Storybrewers Mini-Games - The Very Important Task
Storybrewers Mini-Games - The Very Important Task
Storybrewers Mini-Games - The Very Important Task
! mportant !
When a stat reaches 4, you are Promoted.
a micro-rpg of Reset that stat to 1 and advance your position
& pandemonium When a stat reaches 0, you are demoted. Reset
that stat to 3 and lower your position according
to the below. If you cannot be demoted, lose
3 points from any combination of stats. If you
cannot lose 3 points, you are fired.
You and your fellow players are employees in different departments of a multi-national company.
Each of your managers have given you a Very Important Task. 0: Entry Level (start here)
Your goal is to finish this task as quickly as possible. Or is it? 1: Analyst
2: Manager
3: Executive
the company your Manager Roll all moves with +1 per promotion.
Welcome to , the world's As well as their employee, each player will
At any time you may reveal your true
number one provider of . also take on the role of another employee’s
incompetence and take a demotion to erase up
It's our pleasure to welcome you as our newest manager. Make them weird, wonderful, and
to 4 problems.
employee to join one of our 892 offices. As we wacky. Fill them with endless requirements:
always say here, . nonsense processes, obscure permissions, and
ancient computer systems. Equip them with Corporate Triumph
employee manual
indecipherable acronyms, bizarre requests, and
You win the game if:
stresses from the “higher ups.”
Employees will take turns to play out a month • You are the first person to complete the
A person’s manager may change as they are
of their working life. At the beginning of the Very Important Task.
month, roll the move Manager Supervision,
• You are the first person to reach the
and enact a manager-employee scene Any player not in a scene may also jump in to
position of Executive.
accordingly. Continue playing out your month play other department members.
until you roll 1 more move. Play out any scenes • All other players are fired.
that result, then it’s the next player’s turn.
Storybrewers Roleplaying
Each scene should take about as long as
Failure to follow mandated company processes
booting up your corporate computer (or a
will result in you arousing HR's Suspicion.
moment more if you’re having fun).
Clear your suspicion when you make progress
Exception: When you Get in Trouble, or
on the Very Important Task through any
Help Out?, these do not count as your monthly
legitimate means.
move. Perform these actions in addition to any
other actions you take during your turn.
1-3 Get in Trouble Roll 1d6 + Connections. Add 2 if you know which employee
4-5 Avoid Attention. Nothing Happens. This time. will be able to help you.
6+ Doing great. Commendation. Add +1 to any stat. If you don’t know which employee is able to help you, decide which (PC)
employee you reach randomly.
Roll 1d6
1-2 You must first obtain system access, receive permission, or fill
• help out?
out form AZQ-91/M. Add this to your problems list. When you are asked for help, either:
3-4 As above, but you find out which (PC) employee will be able to Do it: Either
help you with this problem. Decide who randomly.
1. It’s hard to resolve. Move one of that player’s problems to your list
5+ You make progress. Tick off two boxes of the Very Important
instead. (You cannot choose this option if the employee asking has no
Task, remove up to two problems, or add +1 to any stat.
problems.) OR;
2. It takes up your resources. Take -1 to any stat & give + 1 to the other
• find a "workaround" player
When you optimistically ignore process to try and get shit done: Try to Fob it Off:
Roll 1d6 + Sanity – (2x Suspicion) Roll 1d6 + Apathy -2 if it is your job +1 if it isn’t your
1-3 Your manager catches you. Get in Trouble.
4-5 Another (PC) employee catches you. Decide who randomly. You 1-3 Get in Trouble AND move one of that player’s problems to your
must do something for them to keep your rule-bending hidden. list.
Move one of their problems to your list. If the chosen PC has no 4-5 Fob it off. You worm your way out of it.
problems, tick off one box of their Very Important Task instead. 6+ Turn it around. Move one of your problems to that player’s
6+ Life without red tape is peachy. Remove a problem AND tick off problem list instead.
two boxes of the Very Important Task, remove up to 3 problems,
or add +1 to any stat. Somewhere, someone in employee
management raises an eyebrow. Add +1 to suspicion.
! id the very ! id the very
Name: ! mportant Name: ! mportant
task Department:
Position: Position:
! stats ! stats
Allocate 6 points, minimum 1. Allocate 6 points, minimum 1.
Connections Connections
Sanity Sanity
Performance Performance
Apathy Apathy
! suspicion ! suspicion
! problems ! problems