14jvPjlOD7ixx 1zB m0G1AkJruGesGsz
14jvPjlOD7ixx 1zB m0G1AkJruGesGsz
14jvPjlOD7ixx 1zB m0G1AkJruGesGsz
Corrosion is the destructive attack of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its
environment. Deterioration by physical causes is not called corrosion, but is described as erosion, galling,
or wear. In some instances, chemical attack accompanies physical deterioration, as described by the
following terms: corrosion – erosion, corrosive wear, or fretting corrosion. Nonmetals are not included in
this definition of corrosion.
Since corrosion involves chemical change, one must be familiar with principles of chemistry in order to
understand corrosion reactions. Because corrosion processes are mostly electrochemical, an
understanding of electrochemistry is also important. Furthermore, since structure and composition
of a metal often determine corrosion behavior, one should be familiar with the fundamentals of physical
metallurgy as well.
The main importance of learning and understanding the concept of corrosion engineering are: economics,
safety, and conservation.
The following are some common types of corrosion mechanisms and their preventive measures:
2) Galvanic corrosion
Mechanism: Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals are immersed in a conductive
solution and are electrically connected. One metal (the cathode) is protected, whilst the other (the
anode) is corroded. The rate of attack on the anode is accelerated, compared to the rate when the
metal is uncoupled. The potential difference (i.e., the voltage) between two dissimilar metals is the
driving force for the destructive attack on the active metal (anode). The conductivity of electrolyte
will also affect the degree of attack.
This mechanism usually takes place in areas where there is a joints btw different metals and also btw
screws and nuts.
Definition: Crevice Corrosion refers to the localized attack on a metal surface at, or immediately
adjacent to, the gap or crevice between two joining surfaces. The gap or crevice can be formed
between two metals or a metal and non-metallic material.
Mechanism: Crevice corrosion is initiated by a difference in concentration of some chemical
constituents, usually oxygen, which set up an electrochemical concentration cell
(differential aeration cell in the case of oxygen). Outside of the crevice (the cathode), the oxygen
content and the pH are higher - but chlorides are lower. Chlorides concentrate inside the crevice (the
anode), worsening the situation. Ferrous ions form ferric chloride and attack the stainless steel
rapidly. The pH and the oxygen content are lower in the crevice than in the bulk water solution, just
as they are inside a pit. The pH inside the crevice may be as low as 2 in a neutral solution. Once a
crevice has formed, the propagation mechanism for crevice corrosion is the same as for pitting
This type of corrosion takes place in All film-forming alloys whose corrosion resistance depend on
the stability of passive films. Examples are all grades of stainless steels and aluminum alloys.
Preventions: Crevice corrosion can be prevented out of the system by:
Use welded butt joints instead of riveted or bolted joints in new equipment
Eliminate crevices in existing lap joints by continuous welding or soldering
Avoid creating stagnant conditions and ensure complete drainage in vessels
Use solid, non-absorbent gaskets such as Teflon.
Use higher alloys (ASTM G48) for increased resistance to crevice corrosion
4) Pitting corrosion
Definition: Pitting Corrosion is the localized corrosion of a metal surface confined to a point or small
area, that takes the form of cavities. Pitting corrosion is one of the most damaging forms of corrosion.
Pitting corrosion is usually found on passive metals and alloys such aluminium alloys, stainless steels
and stainless alloys when the ultra-thin passive film (oxide film) is chemically or mechanically
damaged and does not immediately re-passivate. The resulting pits can become wide and shallow or
narrow and deep which can rapidly perforate the wall thickness of a metal.
Mechanism: pitting corrosion is caused by the ENVIRONMENT (chemistry) that may contain
aggressive chemical species such as chloride. Chloride is particularly damaging to the passive film
(oxide) so pitting can initiate at oxide breaks.
The environment may also set up a differential aeration cell (a water droplet on the surface of a steel,
for example) and pitting can initiate at the anodic site (centre of the water droplet).
Prevention: Pitting corrosion can be prevented through:
Proper selection of materials with known resistance to the service environment
Control pH, chloride concentration and temperature
Cathodic protection and/or Anodic Protection
Use higher alloys (ASTM G48) for increased resistance to pitting corrosion
Below shows illustration of pitting corrosion:
5) Inter-Granular
Definition: Inter-granular corrosion, also known as inter-granular attack, is a form of corrosion where
the boundaries of crystallites of the material are more susceptible to corrosion than their insides. This
situation can happen in otherwise corrosion-resistant alloys, when the grain boundaries are depleted,
known as grain boundary depletion, of the corrosion-inhibiting elements such as chromium by some
Mechanisms: This type of attack results from local differences in composition, such as coring
commonly encountered in alloy castings. Grain boundary precipitation, notably chromium carbides in
stainless steels, is a well-recognized and accepted mechanism of intergranular corrosion .
Note: Intermetallic segregation at grain boundaries in aluminum alloys also causes intergranular
corrosion but with a different name - "exfoliation".
Prevention: Intergranular corrosion can be prevented through:
6) Selective Leaching
Definition: Selective leaching, also called dealloying, demetalification, parting and selective
corrosion, is a corrosion type in some solid solution alloys, when in suitable conditions a component
of the alloys is preferentially leached from the material. The less noble metal is removed from the
alloy by a microscopic-scale galvanic corrosion mechanism.
The most susceptible alloys are the ones containing metals with high distance between each other in
the galvanic series, e.g. copper and zinc in brass. The elements most typically undergoing selective
removal are zinc, aluminum, iron, cobalt, chromium, and others.
Prevention: Methods to counter selective leaching involve
using alloys not susceptible to grain boundary depletion,
using a suitable heat treatment, altering the environment (e.g. lowering oxygen content),
use cathodic protection.
Below shows illustrations about selective leaching corrosion
7) Erosion Corrosion
Definition: Erosion corrosion is an acceleration in the rate of corrosion attack in metal due to the
relative motion of a corrosive fluid and a metal surface. The increased turbulence caused by pitting on
the internal surfaces of a tube can result in rapidly increasing erosion rates and eventually a leak.
Mechanisms: The mechanical effect of flow or velocity of a fluid combined with the corrosive action
of the fluid causes accelerated loss of metal. The initial stage involves the mechanical removal of a
metal's protective film and then corrosion of bare metal by a flowing corrosive occurs. The process is
cyclic until perforation of the component occurs.
Erosion-corrosion is usually found at high flow rates around tube blockages, tube inlet ends, or in
pump impellers.
Definition: Stress-corrosion occurs when a material exists in a relatively inert environment but
corrodes due to an applied stress. The stress may be externally applied or residual.
Mechanism: Stress corrosion results from the conjoint action of three components: (1) a susceptible
material; (2) a specific chemical species (environment) and (3) tensile stress. For example, copper and
its alloys are susceptible to ammonia compounds, mild steels are susceptible to alkalis and stainless
steels are susceptible to chlorides .
Preventions: Stress corrosion cracking can be prevented through: