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Ems Grade 7 Term 3 Project

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Total marks: 50
Weeks: 6 – 7
• Term 3
• The Entrepreneur & Starting a Business

Your school will be hosting a Market Day for the Grade 7 group of learners.
Your teacher will divide you into groups to complete the task.
Your teacher will assess all your work using the assessment tools below.
You can complete this task (depending on the contextual factors of your school/ community) with
your teacher through a simulation exercise.

Steps to follow:
1. Develop business idea of a product/ service for your market day.
2. Develop a SWOT analysis of your idea(s).
3. Conduct a survey to test the viability of your product/ service for the market day (will you
product / service be profitable)
4. A brief Business Plan would be advisable to show how your project will unfold.
5. Budget for your market day.
6. Cost calculations:
a. Cost price of your product/ service
b. Selling price
c. Variable and fixed costs
d. Projected profit to be made
e. Some things to consider: (Choose a product that you would like to make or sell and
consider the following factors: make a list of all the items that you will need for your
product. make a list of all your expenses or costs like ingredients or raw materials,
advertising, stall renting, packaging, etc for your product. calculate the costs or all these
items (total cost) where applicable. work out how many units of the product you think
you can make with the items above; calculate how much it will cost to make one unit of
the product. Record how you will determine your selling price. selling your products with
confidence; determine what worked? what did not work? What will you do to improve
your effort?)
7. Marketing strategy (Advertising of your product/ service on A4, A3 or A5 poster, business
cards, pamphlets)
8. Producing your product using recycled materials or materials found in your community.
9. Capital to produce your product/ service, paying for expenses before and on market day.
10. Planning of your stall and equipment and materials needed.
11. Group objectives - Tasks per team members of your group shown clearly.
12. Hosting your market day with your teacher(s) assistance. Placement and layout of stalls on
school premises, time, advertising, selling to rest of school.
13. Selling on market day: Cash float (change), enough products to sell, packaging, team work,
record keeping of all money, control and monitoring by group leader, liaising with teacher(s)
to prevent problems.
14. Clean up
15. Drawing up an Income and Expenditure Statement to determine profit made.


Group Activity: Instruction to learners:
Advertise your product by drawing up an A4, A3, A2 or A1 size poster advertisement. Your advert
must reflect the important aspects of your product. (Teacher decide on size of poster depending on
context of school)

Name of Learner(s): ______________________ Grade: ____ Date: __________20__

Teacher Assessment Rubric: Advertisement
Assessment Level Descriptors
Criteria Not Partially Outstanding Learner’s
Achieved Achieved Achieved Achievement Mark
0 1 2 3
Attracts Attracts little/ no Attracts Attracts attention Is colourful and Max = 3
attention by the attention attention but attracts a lot of
effective use of has attention through the
colour, shortcomings use of colour,
headings, headings and
pictures and pictures.
Creates desire Benefits not Only one or Three or more A wide variety of Max = 3
for product clearly depicted two benefits benefits depicted/ benefits depicted/
depicted/ stated stated
Convinces Reasons to buy Only one A variety of reasons A wide variety of Max = 3
customer to buy are not stated reason to buy to buy are stated reasons to buy are
the product stated stated
Elicits action Neither text/ Re urges the The text as well as The text/ picture Max = 3
from customer picture is customers to the picture urges convincingly urges
relevant nor action the customers to the customers into
convincing action action
Originality and Not original or Only text or Good work, but Unique piece of work Max = 3
creativity interesting and picture is based on existing of extremely high
neither text nor relevant ideas or copied quality. All text and
picture is form other pictures are effective
relevant examples
Technical No compliance Work has Good final product Proof of pride and Max = 3
Quality with basic shortcomings very hard work
Lettering (size requirements, e.g. illegible or evident; impressive
or legibility) very little effort no clear layout
Enough Very little Not enough Enough information All relevant Max = 3
information information information given, without information given
given (where, given and/ or given and/ or confusing the with clear
when, prices, very confusing some reader/ target understanding by
sizes, colours, confusing market reader/ target market
etc.) information
Handed in on Handed in very Handed in two Handed in one day Handed in on time Max = 2
time late days after due late
  (1) (2)
Team Work No Team work Little team Some team work All team members Max = 2
evident. work evident. evident. Completed assisted in the
Complete by Completed by by only three completion of task.
one team only two team members
member only members
  (1) (2)

Group Activity:
Instruction to learners:

Use this checklist to prepare for assessment by your teacher:

Assessment Criteria Yes No

A Before the market day:

1 Was market research done in advance in order to motivate the choice of

product? (Include evidence of people interviewed)
2 Did the group set clear objectives for themselves on what they wanted
to achieve? (How many products, possible profit, etc.)
3 Are the group members’ roles clearly defined and described? (Include a
list of members and their roles before and on the market day)
4 Did the group advertise the product at least a week before the market

B On the market day:

5 Did the group make provision for enough change (cash float/change)

6 Is the layout of the stall suitable for the specific goods or service?

7 Is the stall accessible for customers, but secure enough to ensure that
goods will not be stolen?
8 Is the price clearly displayed?

After the market day:

9 Did the group work well together, without any conflict? (Team Work)

10 Did all the group members perform their allocated tasks well?

11 Did the group achieve all the objectives that they defined before the
market day?
12 Were most of the goods sold?

13 Did the group make a reasonable profit?


Group Activity: Instruction to learners:

This rubric will be used by your teacher to assess every aspect of your planning, market research, product or service, budget, cost calculations,
advertising, setting up of stall, team work, selling on market day, income and expenditure statement (profit/ loss)
Name of Learners/ Group: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessment Criteria Not Achieved Partially Achieved Achieved Outstanding Learners

(0 – 1) (2) (3) Achievement (4 – 5) Mark
1 Market research was Unable to collect Able to collect data, but Able to collect most Able to collect data in
done in advance relevant data for not able to analyse it of the relevant data to order to motivate choice
motivation of choice of correctly in order to motivate choice of of product/ service (4).
product/ service (0). But motivate choice of product/ service Did thorough market
tried a little (1) product/ service (2) (3) research in a very
professional way (5)
2 Choice of product Product choice does With some guidance Most criteria of the Meets (4) or exceeds (5)
not meet the the product meets product choice/ all the criteria, including:
recommended criteria some of the selection were met. - Recommendation
at all (0). recommended criteria (3) from market
Product choice meets (2) research
only one of two criteria • Recommended
(1) price
• Affordability
• Quality
• Marketability
3 Ability to draw up a No attempt (0) Drew up cash budget, Drew up a cash Able to draw up a cash
budget according to Not able to draw up a but made many budget, but made budget (4) exactly
given example cash budget, but tried mistakes (2) minor mistakes (3) according to the given
(1) example (5)
4 Distinguished No attempt to Attempted to Made mistakes in Able to distinguish
between fixed and distinguish between distinguish between distinguishing between fixed and
variable costs (0). costs, but made many between fixed and variable costs without any
Some attempt (1) mistakes (2) variable costs (3) mistakes (4 – 5)
5 Advertising None (0) Attracts some attention, Attracts attention and Convinces customers to
(Advertising at least Little attention or but does not provoke provides desire to buy (4)
a week before the persuasion evident in desire to buy (2) buy to some extent Very effective marketing
market day) promotion strategies (1) (3) strategies were used (5)
6 Planning of stall None (0) Some attention paid to A fair amount of Considerable amount of
• Layout Little attention paid to layout, appearance and attention paid to attention paid to layout,
• Appearance to layout, access and accessibility (2) layout, access and appearance and
• Accessibility appearance (1) appearance (3) accessibility (4 – 5)
7 Group organisation Group roles and skills Group roles and skills Group roles and skills Group roles and skills
not define (0) defined but not defined and used to a clearly defined,
Not clearly defined and completely adhered to large extend in the understood and utilised
/ or not completely (2) entrepreneurial (4). Group roles
adhered to (1) activity (3) effectively utilised in the
entrepreneurial activity
8 Ability to draw up a Did not calculate profit Able to calculate profit, Able to calculate Able to calculate profit
statement of income (0) but made many profit, but made very accurately (4)
and expenditure and Not able to calculate mistakes and/ or did mistakes and/ or did And had proof of all
determine final profit profit, but made an not include all not include all proof expenses in the form of
made attempt (1) expenditure (2) of expenditure (3) source documents (5)
9 Achievement of None of the defined Few of the defined Some of the defined All defined objectives
group’s objectives objectives, if any were objectives were objectives were were achieved (4)
achieved (made a loss) achieved (very small achieved (reasonable And a substantial big
(0 – 1) profit was made) profit was made) profit was made (5)
(2) (3)
10 Selling of goods/ Good/ services sold Some of the good/ Most of the goods/ All goods/ services fully
services were not popular at all services were sold, but services utilised to utilised (4)
(0 – 1) not all great extent (3) And were very popular
(2) (5)


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