase in their number or activity will cause
epidermal hyper pigmentation. However, formed melanin may be
transferred to the dermis or, in some cases, dermal melanocytes are
also present. A heightened activity or number of melanocytes in these
instances will lead to dermal hyper pigmentation. Also, a combination
of the above may take place, triggering mixed hyper pigmentation.

Hyperpigmentation Disorders
Hyper pigmentation disorders are characterized by darker skin
appearance i.e. brown to gray-brown patches on the face melasma
[45,53], dark plaques on skin, (post inflammatory hyper pigmentation)
[53-55], light to dark brown spots of 1 to 20 cm (“Café-au-lait”
macules)[53], pale brown to dark brown spots on the skin (agespots or
solar lentigo)[53], well-circumscribed round to oval or irregular grey
patches on the face, neck and trunk (Erythema dyschromicum
perstans), netlike pigmentation (Prurigo pigmentosa)[56,57], dark
vertical line across the abdomen in pregnant females (linea nigra) [58].
These skin pigmentary abnormalities are seen as aesthetically
unfavourable and have led to the development of cosmetic and
therapeutic treatment modalities of varying efficacy aimed to modulate
skin pigmentation. These depigmenting agents are any ingredient or
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of signalling pathway associated combination of ingredients that interfere one or more steps of
with UV induced melanogenesis and translocation of pigment melanogenic pathway, melanosome transfer or post-transfer pigment
granules from melanocytes to keratinocytes. processing and degradation that result in lowering pigmentation on
the surface of the skin [59,60].
Many modalities of treatment for acquired skin hyperpigmentation
Hyper pigmentation also results from inflammation or other skin are available including chemical agents or physical therapies, but none
insults i.e. skin diseases such as acne or shingles with may leave are completely satisfactory. Traditional depigmenting agents, such as
darkened spots. Scars from skin injury or surgery also may become hydroquinone, corticosteroids, and kojic acid, although highly effective
hyper pigmented. Cosmetic procedures including laser resurfacing, but can raise several safety concerns (i.e. ochronosis, atrophy,
laser hair removal, chemical peels and dermabrasion also may leave carcinogenesis, and other local or systemic side effects) with long-term
the affected area darker than the normal skin color [45]. exposure [61,62].
Although hyper pigmentation is not harmful, it can cause To overcome these adverse side effects, benefits of natural and
significant cosmetic disfigurement and become a persistent botanical extracts can be used, which provides opportunities to
psychosocial burden for the patient, due to the limited efficacy of the develop new products as novel treatment for various hyperpigmentory
available treatments. Apart from this, disfiguring facial lesions can anomalies, as medicinal plants are rich sources of bioactive chemicals,
significantly affect a person's overall emotional well-being and can free from harmful side effects and are potentially safe and effective skin
contribute to decreases in social functioning, productivity at work or lightening agents [52,63].
school, and self-esteem [46,47].
Active compounds isolated from plants, such as arbutin, aloesin,
gentisic acid, flavonoids, hesperidin, licorice, niacinamide, yeast
Mechanism of Hyperpigmentation
derivatives and polyphenols, inhibit melanogenesis without
Abnormal pigmentation or hyper pigmentation may develop at a melanocyte toxicity by different mechanisms i.e. acting on one or more
number of points in the biochemical cascades that regulate healthy steps in the melanogenic pathway, melanosome transfer, or post-
pigmentation [48]. It typically results from increased melanin transfer pigment processing and degradation.
production by existing melanocytes (melanotic hyper pigmentation),
which may occur in the epidermis/dermis or in both or from Approaches for Treatment of Hyperpigmentation by
proliferation of active melanocytes (melanocytotic hyper
Natural Botanicals
pigmentation). Hyper pigmentation also may develop when epidermal
cells retain too much melanin.
Inhibition of tyrosinase and related enzyme expression
The main causes of skin hyper pigmentation are various: auto
immune conditions, sun damage (UV radiation and ionizing The transcriptional level is the first stage by which the expression of
radiation), drug reactions (chemicals), hormonal changes (extensive tyrosinase and related melanogenic enzymes may be modulated [64].
release of α-MSH), genetic factors, medications, hormonal therapy or To develop a new skin whitening agent for cosmetics and treatment of
birth control pills and also rubbing of the skin which can be the hyperpigmentation form natural products various phyto molecules
triggering factors, resulting in the hyper secretion of melanin from have been screened in past few decades which exerting inhibitory
melanocytes causing hyper pigmentation [49-52]. effect on formation of tyrosinase, tyrosinase related protein-1 (TRP1)

Pigmentary Disorders Volume 2 • Issue 11 • 1000223

ISSN:2376-0427 JPD, hybrid open access journal
Citation: Ali SA, Choudhary RK, Naaz I, Ali AS (2015) Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in
the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders. Pigmentary Disorders 2: 223. doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000223

Page 4 of 9

and tyrosinase related protein-2 (TRP-2), enzymes that catalyses few effectively the hyperpigmentation of women with chloasma. Ellagic
rate limiting steps of melanogenic pathway [65]. acid is a natural polyphenol that is widely found in fruits and
vegetables and the main active ingredient of fruit rinds of
Studies of Cho et al. [66] have demonstrated that isoimperatorin
pomegranate, showed inhibitory activity in the process of
and imperatorin isolated from ethanoloic extract of Angelica daburica
melanogenesis by inhibition of the proliferation of melanocytes and
significantly inhibited tyrosinase synthesis in Bl6 melanoma cells by
melanin synthesis by tyrosinase in melanocytes [82].
reducing the level of tyrosinase m-RNA leading to lightening of the
skin (Table 1). Hesperidin, a bioflavonoid existing extensively in the peel and
membranes of citrus fruits also shows potent dose-dependent
Inhibition of tyrosinase activity antityrosinase activity of hesperidin in B16 melanoma cells leading to
inhibition of melanin synthesis without cytotoxicity [83].
Most botanical depigmenting agents act by interfering in the
pathways leading to melanin synthesis by inhibiting the activity of Apart from these, there are several other plant extracts and active
tyrosinase [65]. These kinds of tyrosinase inhibitors are widespread in ingredients i.e. Greyia flanaganii leaf extract [84], ethanolic extracts of
nature and botanical extracts are good source of naturally occurring Salvia cryptantha and Salvia cyanescens [85], ethanolic extracts of
tyrosinase inhibitors which are commonly used as traditional remedies grape seeds and peels [86], stem bark extract of Bauhinia rufescens
for pigmentation disorders [67-68]. [87], dried flower extract of Inula britannica [88], stems extract of
Liriodendron tulipifera [89], Cotoneaster nummularia extract [90],
Regarding this, some earlier studies have suggested that arbutin, Cocoa pod extract [91], Salacia reticulate extract [92], resveratrol and
isolated from the fresh fruit of the California buckeye and Aesculus oxyresveratrol isolated from citrus fruits [93], which have been found
californica, was used to inhibit the oxidation of L-DOPA catalyzed by to possess strong tyrosinase inhibitory activity as shown in various in
mushroom tyrosinase and was effective in the topical treatment of vivo and in vitro pigment cell systems.
various cutaneous hyperpigmentory disorders characterized by
hyperactive melanocyte function [69-71]. Recent studies of Cho et al. [94] have also demonstrated that trans-
p-coumaric acid methyl ester and N-(trans-cinnamoyl) tryptamine
Green tea is also reported to be a competitive tyrosinase inhibitor isolated from the roots of Oryza sativa L., works as strong inhibitor of
based on in vitro studies. The gallocatechin moiety in the major tyrosinase and exerts skin lightening effect on murine B16-F10
catechin constituents epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate and melanoma cells. While Han et al. [95] have also shown that there is
gallocatechin gallate is reported to be responsible for this effect [72]. considerable skin lightening activity in the aerial parts of Pueraria
Studies of Picardo and Carrera, [73] have demonstrated that aloesin thunbergiana extract, which interrupts the maturation of tyrosinase
from Aloe vera works as a non-competitive inhibitor of tyrosinase, through inhibiting a-glucosidase, consequently reducing the tyrosinase
affecting the action of tyrosinase complex in the substratum and activity in the pigment cells.
reducing the conversion of DOPA into melanin. Kojic acid also inhibits
tyrosinase directly, while L-ascorbic acid and its derivatives are Inhibition of Melanin dispersion or translocation
believed to act as reducing agents on intermediates in melanin
Several studies have focused on the identification of regulatory
biosynthesis at various points in the oxidation chain reaction from
factors of the melanosome movement in dendrites and of the
tyrosine/DOPA to melanin. Green tea is also reported to be a
interaction between keratinocytes and melanocytes during the transfer
competitive tyrosinase inhibitor based on in vitro studies.
process [96-97]. In this regard, several molecules are also known to
Tan et al. [74] and Cheng et al. [75] have reported that aloin isolated have an effect on the transfer of melanin from melanocytes to
from leaf extract of A. vera acts as a natural skin lightener which can keratinocytes, leading to lightening of the skin and can be used as
bind not only to the enzyme tyrosinase but also to the enzyme– therapeutic agents for hyperpigmentory skin disorders [66].
substrate complex, leading to inactivation of the enzyme resulting
Niacinamide is a biologically active form of niacin (vitamin B3)
lightening of skin.
found widely in many root vegetables and yeasts, and it is also an
Glycyrrhiza glabra is a commonly used plant in the skin lightening important precursor of NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
industry, which works to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase and limit the and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), inhibits
amount of pigment produced in melanocyte cells. Previous studies of the transfer of melanosomes from melanocytes to keratinocytes in
Nerya et al. [76] and Fu et al. [77] showed that glabridin and cocultures of human melanocytes and keratinocytes. Some clinical
isoliquiritigenin, the main ingredients of the hydrophobic fraction of studies using topically applied niacinamide have also demonstrated a
licorice extract have been also shown to inhibit tyrosinase activity in reversible reduction in hyperpigmented lesions and increased skin
B16 murine melanoma cells. Research also indicated that skin lightness [98].
lightening potential of glabridin is found to be greater than that of
Recent research work done in our laboratory has demonstrated that
hydroquinone, the artificial depigmentation agent widely used [76, 78].
plant extracts of Arachis hypogaea [24], Citrus reticulata [26], Aloe
Lee et al. [79] have reported that mulberroside F, the active vera [25], Chlorophytum tuberosum [27] Ocimum sanctum [99], G.
component of dried mulberry (Morus alba) leaves also showed glabra and Punica granatum (unpublished data) significantly lighten
inhibitory effects on tyrosinase activity and on melanin formation in the skin via stimulation of adrenergic receptors of various subtypes in
melan-a cells. This compound also exhibited superoxide scavenging different melanophore models of animals like fishes, amphibians and
activity that is involved in the protection against auto-oxidation [80], reptiles. These findings have provided a strong basis to understand the
suggesting a role for M. alba as a component of lightening cosmetics. receptor based mechanism of the skin lightening at the cellular level.
Yamakoshi et al. [81] have reported the oral administration of a
proanthocyanidin rich extract from grape seeds for one year reduced

Pigmentary Disorders Volume 2 • Issue 11 • 1000223

ISSN:2376-0427 JPD, hybrid open access journal
Citation: Ali SA, Choudhary RK, Naaz I, Ali AS (2015) Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in
the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders. Pigmentary Disorders 2: 223. doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000223

Page 5 of 9

S. Plant Name Bioactive compound Experimental Assay / Cell type/ Target site/ Mode of action Reference
No. Animal model

1 Angelica Isoimperatorin and Imperatorin B16 melanoma cells Tyrosinase m-RNA level (Tyrosinase Cho et al. [66]
daburica Synthesis)

2 Aesculus Arbutin Human melanocytes in culture inhibition of tyrosinase activity at post Tomita et al.
californica transcription level, DHICA polymerase [69]
Chakraborty et
al. [70]
Hori et al. [71]

3 Camellia Epicatechin gallate, Epigallocatechin In vitro mushroom Inhibition of tyrosinase activity No et al. [72]
sinensis (Green gallate and Gallocatechin gallate
Tyrosinase Assay

4 Aloe vera Aloesine and Aloin Inhibition of tyrosinase activity, Inhibition Picardo and
of pigment translocation Carrera, [73] Ali
et al. [25]

5 Glycyrrhiza glabridin and isoliquiritigenin B16 murine melanoma cells Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Nerya et al. [76]
Fu et al. [77]
Holloway, [78]

6 Morus alba mulberroside F melan-a cells Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Lee et al.

7 Vitis vinifera proanthocyanidin In vivo Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Yamakoshi et al.

Human Females

8 Punica Ellagic acid UV-irradiated guinea pigs Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Yoshimura et al.
granatum [82]

9 Citrus Fruits Hesperidin B16 melanoma cells Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Zhang et al. [83]

10 Greyia Ethanolic extract of leaves Cultured melanocytes cells Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Mapunya et al.
flanaganii [84]

11 Salvia Ethanol (EtOH) extracts In vivo and in vitro models Tyrosinase activity by ferrous ion- Süntar et al.
cryptantha chelating ability, (DPPH) and superoxide [85]
radical scavenger activity

12 Salvia Ethanol (EtOH) extracts Rats and mice Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Süntar et al.
cyanescens [85]

13 Bauhinia a-amyrin acetate In vitro tyrosinase inhibition assay Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Muhammad
rufescens and Sirat [87]

14 Inula britannica 1-O-acetylbritannilactone, Cultured B16 melanoma cells Tyrosinase activity, Choo et al. [88]
Inhibition of ERK, Akt, cAMP related

15 Liriodendron Yangambin, Methyl 4-hydroxy-2- B16F10 cell line Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Li et al. [89]
tulipifera methylbenzoate, Methyl
haematommate, 2,6-Dimethoxy-p-

16 Cotoneaster ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, In vitro Mushroom tyrosinase assay Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Zengin et al.
nummularia epicatechin, catechin [90]

17 Theobroma flavonoids In vitro Mushroom tyrosinase assay Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Karim et al. [91]
Cacao (Cocoa
pod) extract

18 Salacia root extract B16 melanoma cells Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Suwannalert et
reticulate al. [92]

19 Arachis Resveratrol, oxyresveratrol tyrosinase assay Inhibition of tyrosinase activity, Inhibition Park et al. [93]
hypogaea of pigment translocation Galgut and Ali,

Pigmentary Disorders Volume 2 • Issue 11 • 1000223

ISSN:2376-0427 JPD, hybrid open access journal
Citation: Ali SA, Choudhary RK, Naaz I, Ali AS (2015) Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in
the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders. Pigmentary Disorders 2: 223. doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000223

Page 6 of 9

20 Oryza sativa L trans-p-coumaric acid methyl ester and murine B16-F10 melanoma cells Inhibition of tyrosinase activity Cho et al. [94]
N-(trans-cinnamoyl) tryptamine

21 Pueraria Aerial part extract B16F10 melanoma cell line Downgrading microphthalmia- Han et al. [95]
thunbergiana associated transcription factor,
interrupting maturation of tyrosinase

22 Helianthus Niacinamide keratinocyte/ melanocyte coculture Inhibition of pigment translocation from Hakozaki et al.
annuus model and pigmented reconstructed melanocytes to keratinocytes [98]
epidermis (PREP) model

23 Chlorophytum Aqueous extract Fish scale melanophores Inhibition of pigment translocation Choudhari et al.
tuberosum [27]

24 Ocimum Eugenol B16F10 Cell line, Amphibian dorsal Tyrosinase activity, Ali et al. [99]
sanctum skin melanophores
Inhibition of pigment translocation

Table 1: Summary of scientifically validated active botanicals which can be used as skin lightening agents and their possible mechanism of action.

Control of melanin degradation and its removal processes underlying melanin synthesis have made remarkable
progresses over the last few years and have undoubtedly opened new
Apart for above two strategies, some other substances that increase paths in pharmacologic approaches for the treatment of
the degradation and removal of pigment granules from the skin are hyperpigmentation. But at the same time, the topic has become more
also commonly used to remove excessive melanin content within the complex and the classification of the bio molecules is continually
skin and used as cosmetic and therapeutic agents [66]. becoming more complicated to understand. In vitro pigmented skin
Chemical substances have been used as exfoliantes, such as a- substitutes can be produced by tissue engineering and in vivo models
hydroxy acids, free fatty acids and retinoic acid, which stimulate cell which can exploited as useful tools for understanding these
renewal facilitating the removal of melanised keratinocytes, leading to mechanisms and developing appropriated treatments or drugs. Also, as
melanin pigment loss. Earlier studies of Amer and Metwalli, [100] had the number of putative depigmenting agents grows there is an
demonstrated that liquirtin isolated from Licorice root bud extracts, increased need for studies to clarify product efficacy, cytotoxicity,
exerted potent skin lightening effects in melasma patients, by removing topical skin penetration, target oriented drug delivery, stability, safety
keratinocytes (desquamation), shortening the cell cycle and facilitating and efficacy for in-vivo pigment cell system.
rapid pigment loss. However it is clear that great progress has been made till now in the
filed of normal and uneven skin pigmentation related to its physiology
Conclusion and Future Perspectives and pharmacology, but it is even more apparent that there is a great
deal of work is still left to be done. There are still many questions
It is a well known fact that melanin is very essential pigment found
which are unanswered, concerning the precise mechanism of action
in melanocytes and provides a defensive mechanism against photo
and in-vivo efficacy of the applied natural molecules. Several other
damage of skin cells, but excessive melanin production and uneven
mechanisms involved in pigmentation disorders remain unknown and
distribution leads to undesirable conditions specified as
need to be elucidated upon in order to give affected people a better
hyperpigmentation. Researchers have determined the chemical
quality of life. In the coming days we expect inter merging of several
changes that occur at every step of the melanogenic pathway, both in
disciples to unravel the mystery of human pigmentation.
healthy individuals and in those with pigmentation disorders and huge
advances have been made to understand pigment biology and the
processes underlying skin pigmentation in past few decades. More Acknowledgement
basic understanding of the regulation of melanogenesis could help to The authors extend heartfelt appreciation to the Secretary and
develop safe and natural agents for treatment of hyperpigmentation Principal of Saifia College of Science, Bhopal, India for encouragement.
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Pigmentary Disorders Volume 2 • Issue 11 • 1000223

ISSN:2376-0427 JPD, hybrid open access journal
Citation: Ali SA, Choudhary RK, Naaz I, Ali AS (2015) Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in
the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders. Pigmentary Disorders 2: 223. doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000223

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Citation: Ali SA, Choudhary RK, Naaz I, Ali AS (2015) Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in
the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders. Pigmentary Disorders 2: 223. doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000223

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Pigmentary Disorders Volume 2 • Issue 11 • 1000223

ISSN:2376-0427 JPD, hybrid open access journal
Citation: Ali SA, Choudhary RK, Naaz I, Ali AS (2015) Understanding the Challenges of Melanogenesis: Key Role of Bioactive Compounds in
the Treatment of Hyperpigmentory Disorders. Pigmentary Disorders 2: 223. doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000223

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Pigmentary Disorders Volume 2 • Issue 11 • 1000223

ISSN:2376-0427 JPD, hybrid open access journal

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