Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Displacement Complications: Gerald Alexander,, Hany Attia
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Displacement Complications: Gerald Alexander,, Hany Attia
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Displacement Complications: Gerald Alexander,, Hany Attia
Dentoalveolar complications Maxillofacial complications
Displaced surgical instrumentation
Private Practice, Fresno, CA, USA
Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, University of California, San Francisco Fresno, Fresno, CA, USA
Veterans Affairs Medical Center Fresno, Fresno, CA, USA
* Corresponding author. 7025 North Maple, Suite 108 Fresno, CA 93720.
E-mail address: [email protected]
The most commonly associated space with a dis-
placed impacted maxillary third molar is the maxil-
lary sinus. If the impacted tooth or root tip is lost in
the maxillary sinus, it is worth trying to visualize the
tooth through the site from which it came. Small
suction tips may be able to bring the object back
into view so that an instrument such as a small
hooked scaler or root tip pick can be used to
retrieve it. The hole into the sinus may need to be
enlarged to suction out the tooth or root tip. If all
else fails, a Caldwell luc procedure can be used
Fig. 1. Root tip lost in the buccal space.
to access the displaced tooth or root tip (Fig. 2A, B).
This can be done in the traditional canine fossa
pharyngeal space, submandibular space, and approach or through an osteotomy above the
buccal space (Fig. 1). second molar. The anterior Caldwell luc approach
In regards to maxillary third molar complications, makes for easier visualization through the osteoto-
if the surgeon is uncomfortable removing an my, as well as easier closure following retrieval of
unusually superiorly placed maxillary third molar, the displaced object. Displaced root tips from
then it should be left in place for further eruption. other posterior maxillary teeth can also be
The exception to this would be the presence of retrieved in a similar fashion. The patient should
any associated or obvious impending pathology. be informed of what has occurred and be placed
The most important preventative maneuver is to on sinus precautions and appropriate prophylactic
provide proper access. A high impaction is usually antibiotics. In addition to teeth, a poorly planned
apical and somewhat buccal to the second molar. implant can be lost in the sinus either from iatro-
A preoperative cone beam CT is invaluable in genic forces or physiologic complications (see
determining the medio–lateral location. If the tooth Fig. 2C). In the case of lost implants or other
is apical and reachable from a lateral approach, instrumentation for that matter, retrieval can be
then enough subperiosteal dissection should be accomplished with a similar Caldwell luc
achieved to visualize either a portion of the tooth technique.
or its overlying bone. This may require a buccal
Infratemporal Space Displacement
sulcular incision extending 2 to 3 teeth anteriorly
from the maxillary tuberosity or a vertical anterior The infratemporal space is also a possible
buccal releasing incision may provide excellent pathway for a displaced maxillary third molar. Its
access. Overlying bone is then removed with retrieval does not usually present any technical
a mono-beveled osteotome until enough of the problems once its location is established radio-
impacted tooth is visualized to permit placement graphically. Further displacement of teeth into
of a preferably curved elevator (eg, 190/191 or the temporal fossa may be more technically diffi-
a pots elevator). The elevator should be placed cult to access. It is sometimes helpful to place
mesial to the impaction and distal or superiorly to a finger over the temporal area (extraorally) to
the disto–buccal root of the second molar. The palpate or stabilize the ectopic tooth while the
force of the elevation should have a distal and retrieval is attempted through the extraction site
buccal vector. This may require the elevator to intraorally (Martin Bellenger, DMD, personal
engage more than half of the equator of the communication, 2009). It has also been suggested
impacted tooth. This will direct the tooth away that by waiting 10 to 14 days, enough fibrous
from the sinus cavity and the infratemporal space. growth will have developed around the tooth to
It may be helpful to place an instrument such as the help stabilize the tooth and facilitate its removal.2
rounded end of the #9 periosteal elevator distal to Another technique that has been described in
the impaction as it is elevated. Controlled force is the literature is to introduce a Kirshner wire lateral
applied when delivering the impaction. It goes to the orbital rim. With bimanual manipulation,
Fig. 2. (A, B) Impacted #1 displaced into the maxillary sinus during extraction. View of the tooth through a Cald-
well luc approach and removal. (C) Panorex showing displaced dental implant in the maxillary sinus.
the Kirshner wire can be guided to the ectopic tooth the infratemporal space, a maxillary third molar
and pushed back through the extraction site (Allan can uncommonly find its way superiorly along
Malkasian, DDS, personal communication, 2010) side the condylar head (Fig. 4).
(Fig. 3).3 The Kirshner wire should be of a width Mandibular third molar teeth or, more frequently,
that can be flexed and, if necessary, a gentle curve their root tips, are sometimes displaced through
be placed at its tip. It is possible that the Kirshner the thin lingual plate of the mandible. This can
wire may require a blunt end so that it will not slip result in local displacement nearly subperiosteal
off the tooth when it is engaged in the temporal or through the mylohyoid muscle and into the
fossa. The index finger is placed at the incision submandibular space (Fig. 5). In this scenario,
site of the third molar socket. The tooth may or immediate stabilization of the tooth can some-
may not be palpable at this site. The Kirshner wire times be accomplished by placing a finger on the
is then introduced into the stab incision in the medial aspect along the angle of the mandible ex-
temporal region and passed in a direction that traorally. Following stabilization, the extraction site
angles toward the third molar socket. For orienta- can be widened with a small fissure bur, using
tion purposes, the Kirshner wire can be extended caution to avoid the inferior alveolar nerve. Manual
and used to palpate the maxillary tuberosity, then manipulation can then advance the tooth or root
retracted. At this point the goal is to palpate the tip back through the extraction site for retrieval. If
tooth with 1 index finger while using the tip (or a root tip is especially difficult to retrieve and is
curved tip) of the Kirshner wire to locate the tooth. at risk of dislodgement through the cortical plate,
When the tooth can be found and palpated with it is helpful to expose the root tip by removing
the fingertip, the Kirshner wire is pressed against the surrounding bone with a small fissure bur
the tooth, and the index finger is then used as rather than attempting to elevate the root tip with
counter pressure against the tooth. While pushing an elevator. Elevating the root tip between the
downward with the Kirshner wire and applying alveolus can lack control and accessibility, leading
counter pressure on the tooth, the tooth is moved to displacement.
downward and out of the temporal fossa. If all If the root tip finds its way through the lingual
else fails, a case report in the literature of a failed plate and below the mylohyoid muscle, a simple
removal of a displaced tooth in this area noted surgical approach can be used to dissect subper-
that there were no consequences.4 In addition to iosteal, to expose the root tip. This can be
Fig. 3. (A) illustration of K wire through a supra-temporal approach while manually guiding the tooth back
through an intraoral incision. Sketch and technique. (B) Demonstrates the Kirshner wire entrance point. This
entrance point is made by drawing a line straight down from the zygomaticofrontal suture line, and extending
another line 35 from the point of the zygomaticofrontal suture line posteriorly. Approximately l.5 cm from the
distal border of the zygoma and l.0 cm above the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and anterior to this
35 angle is the entrance point made by a stab incision in the skin. This entrance point is where the Kirshner wire is
introduced. (Courtesy of Allan Malkasian, DDS, Fresno, CA.)
accomplished by laying a full-thickness flap on the to locate and identify the tooth should be per-
lingual border of the alveolus and dissecting formed (Fig. 7). Once located, the patient should
subperiosteal, while maintaining digital pressure be taken to the operating room so that a secured
extraorally at the lingual aspect of the inferior airway via intubation can assure safety during the
border of the mandible (Fig. 6).5 Damage to the retrieval process. Using imaging, a small vertical
lingual nerve is avoided if dissection is maintained incision should be made over the anticipated loca-
subperiosteally. An extraoral incision can also be tion of the tooth (Fig. 8). Then, using blunt dissec-
used to approach the submandibular space. One tion with a curved Kelly, the operator can explore
surgeon reports making a 4 mm skin incision along the region for the tooth. Once observed, it is
the submandibular region and bluntly dissecting to
the lingual border of the mandible for stabilization
while retrieving the object. This should be done
as a last resort.6
A more serious, albeit rare, displacement of
mandibular third molars into the lateral pharyngeal
space can be daunting. When this may be
perceived as a possibility, immediate CT imaging
Fig. 4. Panorex of displaced mandibular third molar Fig. 5. Computed tomography scan illustrating dis-
along the condylar neck. (Courtesy of Dr Dennis- placed mandibular third molar in the submandibular
Duke R. Yamashita, Montebello, CA.) space.
Fig. 6. Illustrating the anatomy of lingually displaced mandibular third molars. (A) Displaced root tip through
lingual plate of the mandible as compared with lingual nerve and mylohyoid muscles. (B) Incision is made along
the lingual border for access. (C) Dissection is made with periosteal elevator subperiosteal and beneath the my-
lohyoid muscle for access to root tip.
Fig. 7. Computed tomography image of mandibular third molar displaced into the lateral pharyngeal space.
Fig. 8. (A) Incision over anticipated location of a displaced mandibular third molar into the lateral pharyngeal
space. (B) Using blunt dissection to expose the displaced third molar followed by retrieval.
implants have been reported. One such conse- is lost, the operator is advised to immediately dis-
quence involved the inadvertent placement of continue the procedure and make an attempt at
a zygomatic implant into the cranial vault.7 Pares- visualizing and retrieving the material before it is
thesias, anesthesia, and dysthesias can occur with further dislodged and becomes inaccessible.
cranial nerve V division 3 encroachments. Sinus Simple precautions can be used to avoid this
encroachment can occur usually with fewer situation. When a needle is lost during injection it
consequences but is nevertheless not desired. is likely due to operator error. Burying the needle
The use of preoperative models and imaging to the hub during a block is not advised, because
should be standard. Preoperative imaging, it surely guarantees difficult retrieval should it
including cone beam CT, is highly recommended. break at its weakest point. Repeated use of the
The location of vital structures and available bone same needle increases the risk of breakage and
needs to be carefully surveyed. Proper use of should be avoided. If a needle is lost, intervention
guiding stents and intraoperative periapical radiology-guided localization can be helpful,
imaging with paralleling pins will save many mis- should local exploration fail. The insertion of
directed implants. Intraoperative occlusal assess- a directional guide wire (ie, spinal needle) in
ments with guiding pins are the sine qua non of
a functional and esthetic implant placement.
Good control of the implants and instruments
along with proper throat pack protection will
greatly reduce the loss of such things down the
pharynx (Fig. 9).
fragment left behind if inconsequential retrieval is complications that are beyond the ability or the
not an option. The only disadvantage to leaving comfort of the primary surgeon to another surgeon
this instrumentation can result in psychological as long as this practice is not habitual.
or medical–legal ramifications.
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