Evaluator 2

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Summary of Comments and Suggestions Form


Student Number: 2021 – 103927
Master of Arts in Education major in Educational

Comments Action Page

Taken Number

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

Chapter 1: 1. Title: Learning
Loss may be attributed
to a multitude of
factors, what do you
intend to magnify? The
weak learning delivery
system during the
pandemic? The weak
learning resources
during the pandemic?
The weak instruction?
This must be clarified in
the title.

2. Title: ideally, should

also clarify the
research locale, period
and product or ideal
output— will this be
used as basis for
improved learning
delivery systems in the
new normal? If this is
during the pandemic,
this must also be
clarified in the title.

“Examining the Learning loss

among Dentistry Students in
one Private University: Basis
towards an Enhanced
Instruction Framework in the
New Normal”— if instruction is
magnified, then the sub-
categories could be teaching,
teaching materials, and
learning delivery.

3. Learning loss must be

conceptually and
operationally defined
and must be clarified in

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

terms of a statistical

4. Background of the
study: there seems to
be no data source, no
in-text citations; facts
should substantiate the
research gap written by
the writer.

5. Background of the
study guide: discuss
trends, issues,
challenges (TIOC)

6. Statement of the
problem: “improved
learning improvement”
and “learning
— what is this? This is
totally the opposite of
what is implied in the
title (learning loss?.

7. Clarify the direction,

objective and practical
output of the proposal.
Why is it important to
know the learning loss?
What could the writer
produce (output of

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

study) that could help
students with such
learning loss?

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

Chapter 2: 4. Statement of
the problem: “improved
learning improvement”
and “learning
— what is this? This is
totally the opposite of
what is implied in the
title (learning loss?.

5. Clarify the direction,

objective and practical
output of the proposal.
Why is it important to
know the learning loss?
What could the writer
produce (output of
study) that could help
students with such
learning loss?

6. Research questions 2-
4; recast; very vague
and are not even in
question form.

7. The theoretical
framework is a misfit;
recast, find something
that links teaching with
learning. If frame is
online teaching and
learning, then find a
specific theory that
links the two.

8. Conceptual framework:
look into the CIPP
conceptual model, use
it in your paper.

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

9. Scope and delimitation:
must answer the what,
where, when, how long,
how, why.

10. Significance of the

study: avoid sweeping
statements, specify
only the specific
who will benefit from its

11. Definition of terms:

should be both
conceptual and

12. Learning loss definition:

vague- “possibility that
students...could lose
their reading and
math skills?” What is
this? This is supposed
to be for Dentistry
students? Read, review
more literature.

13. Learning loss could be

thru computing the
significant difference
between pre test and
test scores, using the

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

gain score formula;
could be triangulated
by student feedbacks

14. RRL: must be arranged

by themes.

15. RRL: should have

introduction, body and
closing (synthesis).

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

Chapter 3: (If Applicable) 3. Conceptual framework:
look into the CIPP
conceptual model, use
it in your paper.

4. Scope and delimitation:

must answer the what,
where, when, how long,
how, why.

5. Significance of the
study: avoid sweeping
statements, specify
only the specific
who will benefit from its

6. Definition of terms:
should be both
conceptual and

7. Learning loss definition:

vague- “possibility that
students...could lose
their reading and
math skills?” What is
this? This is supposed
to be for Dentistry
students? Read, review
more literature.

8. Learning loss could be

thru computing the
significant difference
between pre test and

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

test scores, using the
gain score formula;
could be triangulated
by student feedbacks

9. RRL: must be arranged

by themes.

10. RRL: should have

introduction, body and
closing (synthesis).

11. Research design: all

ideas/ concepts
introduced should be
first defined and then
on why it was chosen
to be used in this study.
For example, what is
an online- dispersed
survey? So forth and
so on.

12. The entire methodology

needs to be improved.
A survey that is
perception- based
not and will not be
enough to determine
learning loss.
Legitimate learning loss

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

could only
be deduced by getting
student test results and

13. Lacking in
discussion of ethical
procedures, validation
procedures for tool/s to
be used, justification of
the random sampling
(which goes against
the “dispersed”
surveying? Threats to

14. Need thorough

rewriting/ improvement
and probing.

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021


Evaluator 1 Evaluator 2

Approved by: Dr. Maribel V. Belleza, CEAS GS Director

CEAS GS Form 009 October 2021

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