CARBON COMPOUNDS: Pollution Aspects: Received Date: Jan. 2020 Revised: April 2020 Accepted: June 2020

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Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

Received Date: Jan. 2020 Revised: April 2020 Accepted: June 2020

CARBON COMPOUNDS: Pollution Aspects

Khadka Yagyarath
Carbon is one of the major elements by which organic compounds cannot be imagined. Its
compounds are very useful in human life as well as for nature. For example, carbon dioxide is used
during photosynthesis in plants and CFCs is used in manufacturing of aerosol sprays and as
refrigerants. In contrast, serious harmful effects are seen with over exposure or with increasing in
level of its compounds. Use of carbon compounds awareness is necessary for its use in different
purposes. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide released by the complete combustion of fossils and
by automobile exhaust causes carbon pollution along with other various causes. Reuse and re-
cycling of carbon compounds minimizes its pollution. Carboxyhemoglobin formed by combination of
carbon monoxide with red blood cell is also more fatal. As we know, different gases formed due to
the combination of carbon with other elements causes various changes like climate change,
destruction of heritage goods (acid rain), different human risk, flooding etc. So, pollution of carbon
should be managed before it causes any huge harmful effects. Finally, carbon related pollution leads
to global warming, greenhouse effects, ozone layer depletion, ocean acidification, acid rain, climate
change and also fatal to human beings.
Keywords: allotrope, radiation, precipitation, acidification, depletion, emission,
photosynthesis, carbon capping, pollution.
Carbon is a nonmetallic chemical element that readily forms compounds with many
other elements and is a constituent of organic compounds in all known living tissues. It is
the most abundant element in earth’s crust and second most abundant element in human
body by mass after oxygen. Carbon has two main forms (allotropes): diamond and graphite
(allotropes- each of two or more different physical forms in which an element can exist,
both the chemical and physical properties of allotropes display marked differences for a
given element). It has atomic weight of 12.011, atomic number of 6 and specific gravity of
3.51 at 20oC of diamond and 2.26 at 20oC of graphite.
Pollution is defined as the addition of any harmful substance i.e. solid, liquid or gas,
or any form of energy such as sound, heat or radioactivity to the environment at a rate faster
than it can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed or recycled. Pollution damages the quality of
air, water, land and also adversely affects human life. There are various sources of
pollutants like car spew pollutants from their exhaust pipes, burning coals, large livestock
farms, chemical plants, oil refineries, PVC factories, plastic factories, metal production
factories and other heavy industries.

Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

Role of carbon in pollution

A. Carbondioxide
Carbondioxide occurs naturally in the atmosphere and accounts for less than 1
percentage of atmospheric gases. It is also an essential ingredient in photosynthesis. As the
level of carbondioxide rises, the effect in air pollution also rises simultaneously.
There are both natural and human sources of carbondioxide. Natural sources include
decomposition, ocean release, volcanic eruption and cellular respiration. Human sources
come from activities like deforestation, cement production and burning of fossil fuels like
coal, oil and natural gas.
Affects of carbondioxide in pollution
1. Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect is the natural phenomenon which warms the earth’s surface.
Falling of sun rays in the earth atmosphere partly absorbed and partly reflected and
reradiated by greenhouse gases. The absorbed energy of the sun is responsible for the
warming of the earth as well as atmosphere.Normal level of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere helps the earth to maintain the temperature for the living beings. Higher level of
carbon dioxide due to air pollution traps radiation at ground level, creating ground level
ozone. This prevents the earth from cooling at night. Heat gets trapped inside the blanket of
greenhouse gases and leads to global warming. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide,
nitrous oxide, methane, etc. trap heat in the atmosphere. With high concentration, they lead
to unnatural warming.The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are naturally
regulated by many processes, is the part of global carbon cycle. Presence of carbon between
earth’s surface, atmosphere and ocean is dominated by natural process: photosynthesis
(process by which the green plants and certain organisms use sunlight to synthesize
nutrients from carbon dioxide and water).

Fig: percentage of different greenhouse gases in greenhouse effect

Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

2. Acid rain
Carbon dioxide released from the fossil fuel, burning energy plants combine with
moisture in the air and results in precipitation with high acid content. It has shown adverse
impacts on forests, freshwater, soils, killing insects and aquatic life forms and also has
impact on human health. Human problems include lung diseases like asthma and bronchitis.
Acid rain also damage buildings, historic monuments and statues that contain large amounts
of calcium carbonate. It also causes corrosion of metals.
 H2O + CO2 H2CO3(HCO3)-+ H+
Makes rainwater acidic
[H2O - water, CO2 - carbon dioxide, H2CO3 - carbonic acid, HCO3- - bicarbonate ion, H+ -
hydrogen ion]
Acid rain is also caused by the ions released from sulphuric acid and nitric acid that makes
rain water highly acidic.
 Formation of sulphuric acid:
S + O2 SO2
SO2 + ½ O2 + H2O H2SO4 2H+ + SO4- -
[S - Sulphur, O2 - oxygen, SO2 - sulphur dioxide, H2SO4 - sulphuric acid, SO4-- - sulphate
 Formation of nitric acid:
NO + O3 NO2 + O2
NO2 + O3 NO3 + O2
NO3 + NO2 N2O5
N2O5 + H2O 2HNO3 H+ + NO3-
[NO - nitric oxide, O3 - ozone, NO2 - nitrogen dioxide, NO3 - nitrogen trioxide, N2O5-
dinitrogen pentoxide, HNO3 - nitric acid, NO3- - nitrate ion]
3. Global warming
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas i.e. heat trapping gas. So, it causes the earth’s
temperature to rise since its level is in increasing order. It has effects on oceans, ice and
weather that include shrinking and thinning of ice making it vulnerable to atmospheric
anomalies. The long term effect includes further ice melt, ocean warming, sea level rise and
ocean acidification. High atmospheric carbon dioxide reduces ecosystem productivity and
has direct impact on terrestrial life, crop production will be reduced and may lead to
4. Ocean acidification
Global warming also contributes to the phenomenon of ocean acidification. Ocean
acidification is the process of ocean water absorbing more carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. Higher the level of carbon dioxide in atmosphere, higher will be acidification.

Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

Thus, fewer organismss can survive in warmer and less salty waters. Ocean acidification
also refers as pH<7 of ocean water (pH is a scale indicating to acidity and alkalinity of
aqueous solution, defined as the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion activity). Ocean
acidification will affect the physiology of water breathing animals by increasing acidity in
the tissues and body fluids. This can cause long term effects on metabolic functions, growth
and reproduction.
B. Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and toxic air pollutant that can be
harmful when inhaled in large amounts. Its sources are cars, trucks and other vehicles or
machinery that burn fossil fuels. A variety of items in home as unvented kerosene and gas
space heaters, leaking chimneys and gas stoves also release carbon monoxide.
Affects of carbon monoxide in pollution
Carbon monoxide does not have impact on environment. Although it is a greenhouse
gas, it contributes indirectly to climate change. Its presence affects concentration of other
greenhouse gases like methane, ozone and carbon dioxide, creating particles and other
harmful pollutants. Exposure of human to excessive of carbon monoxide may cause health
problems like headache, dizziness, vomiting and nausea and also prolonged exposure has
risk of heart disease.
Preventive care is very necessary when using battery backup detector, heating
system, refrigerator, and placement of such goods should be ventilated, never burn charcoal
indoor, etc. and all these equipment should be checked regularly by technicians to minimize
the carbon monoxide related hazards.

C. Chlorofluorocarbons
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are nontoxic, noninflammable chemicals. Its sources
are refrigerators, air conditioners, aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers, asthma inhalers, air
crafts. Chlorofluorocarbons are partly or completely halogenated saturated hydrocarbons. Its
constituents are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), chlorine (Cl) and fluorine (F), generated through
volatile derivative of methane, ethane and propane. They are also commonly known by the
DuPont brand name Freon.
Affects of chlorofluorocarbon in pollution
1) Ozone layer depletion
Ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from harmful UV radiation coming from
the sun. Ozone depletion means thinning of ozone layer present in upper atmosphere. Its
main causes are chlorofluorocarbons. The ozone layer prevents the harmful wavelength of
ultraviolet rays from passing through earth’s atmosphere. They cause skin cancer, sunburn,
permanent blindness and cataracts. In addition, increased surface UV radiation leads to

Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

increased tropospheric ozone which is a health risk to human. The most common forms of
skin cancer include basal and squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma. Increased UV
radiation affects crops, has tendency to damage plant DNA and also affects the terrestrial
When CFCs comes in contact with sun’s UV ray, then the chlorine atoms becomes
loose. These chlorine atoms remain free in atmosphere until they meet up with ozone
molecules. The chlorine atom and one of the oxygen atoms of ozone combine, leaving
behind diatomic oxygen. When a free oxygen atom contacts this chlorine-oxygen
compound, the two oxygen atoms combine to form molecular oxygen and chlorine goes off
to devastate more ozone molecules (one chloride ion can react with one lakh ozone
molecules in repeated cycles). Then molecular oxygen, unlike ozone molecules, cannot keep
UV rays from reaching the earth’s surface.
O2 (g) O (g) + O (g)
O2 (g) + O (g) O3 (g)
UV •
CF2Cl2 (g) Cl + C•F2Cl (g)
Cl• (g) + O3 (g) ClO• (g) + O2 (g)
ClO• (g) + O (g) Cl• (g) + O2 (g)
[O2 – oxygen, O3 – ozone, CF2Cl2 -difluorodichloromethane, Cl•- chloride ion, ClO• -
2) Climate change
Climate change is the natural process but with increasing the different gases released
from various sources causes the unnatural changes from shifting weather pattern that
threaten food production, to rising sea level (flooding). The impacts of climate change are
global. When destroying the ozone layer, CFCs also act to trap heat in the lower
atmosphere, causing the earth to warm and change the weather. CFCs are subset of large
group of climate changing gases called greenhouse gases. Without the drastic action to
minimize the causes that cause climate change, these impacts in the future will be more
difficult to handle and will be costly.
D. Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons are the chemical compound that is composed of hydrogen and carbon.
Hydrocarbons are highly combustible, producing carbon dioxide, water and heat when
burnt. Hydrocarbons are found naturally as petroleum, fuel, natural gas and lubricants.
Greenhouse gases released during the combustion of hydrocarbons contributes to climate
change. Some examples of hydrocarbon are methane, ethylene, acetylene, terpenes. The
incomplete combustion of the hydrocarbon fuels also results in carbon monoxide pollution.
Carbon dioxide is always released when hydrocarbons are burned. Combustion of oil causes
the release of nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide. These oxides combine with water and

Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

oxygen in the atmosphere, creating nitric and sulphuric acid, which returns to earth’s surface
as acid decomposition or acid rain. Nitrogen oxides along with hydrocarbon pollutants,
contributes to the formation of tropospheric ozone i.e. smog.
Complete combustion:
C3H6 + O2 CO2 + H2O
Incomplete combustion:
C3H6 + O2 C + CO + CO2 + H2O
In above reaction, first step shows the complete combustion of propane and oxygen
producing carbon dioxide and water, but in second step, hydrocarbon (propane) undergoes
incomplete combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide which
are polluting agents, along water and carbon.
E. Carbon disulphide
Carbon disulphide is a colorless, volatile and inflammable liquid with sweet
aromatic color. It is insoluble in water and much dense than water. It is used in
manufacturing of perfumes, cellophane, rayon, floatation agents and as a solvent.
Carbon disulphide is a natural product of anaerobic biodegradation and is released to
the atmosphere from oceans and landmasses as well as geothermal sources. It is used in
large quantities as an industrial chemical for the production of viscose rayon fibres. In this
technological process, for every kilogram of viscose produced, about 20-30 gm of carbon
disulphide and 4-6 gm of hydrogen sulphide are emitted. Very small amount of carbon
disulphide occurs in coal tar and in crude petroleum.
Routes of exposure
The main source of environmental pollution by carbon disulphide is emission into
the air from viscose plants. Inhalation is the main route of carbon disulphide absorption in
both occupational and environmental exposure. Carbon disulphide can contaminate juice
and wine distilled from grapes harvested in vineyards treated with carbon disulphide.
Dermal absorption of carbon disulphide can represent an additional route of entry in
occupational exposure.
Harmful effects of carbon disulphide
Acute and subacute poisoning appear due to exposure to carbon disulphide and are
characterized by predominantly neurological and psychiatric symptoms. In chronic exposure
to carbon disulphide, the effects are seen on blood vessels in various organs and tissues,
especially cerebral and renal arteries, producing encephalopathy and nephropathy. Its
exposure also causes the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

F. Cyanide
Cyanide is a toxic chemical compounds that consists of a carbon atom triple bonded
to a nitrogen atom and the cyanide group is present as the anion CN-.
Cyanide is produced naturally by bacteria, algae, fungi and numerous species of
plant like lima beans, cassava, almonds, seeds and pits of apples, cherry, pear, apricot and
Affects of cyanide in environment
Cyanide forms ionic complexes of varyingstability with many metals which are less
toxic than cyanide but weak acid dissociates complexes such as those of copper and zinc
and will release cyanide back to the environment. Iron cyanide causes photochemical
decomposition and will release cyanide if exposed to ultra violet light. In air, cyanide is
present as gaseous hydrogen cyanide. A small amount of cyanide in air is present as fine
dust particles. This dust eventually settles over land and water. Rain and snow help remove
cyanide particles from air whereas gaseous hydrogen cyanide is not easily removed from the
air by rain or snow. Most cyanide in surface water will form hydrogen cyanide and
evaporate. However, the amount of hydrogen cyanide formed is generally not enough to be
harmful to humans.
Effects of cyanide in humans
Exposure to cyanide can be deadly regardless of the amount and route of exposure.
Severity of harmful effects depends on the form of cyanide, such as hydrogen cyanide gas or
cyanide salts. Exposure to high concentration of cyanide for short time period harms the
heart and the brain and may even cause coma and death. Some of the first indications of
cyanide poisoning are rapid, deep breathing and shortness of breath, followed by convulsion
and loss of consciousness which occurs rapidly. Skin contact with hydrogen cyanide or
cyanide salts can irritate and produce sores.
Harmful effects of carbon pollution in human beings
 Chronic inhalation exposure to carbon black may result in temporary or permanent
damage to lungs and heart.
 Carbon monoxide is both more readily absorbed and more firmly bound to
hemoglobin of blood than oxygen and thus, even in small concentration, it is
dangerous asphyxiant.
 Carbon tetrachloride and other chlorinated hydrocarbons damage the nervous system.
 High level of carbon dioxide can displace oxygen and nitrogen causing health

Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

 Exposure to carbon dioxide can produce a variety of health effects like headache,
dizziness, restlessness, difficulty in breathing, sweating, tiredness, increased heart rate,
elevated blood pressure, coma asphyxia and convulsions.
 Prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide may change the level of bone calcium and body
 Exposure from breathing high carbon monoxide levels can cause miscarriage, damage
to developing fetus, seizures, coma and heart failure.
 Dermal interaction with chlorofluorocarbon may cause skin irritation or dermatitis.
 Inhalation of chlorofluorocarbon affects central nervous system including
lightheadedness, headache tremors, convulsions and that disturb heart rhythm.
Minimization of carbon pollution
 Reducing fossil fuel dependence
Burning coal to produce energy creates carbon dioxide emulsion and contributes to
irreversible climate change. Fossil fuels should be switched with sustainable energy
sources such as wind or solar power can help to reduce carbon dioxide emission.
 Measuring carbon footprint
A carbon footprint can be measured by undertaking a greenhouse gas emissions
assessment. Once the size of carbon footprint is known, strategy to reduce it through
technological developments can be made with better process and product
 Carbon capping
Carbon cap is a term for government regulatory program designed to limit the total
level of emissions of certain carbon compound, particularly carbon dioxide, as a result
of industrial activity. The cap on greenhouse gases emission that drives global
warming is a firm limit on pollution. The cap gets stricter over time and also limits
harmful emissions.
 Reuse and recycle
Greenhouse gas emissions result from extraction of resources, manufacturing,
transport and final disposal of consumer products and packaging, building components
and passenger vehicles, but excluding food. By recycling item which is longer used,
carbon emissions can be reduced from the provision of goods.
Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere converts into carbon neutral fuel, suggesting
such technology could be meaningful part of the fight against climate change. Recycle
is one of the major factors to reduce the greenhouse gases emission by recycling
energy consumption. In factories, carbon dioxide is treated with alkaline liquid within
the factory tower where acid and based are separated. Hence, frozen liquid with

Patan Pragya (Volume: 6, Number: 1 2020)

carbon dioxide reached into a slury that is combined with hydrogen to make liquid
fuels like gasoline and jet fuel.
 Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
It is another way to use photosynthesis to combat climate change. It is the process of
using biomass for energy in the industrial, power or transportation sectors and capturing the
embodied carbon before it is released back to the atmosphere and then storing it either
underground or in long lived products like concrete. Energy is extracted in useful forms
(heat, electricity, biofuels, etc.) as the biomass is utilized through combustion, fermentation
or pyrolysis.
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