Organizational Behaviour Assignment

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Submitted by : Muhammad Asad.

Roll # 01-112212-037 Semester 3rd

Section: 3A

Subject : Organizational Behaviour

I am Muhammad Asad, currently doing my degree. I have taken a personality test through my
degree and not to my surprise i have been identified as an INFJ, referred to as an Advocate. It is
undoubtedly who I am and exploring this over the years has helped me to understand much more
about myself and those around me, and to develop into a better person. The Advocate
personality type makes up less than 1% of the population. I always knew I was special .
Being an Advocate (INFJ), I have an introverted personality, am intuitive, have feelings and
judging personality traits. I tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. The
inner vision, personal values, and a quiet principled version of humanism guide me in all things.
I have have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but i am not an idle dreamers. I am used to
take concrete steps to realize my goals and to make a lasting positive impact.
With my rich inner and deep abiding desire to find my purpose, i don’t always fit in with those
around me.
I have always known I was an introvert, but I used to associate the word with being a shy or
reserved person compared to a very outgoing person I took to mean an extrovert. I may be an
introvert, but i value deep, authentic relationships with others. Few things bring my personality as
much joy as truly knowing another person and being known in return. I enjoy meaningful
conversations far more than small talk, and tend to communicate in a way that is warm and
sensitive. This emotional honesty and insight can make a powerful impression on the people
around me.
I used to think that no one is fully the one,introvert or extrovert, but i would say i have learnt that
even though i jave extroverted qualities but still i always want my space to heal at the end of the
day as i always end up exhausted being in large crowd. Knowing myself better and why this
happens helped me to understand my mood and what i need at different times.
Intuitive, Feeling and Judging people:
I always struggle to turn my grand visions into reality. I always strive to move beyond superficiality
and seek out the deeper truths in life. This can give me an almost uncanny ability to understand
people’s true motivations, feelings, and needs.
Strengthening powers:
I am used to take the advantage of creativity to resolve challenges and solve problems. I love
finding the right solution for someone i personally care about, making me an excellent counselor or
an advisor.
Seeing through dishonesty puts me off.
I feel like i am a keen observer. I can evaluate how things around us are interconnected and am
able to use that insight to get to the heart of my matters.
Convincing Power:
Speaking in human terms, i can convince people with warmth and passion, especially if they
believe in what am trying to get across. I have an inspirational style to convince or persuade my
Determined and Passionate:
I can rock the boat if i must. Not everyone likes this, but my passion for my chosen cause is an
inseparable part of my personality. If i have been given a task, i can not be at peace without
completing it before time.
Weakening powers:
Being an advocate, i want things to be the exact way they are supposed to be. Imperfections really

though me out. I may drop or ignore healthy and productive situations believing there might be a
better option down the road.
Am highly vulnerable to conflicts and criticism. When someone criticizes my beliefs, they are likely
to receive an alarming response but i do take criticism as an opinion if given by the person i
believe in.
I always find it difficult to truly open up, even to close friends. I used to keep things personal. Am
very private when it comes to my personal life.
Always Need to Have a Cause:
i like to know that they am taking concrete steps toward my goals, if am not – or worse yet, there is
no goal at all – i will feel restless and disappointed.
I always wants a cause behind the thing am doing.
Can Burn Out Easily:
My passion, impatience for routine, idealism, and privacy tend to leave me with few options for
letting off steam. I can burn out easily if things will go off the plan.
In the real world:
The more I learn, the more I understand myself and how these strengths and weaknesses play a
part in my life. They are part of who I am.
I am passionate about achieving the bright side of the stories picture, "Good enough" is not part of
my vocabulary. I have great focus, drive and resilience and push myself to achieve goals.
If something can be better, simpler, quicker then I will strive for it.
I am also sensitive to criticism and conflict can be a stress trigger for me. I love to inspire others
and I treat each individual differently based on their needs/personality. 
Career paths:
I want to grow but by make a difference in the society. To my happiness, i can do well in most
fields, there's just the need of push. I am very found of helping and contributing to the greater good
on a personal level on daily basis.
This is certainly true for me. I want to work somewhere that is aligned to my values and where I
can make a real difference. I want to use my experience and knowledge in new creative ways and
to continue to develop and inspire people. 
I am committed to find that great fit. I am very ready for the next challenge of my life, and I
can't wait to get started.

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