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Chapter 2 - Transformer

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Chapter 2 – PART 1
Principle of operation and application, Rating,
Losses and Efficiency

➢ One of the most important and ubiquitous electrical machines is the transformer.
➢ It receives power at one voltage and delivers it at another.
➢ This conversion aids the efficient long-distance transmission of electrical power from
generating stations.
➢ Since power lines incur significant I2R losses, it is important to minimize these losses by
the use of high voltages.
➢ The same power can be delivered by high-voltage circuits at a fraction of the current
required for low-voltage circuits. 2

• A transformer is a static machine which changes voltage:

– Step-up, or
– Step-down
• There is no electromechanical energy conversion.
• The transfer of energy takes place through the magnetic
field and all currents and voltages are AC
• Transformer can be categorized as:
– Ideal transformers
– Practical transformers
– Special transformers
– Three phase transformers
11 kV

Step-down End – user

127 kV, 132 kV, transformer
275 kV, 500 kV

Step-up transformer


415/240 V

1. Overhead line
2. Underground
11 kV, 22 kV, 33 cable
Assessment (For Electrical Part Only)

Assignment (GROUP) : 10%

Final Exam : 25%

Marking Total 50%

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Basic Electrical System

Functions of Transformer
• Raise or lower voltage or current in AC circuit
• Isolate circuit from each other
• Increase or decrease the apparent value of a capacitor,
inductor or resistor
• Enable transmission of electrical energy over great
• Distribute safely in homes and factories

• Transformer is one of the most useful electrical devices ever


Principles of Transformer

Electromagnetic Induction

• When a permanent magnet NS was moved relative to a coil

C, galvanometer G was deflected in one direction when the
magnet was moved towards the coil and in the reverse
direction when the magnet was withdrawn.
• When a conductor cuts or is cut by magnetic flux, an
electromotive force (e.m.f.) is generated in the conductor.
Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwIdZjjd8fo
Principles of Transformer

Magnetic Field (Magnetic Flux)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8llkHQtaOlg 12
Principles of Transformer

Principles of Transformer

❖ Conductor carrying an electric current induces magnetic field around the

conductor in concentric circles form around the wire.
❖ The direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the wire and is in the
direction the fingers of your right hand would curl if you wrapped them
around the wire with your thumb in the direction of the current. 14
Principles of Transformer

• A transformer consists of two electric circuits

called primary and secondary
• A magnetic circuit provides the link between
primary and secondary
Principles of Transformer

• The basic idea:

• AC voltage is applied to the primary
circuit, AC current, Ip flows into the
primary circuit.
• Ip sets up a time-varying magnetic flux Ф
in the core.
• An AC voltage is induced to the secondary
circuit, Vs according to the Faraday’s law.
• The magnetic (iron) core is made of thin laminated steel sheet. The
reason of using laminated steel is to minimize the eddy current loss by
reducing thickness.
• There are two common cross section of core which include:
– square or (rectangular) for small transformers, and
– circular (stepped) for the large and 3 phase transformers.

Configuration of Single phase


Three Phase Transformer

➢The three phase transformer iron core has

three legs/limbs.
➢A phase winding is placed in each leg.

Three Phase Transformer

Construction of Transformer

❖Core (U/I) Type: Is constructed from a stack of

U and I shaped laminations. In a core-type
transformer, the primary and secondary
windings are wound on two different legs of the

❖Shell Type: Is constructed from a stack E and I

shaped laminations. In a shell-type transformer,
the primary and secondary windings are wound
on the same leg of the core, as concentric
windings, one on top of the other
Core and Shell Type Transformer

Construction of a Small Transformer

Transformer with Cooling System

The Ideal Transformer

For an ideal transformer, we assume:

✓ No losses
✓ Flux produced by the primary is completely linked
by the secondary and vice versa
✓ Core is infinitely permeable
✓ No leakage flux of any kind

The Ideal Transformer
• Primary and secondary posses N1 and N2
turns respectively
• Primary is connected to a sinusoidal source
Eg Magnetizing current Im creates a flux of

The Ideal Transformer

• A transformer with more turns in its primary than its

secondary coil will reduce voltage and is called a step-
down transformer.

• One with more turns in the secondary than the primary is

called a step-up transformer.

The Ideal Transformer – with No Load

• During no load, copper loss is not present leaving the losses to only two
components - Eddy current loss & Hysteresis loss

• Eddy current loss - Magnetic flux alternating in the core would induce
voltage to any conductor in its vicinity. Since the core itself is a
conductor, the varying magnetic fields does not only induce voltage in
the windings, but in the core itself. Induced voltage in the core would
cause a circulating current in the core. This current is known as the
circulating current (eddy current).

• Hysteresis loss - Due to residual magnetic effect. Residual magnetic

effect is a phenomenon where the magnetization of a material stays
permanent even after the magnetizing force is no longer applied. The
polarity of the transformer core will inverse each time the primary
current changes direction. Each time it inverts, a little energy is used to
erase the residual magnet from the core’s polarization from the previous
cycle. In effect, the core will heat up, the hysteresis loss happens every
half cycle, a few instances before the core is magnetized in the opposite
direction. 28
The Ideal Transformer – with No Load


A not-quite-ideal transformer having 90 turns on the primary
and 2250 turns on the secondary is connected to a 120 V, 60
Hz source. Assume that the coupling between the primary and
the secondary is perfect. calculate:

a) The effective voltage across the secondary terminals

b) The peak voltage across the secondary terminals.
c) The instantaneous voltage across the secondary when the
instantaneous voltage across the primary is 37 V.

Ans: 3000V, 4243 V, 925 V.

Ideal Transformer Under Load: Current

• Let connect a load Z across the secondary of the ideal

transformer. A secondary current I2 will immediately flow.

1. In an ideal transformer the primary and secondary windings

are linked by the mutual flux, Фm, consequently voltage ratio
will be the same as at no load
2. If the supply voltage Eg is kept fixed, then the primary
induced voltage E1 remain fixed. Consequently, Фm also
remains fixed. It follows that E2 also remain fixed

We conclude that E2 remains fixed whether a load is

connected or not

Ideal Transformer Under Load: Current Ratio

• Now, examine the mmf created by the primary and

secondary windings.

• First, current I2 produces a secondary mmf N2I2. If it acted

alone, this mmf would produce a profound change in the Фm.
But we just saw that Фm does not change under load.

• We conclude that flux Фm can only remain fixed if the primary

develops a mmf which exactly counterbalances N2I2 at every
instant. Thus, a primary current I1 must flow so that

Ideal Transformer Under Load: Current Ratio



A 200 kVA, 6600V/400V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer has

80 turns on the secondary. Calculate:
a)the approximate values of the primary and secondary
b)the approximate number of primary turns;
a) 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 6600
= 30.3 𝐴, 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 =
= 500 𝐴

𝑏) 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑠 = 80 × = 1320 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑠

An ideal transformer having 90 turns on the primary and
2250 turns on the secondary is connected to a 200 V, 50 Hz
source. The load across the secondary draws a current of 2 A
at a power factor of 80 per cent lagging.

Calculate :
a) The effective value of the primary current
b) The instantaneous current in the primary when the instantaneous
current in the secondary is 100 mA.
c) The peak flux linked by the secondary winding.

Ans: 50 A, 2.5 A, 10 mWb.

Real Transformer

Voltage Regulation

Efficiency of Transformer


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