Should or Should Not Student Be Allowed To Grade Their Teacher
Should or Should Not Student Be Allowed To Grade Their Teacher
Should or Should Not Student Be Allowed To Grade Their Teacher
Of course! Teachers would better understand their teaching abilities thanks to the grades.
Students would need to pay more attention in class, too, because they would need to have
reasons for how they grade them. This would lead them to learn more, anyway. But I don’t
think students should be allowed to criticise their teachers or say mean things about them.
4. Appearance of teacher
5. Temperament
All the above qualities rated by the students give a favourite impression of the teacher. But,
this attitude of the students is not believed to be good. It may pose a threatening problem to
the teachers by forcing an attitudinal change in them to please the students. It may also make
them focus more on gaining right grades from the students to retain their jobs, rather than
teach them sincerely.
1. Secondly, the student involved in the grading of his or her teacher will be asked to
inform the reasons as to why he or she intends to give grades to the respective
2. Thirdly, during the process of grading, it is essential for the student to include the
parents also to be a part of it, to make the grading meaningful.
3. This type of grading involving the parents’ wisdom will certainly make the system
more useful.
4. Parents’ involvement will make their children to assume more responsibility towards
the whole process of grading.
Important parameters of grading. While students are allowed to grade their teachers, it is very
vital for them to consider parameters of grading. This consists of factors like teacher’s
behaviour, helping nature, using rude, polite or abusive language, temperament and the way
the teacher keeps the class well disciplined. Other factors include teacher’s fair attitude to all
students and not only to some students in particular, paying attention to the entire class, time
management, and punctuality. Students can develop a detailed grading system by ensuring to
include all pertinent points and make a report with problematic areas identified and bring to
the notice of the concerned authority. The entire score of the grading system of the teachers
by their student will not suffer owing to any mistakes. Under this scenario, it will be easy for
the teachers to identify their mannerisms and rectify them through improvements in their
methods of teaching. Besides this, the administration of the school should also see that the
teachers are able to differentiate the correct feedback from the incorrect feedbacks of the
Conclusion involvement of the school head, parents and the students are considered to be
collectively responsible to grade the mannerisms of the teacher in a fair way. This process is
a useful concept and will yield good results if it is developed and implemented with right
conditions. The future of our country will depend upon how good the students are educated as
they progress in the future. Hence, the system of allowing students to grade their teachers
shall prove to be a boon to the institution, which aims to build and take care of the hopes of
the students.
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