Fish Capture and Volleyball Notes
Fish Capture and Volleyball Notes
Fish Capture and Volleyball Notes
1. Handline
• This is a fishing device made of single vertical lines carrying one or a series of bailed
barb hooks
• this works by simply dropping it (bait) into the water & waiting for the fish to bite.
• This is commonly constructed in sheltered water, shallow, or deep, fresh or salty, close to
3. Gill net
Curtain-like net this net is usually used at night or early in the morning by having them
anchored to the sea bottom on allowing them to move with the current.
4. Drag seine or pukot
• Used on smoothly, gradually shelving fishing shores and are always toward the
shores or riverbank
7. Filter net
• A conical bag wet without funnel shaped valves made of
sinamay cloth or cotton netting
• fixed in flowing water to filter shrimps, crabs, fishes, and
8. Dip net
• Is a simple instrument made of a round frame and netting material
• It can catch fishes in rivers and places with fast currents by straining the water
12. Fyke net (dayakos)
• A winged conical filter net with a series of circular hoops leading into a closed sac or
trap with a small opening that makes exiting difficult.
1. Spear
• Locally known as "pana"
• A hand instrument provided with pointed barbed blades at the straight tip
which are either thrown by hand or with the aid of a bowlike device
2. Harpoon
• Locally known as "panibat"
• "harpooning is a traditional method of catching large fish and it is still used today by
skilled fishermen.
FIVB: federation Internationale de volleyball
Volleyball: is a team sports with 6 players separated by a net.
• It has been a part of the official summer Olympic Games since Tokyo 1964
To win, team should reach 25 points with a minimum lead of 2 points in he three to five
In case both teams reach 24 points, game continues until a two point lead is achieved.
• official size is 25.6 and 26.4 inches in circumference and between 9.1 and 9.8
ounces in weight. Circumference should be 65-67 cm and weight should be 260 - 280
Playing court
-• Includes playing court and free zone.