L-6 Folk Art As Motif

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6 Folk Art As Motif 6, INTRODUCTION Artisthe source of one of the most spiritual experiences. Unfortunately folk artists rarely think of themselves as artists, because they work outside the so-called tradition of fine art. A folk artists main urge is to embellish the environment or to express a deeply felt belicf. India is very rich in the tradition of folk art, which is more than five thousand years old. India presents innumerable varieties of folk art which are spread over this huge country. A brief introduction will be given about popular motifs of Indian Folk art indifferent parts of this country. Folkartis the priceless treasure of our country, which is continuing for generation after ‘generation, These are part ofevery event, celebration and rituals of our life, viz-mamriage, birth, ete. These artists create beautiful art effects, paintings, toys with the help of very simple home snade materials and instruments. Paintings are mainly done on the floor, wall and court yard besides paper and cloth. Colours are prepared from locally available ‘vegetables and minerals. Each and every state of india has its own style of Folk-forms. In fact, almost every district of these states presents its own distinguished style (you can look for tin the region you live). Indian folk artists usc traditional motifs in their designs with little regional variations. These ‘motifs are in the form of animals, birds, plants, flowers and symbols. Floor decoration or “Alpana” is a good cxample to illustrate the variation of motifs in different regions of India. Itis called by different names also, Floor decoration is known as “Alpana” in Bengal “Osa” in Orissa, “Chauka Purna” in U.P,, “Mandva"in Rajasthan, “Pepari” in North India atid “Kolam” in the South India. 6.1 OBJECTIVES ‘After studying and practicing this lesson the learner should be ableto: © drawand compose traditional motifs, designs and forms © handle local or moder colours to create traditional designs and motif. @ = drawanAlpanaand Rangoli independently. © drawand use traditional colour combinations for their motifs and designs. 62 EXERCISE ‘Some motifs are shown in the following pages. These are both floral and geometrical. ‘Geometrical motifs are created with simple dots (,) and diagonal lines. You can draw and paint these designs on greeting cards, cushion covers, Sarees, ete. Try to innovate new designs combining different motifs. (Fig No 6.1) tz $ ye CAS fe 7 a9 WONQVSOWOHOO© 1 NONONONONONONO'VNN

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