Project Management

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Project Management

Postgraduate Program
Department of Masters of Business Administration
Group Assignment

Participant Students

Number Name ID

1 Senaiyt Bekele GSR/MBA/0228/14

2 Frehiwot Getachew GSR/MBA/0192/14

3 Wubalem Asfaw Dubale GRS/MBA/0457/14

4 Worknesh Kifle GRS/MBA/0145/14

5 Ayahlushm Mulugeta GRS/MBA/0043/14

Submitted to

Submission date: July 16/2022

Table of Contents
Objectives of the study....................................................................................................................1
General objective of the study.....................................................................................................1
Specific objective.........................................................................................................................1
Project Scope...................................................................................................................................1
Organizational Boundaries and Interfaces...................................................................................2
Schedule Baseline and Work Breakdown Structure........................................................................4
Communications Management Plan................................................................................................5
Cost Management Plan....................................................................................................................6
Procurement Management Plan.......................................................................................................7
Development Environment..............................................................................................................7
Risk Management Plan....................................................................................................................8
Delivery Plan.................................................................................................................................11
Quality Assurance..........................................................................................................................11
List of tables
Table 1: Project Team......................................................................................................................3
Table 2: Project Milestone..............................................................................................................4
Table 3: Communication and report................................................................................................6
Table 4: Schedule and Milestones...................................................................................................7
Table 5:Risk prediction....................................................................................................................9
Table 6: Risk reduction..................................................................................................................10
The research was conducted in pursuit of identifying employee motivational practices at Yeka
sub-city Administration woreda 7 Administration. Descriptive research design was employed for
data analysis; sample units were selected using purposive sampling method, and Employees
working in different departments were taken as sample. The result indicated that the application
of financial and non-financial rewards was very low. The study also showed that there was no
good job safety; moreover, Employees were not motivated to stay in the organization for long
period of time. In addition to this, pay more attention to the professional development of their
employees., work environment and Salary increment were the most effective motivational
factors which helps to increase employee productivity, employee work efficiency and employee
loyalty. However, each organizations internal environment, rules and regulations and policies are
different hence, results are also varying as per organizations. Most of the factors are within the
controls of the organizational management and can as such be exploited by the management in
order to boost the levels of employee motivation. To enhance staff motivation, the administration
should take measures to improve work conditions, raise work reward and pay more attention to
the professional development of their employees.

Objectives of the study

General objective of the study
The general objective of the study is to assess the Motivational practice of Employee in Yeka
Sub-City worda7 Administration.

Specific objective
 To assess the type of employee motivational packages in the organization
 To examine level of Employees’ motivation in the organization
 To identify determinant variables for Employee Motivation in Yeka Sub-city woreda 7

Project Scope
This study was conducted at Yeka sub-city woreda 7 administration, in around safety to enable
the employees to disclose much information concerning the Employee motivational practice.
Focusing on employees from all the various departments. The study is expected to be carried out
between May to July2022. One limitation that may be expected to come up is convincing the
employees to participate in the survey, fill in and hand in a completed questionnaire in time.
However, this will be solved by a proper explanation about the importance of the survey to
employees and the organization, as well as ensuring that the questionnaire is not too long, and is
simple to understand. The researcher will also Endeavour to hand in the tool early enough and
make frequent follow-ups.

Organizational Boundaries and Interfaces
The project is not being not done in the sub city still. Since this project is very essential and needy

after some time, it will cover all over the country. The stakeholders’ dependent on or affected by

the project result is the Yeka sub-city woreda 7 administration.

Resource Owners

The resource owners of the project are the Project team itself and the Yeka sub-city woreda 7
administration also support the Project team in supplying resources as it is the target beneficiary
of the project when it is completed.

Project Organization

The project and subprojects are organized into project manager and team to assign their
individual responsibility while working collaborate to facilitate the work environment.

Project Manager

The project has one Project Manager with the responsibility of the controlling the overall project


Project Team

The project team members are consisting of five individuals one project manager and four with
member responsibilities. The time they spend on the project is accounted for in the project like
the following tables.
Table 1: Project Team

Name Availability Remark

Wubalem Asfaw Yes Active

Frehiwot Getachew Yes Active

Senaiyt Bekele Yes Active

Ayahlushm Mulugeta Yes Active

Worknesh Kifle Yes Active

Milestone List
The below chart lists the major milestones for the Employee motivation Project. This chart is
comprised only of major project milestones such as completion of a project phase or gate review.
There may be smaller milestones which are not included on this chart but are included in the
project schedule and WBS. If there are any scheduling delays which may impact a milestone or
delivery date, the project manager must be notified immediately so proactive measures may be
taken to mitigate slips in dates. Any approved changes to these milestones or dates will be
communicated to the project team by the project manager.

Table 2: Project Milestone

Milestone Description Date

Complete Requirements Gathering All requirements for Employ Motivation Project must 5/25/2022-
be determined to base design upon 5/28/2022

Complete Requirements Analysis This is the theoretical analysis for to detail understand 5/29/2022-
the study 6/10/2022
Complete Organizing the analyzed All data organization completed 6/11/2022-
data 6/25/2022

Complete Project review All the project results are summarized 6/25/2022-

Schedule Baseline and Work Breakdown Structure

According to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), a Work breakdown
structure (WBS) is “a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by
the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables “It is
also defining all the things a project needs to accomplish, organized into multiple levels, and
displayed graphically.

In order make our project more manageable and appropriately assigned to a specific unit of work
for each individual team members and for sufficient completion we divided the project in to
smaller and manageable parts. Work

Breakdown Structure

Yeka sub-city woreda 7 administration

Problem Information Information Organize Summaries

Identification gathering analysis information the Project
Communications Management Plan
Generally, the Communications Management Plan defines the following:

Communication requirements based on roles

What information will be communicated
How the information will be communicated
When will information be distributed
Who does the communication
Who receives the communication
Communications conduct

This Communications Management Plan sets the communications framework for this project. It
will serve as a guide for communications throughout the life of the project and will be updated as
communication requirements change. This plan identifies and defines the roles of Employee
Motivation project team members as they pertain to communications. It also includes a
communications matrix which maps the communication requirements of this project, and
communication conduct for meetings and other forms of communication.

Communication Description Frequency Format Participants/ Deliverable Owner

Type Distribution
Weekly Status Email summary of Weekly Email Project, Teams Status Report Project
Report project status Manager
Weekly Project Meeting to review Weekly In Person Project Team Updated Project
Team Meeting action register and Action Manager
status Register
Project Monthly Present metrics and Monthly In Person Project Team, Status and Project
Review (PMR) status to team and and Metric Manager
stakeholders Stakeholders Presentation
Project Gate Present closeout of As Needed In Person Project Sponsor, Phase Project
Reviews project progress Team and completion Manager
and kickoff next Stakeholders report and
steps phase kickoff

Table 3: Communication and report

Cost Management Plan

The Project Manager will be responsible for managing and reporting on the project’s cost
throughout the duration of the project. The Project Manager will present and review the project’s
cost performance during the monthly project status meeting. Using earned value calculations, the
Project Manager is responsible for accounting for cost deviations and presenting the Project
Sponsor with options for getting the project back on budget. All budget authority and decisions,
to include budget changes, reside with the Employee Motivation Project Sponsor.

Table 4: Schedule and Milestones

Milestones No Description Milestone Criteria Planned Date

M1 Project Start Budget Release 05/25/2022
M2 Complete requirement Scope and concept 05/29/2022
Gathering described
M2 Complete data analysis Requirements agreed, 06/07/2022
project plan reviewed,
M3 Complete data Organized the data 06/20/2022
M3 Complete project Review the project 07/15/2022

Procurement Management Plan

The Project Manager will provide oversight and management for all procurement activities under
this project. The Project Manager is authorized to approve all procurement actions up to 50,000

While this project requires minimal or no procurement, in the event procurement is required, the
Project Manager will work with the project team to identify all items or services to be procured
for the successful completion of the project. The Project Manager will then ensure these
procurements are reviewed by the Program Management Office (PMO) and presented to the
contracts and purchasing groups. The contracts and purchasing groups will review the
procurement actions, determine whether it is advantageous to make or buy the items or resource
required services internally, and begin the vendor selection, purchasing and the contracting

In the event a procurement becomes necessary, the Project Manager will be responsible for
management any selected vendor or external resource. The Project Manager will also measure
performance as it relates to the vendor providing necessary goods and/or services and
communicate this to the purchasing and contracts groups.

Development Environment
The tools used for design, implementation, and documentation for the
project are micro soft word and laptop computer

Risk Management Plan

To Preview risks, estimate their impacts, and define mitigation and contingency measures we
have prepare risk management plan document. This risk management plan helps us to facilitate
the risk managing process and to get sponsorship for the project. The objective of this risk
management plan is to maximizing the results of positive events and minimizing the
consequences of negative events.

The following risks are identified:

 Scope risk: For a variety of reasons, the initial scope may be narrowed or widened.
 Schedule risk The project may not be completed on schedule.
 Resource risk: The allocated resources may not be sufficient to deliver the planned
 Conflict between Project team: There may be disagreements among team members
during the project work.
 Quality risk: The project may not meet the quality requirements of the customers.
 Lack of experience: Lack of knowledge and experience of team members may occur.
 Inaccurate requirement: The information collected may not accurately represent the
population exactly

Table 5:Risk prediction

Risk items(potential Likelihood of risk impacts to project if Priority(Likelihood*

future problems items occurring risk item does impact)
derived from occurred

Schedule risk 16% 15% 31%

Inaccurate 14% 14% 28%

Lack of experience 12% 12% 24%

Communication 14% 14% 28%

problems over system

Conflict between 10% 10% 20%

Project team:

Resource risk 8% 8% 16%

Scope risk 6% 6% 12%

Table 6: Risk reduction

Risk Actions to reduce Actions to reduce Who should When should

items(potential likelihood impacts of risk work an action be
future problems) actions complete
Schedule risk Develop Schedule Review the Wubalem Asfaw 5/25/2022
based on adequate schedule
mathematical to adapt to the
analysis current situation of
the project

Inaccurate Gather accurate Update the Frehiwot 5/29/2022

requirement and enough gathered
information information
Lack of experience Using project Involve Senaiyt Bekele 06/5/2022
template experienced
properly workers to the
Conflict between Develop common Resolve conflicts Worknesh Kifle 06/30/2022
Project team: guide and based on common
standards rules

Resource risk Wise use resource Find alternative Ayahlushm 07/5/2022

Scope risk Carefully define Adjust the scope Frehiwot 07/15/2022
the scope

Delivery Plan
The project will deliver to the Yeka sub-city Administration woreda 7 Administration when
Quality Assurance
To address all the possible error hole at a particular levels of the project study process we use all
the cross check method to check the behavior and performance of the project. Throughout the
project each project lifecycle is crosschecked to determine if the project is fit to its target

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