Automated Early Detection of Obstetric Complications: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations

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Gabriel J. ESCOBAR, MD1; Neeru R. GUPTA, MD2; Eileen M. WALSH, RN, MPH3;
Lauren SOLTESZ, BS1; Stephanie M. TERRY, MD4; Patricia KIPNIS, PhD1,5

The authors report no conflict of interest. This ongoing work is funded by The
Permanente Medical Group, Inc., and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Inc. The study was
conducted in Oakland, California.

1. Systems Research Initiative

Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Division of Research
2000 Broadway Avenue
Oakland, California, 94612

2. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
3600 Broadway Avenue
Oakland, California 94611

3. Perinatal Research Unit

Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Division of Research
2000 Broadway Avenue
Oakland, California, 94612

4. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
2425 Geary Boulevard
San Francisco, California 94115

5. Decision Support
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Inc.
1800 Harrison Avenue
Oakland, California 94112

Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to:

Dr. Gabriel Escobar
Kaiser Permanente Division of Research
2000 Broadway Avenue, 032 R01
Oakland, CA 94612 USA
Work phone: 510-891-5929 Cell phone: 510-919-9354
FAX: 510-891-3606 Email: [email protected]

Word count
Abstract: 184
Main text: 4361

© 2019 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license

Condensation: This paper addresses key theoretical and methodological questions

that scientists and obstetricians must consider when developing automated electronic
early warning systems for use in the labor and delivery service as well as in postpartum

Short title: Development of methods for obstetric automated early warning systems

AJOG at a Glance:

• A. Why was this study conducted?

A number of publications have suggested that manual early warning systems be
used for obstetric care. While valuable, these systems do not take advantage of
modern electronic medical records. This paper highlights important issues
relating to the use of such records for patient safety in obstetrics.

• B. What are the key findings?

When one develops an obstetrics early warning system, it is important to
consider how one chooses temporal characteristics, denominators, numerators,
and data processing.

• C. What does this study add to what is already known?

Obstetrics early warning systems are going to be more complicated to develop
than those used in other hospitalized patients.


Compared to adults admitted to general medical-surgical wards, women admitted to

labor and delivery services are at much lower risk of experiencing unexpected critical

illness. Nonetheless, critical illness and other complications that put either the mother or

fetus at risk do occur. One potential approach to prevention is to use automated early

warning systems such as those used for non-pregnant adults. Predictive models using

data extracted in real time from electronic records constitute the cornerstone of such

systems. This article addresses several issues involved in the development of such

predictive models: specification of temporal characteristics, choice of denominator,

selection of outcomes for model calibration, potential uses of existing adult severity of

illness scores, approaches to data processing, statistical considerations, validation, and

options for instantiation. These have not been explicitly addressed in the obstetrics

literature, which has focused on the use of manually assigned scores. In addition, this

article provides some results from work in progress to develop two obstetric predictive

models using data from 262,071 women admitted to a labor and delivery service at 15

Kaiser Permanente Northern California hospitals between 2010 and 2017.

Early warning system
Electronic medical record
Predictive model
Severity of illness


Most women in the labor and delivery (L&D) service are healthy. Compared to

adults in general medical-surgical wards, they are younger, and their mortality risk is

extremely low. However, maternal mortality in developed nations persists and is rising in

the U.S.1 2 Further, obstetric complications are not rare, which has prompted

considerable interest in the use of obstetric early warning scores.3-6 Some institutions

have developed predictive models that can be used for automated early warning

systems (EWSs) for adults at risk of deterioration and/or cardiac arrest outside intensive

care units.7-10 The evidence base that EWSs of any kind actually improve outcomes is

limited – no study has shown conclusive outcomes improvements,9 10 and some have

shown no benefit11 12 – but work on these systems continues. The notion that

automated EWSs based on electronic medical records (EMRs) could be used in L&D

has started to be discussed in the research and commercial literature.13

A number of early warning tools for obstetrics – the Maternal Early Warning

Criteria (MEWC), Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS), and the

Maternal Early Warning Trigger (MEWT) – have been described in recent literature.3-6

These tools employ a small set of discrete physiologic measurements (abnormal

maternal temperature, oximetry, heart rate, respiratory rate, and mental status;

abnormal fetal heart rate) as triggers for more focused evaluation. Cutoffs for the

triggers were defined by expert opinion, as opposed to being calibrated against defined

populations with known outcomes rates. Consequently, their statistical performance

characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, number needed to evaluate to detect one

outcome) are not known, so it is not possible to address the problem of alert fatigue.

These triggers are designed for either manual use (which could be associated with

inconsistent documentation) or as simple electronic alarms (“issue alert if heart rate is <

50 or > 110”). Importantly, they do not include two indicators of the progress of labor,

cervical dilation and station of fetal descent. They cannot capture subtle relationships

(e.g., the rate of change of a physiologic parameter) or important interactions, such as

the dynamic relationship between heart rate and systolic blood pressure or that between

cervical dilation and station of fetal descent. Finally, these tools do not capture

differential risk due to the specific maternal attributes (e.g., parity, body mass index) or

conditions (e.g., gestational diabetes).

In contrast, existing automated EWSs for non-pregnant adults have been

developed using explicitly defined populations and outcomes.7-10 They incorporate

information from static variables (e.g., diabetes, heart rate at a discrete point in time) as

well as dynamic ones (e.g., rate of change of heart rate or cervical dilation). The weights

or coefficients assigned to their components are based on statistical models.

Performance characteristics can be calculated exactly, which permits adjusting alert

thresholds and balancing available resources with the need to avoid alert fatigue. They

also provide health systems with multiple options for how to provide clinicians with

probability estimates, which can be displayed directly in the EMR, reported to trained

nurses at physical or virtual command centers, or sent using smart phone text alerts to


We recently described development and implementation of several EMR-based

predictive models that generate probability estimates in real time for non-obstetric

patients.14-17 At present, three are in operational use in Kaiser Permanente Northern


California (KPNC), an integrated health care delivery system that owns 21 hospitals.

The first, known as Advanced Alert Monitor (AAM), in use in adult general medical-

surgical wards, provides a real time severity of illness score (LAPS2, Laboratory-based

Acute Physiology Score, version 2),18 a longitudinal comorbidity score (COmorbidity

Point Score, version 2),18 and a discrete probability estimate.15-18 This latter estimate,

now provided hourly, is the probability that a ward patient will deteriorate within the next

12 hours. At present, AAM is operational in all 21 KPNC hospitals. The second, also

operational in all KPNC hospitals, uses many of the same variables and provides a daily

probability estimate of a patient’s risk for non-elective readmission or death within 30

days from hospital discharge.19 The third, which provides a quantitative estimate of

neonatal early onset sepsis risk, is used in all KPNC nurseries and other health

systems.20-24 Currently, does require some manual data entry, but work is in progress to

instantiate it in the Epic ( EMR. A joint KPNC and Epic team has

recently instantiated the AAM and rehospitalization models into this commercial EMR as


Our team is developing EMR-based predictive models for early detection of

obstetric complications, including those associated with or that could lead to adverse

fetal and neonatal outcomes. If we are successful, our models would be embedded in

the EMR and provide obstetric teams with probabilistic alerts with sufficient lead time to

prevent or mitigate complications. In this article, we conduct a focused theoretical and

methodologic reflection that aims to delineate key issues that must be addressed in the

development of such models. We cover three areas: basic epidemiologic considerations

(notably, selection of outcomes and predictors), methodologic considerations peculiar to


the L&D setting, and the “nuts and bolts” of data processing and analytics. Because we

have discussed these issues elsewhere14-18 we only touch instantiation and

implementation lightly. A comprehensive treatment of these topics would merit separate


This work has been approved by the KPNC Institutional Board for the Protection

of Human Subjects, which has jurisdiction over all the hospitals described in this article.

The data on which some of the examples provided herein are based come from

262,071 hospital encounters that took place between 1/1/2010 and 3/31/2017 at the 15

KPNC hospitals that have L&D services.



Our goal is to develop EMR-based predictive models that could serve as core

components for EWSs that are integrated into clinician workflows in L&D and

postpartum wards. Such models should match the level of specification that has been

reported for AAM and eCART (Electronic Cardiac Arrest Triage).8 17 18 Given current

technology, it is highly desirable that the following be reported for obstetrics predictive

models: temporal characteristics, nature and size of the denominator (population at

risk), size and rate of the numerator (outcome), discrimination (typically, the area under

the receiver operator characteristic curve, or c statistic), explanatory power, calibration,

and number needed to evaluate (NNE, or work-up to detection ratio).14 25-27 Ideally,

predictors used should be clearly described and justified on both statistical and biologic

grounds. Further, if specific patient subsets are excluded, the rationale for exclusion

should be made explicit. Finally, the process employed to validate the model(s) should

also be described.28

Temporal characteristics

Figure 1 summarizes temporal characteristics that must be defined when

developing a predictive model. The T0 is the time when the model issues a probability

estimate that at least one undesirable event, X, will occur within some elapsed time,

which is the event (or look forward) time frame. The time between the T0 and X (lead

time) should be sufficient for clinicians to mount a response. All predictive models are

based on data available prior to the T0, which we refer to as the look back period.

Compared to adult EWSs, unique challenges are present. The first challenge is that one

is not dealing with a single temporal frame: one must consider antepartum and

postpartum phases as both physiologic changes and presence of a fetus can alter

patient outcomes in different ways (Figure 1). Unlike scores such as AAM and eCART,

where the set of predictors can remain constant, the presence of two phases

complicates analyses: the information value of predictors such as dilation and station

changes dramatically after delivery. Second, time frames in L&D are often highly

compressed. The “look forward” time frames for AAM and eCART are 12 and 24 hours,

respectively, which makes sense in the context of adult medical-surgical wards where

average lengths of stay range from 3 to 5 days. Most L&D and postpartum stays are

shorter, and the antepartum phase may sometimes be extremely brief. Consequently,

we aim to achieve an event time frame of 6 hours. A third problem involves the “look

back” period. For a given physiologic parameter, all severity of illness scores currently

in use select the worst (most highly deranged) value in the “look back” time frame. This

is problematic because vital signs are often temporarily abnormal during the most

important time period in L&D – delivery. We expand on this problem in the section on

severity scores (below).

What is the denominator?

In this article, we focus on prevention and mitigation of obstetric complications in

the L&D service using EWSs, rather than improving management of such complications

in other settings, such as the ICU. Given this focus, the proper denominator should be

the largest one – all women admitted to L&D, independent of outcome or subsequent

disposition. Note that this denominator precludes inclusion of women who arrive for

triage, whether in the emergency department or some other location linked to L&D, but

who are not admitted to the service. We are not including women admitted to other

hospital units in our models because these women would be monitored by systems

such as AAM or eCART. Women who are discharged home from triage are not

necessarily at zero risk, and those with repeated visits are at higher risk of having a

newborn require respiratory support.29 However, monitoring women who are sent home

after triage is outside the scope of our current work. Similarly, while the study of how

scores may predict outcomes in pregnant women after they have become critically ill

and/or have been transferred to the ICU30 31 is of value to intensivists, it does not

address the needs of routine obstetrics. Table 1 describes cohort assembly for our

predictive model development, and a graphic display of this process is in Appendix 1.

Note that, although we are excluding women admitted to L&D after experiencing a fetal

loss from our denominator for modeling purposes, such women would be monitored

when the EWS goes live.

What is the numerator?

Any epidemiological investigation, whether it supports the development of a

predictive model or not, should also clearly define its numerator(s). Unlike the situation

with neonatal, pediatric, or adult EWSs, selection of an outcome variable in obstetrics is

difficult. This is because two or more patients are involved – the laboring mother and

her offspring. Ideally, obstetrics providers should be provided with risk estimates for

maternal and fetal harm. We have made an explicit decision to include three

fetal/neonatal outcomes in the numerator. The rationale for this is that some of these

outcomes might be linked to decisions that could be informed by a probability estimate.

For example, it is possible that subtle changes in vital signs and the interactions of

these with cervical dilation measurements could be associated with uterine rupture.

Since some cases of uterine rupture are only identified at the time of cesarean section

and documented subjectively in an operative note, the only indicator of such an event

might be an ill newborn (which can be identified objectively using cord gases). Thus, it

might be necessary to employ two or more predictive models. These could run

concurrently, and the fact that two models are in use need not be apparent to the end

user, who need only see a risk estimate in the EMR graphical user interface. The risk

estimate would be the probability that any adverse outcome would occur within a

defined time frame (which we hope will be 6 hours).

Another problem that needs attention is how one defines and captures adverse

outcomes. In our work, we prefer to employ outcomes that can be defined objectively

and also be tightly linked to a discrete EMR date and time stamp. For example, while it

may be possible to link a vaginal laceration to the moment of birth, not all clinicians may

record that these occurred, and they may not be captured in real time by hospital

coders. Table 2 shows the outcomes we are employing for model calibration, relevant

time stamps, and preliminary incidence estimates. We have made an explicit decision to

develop two models (one for antepartum and one for postpartum events). Because of

sample size limitations, discussed below, we will be pooling events into composite

outcomes (e.g., hemorrhage OR pulmonary embolus OR adverse birth event), which

has operational implications that are discussed below. However, as noted by

Zuckerman et al. and Friedman et al., additional models for different outcomes using

different denominators will be needed.5 6

Definition of a time stamp may be challenging for some outcomes. For example,

women in L&D seldom have spontaneous cardiac arrest – when asystole or ventricular

fibrillation occurs, it is usually a distal event, typically preceded by proximal events such

as hemorrhage or pulmonary embolus. Consequently, if one employs the time stamp for

cardiac arrest or death, one may not be properly calibrating the model. For this reason,

the records of all maternal deaths included in our model are being manually reviewed by

a clinician panel. This panel is assisting us in determining a proximal cause (e.g.,

hemorrhage) that will be used to define the time stamp. Similarly, using transfer to the

intensive care or telemetry unit as an outcome is problematic because some women

may be transferred there preventively because of a pre-existing condition (e.g., severe

cardiac disease, severe obstetric sleep apnea due to narcotics) or for reasons unrelated

to obstetric care (e.g., diabetic ketoacidosis or following surgery for a malignancy

discovered during pregnancy). Finally, assigning a time stamp for some outcomes may

also be problematic because multiple time stamps exist. This is the case with severe

preeclampsia and hemorrhage, which can be defined in multiple ways based on

combinations of physiologic markers (Figure 3 provides an example).

What are the predictors?

The fact that outcomes can occur in the antepartum, postpartum, or both time

frames affects predictor selection. In theory, as has been suggested recently,32 one

could employ all available data in the EMR for prediction using machine learning and

neural networks. In practice, given limited computational resources and time, we will

start with biologically plausible predictors and employ machine learning and content

expertise to define the final set included in the model. The same constraints we have for

numerators also apply to predictors: they must be objective, and they must have a time

stamp. A specific outcome with a discrete time stamp can occur only once, but many

predictors vary across time. Table 3 shows the predictors we will be evaluating in both

of our models, with those that are associated with a single measurement (e.g., body

mass index) at the top, and those that repeat at the bottom. The variables listed in Table

3 highlight the problematic nature of prediction in L&D. Some obstetric emergencies –

e.g., shoulder dystocia – can occur suddenly, without preceding vital signs or laboratory

abnormalities, so “traditional” predictors used in many EWSs and severity of illness

scores may not be useful (or they may be useful only in some cases). Others, such as

hemorrhage, usually accompanied by changes in vital signs, are likely to be predictable

using modeling approaches used for adult EWSs.

The predictor list shown in Table 3 is not exhaustive or definitive. In the course of

the predictive modeling process, many variables may be transformed and/or combined

with other variables (interaction terms). For example, one important variable for

predicting antepartum complications may be the change in cervical dilation over time.

The LAPS2 contains multiple interaction terms (e.g., lactate-pH, heart rate divided by

systolic blood pressure, blood urea nitrogen divided by creatinine), while the AAM

model also includes instability terms (change in vital signs over time). Many of the

candidate variables shown in Table 3 may be eliminated on statistical grounds during

the modeling process.

Potential uses of existing adult severity of illness scores in obstetrics

Physiology-based severity scores occupy a peculiar niche in this methodologic

space, as they can serve as both predictors as well as outcomes. These scores, which

include the APACHE (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Examination) and SAPS

(Simplified Acute Physiology Score) are based on multiple predictors that may include

vital signs, pulse oximetry, mental or neurologic status measures, and laboratory test

results.33 The statistical weights assigned to specific abnormalities (e.g., the number of

points assigned for a heart rate of ≥ 120) are based on multivariate models rather than

the value of the predictor taken in isolation. A number of these scores exist, with most

having been calibrated for mortality in patients in the ICU, one of the first locations

where these physiologic variables became widely available electronically.33 Some have

been evaluated for possible use in obstetric patients already in the ICU.30 31 However, to

our knowledge, formal investigation of the use of automated ICU severity scores in

obstetrics patients outside the ICU has not yet been reported.

Using data from 391,584 KPNC adult hospitalizations, our team developed an

acute physiology score (LAPS218 34) calibrated for inpatient mortality among all

hospitalized non-laboring adults, not just those in intensive care. Although the LAPS2’s

statistical weights were derived using inpatient mortality, the score is not used to predict

mortality directly. It is employed in multiple KPNC predictive models as a dimensionless

number that synthesizes information from a patient’s vital signs, pulse oximetry,

neurological status, and 16 laboratory tests; it has a “look back” time frame of 72 hours.

An earlier version of this score, the LAPS, has also been externally validated in

Canada.35 The higher the LAPS2, the greater the degree of acute physiologic

derangement and the higher the mortality risk. Working with a team from Epic, our team

has recently validated a real time version of the LAPS2 that is embedded in the Epic

EMR. In KPNC, all adults in the hospital are now being assigned a LAPS2 score with a

“look back” time frame of 72 hours at the time of hospital admission, and one with a

“look back” time frame of 24 hours every hour.


In theory, the LAPS2 (or scores like it, including eCART) could be employed “as

is” for use in an obstetric EWS. In practice, this may not be useful for two reasons. The

first is that vital signs and laboratory test results in laboring and postpartum women do

not have the same normal ranges as those of adults in general medical-surgical wards.

The second, related to the “look back” time frame and the tachycardia and tachypnea

seen around the time of delivery, was mentioned previously. Figure 2 shows how the

distribution of hourly LAPS2 scores can be affected by delivery and choice of “look

back” time frame. Our approach will be to evaluate 3 variants of the LAPS2 as potential

predictors: the original score (72 hour “look back” time frame), the LAPS2 OB24 (24

hour “look back” time frame), and the LAPS2 PP02. This latter score is a postpartum

score, available only after delivery, having these characteristics: the T0 begins

immediately after delivery, no vital signs are included from the time period up to and

including delivery, and (subject to the two preceding constraints) the “look back” period

for vital signs, neurological status, and pulse oximetry is set to 2 hours, with this time

frame set to 24 hours for laboratory tests. The rationale for testing the LAPS2 PP02 as

a potential predictor is that, by explicitly excluding antepartum vital signs (which may be

elevated and thus result in high scores) it may prove better at detecting postpartum

abnormalities. The potential value of combining severity scores with other physiologic

and process markers is shown in Figure 3. Note that use of these scores (which are

based on multivariate models that synthesize interactions between physiologic

predictors) does not preclude concurrent use of individual vital signs and laboratory

tests as well (Table 3).


Adult severity scores can function as outcomes, not just predictors. For example,

during AAM’s development, our team found that adult ward patients with an admission

LAPS2 ≥ 110 are at much higher risk of requiring unplanned transfer to the ICU, and

analyses of real time hourly LAPS2 scores among non-laboring adults admitted to

KPNC ICUs have found that the median LAPS2 ranges between 111 and 120. Since it

is undesirable that patients reach a high degree of physiologic instability, and since it is

now possible for us to assign such scores electronically both retrospectively as well as

in real time, it stands to reason that one could pick some high LAPS2 value (e.g., 110 or

120) and treat it as an outcome. Alternatively, it is also possible to combine the LAPS2

with the time stamp for ICU transfer – this would permit an algorithmic approach to

distinguishing between preventive ICU admissions and ICU admissions “for cause.”


Extensive discussion of the role of EFM in obstetric patient safety is beyond this

paper’s scope, but we can make some methodologic observations. Currently, important

limitations exist with respect to being able to make accurate predictions using EFM.36-39

It is likely that novel approaches to the analysis of streaming data (e.g., as described by

Cahill40), including those employing machine learning, will eventually permit more

consistent use and interpretation of EFM data. From the perspective of our current

work, there are two important limitations of EFM. The first is that, in current obstetric

practice, not all women are monitored continuously and/or have inconsistent

interpretation of EFM tracings. Thus, the actual risk (prior probability of an adverse

event) at the time EFM is initiated is not known. Second, since we are attempting to

predict both maternal and fetal/neonatal outcomes, the fact that EFM does not predict

for other antepartum outcomes (e.g., hemorrhage) and is of no use in the postpartum

period limits its utility for our current work. However, we suspect that, in the future, it

may be possible to combine data from EWSs such as the ones we are developing with

those from EFM.


In this article we will not go into detail on how one actually conducts predictive

modeling once one has a properly assembled dataset, as this topic is covered

extensively in the statistical and machine learning literature. Instead, we will focus on

two critical topics that have not received attention in the obstetrics literature: structuring

predictor and outcomes data (data processing) and sample size considerations.

Data processing

Most predictive models currently in use in medicine are static – by this we mean

that one starts with a set of predictors defined at some discrete point in time (e.g.,

various risk factors such as serum triglycerides, age in years, and family history) which

one then employs to predict some outcome (e.g., risk of myocardial infarction within X

years). Static predictive models usually employ a simple “flat file” data structure, with

one row per observation, a simple yes/no outcome (0 for observations without the

outcome, 1 for those with the outcome), and individual predictors as columns. In our

case, a static prediction model would have 262,071 rows and (assuming 50 predictors

and a single outcome for each phase) a total of 53 columns: one for a study ID, one

each for the yes/no antepartum/postpartum outcomes, and 50 for predictors.


In contrast, if one aims to issue regularly updated probability estimates for

patients in the L&D and postpartum services, a very different data structure is required.

This data structure must take the dynamic nature of predictors as well as the existence

of two phases (antepartum and postpartum) into account. For example, if one uses

cervical dilation, it is important to keep in mind that a value of 7 centimeters has a very

different meaning if present for one hour than if present for 8 hours – put differently, the

data structure must take elapsed time and time to the outcome into account. Similarly, it

is critical that time to delivery (which will not be known in real time) or time from delivery

(which will be known) be considered in all analyses. This requires a very different data

structure, one that accounts for the changing value of information. For this approach,

the dataset can be structured to add a row each time a new piece of information arrives

(as is the case with eCART, which updates estimates every time a new laboratory test

or vital sign is entered) or (in the approach we are taking) a row is added for each

patient hour in the dataset. This results in much larger datasets. For example, in our

case, with a dataset of 262,071 hospital records with average hospital length of stay of

~ 63 hours, the dataset we have created consists of ~16.6 million (63 X 262,071) rows

and around ~100 columns (one for the study ID, one each for the

antepartum/postpartum outcome flags, with remaining columns for individual

predictors). A detailed description of how one structures data from actual obstetric

emergencies into such a dataset is provided in Appendix 2. These approaches to data

processing are common in predictive modeling and are used not just for AAM and

eCART, but also models such as one used by Simon et al. to predict suicide attempts.41

Sample size considerations

When developing predictive models, a large population is desirable but not

sufficient – what are most critical are the number of outcomes and the proportion of

outcomes in the population. A general rule of thumb for regression models is that one

should have 10 outcomes for each predictor in the model.42-44 However, this rule

primarily applies to static regression models. The situation is different for models that

aim to predict in real time because the outcome rate falls dramatically when the event

time frame is extremely brief (e.g., 6 hours). These difficulties are exacerbated by the

“class imbalance” problem, which occurs when the number of non-events is much larger

than the number of events and usual modeling metrics have poor accuracy.45 46 For

example, when the outcome rate is very low, the c statistic is much less valuable;

greater attention must be paid to the NNE (work-up to detection ratio).27

When reporting on model performance, it is also important to distinguish whether

one is reporting rates based on a single time frame (e.g., the sensitivity when one only

uses the exact initial prediction time) or on multiple time frames (e.g., the sensitivity

when one uses all time periods following an initial prediction). Suppose a predictive

model with a 6 hour “look forward” time frame issues an alert at 3:15 AM on June 27,

2019 and an adverse outcome occurs at 11:50 AM on the following day. If one reports

on performance based on the exact prediction time, then the model failed; on the other

hand, if one reports on whether the model “ever” detected an outcome, then the model


Table 2 shows that event rates in obstetrics are very low, which would make

individual models for each outcome very difficult to develop. Because of this, we will

need to pool all study events into two global outcomes (antepartum and postpartum). It

is instructive to consider that, to develop the AAM model – which was statistically

challenging – we had access to dataset of 649,418 hospitalization episodes involving

374,838 patients, with 19,153 (2.9%) of the episodes having at least one outcome.17

Thus, in this work, we must face the possibility that our models may not be successful,

or that they will be predictive but have extremely high NNEs, which would make them

difficult to use operationally.


Once a predictive model is developed, considerable work remains. We will only

touch on these issues briefly, as we and others have discussed them elsewhere9 10 15

and the topics would merit separate articles. Generally speaking, three possible

approaches exist for generating automated probability estimates from an EMR. In the

first, known as a “web service,” data (e.g., vital signs, indicators of the progress of labor)

are exported out of the EMR to an external application that applies the algorithm and

then “writes” the result in the EMR or in an external web page. In the second, a real time

EMR “mirror” or “shadow” server provides data for the algorithm (i.e., data that are a

100% match for the EMR but with a small delay, typically less than a few minutes);

algorithm output is then “written” to the EMR or in an external web page. The last

option, which is the one KPNC will be transitioning to for the above mentioned models,

is to have all algorithms run directly within the EMR (although it would seem, intuitively,

that this is the best option, in actual fact such an approach can – depending on the type

of EMR – cause significant transaction delays and slow down EMR function for others,

so it is not always an option). In addition to requiring full cooperation from a hospital or

hospital system’s information technology department, all three options would also

require changes in clinician work flow and formal approval by a hospital’s Executive


Another important instantiation issue is how to alert clinicians. When first piloted,

AAM probability estimates were displayed directly in the Epic EMR hospitalist and rapid

response team dashboard every 6 hours.14-17 Subsequently, when the decision was

made to deploy system wide with hourly data scans, KPNC clinical leaders elected to

stop displaying alerts directly in the EMR. Instead, a command center approach is now

in use: alerts are displayed in a separate website where trained nurses review scores

remotely and act as first responders. These trained nurses conduct a preliminary chart

review prior to notifying the rapid response team. They also serve as a buffer against

alert fatigue, in that they can “snooze” an alert while clinicians respond to an alert.


Simply having a score or probability estimate does not guarantee practice

change – clinicians must use the new information in meaningful ways. A full description

of the challenges involved in this process is outside the scope of this paper.

Implementation of early warning systems or protocols, automated or not, requires not

just having clinician “buy in” – substantial organizational investment is also necessary,

as has been described in the obstetric literature4 and in the adult setting.16 One issue

that affects adult EWSs – the fact that many patients meeting the alert threshold may

not desire rescue because they are near the end of life14 47 – has not yet been

addressed in the obstetric literature. Given that maternal mortality is rare, this is

reasonable, but we do need to start considering the implications of EWSs that could

predict fetal loss or early neonatal mortality.

One important limitation of existing EMRs and predictive models is that it is not

always possible to pinpoint exactly what variables led to a probability estimate. The

major reason for this is that models may require the use of multiple interaction terms,

making it difficult to “tease out” the contribution of an individual variable. In the case of

the models we are developing, an additional problem is the use of a composite

outcome, a limitation imposed on us due to the sample size considerations described



Given the growing availability of data in comprehensive EMRs as well as the

increasing number of integrated health care delivery systems, automated EWSs for

obstetrics are going to be developed. As the scientific community starts working on and

evaluating these systems, the issues raised in this paper will need further discussion. In

addition, novel collaborative structures may be needed for the development of predictive

models, since the incidence of these events is quite low.


This research is being supported by The Permanente Medical Group, Inc., and Kaiser

Foundation Hospitals, Inc. We thank our executive sponsors, Nancy Goler, MD; Barbara

Crawford, MS, RN, NEA-BC; and Robin Betts, MBA-HM, RN, CPHQ, for securing

funding for this work and providing administrative assistance. We also wish to thank the

Division of Research Strategic Programming Group (Jamila Gul, Wei Tao, Mei Lee, and

Jonathan Lontok) for their assistance in developing the study datasets; Drs. Mara

Greenberg and Michael Kuzniewicz for methodological advice; and Drs. Stephen Parodi

and Tracy Flanagan for administrative support. Lastly, we thank Hamid Niki for

programming assistance, Kirby McKinnon for project management support, and

Kathleen Daly for her help with the graphics.



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Admitted to L&D*, delivered Core denominator for “bread and butter” obstetrics. Note that “delivered” includes both live
births as well as fetal losses, since a woman who experienced a fetal loss may still have
adverse outcomes before and after delivery.

Gestational age ≥ 22 weeks Pathophysiology of miscarriages prior to this gestation is not well understood, and it is
unlikely that a physiology-based predictive model using currently available EMR data
elements can predict for such losses.

Arrived at L&D with fetal heart rate Early warning system is calibrated for women who had a living fetus on arrival.

Admitted to L&D, record not When constructing a dataset for predictive model development, some clerical errors may be
located using hospital service code present in initial data extract. Women with L&D records located via alternative linkage
strategies (e.g., erroneously listed as being ward patients but maternal record was found by
linkage to neonatal record) should be retained


Not pregnant Not eligible for early warning system, even if record is listed (erroneously) as L&D

Not admitted to L&D Some women are initially admitted to other services (emergency department, ward). If
woman is transferred to L&D, L&D record is included in cohort, with T0 for admission being
the time stamp for admission to L&D or L&D triage room. Maternal data (e.g., vital signs,
laboratory test results) from these other services are included so long as they fall within “look
back” time frame of early warning system.



Intrauterine fetal demise preceding Women who arrive to L&D service without a detectable fetal heart tone are not the primary
L&D admission focus of the early warning system.

Gestational age < 22 weeks, Pathophysiology of miscarriages prior to this gestation is not well understood, and it is
independent of outcome unlikely that a physiology-based predictive model using currently available EMR data
elements can predict for such losses. Early warning system is designed for women who have
a delivery.

Unusual service pattern This category includes women who have other conditions precluding admission to L&D. For
example, women admitted to the ICU for pre-existing conditions (e.g., malignancy,
uncommon cardiac conditions). While these women clearly need special monitoring, their
data might distort a predictive model targeting “bread and butter” obstetrics. Records of
these women need manual review for determination of whether they should be included in
main study cohort.

* Labor & delivery service. For purposes of this table, the term “L&D” includes any designated hospital antepartum or
postpartum unit.


(N and rate per
1,000 deliveries)

Fetal death (AP) Only includes fetal deaths that occurred after a woman was admitted to labor and 55, 0.21
delivery service. Time stamp is obtained from nursing flow sheet: if fetal heart rate of 0
is documented, that is used; otherwise time stamp is time of delivery.

Hypoxic-ischemic Outcome is ascertained based on research registry that captures medical record 315, 1.20
encephalopathy numbers of all newborns eligible for head cooling protocol. Time stamp used is time of
(HIE) (AP) birth.

Neonatal acidosis Defined as any blood gas (cord or infant) with a base deficit of -12 or more in the initial 904, 3.45
(AP) hour of life, and either of (a) intensive care nursery admission for 24 hours or more or
(b) neonatal disposition of transport or death. Overlap exists with hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy. Relevant blood gases are obtained from laboratory database. The
time stamp used is time of birth. Note that the newborn outcome is assigned to the

Eclampsia (AP, PP) 100% manual ascertainment (all records with International Classification of Diseases AP: 1, 0.05
code are manually reviewed); time stamp assigned based on 1st documented seizure PP: 5, 0.02
in seizure flowsheet.

Severe Defined as meeting criteria for preeclampsia and relevant biochemical abnormalities AP: 1134, 4.33
preeclampsia (AP, (e.g., elevated liver function tests) and ever had LAPS2* ≥ 60 (antepartum) or 80 PP: 107, 0.41
PP) (postpartum). Time stamp is time when severity threshold was reached.



Hemorrhage Defined as any one of these: (a) patient was ever transfused with ≥ 4 units packed red AP: 83, 0.32
(AP, PP) blood cells; (b) patient was transfused with 1-3 units packed red blood cells and had a PP: 844, 3.22
documented hematocrit < 18%; and (c) patient had documented estimated blood loss >
1500 mL and hematocrit < 18%. Time stamp is the earliest of one of these: (a) transfusion
time, (b) hematocrit time, (c) estimated blood loss time, and (d) time when patient had a
LAPS2 score ≥ 60 (for antepartum hemorrhage) or 80 (for postpartum hemorrhage).

Emboli (AP, PP) 100% manual ascertainment (all records with relevant ICD code are manually reviewed; AP: 11, 0.04
only those that were not pre-existing and that have evidence of new anticoagulation PP: 22, 0.08
treatment in EMR medication administration record are retained). Includes pulmonary, air,
fat, and amniotic fluid emboli. Time stamp is defined as either (a) the first time patient
reached a LAPS2 score ≥ 70 (AP) or 90 (PP); or (b) the time of the highest score in the
AP or PP phase. Other deep venous thromboses are not included, as they are not
amenable to detection by vital signs-based early warning system.

Transfer to Ascertained from bed history. Patients admitted to intensive care preventively will not be AP: 42, 0.16
intensive care considered to have had this outcome, as will patients whose admission was due to non- PP: 595, 2.27
(AP, PP) obstetrics issues (e.g., surgery for colon cancer, severe influenza). Exclusion may be
algorithmic (i.e., patients admitted to intensive care with low severity of illness may be
considered to have been preventive admissions). Some patients with unusual clinical
conditions may need to be excluded from denominator altogether.

Major Assigned algorithmically based on presence of very high LAPS2 score (≥ 110 AP, 120 AP: 29, 0.11
deterioration PP), with time stamp when patient first reached a score of 90 (AP) or 100 (PP). Outcome PP: 254, 0.97
without transfer is intended to capture major physiologic derangement not captured by the other outcomes
to intensive care listed above.
(AP, PP)



Uterine rupture (AP) Ascertained from ICD codes. If patient had elevated LAPS2 score prior to delivery, 249, 0.95
rupture time stamp is time of delivery minus 20 minutes. If no elevated score, then use
time of delivery as time stamp.

Maternal death (PP) After decedents identified in EMR, records manually reviewed by expert panel to 16, 0.06
ascertain time of proximal event (e.g., hemorrhage, embolus), as distal event (e.g.,
cardiac arrest) may be too late for use in early warning system. In some cases, distal
event may have occurred after patient discharged home. The time stamp of the
proximal event will be used for modeling.

* LAPS2: Laboratory-based Acute Physiology Score, version 2. See text and Escobar et al. (2013) for details.




Maternal age in years Captured from demographic databases. Extremes are known to be associated with
increased rates of adverse outcomes.

Gestational age in weeks Located by electronic scanning; if missing, calculated algorithmically based on data that
would be available in real time.

Parity Located by electronic scanning; if missing, default to primigravida status.

Multiple gestation Identified from the presence of fetal heart tones for >1 infant during the delivery encounter.

COmorbidity Point Score, version 2 12-month longitudinal open source comorbidity score calculated based on Centers for
(COPS2) Medicare and Medicaid Services Hierarchical Condition Categories; the higher the COPS2,
the greater the pre-existing comorbid illness burden. See Escobar et al. (2013) for details.
Score can be calculated in real time.

Gestational diabetes Located by electronic scanning for relevant ICD codes and laboratory tests (hemoglobin A1c,
glucose tolerance tests).

Diabetes Located by electronic scanning for relevant ICD codes and laboratory tests (hemoglobin A1c,
glucose tolerance tests).




Time of rupture of membranes Discrete time stamp exists in EMR. If missing, default to time of delivery.

Amniotic fluid characteristics Located by electronic scanning; defined algorithmically (all entries that do not state fluid as
clear are bucketed as “not clear”; missing defaults to “clear”).

Fetal scalp electrode, intrauterine Discrete EMR time stamp for placement exists. See text for discussion on fetal heart rate
fetal monitoring monitoring

Body mass index Discrete field exists in EMR; if not available there, outpatient record up to 30 days prior to
arrival to labor and delivery used; otherwise default to normal.

History of emboli Electronic scanning for International Classification of Diseases codes and evidence of
anticoagulation treatment

History of hypertension Electronic scanning for International Classification of Diseases codes



Individual maternal vital signs Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure;
all are found in nursing flowsheets

Pulse oximetry Found in nursing flowsheets





Neurological status Determined algorithmically based on free text entries from nursing flowsheets; see Escobar
et al. 2012 and 2013 for details.

Laboratory-based Acute The LAPS2 includes neurological status, pulse oximetry, and all vital signs; it also includes
Physiology Score, version 2 16 laboratory tests. See text and Escobar et al. (2012 and 2013) for additional details.
(LAPS2) (3 variants)

Individual laboratory tests All individual laboratory tests used in LAPS2 severity score, plus: magnesium, AST, ALT,
LDH, uric acid, urine creatinine, urine protein, urine protein creatinine ratio; hemoglobin,
hematocrit, platelet count. All are found in EMR or laboratory database, with discrete time

Station of fetal descent, cervical Found in nursing flowsheets

dilation in centimeters


Figure 1: Obstetric prediction time frames

Obstetric considerations relevant to preparing data for development of an early warning

system: at a T0, a detection system issues a probability estimate that an undesirable

event, X (which must be defined explicitly) will occur within some elapsed time (EVENT

TIME FRAME). This time should be sufficient to provide ample Lead Time for an

adequate clinical response. Note that the time when X actually occurred (XACT) is not

the same as when X was documented in the electronic record (XDOC). Data used to

populate the early warning system not only must be from time preceding the T0 (LOOK

BACK TIME FRAME) but should actually be available at the T0 – data might not be

available due to charting delays. Figure also shows that the event time frame can

precede (A), coincide with (B), or come after (C) the time of delivery. Consequently,

predictive models that issue estimates may be predicting simultaneously for

antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum events.

Page 35 of 37

Figure 2: Look back time frame effects on severity scores

Distribution of values of two versions of an adult severity of illness score (Laboratory-

based Acute Physiology Score, version 2, LAPS2) in a cohort of 21,868 randomly

selected healthy delivery encounters. Upper line shows the LAPS2 OB24, which has a

“look back” time frame of 24 hours, bottom line shows the LAPS2 PP02, which is only

assigned after delivery and which selects the worst laboratory test results from the

preceding 24 hours but (a) does not include any vital signs from the time of delivery or

earlier, and (b) employs a very restricted – 2 hours – look back time frame for vital

signs. Figure highlights the importance of the “look back” time frame – the distribution of

LAPS2 OB24 scores (which include vital signs during the delivery process) is much

higher than that of the LAPS PP02, which explicitly excludes delivery vital signs, and

could offer some mathematical advantages for detection of postpartum outcomes. Note

that, due to large sample size, confidence intervals are very narrow. See text and

Escobar et al. (2013) for details on the LAPS2.

Page 36 of 37

Figure 3: Detection and electronic time stamps

Timing of postpartum hemorrhage as a function of which electronic marker is employed

among 665 women who experienced this outcome within 24 hours after delivery. Each

line shows the proportion of women remaining undetected after delivery based on the

time stamp of a given electronic marker: time of first LAPS2 OB24 ≥ 80 (yellow line);

hematocrit < 18% (blue line); time of first entry for estimated blood loss > 1500 mL

(green line); time of first transfusion order (black line); and the earliest of any of these

(red line). The LAPS2 employed (LAPS2 OB24) used a 24 hour look back time frame.

See text and Escobar et al. (2013) for details on the LAPS2.

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