Coursework Skills (Chem)

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ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Coursework Skill C1

Skill C1 : Using and organizing techniques, apparatus and materials

2 Follows written, diagrammatic or oral instructions to perform a single practical operation.

Uses familiar apparatus and materials adequately, needing reminders on points of safety.
4 Follows written, diagrammatic or oral instructions to perform an experiment involving a
series of step-by-step practical operations.

Uses familiar apparatus, materials and techniques adequately and safely.

6 Follows written, diagrammatic or oral instructions to perform a series of practical
operations where there may be a need to modify or adjust one step in the light of the
effect of previous step.

Uses familiar apparatus, materials and techniques methodically, correctly and safely.

Marking points

Topic Level Checking point

Heating 2 A test tube holder must be used if a test tube or boiling tube is to be
heated. The tube must be held with a test tube holder at the top of the
tube (far away from the bottom end being heated)
2 Air hole of Bunsen burner is closed first before lighting it up.
2 During heating, hold the tube should be held in a tilted position, facing
away from any person.
2 Bunsen burner was lighted and used just before the start of distillation.
2 A wire gauze was placed above tripod stand before putting an
evaporating dish over it.
2 Use a metal tong to hold metal or wire over the flame.
4 A cloth is used to wrap around the hot beaker when transferring the
contents inside.
4 Non-luminous flame is used for heating.
6 Heat solid gently at first and then strongly until no further changes takes
place. (May need to test for gas and observe for colour change in
6 Always use a dry boiling tube or test tube if only solid reagents are
6 When a solution is heated, prevent spurting by heating the side of the
test tube (not the bottom alone) and withdrawing periodically and
shaking gently.
6 The flame was moved to ensure even heating.
6 Bunsen flame was turned off or removed when too much steam was
produced during distillation.

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Separating 2 Use a glass rod for dissolving solid in liquid to form a solution.
techniques 2 Ink spots in chromatography must be small.
2 A ruler is used to draw a starting line instead of ink as ink may dissolve
in the solvent.
4 Level of water must be below the level of pencil line / ink samples.
4 Enough space between the two pencil crosses are given to avoid
overlapping of spots.
4 Filter funnel was held above the filtrate.
4 Conical flask is used to collect filtrate during filtration (big quantity).
4 A spatula is used to remove residue off from the filter paper.
4 Water bath is filled up to a suitable level (i.e. level of water bath should
be above the level of solution to be cool / warm)
6 Concentrate the spots by spotting a few times during chromatography
6 Attempt to cover the beaker with a lid / another beaker.
6 Solvent front should be near the top edge of the paper.
6 Filtration was properly done (Filter paper was folded properly into cone
shape; filter paper cone may be wet with a little distilled water to hold it
in place; no prodding of filter paper in funnel; check that filtrate is clear).
6 Crystals were purified by rinsing with cold distilled water.
6 Crystals were dried by putting them between pieces of filter paper and
not by heating them to dryness.

Titration 2 Filter funnel was used to transfer solution into the burette. Hold it above
the burette to allow the air inside the burette to be displaced.
2 Filter funnel was removed before titration.
2 Burette was clamped vertically.
2 Solution in the burette was read at eye level and at the bottom of
meniscus. (Elevate yourself by standing on the chair / bring down the
burette on the stand to eye level)
4 The pipette and burette were rinsed with solution to be put inside at the
start of the experiment.
4 The correct volume of solution was transferred using a pipette (e.g. the
last drop of acid in the pipette was not blown out, instead tap pipette tip
gently to the base of flask).
4 The burette was properly filled with solution (e.g. no air bubbles trapped
especially at the tip)
4 The content was swirled well after the addition of each drop of solution.
4 Pipette was above the liquid surface when adjusting the liquid level in
the pipette.
6 Conical flask was rinsed with distilled water near the end point.
6 Solution was added drop by drop into the conical flask towards end
point of titration.
6 Titration was stopped correctly at the end point (orange for methyl
orange; colourless with phenolphthalein; grey with screened methyl

QA 2 Smell vapour by gently wafting it towards you with your hand.

2 Dropper or glass rod was washed before using to avoid contamination.
2 Reagents were transferred to test tubes or boiling tubes using droppers
with minimum spillage.

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

2 Liquid reagents were added a little at a time with shaking.

2 During transferring of liquid reagents into the test tube, the dropper was
held just above the mouth of the test tube to avoid contamination.
2 Test solutions were mixed well before observations were made.
2 Mixture transferred to the filter funnel without spillage.
4 During testing of gas, collect gas first by using a thumb / finger to
stopper the tube.
4 Leave the tube to stand for a few minutes as some changes take a little
time longer.
4 Solid substances should be fully submerged in liquid / aqueous
6 Correct amount of reagents used in most tests. Note: more chemicals
should be used when testing for gas.
6 Sensible decision of choice of confirmation tests for gases.
6 During the testing of carbon dioxide, the delivery tube must be below
the level of the limewater. Only a small amount of limewater is used.
6 When testing the solubility of the precipitate, only small quantity is used
i.e. pupil may pour the ppt away leaving only a small portion.
6 Acidify the solution can be tested by using a glass rod to transfer a drop
of liquid from the test tube to a piece of blue litmus paper. Ensure that
test tube is shaked thoroughly before doing an acidity test.
6 Dilution of concentrated acid is done by adding acids to plenty of water.
6 Heating of solid gently at first and then heat strongly later. Test for gas
produced and note the colour of residue when test tube cooled down to
room temperature

Equipment 2 Measuring cylinder was put on a flat surface before reading

usage 2 All equipment was read at eye level e.g thermometer, burette,
measuring cylinder etc.

2 Weighing balance was tared before weighing

4 Temperature was recorded with the thermometer bulb fully submerged
in the liquid reagents and after mixing thoroughly

Energy 2 Thermometer / measuring cylinder was read at eye level.

changes 4 Styrofoam cup was rinsed before repeating the experiment with different
6 Well mixed of chemicals using a glass rod or thermometer as a stirring
6 Measure was taken to reduce heat loss e.g. use of lid
6 Stir mixture well before taking a temperature.
6 Use the same mass of solid reactant e.g. magnesium (control variable).

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Coursework Skill C2
Skill C2 : Observing, measuring and recording

2 Makes observations or readings, given detailed instructions.

Records results in an appropriate manner, given an outline format.

4 Makes relevant observations or measurements, given an outline format or a brief

Records results in an appropriate manner given an outline format.

6 Makes relevant observations or measurements to a degree of accuracy appropriate to
the instruments or techniques used.

Records the results in an appropriate manner, given no format.

Key marking points:

• Observations and measurements must be recorded in the form of a table.
• Clear headings and appropriate units must be recorded.
- Do not write units in data result if it is already indicated on the heading of a table.
• Record observations or data to the correct degree of accuracy.

Quantity Apparatus Units Accuracy Examples

Volume Burette cm3 0.1 cm3 21.2 cm3, 25.0 cm3
100 cm3 measuring cm3 1 cm3 100 cm3, 6 cm3
10 cm3 measuring cylinder cm3 0.1 cm3 6.2 cm3, 5.0 cm3
Pipette cm3 0.0 cm3 25.0 cm3
Mass Electronic balance g 0.1 g 1.2 g, 2.0 g
Time Stopwatch s, min 0.1 s or 1 s 20.2 s , 1 min 20 s
Temperature Thermometer C 0.5 oC 23.5 o
Not 23.7 C
Length Ruler cm 0.1 cm 3.5 cm

Constructing tables
• A full grid should be drawn with lines separating both the rows and the columns.
• The first column contains the independent variable. Order the values of the variable
preferably from the smallest to the largest.
• The second column contains the measurement or observations made – the
dependent variable. Repeat sets of data and process data (e.g. change in
temperature etc) are displayed in subsequent columns.
• All data collected must be recorded to the same degree of accuracy e.g. 1 decimal
• Units must be written in the headings of the columns or rows of the table.
• Separate the unit from the feature with a bracket or slash e.g. Time /s or Time (s) ,
Temperature / oC or Temperature (oC)
• Preferably use negative indices if compound units are used e.g. g cm-3

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Examples of vertical tables


Titration number 1 2 3
Final burette reading / cm3
First burette reading / cm3
Volume of alkali used / cm3
Best titration results (✓)

Rate of reaction:

No of Magnesium piece added to Time taken to

hydrochloric acid react (s)


Time / s Temperature Temperature Average

of wax / oC of wax / oC Temperature
(1st result) (2ndt result) of wax / oC

Energy Change:

Volume of X Volume of Y Initial Final Change in

used / cm3 added / cm3 temperature / oC temperature / oC temperature / oC
25 75
20 80
15 85
10 90
5 95

1a Yellow ppt observed
1b The ppt was soluble in excess aqueous sodium hydroxide to form a colourless
2 Effervescence / bubbles evolved
The mixture is warm to touch

Example of horizontal tables


Distance along tube (cm) 0 10 12 14 16 18 20

Time for conc. NH3 (s)
Time for dil. NH3 (s)

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Qualitative results (Recording of Observations for chemical reactions)

Key marking points:

• Clear and precise recording in a form of table

Test no Observations

- Record results at the time they are made

- Identify the substance that causes the change
- Record in complete sentences.
- Describe colour change by reporting initial and final colour

Observations refer to detectable changes. They include:

• Appearance of substance (colour, smell and physical state)

- Black powder or solid
- Colourless solution or blue solution
- Yellowish green and pungent gas
- Colourless and odourless gas.

• Colour changes
- The solution turned from colourless to brown;
- No visible reaction

• Formation of precipitate (ppt)

- White precipitate formed
- Green precipitate observed.

• Solubility of substance / precipitate

- The (unknown) solid dissolved in (dilute acid) to form a blue solution.
- The precipitate dissolved on heating to form a colourless solution.
- The precipitate was soluble in excess aqueous sodium hydroxide solution to form a
colourless solution
- The ppt was insoluble in excess aq NH3

• Evolution of gases
e.g. Effervescence / bubbles are observed.
- Colour and smell : e.g. A colourless and odourless gas was formed.
- Effect on moist litmus paper: Gas turned moist blue litmus paper red or gas was
neutral to moist litmus paper
- Confirmation test: e.g. O2:gas rekindled a glowing splint; H2 gas extinguished a
lighted splint with a pop sound; CO2 gas turned limewater chalky; SO2 gas turned
acidified KMnO4 from purple to colourless; Cl2 bleached moist litmus paper.

• Evolution of heat
e.g. Test tube was warm / cold to touch.

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Coursework Skill C3

Skill C3 : Handling experimental observations and data

2 Processes results in an appropriate manner, given a detailed format.

Draws an obvious qualitative conclusion from the results of the experiment.

4 Processes results in an appropriate manner, given an outline format.

Recognises and comments on anomalous results.

Draws qualitative conclusions that are consistent with obtained results and deduces
the patterns in the data.

6 Processes results in an appropriate manner, given no format.

Recognises and comments on sources of experimental error.

Deals appropriately with anomalous or inconsistent results e.g. omits or ignore them

Express conclusions as generalisations or patterns, where appropriate.

Drawing graphs

Graphs are plotted to show general patterns of the results, which are not obvious in tables.
• Plot the independent variable on the horizontal or x-axis, with scale as large as
• Plot the dependent variable on the vertical or y-axis, again with scale as large as
• Remember that the scales do not have to start zero. (would be good if so)
• Label the axes clearly and fully with the name of the variable and its units.
• Give your graph a title to explain what it shows.
• Plot the points with a cross (or a small circle) using a sharp pencil.
• Draw the best-fit line, which does not have to pass through all points, and may be a
straight line or a curve. Also ensure that the points are evenly scattered on either
side for a best-fit line.
• In curve graph, make it as smooth as possible, avoiding sharp angles unless there is
obviously a very sudden change in direction.

Types of graphs

• A line and scatter graph

• A bar chart or histogram
• A Pie chart

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Pie charts

Pie charts is used when discrete data is easily divided into fractions or percentages and
pupils wish to compare the relative proportions with the total amount.

• The chart is drawn with the sectors in rank order, largest first, beginning at the top
(12 o’clock) and proceeding clockwise.
• The size of the sector is worked out using a pie chart scale or a protractor e.g. 3
degrees represent 1%
• Each sector is usually shaded or coloured, with a key to show what it represents.

Table: Eye colour data

Eye colour Number of students Percentage of total (%)

Blue 11 44
Brown 7 28
Hazel 4 16
Green 3 12

Figure: Pie chart of eye colour

Bar charts

Bar charts are drawn if either the independent or dependent variable is categoric (distinct
categories), rather numerical.

• The horizontal axis is a list of categories.

• Blocks or bars are drawn with equal width, separated from each other by a space,
with equal spacing between each block.

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework


Histograms are drawn when the independent variable is numerical and continuous from 1
extreme value to the other e.g. the height, frequencies.

• Blocks should be touching An appropriate scale is chosen, marked and labeled to

show the edges of the blocks
• The blocks are drawn in order of either increasing or decreasing magnitude.
• Avoid overlapping ranges e.g. 1-10, 11–20 is preferred rather than 1-10, 10-20 etc.

Line and scatter graphs

Line graphs are plotted if both variables are continuous.

Intermediate values such as fractions and decimals are possible.

• The independent variable is plotted on the x-axis and the dependent variable on
the y-axis.
• Each point plotted should be clearly and accrately marked as a cross (x) or as an
encircled dot ().
• Give the title of the graph.
• Axes should be fully labeled and the units given.
• Does not necessary to pass through origin.
• Choose a suitable scale. Avoid a scale that involves fractions of grid squares which
makes it difficult to plot points accurately. Make sure all the points you need to plot
will fit on the graph.
• Draw a best-fit line. A best-fit line should pass through the majority of the points, with
an approximate equal number of points on either side of the curve.

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Time for magnesium

to dissolve (s)
anomalous results
- ignore this result when
plotting graph

Volume of hydrochloric
acid used (cm3)

Total temperature
change (oC)

Total volume of
acid added (cm3)

Examples of experiments and graphs that would result:

Experiment Independent Dependent Type of graph

(input) variable (output) variable
Melting points of metals in Name of metal Melting point Bar chart
group 1 of the periodic table
Comparing how long a candle Size of jar Time before the Bar chart
burns in a small, medium and candle goes out
large jars
Compare the effect of beaker Volume of beaker Time before the Line graph
volume on how long a candle candle goes out
Solubility of solid in 100g of Temperature Solubility (g of Line / curve
solvent solute per 100g of graph
Temperature changes that Volume of acid Temperature Line graph (2
occur when different volmes of change best-fit line)
acid react with alkaline which intersect
Speed of reaction between Number of pieces Total time taken Curve graph
sulphuric acid and magnesium of magnesium
Study the relationship between Voltage Number of paper Histogram
voltage and the power of an clips attracted

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Describing data

• Make sure you understand the data concerned. Read the title carefully.
- If it is a graph, make sure you read the labels on the axes.
- If it is a table, make sure you understand the headings of the rows and columns.
• Concentrate on patterns and trends given in the table or graph. Disregard minor
• Sometimes, practical work does not always produce trends and results are not
quantitative. A summary of the results may be all that needs to be stated. e.g. identify
which materials are good and bad conductors of heat.

Looking for patterns and trends

Interpreting graph:

Straight line (linear) graphs Curved (non-linear) graphs

passes through the origin y increases at an
y increases at a constant increasing rate
y is directly proportional
to x
positive gradient, m y increases at a
y increases at a constant decreasing rate
y is proportional to x plus a
negative gradient, m y decreases at a
y decreases at a constant decreasing rate
y is proportional to -x plus a
y is not dependent on the y decreases at an
value of x increasing rate
i.e. y is constant

y has a maximum

y has a minimum

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

• Straight line graph show a simple relationship – direct proportionality.

E.g. Effect of temperature on solubility of salt in water.

Level 2 At high temperature, the solubility of salt is high

Level 4 The higher the temperature, the higher the solubility of salt.
Level 6 The solubility of salt in water is proportional to the temperature applied. As the
temperature increase, the solubility of salt in water increases proportionally.

• Curve graph shows less obvious trends. The gradient of a curve in a reaction rate
experiment gives the speed of reaction.
- A gentle slope signifies a slower rate
- A steeper slope signifies a faster rate.

The results show that as the time
increases, the volume of
production of oxygen gas
increases but the rate of reaction

The results show that as
concentration of sodium
Time for cross to
disappear / s thiosulphate increases, the time
for the cross to disappear
decreases. This indicates that the
rate of reaction increases with
increasing concentration.

• Support conclusions with data they have collected.

e.g. As the temperature increases, the solubility of sodium chloride increases. For
example, at 25oC, 10 g of salt dissolves in water and at 35oC, 12 g of salt dissolves.
Every 10oC rise in temperature, the solubility of salt rises by 2g.

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Explaining patterns

• Data that you encounter is always different so the same explanation cannot be
offered all the time.
• Make sure you understand the data and identify the obvious patterns before
• For a complex curve, break it down into its separate parts and look for an explanation
of each part.
• Explain means give a reason.
• In explaining a particular set of data, make sure that you have related your
knowledge to the figures concerned.

Type of Example Remarks

Qualitative "The dependent variable(y) will This doesn't tell us about the
increase as the independent increase. It could be a small or
variable(x) is increased, because..." large increase, and the increase
could be linear (constant) or
non-linear (increasing by a
smaller or bigger amount).
Quantitative "The dependent variable(y) is This gives more clear
directly proportional to the relationship and pattern
independent variable(x) because..."

Sources of experimental error

To identify and overcome problems, the questions we should ask ourselves are :

• How will these sources of error affect our results?

Understanding the sources of error should help us to design ways of minimizing their
• Which of these sources of error is the most important?
Look first at those which have the greatest effect on results.
• What can be done to minimize sources of error?
This is to make the results more reliable.


Experiment Possible sources

Solubility • Temperature read when crystals first appear.
• Loss of water due to evaporation.
Energy changes • Temperature not held constant.
• Heat loss to the surrounding.
• Inconsistent stirring
Titration • Colour change is subjective
Measurement • Inaccurate measurement of named liquid using wrong apparatus
Rate of reaction • Difficulty in colour change esp if colour change is not instant
• Solid reactant is not fully immersed in liquid reagent during reaction
• Inconsistent stirring rate.
• Human response time e.g. starting and stopping the timer / stopwatch
is not consistent / timing problem.
• Size of marble chips used during the reaction

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Coursework Skill C4

Skill C4 : Planning, carrying out and evaluating investigations

2 Suggests a simple experimental strategy to investigate a given practical problem.

Attempts trial and error modification in the light of the experimental work carried out.
4 Specifies a sequence of activities to investigate a given practical problem.

In a situation where there are 2 variables, recognizes the need to keep 1 of them
constant while the other is being changed.

Comments critically on the original plan, and implements appropriate changes in the
light of the experimental work carried out.
6 Analyses a practical problem systematically and produces a logical plan for

In a given situation, recognizes that there are a number of variables and attempts to
control them.

Evaluates chosen procedures, suggests/ implements modifications, where

appropriate, and shows a systematic approach in dealing with unexpected results.


Independent The one you change through a series of pre-set values.

Dependent variable The one you want to find out about / variables which is
Control variables These must stay the same throughout the experiment to ensure
a fair test.

Variable types

Continuous Varies continuously and can have any Examples: time; length; area;
value, limited only by the accuracy of your volume; mass; temperature;
measurements. energy; force;
Discrete Changes by discrete amounts; i.e. in Examples: number of layers;
steps, or by one at a time. If the range of number of petals in a flower;
possible values is large then the variable number of paper clips;
may be considered as being almost
Categoric Usually a descriptive category. Examples: colour; shape;
size; type of material;

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

Changing the independent variable

• If the experiment was done just once, the result could be due to chance or the
peculiar way you carried out the experiment.
• Valid experiments must be repeatable by someone else.
• Clear detailed instructions must be written. E.g. Add 2 cm3 of sodium hydroxide
solution to 2 cm3 of the sample in a test tube. Shake the mixture.
• Control experiment : An experiment set up to eliminate certain possibilities.

Measuring the dependent variable

• Quantitative data must be collected and this will involve taking measurements.
• Measurements must be made with the appropriate degree of precision and must be
E.g. Measurements made with a ruler are accurate to 1 decimal place i.e 5.8cm
• The experiment must be repeated in exactly the same way several times (at least 3
times) in order to separate reliable results from anomalies

Planning checklist

1. Title
2. The effect of [independent variable] on [dependent variable]
3. Introduction
• Relevant information about the topic
• Keep the notes short
• Make sure the notes are in your own words
• Include key words
• Use diagrams if possible, linked to your written information
• Make a note of the title of any book/ software/ website used for source material

4. Preliminary work
• Describe any experiments you have already done about the topic
• State what you found out

5. Prediction
• State what you expect to happen
• Explain why – and link this with information in your introduction

6. Equipment list

• List of equipment
• Reasons for choosing the equipment (refer to accuracy)

7. Instructions for carrying out the investigation

• Written in present or future tense
• Written step by step (bullet points)
• Control experiment (what you would keep the same)
• Independent variable identified (what you will change each time)
• Explain how the dependent variable can measured to obtain quantitative results
together with the degree of accuracy of the equipment used
• Include the range of readings to take
• List other variables that might affect the results.
• State how many repeats you will make.
• Explain why you will take repeat reading
• Include any safety points.

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework

• Commenting on how successfully a plan was implemented.

• Suggestions for improvements if the investigation was going to be rerun.

- Insulate apparatus or use a styrofoam cup to reduce heat loss.
- Use a burette or pipette instead of measuring cylinder for more accurate
measurement e.g. during titration.
- Measure mass of solid reactant if its size is not consistent.
- Use a lid to cover the reaction mixture to avoid contamination or prevent loss of
heat to the surroundings.
- Use a digital thermometer for more accurate results.
- Use smaller intervals of variables
- Take more readings / repeat experiments to obtain average and more reliable
- Use a water bath to ensure even temperature.

• Comparing repeated results to consider their similarity and, hence, considering the
reliability of the evidence.

• Identification of what might have caused a reading to be incorrect or unreliable –

anomalous result.

• Stating the importance of collecting extra results where a piece of data already
collected does not fit the expected trend.

• Considering the accuracy of the apparatus used for making measurements and
suggesting alternatives where appropriate.

• Considering how appropriate the apparatus is used in the investigation was and
suggesting improvements (if alternative apparatus is available)

• Analysing data on a graph to identify anomalous results.

• Commenting on how well the evidence supports the conclusion.

• Commenting extra variables not identified in the planning stage and suggesting how
these may be controlled.

• Suggesting further work using the same technique to provide additional relevant

• Suggesting a different technique that might be used to investigate the same idea.

• Comparing the results collected with secondhand evidence (such as a graph in a

textbook) to consider whether the evidence can be trusted

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework


Effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate solution

and hydrochloric acid

Possible evaluation / areas of improvements:

• Take more repeat readings to check the validity of the results.

• Use a wider range of concentrations to see if an extrapolation of the trend on a graph
can be supported.
• Use intermediate concentrations to provide more evidence to support the trend
shown on a graph.
• Suggest reasons for why an anomalous result has happened and taking further
readings to confirm what the correct reading should be.
• Compare results with those in a textbook to see if the trend is the same.
• Change equipment named in the plan, such as the type of container to be used from
e.g. a 250 cm3 beaker to a 100 cm3 conical flask, so that the depth of solution allows
the cross to be obscured more quickly.
• Change equipment needed to measure 5 cm3 of hydrochloric acid, or the various
volumes of sodium thiosulphate and water, to improve accuracy.

ACS (International) – Year 3/4 (Chemistry) Notes –Coursework


An investigation of how the size of iron fillings affects the temperature change in its
reaction with sulphuric acid

Skill C4 (Marking Scheme)

Strand Level 2 Level 4 Level 6

• Suggests a • Specifies a • Analyses the investigation
Producing a logical

simple sequence of systematically and produces a


experimental activities or a logical plan to compare the size

plan for an

strategy to systematic of iron fillings on temperature

compare the size procedure to change.
of iron fillings on compare the size of
temperature iron fillings on
change. temperature
• Recognises that at • Recognises that there are
least two of the variables such as
variables in level 6 - concentration of sulphuric
have to be kept acid
constant when - volume of sulphuric acid
comparing the two solution
reaction mixtures. - mass of iron filings
- size of iron fillings
Controlling variables

- temperature of sulphuric acid

- rate of stirring of mixture
- time taken for measuring the
temperature of the react
- immersing fully all the
different sizes of iron fillings
in acid
- type of apparatus used e.g.
insulated cup to reduce heat
that need to be kept constant
when comparing the 2 reaction
• Attempts trial and • Comments on the • Evaluates chosen plan and
where appropriate
modifying plans
procedures and

error modification original plan. procedures.


in the light of the Suggests or implements

experimental work • Suggests or modifications where appropriate
carried out. implements with reasons.
where appropriate • Shows a systematic approach in
out. dealing with unexpected results.


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