S371 (c)(1),
(2), (4) Date: Jul. 2, 2007 * cited by examiner
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2006/074696 Primary Examiner Jonathan Salata
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Carlson, Gaskey & Olds PC
PCT Pub. Date: Jul. 20, 2006
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2008/OOOO726A1 Jan. 3, 2008 An operation device for an elevator system includes terminals
connectable to a 3-phase AC power source providing a
(51) Int. Cl. respective AC power Supply Voltage and a drive device con
B66B I/06 (2006.01) nected to the terminals for driving a motor of the elevator
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................................... 187/290; 187/296 system. A transformer is connected to at least two of the
(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 187/277, terminals and provides at least one Supply Voltage to the
187/289,290, 294, 296,297; 318/807–811, remainder of the elevator system. In an emergency operation
3.18/376; 307/64-66 of the elevator System, an auxiliary power Supply having an
See application file for complete search history. output providing an auxiliary output Voltage is connected to
(56) References Cited the transformer for generating an auxiliary Supply Voltage
provided to the drive device via the transformer.
4,316,097 A 2/1982 Reynolds 18 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Aug. 17, 2010 Sheet 1 of 2 US 7,775,328 B2
4206 aaaazza,
as Yaoa
U.S. Patent Aug. 17, 2010 Sheet 2 of 2 US 7,775,328 B2
50Hz - 60Hz
US 7,775,328 B2
1. 2
OPERATION DEVICE FOR AN ELIEVATOR rent Voltage into a direct current Voltage which is Supplied to
SYSTEM an inverter, the inverter converting the received direct current
Voltage into alternating current Voltages for feeding an induc
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED tion motor. Moreover, the converted 3-phase alternating cur
APPLICATIONS rent Voltage of the emergency power Supply is provided to a
transformer providing a Supply Voltage to a control circuit for
This application claims priority to International Applica controlling the inverter in the same way as when the Supply
tion No. PCT/EP2005/000281, which was filed on 13 Jan. Voltage outputted from the 3-phase power source is provided.
2005. The emergency power Supply is required to generate a full
10 Swing 3-phase alternating current Voltage equal to that of the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 3-phase power source.
It is an object of the present invention to provide an opera
The present invention is directed to an operation device for tion device for an elevator system which can be integrated
an elevator system comprising terminals for connection to a into an existing operation device design and which requires
3-phase AC power source providing a respective AC power 15 only slight circuit modifications.
Supply Voltage and a drive device connected to the terminals
for driving a motor of the elevator system. More particularly, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the invention relates to improvements in an operation device
for an elevator system which is designed to operate in normal This object is solved by an operation device for an elevator
operation and in an emergency operation of the elevator sys system according to claim 1.
tem. The operation device for an elevator system according to
It is known to provide a source of emergency power for the invention comprises terminals connectable to a 3-phase
operating elevators when a power Source Such as a normal AC power source for receiving a respective AC power Supply
building power Source fails. The emergency power is Sup Voltage for driving a motor of the elevator system, and a drive
plied, for example, by Supplementary generators to provide 25 device connected to the terminals. A transformer is connected
an auxiliary power Supply for running the elevator system in to at least two of the terminals, the transformer adapted to
an emergency operation during the power failure. In particu provide at least one Supply Voltage to the remainder of the
lar, a suitable operation device which operates the elevator elevator system. The operation device further comprises an
system in an emergency operation must provide a possibility auxiliary power Supply having an output providing an auxil
to move the elevator car to a suitable floor when the elevator 30 iary output Voltage, wherein the auxiliary power Supply out
car stops e.g. between floors because of the power failure. put is connectable, in an emergency operation of the elevator
In U.S. Pat. No. 4,484,664 an emergency drive device for System, to the transformer for generating an auxiliary Supply
an elevator is described, wherein the elevator operated by an voltage provided to the drive device via the transformer. Thus,
AC motor may be driven in an emergency as during a power according to the invention, in an emergency operation of the
Supply interruption. During a power Supply interruption of a 35 elevator system, the drive device for driving the motor of the
3-phase power source, the DC output from a rectifier fed to an elevator system is Supplied with alternating current Voltage
inverter disappears and an emergency power source becomes from the transformer, which is e.g. an existing main trans
operative to supply DC power to the inverter used for con former used to generate all needed voltages for the elevator
Verting a constant DC voltage into an AC Voltage having system in normal and emergency operation. As a result, the
desired magnitude and frequency for driving the motor of the 40 auxiliary system according to the invention is applicable to
elevator system. The emergency power source is connected in guide an elevator car to the nearest floor for a safe rescue of
series with a diode forming a circuit which is connected the passengers in case of an electrical power failure during
across input terminals of the DC/AC inverter. The direct operation.
current of the emergency power source is converted into an According to an embodiment of the invention, the auxiliary
alternating current of predetermined frequency to drive the 45 power supply comprises a battery-fed DC/AC inverter to
elevator motor to cause the elevator car to travel at a lower Supply the transformer for generating all needed Voltages to
speed to the nearby floor. In the situation when the car travels run the elevator system in an emergency operation. The
down with a heavy load, the kinetic energy is not returned to DC/AC inverter may have a modified or a true sine wave
the DC side, but is consumed at the rotor of the motor. This output depending on the demands of the driving system. The
requires special control logic for controlling the respective 50 output voltage of the DC/AC inverter may be selectable in
transistors of the inverter. magnitude, e.g. between 110 V and 400 V, depending on the
U.S. Pat. No. 5,945,644A is directed to an apparatus and a demands of the installation.
method for controlling emergency operation in an elevator According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
system. An auxiliary system is provided to guide an elevator transformer is connected to respective two of the terminals
car to the nearest floor for a safe rescue of passengers in case 55 connectable to the 3-phase AC power Source for receiving a
of a stop of the elevator car because of an electrical power 2-phase Voltage. Accordingly, the auxiliary power Supply has
failure during operation. The auxiliary system is powered by an output which provides a 2-phase auxiliary output Voltage,
a battery and serves to convert a direct current voltage of the wherein the output is connectable, in emergency operation of
battery in an alternating current Voltage, which is in turn the elevator system, to the transformer for generating a
Supplied to the elevator system, thereby enabling the passen 60 2-phase auxiliary Supply Voltage provided to the drive device
gers aboard the elevator carto be safely rescued. According to via the transformer.
a conventional emergency control apparatus described Advantageously, the auxiliary Supply Voltage provided to
therein, when an emergency situation occurs such as a power the drive device is higher in magnitude than the auxiliary
failure an emergency power Supply is provided by converting output Voltage of the auxiliary power Supply. For example, the
the direct current voltage outputted from the battery into a 65 auxiliary power Supply provides an auxiliary output Voltage
3-phase alternating current Voltage. The converted Voltage is of 230 V which is stepped-up to an auxiliary supply voltage of
provided to a rectifier rectifying the 3-phase alternating cur 400 V provided to the drive device.
US 7,775,328 B2
3 4
In particular, the transformer has a primary and a secondary FIG. 1. In FIG. 1, the drive device 4 is shown in schematic
winding, the primary winding being adapted to be connected view as a block representing a typical converter circuit includ
to the 3-phase AC power source and the secondary winding ing a rectifier for rectifying 3-phase AC input voltage to a DC
being adapted to provide at least the Supply Voltage to the Voltage and for Supplying the resulting DC potential to a
remainder of the elevator system. The auxiliary power Supply DC/AC inverter. Such inverter comprises a plurality of pairs
output is connected, in emergency operation of the elevator of series-connected Switching elements to generate an output
system, to the primary winding of the transformer in order to having an adjustable frequency. Such inverter is operable to
generate the auxiliary Supply Voltage provided to the drive drive an AC motor 5 at a variable speed.
device via the primary winding of the transformer. In FIG. 1, there is illustrated a common elevator system
To achieve the above-mentioned effect of a stepped-up 10 comprising e.g. a 3-phase induction motor 5 which is
auxiliary Supply Voltage, the primary winding of the trans mechanically connected to a sheave 6 of a hoist, which is
former advantageously has a first and a second tapping. The driven by the motor 5. A length of a traction cable 7 is trained
first tapping is connected to the terminals for connection to over the sheave 6 and connected at one end to an elevator car
the 3-phase AC power source. The auxiliary power supply 9 and at an other end to a balance weight 8.
output is connected, in emergency operation of the elevator 15 The operation device 2 according to FIG. 1 further com
system, to the second tapping to generate the auxiliary Supply prises a transformer 10 connected to first and second termi
voltage provided to the drive device via the first tapping. For nals L1 and L2 connected to the 3-phase AC power source 3.
example, the second tapping of the transformer receives an The transformer 10 serves to provide supply voltages V1 to
auxiliary output voltage of e.g. 230 V, wherein the first tap V5 to the remainder of the elevator system 1 such as control
ping provides an auxiliary Supply Voltage to the drive device circuits for controlling the drive device 4, speed detectors,
of e.g. 400 V. light systems to Supply the elevator car with light, or the like.
In a further embodiment of the present invention, the eleva Transformer 10 has a primary winding 11 and, according to
tor System comprises a door operating device for operating a the present embodiment, five secondary windings 12, each of
door of an elevator car which is also supplied by the auxiliary them providing respective one of the voltages V1 to V5. The
power Supply in an emergency operation of the elevator sys 25 primary winding 11 is connected to first and second terminals
tem. To this end, the door operating device is connected to the L1 and L2 and the secondary windings 12 are connected to the
auxiliary power Supply output for receiving the auxiliary respective subsystems of the elevator system which are not
output Voltage of the auxiliary power Supply. For example, the shown in FIG. 1 for simplicity purposes.
door operating device is operable at 230 V directly supplied The primary winding 11 of the transformer 10 has a first
by the auxiliary power supply output, whereas the drive 30 tapping 13-15 comprising a first tap 13 and a terminal 15 and
device is supplied with an auxiliary supply voltage of 400 V a second tapping 14-15 comprising a second tap 14 and ter
provided via the transformer. As such, the primary winding of minal 15. For example, the first tapping 13-15 is designed to
the transformer has a first tapping for 400 V and a second receive an alternating current voltage of 400 V, whereas the
tapping for 230 V, wherein the door operating device and the second tapping 14-15 is designed to receive an alternating
second tapping of the transformer are supplied with 230 V 35 current voltage of 230V. The first tapping 13-15 of the pri
from the auxiliary power Supply and the drive device is Sup mary winding 11 is used in normal operation of the elevator
plied with a stepped-up voltage of 400 V via the first tapping system to receive a respective alternating current Voltage
of the transformer. from the3-phase AC power source 3 via terminals L1 and L2.
Further advantages, features, aspects, embodiments and According to the invention, an auxiliary power Supply 20 is
details of the invention are evident from the dependent 40 connected to the second tap 14 of the primary winding 11 of
claims. transformer 10 and to the first terminal L1. The auxiliary
The invention will be better understood by reference to the power Supply 20 comprises an output 21 providing an auxil
following description of embodiments of the invention taken iary output voltage VOUT supplied to the second tap 14 of the
in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein primary winding 11 of transformer 10. In particular, auxiliary
45 power Supply output 21 is connected to the second tap 14 in
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS emergency operation of the elevator system when the 3-phase
AC power source 3 fails to operate so that a power failure
FIG. 1 shows a circuit diagram of an embodiment of the occurs across terminals L1, L2, L3 and N. In emergency
operating device for an elevator System according to the operation, an auxiliary operation Switch 24 is closed so as to
present invention, 50 connect DC/AC inverter 23 to the second tap 14 of the pri
FIG.2 shows a signal output diagram of an embodiment of mary winding 11 of transformer 10. Inverter 23 is a battery
an auxiliary power Supply comprising a battery-fed DC/AC fed DC/AC inverter connected to battery 22, which acts as
inverter. auxiliary power source to run the elevator system in emer
gency operation. Battery 22 may comprise, e.g., appropriate
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 55 capacitors (so-called Supercaps) or fuel cells.
The auxiliary power supply 20 is designed to provide a
With reference now to the drawings, and in particular to modified or a true sine wave output voltage VOUT, such as
FIG. 1, an operation device 2 for an elevator system 1 com shown in FIG. 2. According to the upper part of FIG. 2, the
prises terminals L1, L2, L3, and N connected to a 3-phase AC DC/AC inverter 23 is designed to output a modified sine wave
power source 3 providing a respective AC power Supply Volt 60 in the form of a rectangular wave of VOUT with a frequency
age. A drive device 4 is connected to the first, second and third of 50 to 60 Hz. According to the signal output diagram in the
terminals L1, L2, L3 and therefore to the 3-phase AC power lower part of FIG. 2, the DC/AC inverter 23 is designed to
Source 3 through a main Switch 50 and an emergency switch provide a true sine wave output voltage VOUT of the same
ing device 40 for receiving an alternating current Voltage from frequency. The appropriate design of the DC/AC inverter 23
the power source 3 via respective input conductors. These 65 is chosen depending on the demands of the particular elevator
input conductors transmit this power to a 3-phase power system. Moreover, according to a preferred embodiment, the
rectifier which is included in the drive device 4 according to auxiliary power Supply 20 is designed such that the auxiliary
US 7,775,328 B2
5 6
output Voltage VOUT is selectable in magnitude, e.g. in steps auxiliary power Supply 20 provides auxiliary output Voltage
110V,230 V, 400 V and so on. According to the circuit of FIG. VOUT of e.g. 230 V to the second tap 14 of the primary
1, the auxiliary output voltage VOUT of the inverter 23 is winding 11 of transformer 10. As a result, a 2-phase auxiliary
galvanically isolated from the battery 22 by the opened aux supply voltage VS is provided across the taps 13 and 15 of the
iliary operation Switch 24 during normal operation of the 5 primary winding 11 of the transformer 10 to supply the drive
elevator system. device 4 to drive the motor 5 in appropriate manner. Thus, the
According to an embodiment of the invention, the contact auxiliary power Supply 20 generates a stepped-up auxiliary
ing elements of auxiliary operation Switch 24 are auxiliary supply voltage VS of e.g. 400 V across the terminals of the
contacts of emergency Switching device 40. By means of primary winding 11 via the first tapping 13-15. Thus, the
mechanical coupling or compulsory electrical coupling of 10 2-phase auxiliary supply voltage VS provided to the drive
switch 24 and switching device 40 it is assured that switch 24 device 4 is higher in magnitude than the auxiliary output
is only closed when the operation device 2 has been actually voltage VOUT of the auxiliary power supply 20.
discoupled from 3-phase AC power Source by Switching Hence, the primary winding 11 of transformer 10 accom
device 40. Otherwise, the 3-phase supply voltage may be plishes dual function: in normal operation, the first tapping
Supplied to the auxiliary power Supply which might cause a 15 13-15 (the 400 V tapping) receives via terminals L1 and L2
destruction of the auxiliary power Supply. two phases of the 3-phase AC power source 3 and is used to
The emergency Switching device 40 may be actuated in two generate the supply voltages V1 to V5 across the terminals of
different ways: it may be actuated manually in a manual the secondary windings 12. During emergency operation, the
operating mode. In an automatic operating mode, the 3-phase second tap 14 (the 230 V tap) is used as an auxiliary power
Supply Voltage is measured and monitored wherein Switching receiving terminal used for receiving auxiliary power, and the
device 40, which is, e.g., a relay is actuated upon 3-phase primary winding 11 serves to provide auxiliary Supply Volt
power Supply failure. The power Supply for the measuring age VS to drive device 4 and, in addition, to generate Voltages
and monitoring procedure and the power Supply of the respec V1 to V5 at the secondary windings during emergency opera
tive control circuit is provided without power interruption by tion.
means of battery 22. 25 According to the embodiment of FIG. 1, the elevator sys
In an emergency operation, when 3-phase AC power tem 1 moreover comprises a door operating device 30 for
source 3 fails, the operation device 2 is disconnected from the operating a door 19 of the elevator car 9. The door operating
power source terminals L1, L2, L3 and N by opening nor device 30 is operable at an alternating current Voltage of e.g.
mally closed emergency switching device 40 which is con 230 V. In normal operation of the elevator system, a first input
nected downstream to the power source 3, so that the elevator 30 11 of the door operating device 30 is connected to terminal N
system is disconnected from the power source 3 in emergency connected to the neutral terminal of the 3-phase AC power
operation, and normally open auxiliary operation switch 24 is source 3, and a second input 12 of the door operating device
closed. The output 21 of the auxiliary power supply 20 pro 30 is connected to one of the terminals L1 to L3 connected to
vides auxiliary output voltage VOUT of e.g. 230 V to the the voltage terminals of the 3-phase AC power source 3.
second tap 14 of the primary winding 11 of transformer 10. As 35 wherein according to the present embodiment the second
a result, a 2-phase auxiliary Supply Voltage VS is provided input 12 of the door operating device 30 is connected to
across the taps 13 and 15 of the primary winding 11 of the terminal L1. In emergency operation of the elevator system,
transformer 10 to supply the drive device 4 to drive the motor the door operating device 30 is connected to the auxiliary
5 in appropriate manner. Thus, the auxiliary power Supply 20 power Supply output 21 for receiving the auxiliary output
generates a stepped-up auxiliary Supply Voltage VS of e.g. 40 voltage VOUT of the auxiliary power supply 20, and the
400 V across the terminals of the primary winding 11 via the terminal 15 of the primary winding 11 of transformer 10 is
first tapping 13-15. Thus, the 2-phase auxiliary supply volt connected to the second input 12 of the door operating device
age VS provided to the drive device 4 is higher in magnitude 30. In particular, in emergency operation, the auxiliary power
than the auxiliary output voltage VOUT of the auxiliary supply output 21 is connected to the first input 11 of the door
power supply 20. 45 operating device 30 and the terminal 15 of the primary wind
Hence, the primary winding 11 of transformer 10 accom ing 11 of transformer 10 is connected to the second input 12
plishes dual function: in normal operation, the first tapping of the door operating device 30. Thus, the door operating
13-15 (the 400 V tapping) receives via terminals L1 and L2 device 30 is supplied with the auxiliary output voltage VOUT
two phases of the 3-phase AC power source 3 and is used to of e.g. 230 V from the DC/AC inverter 23, whereas the drive
generate the supply voltages V1 to V5 across the terminals of 50 device 4 is Supplied with the stepped-up auxiliary Supply
the secondary windings 12. During emergency operation, the voltage VS of e.g. 400 V via the transformer 10. For operating
second tap 14 (the 230 V tap) is used as an auxiliary power the door 19, the door operating device 30 outputs a control
receiving terminal used for receiving auxiliary power, and the signal 31 Supplied for controlling the opening or closing
primary winding 11 serves to provide auxiliary Supply Volt movement of door 19.
age VS to drive device 4 and, in addition, to generate Voltages 55 The inventive concept as described above can be used for
V1 to V5 at the secondary windings during emergency opera automatic or manual emergency operation Such as a safe
tion. rescue of passengers aboard the elevator car in case of an
According to the embodiment of FIG. 1, the elevator sys electrical power failure, including a balanced load situation.
tem 1 moreover comprises a door operating device 30 for The described solution can be integrated into an existing
operating a door 19 of the ln an emergency operation, when 60 elevator System design with only slight modifications of the
3-phase AC power source 3 fails, the operation device 2 is circuit design.
disconnected from the power source terminals L1, L2, L3 and The preceding description is exemplary rather than limit
N by opening normally closed emergency switching device ing in nature. Variations and modifications to the disclosed
40 which is connected downstream to the power source 3, so examples may become apparent to those skilled in the art that
that the elevator system is disconnected from the power 65 do not necessarily depart from the essence of this invention.
Source 3 in emergency operation, and normally open auxil The scope of legal protection given to this invention can only
iary operation switch 24 is closed. The output 21 of the be determined by studying the following claims.
US 7,775,328 B2
7 8
The invention claimed is: 7. The operation device according to claim 1, wherein the
1. An operation device for an elevator system comprising: auxiliary power supply comprises a battery-fed DC/AC
a plurality of terminals configured to receive AC power inverter.
Supply Voltage from a 3-phase AC power source: 8. The operation device according to claim 7, wherein the
a drive device connected to the plurality of terminals for 5 DC/AC inverter provides a modified or a true sine wave
driving a motor of the elevator system, the motor causing output Voltage.
movement of an elevator car; 9. The operation device according to claim 1, wherein the
a transformer connected to at least two of the plurality of auxiliary power Supply is designed Such that the auxiliary
terminals, the transformer providing at least one Supply output Voltage is selectable in magnitude.
voltage to the remainder of the elevator system; 10 10. The operation device according to claim 1, wherein
an auxiliary power Supply having an auxiliary power Sup the elevator system comprises a door operating device for
ply output for providing an auxiliary output Voltage; operating a door of an elevator car,
the auxiliary power Supply output being connected to the the door operating device receiving the auxiliary output
transformer in an emergency operation of the elevator Voltage of the auxiliary power Supply.
system for generating an auxiliary Supply Voltage pro 15 11. The operation device according to claim 10, wherein
vided to the drive device via the transformer. the plurality of terminals for connection to the 3-phase AC
2. The operation device according to claim 1, wherein power source comprise a neutral terminal for connection
the transformer is connected to respective two of the plu to a neutral pole of the 3-phase AC power source, and
rality of terminals for receiving a 2-phase Voltage, the door operating device, in normal operation of the eleva
the auxiliary power Supply output providing a 2-phase tor system, is connected to the neutral terminal and to
auxiliary output Voltage, one of the voltage terminals of the 3-phase AC power
the auxiliary power Supply output is connectable, in emer SOUC.
gency operation of the elevator system, to the trans 12. The operation device according to claim 10, wherein
former for generating a 2-phase auxiliary Supply Voltage the door operating device, in emergency operation of the
provided to the drive device via the transformer. 25 elevator System, is connected to the auxiliary power Supply
3. The operation device according to claim 1, wherein the output for receiving the auxiliary output Voltage of the aux
auxiliary Supply Voltage provided to the drive device is higher iliary power Supply and to one of the primary winding termi
in magnitude than the auxiliary output Voltage of the auxiliary nals of the transformer.
power Supply. 13. The operation device according to claim 12, wherein, in
4. The operation device according to claim 1, wherein 30 emergency operation of the elevator System, the auxiliary
the transformer has a primary and a secondary winding the power Supply output is connected to the neutral terminal of
primary winding being configured to receive power the door operating device.
from the 3-phase AC power source and the secondary 14. The operation device according to claim 1, comprising
winding providing at least one Supply Voltage to the an emergency switching device connected downstream to the
remainder of the elevator System, and 35 terminals for disconnecting the 3-phase AC power Source
the auxiliary power Supply output being connected, in from the elevator system in emergency operation.
emergency operation of the elevator system, to the pri 15. The operation device according to claim 1, wherein the
mary winding of the transformer for generating the aux motor causes movement of a hoisting sheave.
iliary supply voltage provided to the drive device via the 16. An operation device for an elevator System, compris
primary winding of the transformer. 40 ing:
5. The operation device according to claim 4, wherein a plurality of terminals configured to receive AC power
the primary winding of the transformer has primary wind Supply Voltage from a 3-phase AC power source:
ing terminals providing a first tapping and a second a drive device connected to the plurality of terminals for
tapping, driving a motor of the elevator system;
the first tapping being adapted to be connected to the 45 a transformer connected to at least two of the plurality of
3-phase AC power source, terminals, the transformer providing at least one Supply
the auxiliary power Supply output being connected, in Voltage to a remainder of the elevator System, the trans
emergency operation of the elevator System, to the sec former having a primary winding and a secondary wind
ond tapping for generating the auxiliary Supply Voltage ing, the primary winding being configured to receive
provided to the drive device via the first tapping. 50 power from the 3-phase AC power source and the sec
6. The operation device according to claim 5, wherein ondary winding providing the Supply Voltage to the
the plurality of terminals for connection to the 3-phase AC remainder of the elevator System; and
power source have a first Voltage terminal, a second an auxiliary power Supply having an auxiliary power Sup
Voltage terminal and a third Voltage terminal for provid ply output for providing an auxiliary output Voltage, the
ing a respective AC power Supply Voltage, 55 auxiliary power Supply output being connected to the
the drive device being connected to the first voltage termi primary winding of the transformer in emergency opera
nal, the second Voltage terminal and the third Voltage tion of the elevator system for generating an auxiliary
terminal, Supply Voltage provided from the primary winding of the
the first tapping of the primary winding of the transformer transformer to the drive device.
being connected to the first Voltage terminal and the 60 17. An operation device, comprising:
second Voltage terminal, a plurality of terminals configured to receive AC power
the second tapping of the primary winding of the trans Supply Voltage from a 3-phase AC power source:
former being connected, in emergency operation of the a drive device connected to the plurality of terminals for
elevator System, to the first Voltage terminal and to the driving a motor of the elevator system;
auxiliary power Supply output for generating the auxil 65 a transformer connected to at least two of the plurality of
iary supply voltage to be provided to the drive device via terminals, the transformer providing at least one Supply
the first tapping. Voltage to a remainder of the elevator system; and
US 7,775,328 B2
an auxiliary power Supply having an auxiliary power Sup a drive device connected to the plurality of terminals for
ply output for providing an auxiliary output Voltage, the driving a motor of the elevator system;
auxiliary power Supply output being connected to the a transformer connected to at least two of the plurality of
transformer in an emergency operation of the elevator terminals, the transformer providing at least one Supply
system for generating an auxiliary Supply Voltage pro 5 Voltage to a remainder of the elevator system; and
vided to the drive device via the transformer, the auxil
an auxiliary power Supply having an auxiliary power Sup
ply output for providing an auxiliary output Voltage, the
iary power Supply comprising a DC/AC inverter that auxiliary power Supply output being connected to the
provides at least one of a modified sine wave output transformer in an emergency operation of the elevator
Voltage or a true sine wave output Voltage. 10 system for generating an auxiliary Supply Voltage pro
18. An operation device, comprising: vided to the drive device via the transformer, the auxil
a plurality of terminals configured to receive AC power iary output Voltage being selectable in magnitude.
Supply Voltage from a 3-phase AC power source: k k k k k