7 Steps To Discovering Your Personal Core Values - Scott Jeffrey
7 Steps To Discovering Your Personal Core Values - Scott Jeffrey
7 Steps To Discovering Your Personal Core Values - Scott Jeffrey
Scott Jeffrey
OVERVIEW: This guide provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to discover your personal core
values and to use personal values in meaningful ways.
I’ve noticed that individuals experience greater fulfillment when they live by their values.
And when we don’t honor our values, our mental, emotional, and physical state suffers. I’ve seen this to be true
in my life too.
What follows is a self-coaching tool to help you discover your personal core values.
Let’s jump in …
Table of Contents
When we don’t, we are incongruent and are more likely to escape into bad habits and regress into childish
behavior to uplift ourselves.
I was attending an intensive 4-day seminar devoted to learning about what motivates people. Personal
values were a central theme of the event.
One value that rose to the top of my list was health. Physical health, energy, and vitality were, and still
are, important to me.
I spent much of my childhood with various illnesses, and I saw how it affected my development and life
experiences in deleterious ways.
I committed to cultivating a strong foundation for my physical health and wellbeing in adulthood.
Clarifying this value as a top priority shifted many things in my young life. It influenced what I ate and drank. I
now consumed different media and installed different habits.
When you value health, you don’t have to wrestle with managing impulse control as much.
If you know a particular food or activity isn’t good for your body, you don’t want it.
I made a practice of paying attention to how different foods made me feel after I ate them.
Many people value comfort. When people value comfort over growth, they are less likely to apply effort to grow.
Breaking through resistance to growth is uncomfortable.
Consider what happens when people value comfort over their health. Eating to “feel better” will cause poor
eating habits that undermine their health.
Can you articulate your top 5 to 10 values that are most important to you?
Without undergoing a discovery process, it’s challenging to identify your personal core values.
It’s easy to speculate and idealize what you should value. But knowing and accepting what you value takes
While the following process is best done with a qualified coach, you can do it on your own if you apply self-
honesty, patience, and determination.
Ready? Take out your journal, a notepad, or a note-taking app. And let’s get started.
Here are 7 steps to creating distinct and meaningful core values that will serve you in every area of your life and
Adopt the mind of a beginner—someone with no preconceived notions of what is—to give you access to inner
truths to which your conscious mind is yet unaware.
Take a deep breath and empty your mind. Remember that your conscious mind doesn’t have all the answers.
Create a space for new insights and revelations to emerge.
Getting in the right mental and emotional state is an essential first step.
I also created a program called The Mastery Method: Activate Your Higher Potential to help individuals enter a
state of heightened mental alertness, calm, and centeredness before doing processes like this.
Why? Values aren’t selected; we discover and reveal them. If you start with a list, your conscious mind will test
which values appear “better” than others.
That said, if you’re not familiar with working with values, you can scan a list of values to get a sense of your
range of options.
To help you uncover your own personal core values, here are three processes you can try:
1) Peak Experiences
Consider a meaningful moment—a peak experience that stands out.
2) Suppressed Values
Now, go in the opposite direction; consider a time when you got angry, frustrated, or upset.
What was going on? What were you feeling? Now flip those feelings around.
3) Code of Conduct
What’s most important in your life? Beyond your basic human needs, what must you have in your life to
experience fulfillment?
Creative self-expression? A strong level of health and vitality? A sense of excitement and adventure?
Surrounded by beauty? Always learning?
What are the personal values you must honor or a part of you withers?
Combining all the answers from step 2, you now have a master list of personal values. Maybe there are between
20 and 40 values on your list.
Connection, belonging, and intimacy are related too. Group them together.
For example, integrity might work as a central theme for the values I listed.
You can keep the other words in the group in parentheses to give your primary value more context. You’ll use
them again in step 6.
As a unique individual, you possess certain strengths and weaknesses. Your values matter most to you.
How many core values should you end up with? Too few and you won’t capture all the unique dimensions of
your being. Too many and you’ll forget them or won’t take advantage of them.
While the number of core values differs for each person, the magic range seems to be between 5 and 10.
Rank them in the order of importance. This is often the most challenging part.
You may need to do this step in multiple sittings. After doing one round of ranking put it aside and “sleep on
Revisit your ranking the next day and see how it sits with you. Then, go through the process again.
STEP 6: Give Your Personal Values Richer Context
Now, creativity comes into play.
Highlighting values into memorable phrases or sentences helps you articulate the meaning behind each value.
It gives you the opportunity to make the value more emotional and memorable.
Here are a few tips and guidelines for crafting your values statements:
Use inspiring words and vocabulary. Our brains are quick to delete or ignore the mundane and
Mine for words that evoke and trigger emotional responses. They will be more meaningful and
Play to your strengths in crafting your values.
Make your value statements rich and meaningful to you so they inspire you to uphold them.
You could use other words from the groupings you made in step 3 in your description.
For example, let’s say you’ve identified a core value of health to represent other values, like energy and vitality.
Your values statement might be: “Health: to live with full vitality and energy every day.”
From a centered position, assess how well you’re honoring each value by scoring each one on a scale of 1 to 10,
where 10 represents optimally living the value.
Record your score for each. You can set up a table in Excel or an online survey.
Date the top of the column. Repeat this exercise once a month or quarter to assess your progress.
If you score below 7 in a particular value, what changes do you need to make? What has to happen for you to
further honor this value?
Here’s where self-coaching comes into play. Define your goals. Create a plan. Actualize it.
Check-in with your personal values again. Notice if you feel a difference in your level of fulfillment in life.
Start by scoring your values as described above. Then, imagine your life several months or years from now
having decided.
For example, what will your new business or a family change your life?
Step into this future picture as much as you can. Have it come alive in your mind.
Now, score your personal values while keeping the vision alive in your mind. Does deciding elevate your values
score? Does it cause friction with one of your higher values?
This process will help bring a new level of clarity to your decision-making process.
This Values Workshop also shows you, step-by-step, how to tie your values to specific behaviors to help you
begin to live your values more fully each day.
Recommended Reading
Author Stephan R. Covey aptly noted:
“People can’t live with change if there’s not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to
change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.”
If you haven’t already, check out Covey’s best-selling classic, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
(Audiobook). It helps clarify the key behaviors necessary for consistent effectiveness.
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