Electrochem 03 00033
Electrochem 03 00033
Electrochem 03 00033
Modelling of Irreversible Homogeneous Reaction on Finite
Diffusion Layers
Singaravel Anandhar Salai Sivasundari 1 , Rathinam Senthamarai 2 , Mohan Chitra Devi 3 ,
Lakshmanan Rajendran 1, * and Michael E. G. Lyons 4, *
Abstract: The mathematical model proposed by Chapman and Antano (Electrochimica Acta, 56
(2010), 128–132) for the catalytic electrochemical–chemical (EC’) processes in an irreversible second-
order homogeneous reaction in a microelectrode is discussed. The mass-transfer boundary layer
neighbouring an electrode can contribute to the electrode’s measured AC impedance. This model can
be used to analyse membrane-transport studies and other instances of ionic transport in semiconduc-
tors and other materials. Two efficient and easily accessible analytical techniques, AGM and DTM,
were used to solve the steady-state non-linear diffusion equation’s infinite layers. Herein, we present
the generalized approximate analytical solution for the solute, product, and reactant concentrations
and current for the small experimental values of kinetic and diffusion parameters. Using the Mat-
Citation: Sivasundari, S.A.S.; lab/Scilab program, we also derive the numerical solution to this problem. The comparison of the
Senthamarai, R.; Devi, M.C.; analytical and numerical/computational results reveals a satisfactory level of agreement.
Rajendran, L.; Lyons, M.E.G.
Modelling of Irreversible Keywords: mathematical modeling; irreversible homogeneous reaction; Akbari-Ganji method; differ-
Homogeneous Reaction on Finite ential transform method; reaction-diffusion equations
Diffusion Layers. Electrochem 2022, 3,
479–491. https://doi.org/10.3390/
2. Mathematical Formulation
2. Mathematical
The followingFormulation
describes the reaction mechanism for a catalytic electrochemical sys-
tem with diffusion and an irreversible
The following describes second-order
the reaction reaction
mechanism for in a stagnant
a catalytic diffusion
electrochemical layer
with diffusion and an irreversible second-order reaction in a stagnant diffusion layer [1]:
R± e−𝑒 ↔↔P 𝑃 (1)
k (2)
P+ S2 ⎯Y +
𝑃 S+ → 𝑌+R𝑅 (2)
The soluble substance PP is
soluble substance is produced
produced at at the
the electrode
electrode by by the
the oxidation
oxidation oror reduction
reduction of of
the solute R.
the solute R. With
With the
the reaction
reaction rate constant, PP reacts
rate constant, reacts irreversibly
irreversibly in in the
the solution
solution toto create
the productYYand
the product andregenerate
regenerate R from
R from thethe
electrochemically inactive reactant
inactive S that
reactant S is already
that is al-
present in the bulk solution. Figure 1 depicts the overview of a second-order
ready present in the bulk solution. Figure 1 depicts the overview of a second-order irre- irreversible
homogeneous reaction. reaction.
versible homogeneous The overall Theprocess
processthe electrochemical
involves of S to
the electrochemical
Y, which is accelerated by R, with some accumulation of P, if the homogeneous
sion of S to Y, which is accelerated by R, with some accumulation of P, if the homogeneous reaction
reactioncompletely utilise theutilise
cannot completely material
material at the electrode.
produced at theOne particular
electrode. Oneexample
the oxidation
example is theofoxidation
sulfite (S)oftosulfite
(S) (Y), which is(Y),
to sulphate accelerated
which is by the ferrous
accelerated byion
the(R) and
ion (R)in theresults
and formation
in theofformation
a reactive offerric ion (P)ferric
a reactive at an ion
(P) at an anode.
Figure 1. General
Figure 1. General scheme
scheme of
of aa second-order
second-order irreversible
Consider the
the non-linear
non-linear differential
differential equations
equations [1]
[1] at
at steady-state
steady-state conditions in aa di-
conditions in di-
mensionless form, as follows:
mensionless form, as follows:
d2 R( x() ) + 𝑘 𝑃(𝑥) 𝑆(𝑥) = 0 (3)
+ k P( x ) S( x ) = 0 (3)
where the
⁄𝐶Sb ], ,P𝑃== [C𝐶P /C
R 𝑅==[CR𝐶/C ⁄𝐶Sb ],, 𝑆S =
= [𝐶CS⁄/C
𝐶 Sb, ]𝑥, x==𝑧⁄z/δ
𝑘= 𝑘 𝐶 2⁄𝛿 𝐷 , 𝛼 = 𝐶 ⁄𝐶 and 𝛾 = 𝐶 , ⁄𝐶
k = k2 CSb /δ D , α = [CRb /CSb ] and γ = [CR0,SS /CSb ]
where R, P, and S are the dimensionless concentrations solute, product, and the reactant,
where R, P, and
respectively; 𝑥 isS are
the the dimensionless
dimensionless concentrations
distance. solute, we
For simplicity, product, and the reactant,
have assumed that all
respectively; x is the dimensionless distance. For simplicity, we have assumed
three diffusion coefficients are equal to the value 𝐷; k is dimensionless rate constant. that all three
diffusion coefficients are equal to the value D; k is dimensionless rate constant. Two other
Electrochem 2022, 3 481
parameters, α and γ, are the concentration ratios. The corresponding boundary conditions
are as follows:
R = γ; P = α − γ; = 0 when x = 0 (7)
R = α; P = 0; S = 1 when x = 1 (8)
where α > γ. The non-dimensional current is given as
iδ dR( x )
ψ= = (9)
nFDCSb A dx x=0
cosh(mx )
R( x ) = − + (α + 1) x − (γ + l )( x − 1) (10)
cosh(mx )
P( x ) = − (α + 1) x + (γ + l )( x − 1) + α (11)
cosh mx
S( x ) = (12)
cosh m
where the constant q
m= k(α − γ) (13)
3.2. Analytical Expression of Concentrations Using the Differential Transform Method (DTM)
A semi-analytical technique for resolving differential equations is the differential
transform method (DTM). Zhou [35] was the first to put forth the differential transform
idea, which is used to address both linear and nonlinear boundary value issues in electric
circuit analysis. The nth derivative of an analytical function at a particular point can be
precisely calculated using DTM, regardless of whether the boundary conditions are known
circuit analysis. The nth derivative of an analytical function at a particular point can be
precisely calculated using DTM, regardless of whether the boundary conditions are
Electrochem 2022, 3 known or unknown. With this method, differential equations produce an empirical 482 poly-
nomial solution. This approach differs from the typical high-order Taylor series process,
which requires the symbolic computation of the data functions. The Taylor series proce-
dure takes some
or unknown. time
With thistomethod,
compute. The DTMequations
differential is an alternative
produce iterative procedure
an empirical for ob-
taining analytical
solution. solutions
This approach of differential
differs equations
from the typical [36–39].
high-order The series
Taylor approximate
requires theof
expressions symbolic computation
concentrations using of the
the DTM
data functions.
method areTheobtained
Taylor series procedure
as follows takes
C): time to compute. The DTM is an alternative iterative procedure for obtaining analyti-
cal solutions of differential equations [36–39]. The approximate analytical expressions of
using 2 2 + 𝑘 (𝛼 − 𝛾)𝑥
= the
(𝛼 +DTM
1) 𝑥method
− 𝛾 + are obtained as(𝑥follows
− 1) −(Appendix C): (15)
2 + 𝑘(𝛼 − 𝛾) 2 + 𝑘(𝛼 − 𝛾)
2 + k (α − γ) x2
R ( x ) = ( α + 1) x − γ + ( x − 1) − (15)
+ k(𝛾α+− γ)
𝑃(𝑥) = 𝛼 − (𝛼 + 1) 𝑥2 + (𝑥 − 1)2++ k(α(− γ)) (16)
( ) ( )
2 + k (α − γ) x2
P ( x ) = α − ( α + 1) x + γ + 2 + 𝑘 (𝛼 − 𝛾)𝑥
( x − 1 ) + (16)
𝑆(𝑥)2=+ k(α − γ) 2 + k(α − γ) (17)
2 + 𝑘(𝛼 − 𝛾)
2 + k (α − γ) x2
S( x ) = (17)
2 + k(α − γ)
4. Validation of Analytical Results with Numerical Simulation
4. Validation of Analytical
The validation methodResults with Numerical
has received significantSimulation
attention in the literature. Using the
in themethod has received
Scilab software, the significant attention in Equations
nonlinear differential the literature. Using
(3)–(5), thethe
function pdex4
boundary in the(7)
conditions Scilab
and software, the nonlinear
(8), are numerically differential
solved. Equations
The Scilab code is(3)–(5), with in
also given
the boundary conditions (7) and (8), are numerically solved. The Scilab
Appendix D. Figures 2 and 3 compare the species concentrations obtained using the AGM code is also given
in Appendix
technique, D. Figures
Equations 2 and 3and
(10)–(12), compare
the DTMthe method,
species concentrations obtained
Equations (15)–(17), using
with the
a numer-
AGM technique, Equations (10)–(12), and the DTM method, Equations (15)–(17), with a
ical solution. Figure 4 represents the dimensionless current versus the dimensionless rate
numerical solution. Figure 4 represents the dimensionless current versus the dimensionless
constant k. Tables 1 and 2 show the comparison between the numerical and analytical
rate constant k. Tables 1 and 2 show the comparison between the numerical and analytical
concentration of the substrate obtained by AGM and DTM for various values of parame-
concentration of the substrate obtained by AGM and DTM for various values of parameters,
ters, α = 0 .8, γ
α = 0.8, γ = 0.5,=and0.5for
, and for different
different values ofvalues of the
k. From k. From
it istables
is found that the
the average
errors areerrors
lessare less5%.
than than 5%. When
When considering
considering the concentrations
the concentrations of theof the solute
solute R,
product P, P,
andand reactant
reactant S forS small
for small
values values of parameters,
of other other parameters, our analytical
our analytical results
results show
show agreement
satisfactory for k ≤for
agreement 1. k ≤ 1 .
Figure 2. Cont.
Electrochem 2022, 3, FOR PEER REVIEW 5
Electrochem 2022, 3 483
Electrochem 2022, 3, FOR PEER REVIEW 5
Figure 2.2. (a–c)
2. (a–c) (a–c)Profile
Profile ofofthe
Profile ofthe normalized
the normalized steady-state
steady-state concentrations
steady-state concentrations
concentrations R versus the the
versus normalized distance
the normalized
normalized dis-
tance x forvarious
for various values
values ofof
thethe parameters
parameters k, 𝑘, 𝛼, and
and 𝛾 using
using Equations
Equations (10)
(10) and
and (15)
x for various values of the parameters 𝑘, 𝛼, and 𝛾 using Equations (10) and (15) The solid line
α, γ The
The solid
solid line
denotes the the
denotes AGM
the AGM
AGM method,
method, (o (o
o(oo) represents
oo o)
o) represents
DTM, andand(*(*(****)
and **)*)denotes
denotes numerical simulation.
Table 1. Comparison between the numerical and analytical expression of the concentration of the substrate obtained by AGM and DTM for the parameters
α = 0.8, γ = 0.5, and for different values of k.
Substrate Concentration S
k=0 k=0.5 k=1
Error % Error % Error % Error % Error % Error %
NUM Equation Equation NUM Equation Equation NUM Equation Equation
for AGM for DTM for AGM for DTM for AGM for DTM
(12) (17) (12) (17) (12) (17)
0 1 1 1 0 0 0.9535 0.9294 0.9302 2.53 2.44 0.913 0.8667 0.8696 5.07 4.75
0.25 1 1 1 0 0 0.9576 0.9338 0.9346 2.49 2.40 0.9206 0.8748 0.8777 4.98 4.66
0.5 1 1 1 0 0 0.9681 0.9469 0.9477 2.19 2.11 0.9405 0.8994 0.9022 4.37 4.07
0.75 1 1 1 0 0 0.9830 0.9689 0.9695 1.43 1.37 0.9683 0.9409 0.9429 2.83 2.62
1 1 1 1 0 0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00
Average Error % 0 0 Average Error % 1.7274 1.6652 Average Error % 3.4481 3.2220
Table 2. Comparison between the numerical and analytical expression of the concentration of the substrate obtained by AGM and DTM for the parameters
k = 0.1, γ = 0.5, and for different values of α.
Substrate Concentration S
α=0.5 α=1 α=2
Error % Error % Error % Error % Error % Error %
NUM Equation Equation NUM Equation Equation NUM Equation Equation
for AGM for DTM for AGM for DTM for AGM for DTM
(12) (17) (12) (17) (12) (17)
0 1 1 1 0 0 0.9837 0.9755 0.9756 0.83 0.82 0.9524 0.9294 0.9302 2.41 2.33
0.25 1 1 1 0 0 0.9851 0.9770 0.9771 0.82 0.81 0.9565 0.9338 0.9346 2.37 2.29
0.5 1 1 1 0 0 0.9888 0.9816 0.9817 0.73 0.72 0.9673 0.9469 0.9477 2.11 2.03
0.75 1 1 1 0 0 0.9940 0.9893 0.9893 0.47 0.47 0.9825 0.9689 0.9695 1.38 1.32
1 1 1 1 0 0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00
Average Error % 0 0 Average Error % 0.5714 0.5653 Average Error % 1.6563 1.5940
NUM—numerical simulation; AGM—Akbari-Ganji method; DTM—differential transform method.
Electrochem 2022, 3, FOR PEER REVIEW 6
Electrochem 2022, 3 485
Figure 4. (a,b):
Figure 4. (a,b): Dimensionless current
current versus
versus dimensionless
dimensionless rate constant k.𝑘.
rate constant
5. Discussions
Table 1. Comparison between the numerical and analytical expression of the concentration of the
substrate (10)–(12)
obtained by AGMand
and (15)–(17) areparameters
DTM for the 𝛼 = 0.8,analytical
the new simple 𝛾 = 0.5, and
expressions of the
for different val-
ues of k.
concentrations of the solute R, product P, and the reactant S, respectively. The concentration
profiles depend uponSubstrate
diffusion parameters (α and γ) and rate constant (k). In Figure 2a,c,
Concentration S
𝒌=𝟎 the profile of the solute concentration
𝒌 = 𝟎. 𝟓 is presented. These figures clearly 𝒌=𝟏 show that for
all small feasible values of the DTM parameters, the solute concentration R increases at the
NUM Equa- Equation
% Error % surfaces, whereas itEqua-
NUM Equation
drops Error
as γ % k increase.
andError % Product concentration
NUM EquationEquation
Error %P increases
Error %
for AGM
in for DTM
Figure 3a,c when the tion kfor
parameters andAGM for increase,
alpha DTM while it increases for AGM
when γ for DTM
tion (12) (17) (12) (12) (17)
However, there is no discernible difference between the variances of the parameters k, α,
0 1 1 1 0 0 0.9535 0.9294 0.9302 2.53 2.44 0.913 0.8667 0.8696 5.07 4.75
and γ and the reactant concentration S. It has been noted that a rise in the rate constant k
0.25 1 1 1 0 0 0.9576 0.9338 0.9346 2.49 2.40 0.9206 0.8748 0.8777 4.98 4.66
0.5 1 1 1 0
causes a0 fall in the S concentration.
0.9681 0.9469 0.9477
4a,b plots0.9405
the current against parameter
0.8994 0.9022 4.37
k. The
0.75 1 1 1 0 figure indicates
0 that
0.9830 the current
0.9689 increases
0.9695 1.43 as the
1.37rate constant k rises.
0.9683 0.9409 0.9429 2.83 2.62
1 1 1 1 0 0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00
Average Error % 0 6.
0 Average Error % 1.7274 1.6652 Average Error % 3.4481 3.2220
The set of nonlinear equations in the irreversible homogeneous reaction for finite
Table 2. Comparison
diffusion is discussed between
in thisthe numerical
study. Common and analytical
expressionsof the
provided for ofthe
substrate obtained by AGM and DTM for the parameters 𝑘 = 0.1, 𝛾 = 0.5, and
concentration of solute, product, reactant, and current for all diffusion values and the small for different val-
ues of α
values of .the kinetic parameters. Compared with other analytical methods, the AGM and
DTM are straightforward, withConcentration
Substrate a simple solution
S processes, yielding accurate results. The
𝜶 = 𝟎. 𝟓 non-steady-state circumstances 𝜶 = 𝟏 can also be handled with these methods. 𝜶 = 𝟐 The theoretical
DTM Error %
and numerical results
further contrasted, and they were
found to be in good accord.
DTM Error %
Equa- Error
The %
method described here Error
can be%applied
for Errorto%examine membrane-transport studies, Error %as
NUM Equa- for NUM Equa- Equa- NUM Equation Equation for
tion for DTM AGM for DTM for DTM
tion (17) AGM well as some other instances
tion (12) tion (17)of ionic transport in semi-conductors
(12) and
(17) solid
AGM electrolytes.
This theoretical approach could be applied in more complicated cases when the transport
0 1 1 1 0 0 0.9837 0.9755 0.9756 0.83 0.82 0.9524 0.9294 0.9302 2.41 2.33
0.25 1 1 1 0
contains non-linearities. 0.82
0.9851 0.9770 0.9771
It can also0.81
be used0.9565
with membranes
and solid
0.9346 2.37
0.5 1 1 1 0 where 0 diffusion is a crucial
0.9888 0.9816 phenomenon.
0.9817 0.73 0.72 0.9673 0.9469 0.9477 2.11 2.03
0.75 1 1 1 0 0 0.9940 0.9893 0.9893 0.47 0.47 0.9825 0.9689 0.9695 1.38 1.32
1 1 1 1 0 Author 1.0000 1.0000 S.A.S.S.:
0 Contributions: 1.0000 data 0.00
creation, software,
0.00 formal analysis,
1.0000 1.0000 writing—original
1.0000 0.00 draft;0.00R.S.:
Average Error % 0 writing,
0 formal analysis,
Average investigation,
Error % resources;
0.5714 M.C.D.: formal
0.5653 analysis,
Average Error %validation, visualization;
1.6563 1.5940
L.R.: conceptualization,
NUM—numerical methodology,
simulation; project administration,
AGM—Akbari-Ganji supervision, writing—review
method; DTM—differential transform method. and
editing; M.E.G.L.: investigation, resources, supervision, writing—review and editing. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
5. Discussions
Funding: This research
Equations received
(10)–(12) and no external are
(15)–(17) funding.
the new simple analytical expressions of the
Institutional of the
Review solute
Board R, product
Statement: NotP, and the reactant S, respectively. The concentra-
tion profiles depend upon diffusion parameters (α and γ) and rate constant (k). In Figure
Informed Consentof
2a,c, the profile Statement: Not
the solute applicable. is presented. These figures clearly show that
for all
Data small feasible
Availability valuesNot
Statement: of the parameters, the solute concentration R increases at the
electrode surfaces, whereas it drops as γ and k increase. Product concentration P increases
Electrochem 2022, 3 486
Acknowledgments: This study was supported by AMET, a deemed university, Chennai. The authors
are grateful for the support of Shri J. Ramachandran, G. Thiruvasagam, and M. Jayaprakashvel,
Registrar, AMET, a deemed university, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The authors are also very
grateful to the management of the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, India,
for their continuous support and encouragement.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
d2 R ( x )
+ k P( x ) S( x ) = 0 (A1)
d2 P ( x )
− k P( x ) S( x ) = 0 (A2)
d2 S ( x )
− k P( x ) S( x ) = 0 (A3)
The boundary conditions are
R = γ; P = α − γ; = 0 whenx = 0 (A4)
R = α; P = 0; S = 1 whenx = 1 (A5)
Electrochem 2022, 3 487
d2 R d2 S
+ 2 =0 (A6)
dx2 dx
Integrating (A6) twice, we get,
R( x ) = −S( x ) + C1 x + C2 (A7)
Using the boundary conditions (A4) and (A5) and simplifying, we obtain the relation
as follows:
R( x ) = −S( x ) + (α + 1) x − (γ + S(0))( x − 1) (A8)
where S(0) = S( x = 0) is obtained using AGM and DTM.
Subtracting Equations (A2) and (A3), we get,
d2 P d2 S
− 2 =0 (A9)
dx2 dx
Integrating (A9) twice, we get,
P( x ) = S( x ) + C1 x + C2 (A10)
Using the boundary conditions (A4) and (A5) and simplifying, we obtain the relation-
ship as follows:
P( x ) = S( x ) − (α + 1) x + (γ + S(0))( x − 1) + α (A11)
d2 R ( x )
+ k P( x ) S( x ) = 0 (A12)
d2 P ( x )
− k P( x ) S( x ) = 0 (A13)
d2 S ( x )
− k P( x ) S( x ) = 0 (A14)
R = γ; P = α − γ; = 0 when x = 0 (A15)
The boundary conditions are
R = α; P = 0; S = 1 when x = 1 (A16)
Using the relation between P and S (A10), the Equation (A14) can be written as follows
d2 S
− k(S − (α + 1) x + (γ + S(0))( x − 1) + α)S = 0 (A17)
By using the AGM method, we consider the trial solution
B = 0, A = (A19)
cosh m
Electrochem 2022, 3 488
cosh mx
S( x ) = (A20)
cosh m
By using AGM, the value of ‘m’ can be obtained as follows:
Substitute (A20) in (A17), and we get
2 cosh mx cosh mx cosh mx
m −k − (α + 1) x + (γ + sech(m))( x − 1) + α =0 (A21)
cosh m cosh m cosh m
m2 − kα + kγ
=0 (A22)
where α − γ > 0.
Using (A8) and (A11), we get the analytical expressions of concentrations of R and P,
which are given in the main text Equations (10)–(12).
d2 S ( x )
− k P( x ) S( x ) = 0 (A24)
P = α − γ; = 0whenx = 0 (A25)
The transformed version of (A24) and (A25) are, respectively, given by
(n + 2)(n + 1) S(n + 2) − k ∑ S(n) P(n − r ) = 0 (A26)
r =0
that is,
k l (α − γ)
S (2) = (A30)
The differential inverse transforms of u(n) is defined as
S( x ) = ∑n=0 S(n)(x − x0 )n , (A31)
2 k l (α − γ) 2
S( x ) = ∑n=0 S(n)(x)n = l + 2
x (A32)
Electrochem 2022, 3 489
l= , (A33)
2 + k(α − γ)
and hence, the approximate analytical solution for the concentration of the substrate is
2 + k (α − γ) x2
S( x ) = (A34)
2 + k(α − γ)
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