Klasa 6 Dział 8 Sprawdzian
Klasa 6 Dział 8 Sprawdzian
Klasa 6 Dział 8 Sprawdzian
1 W zdaniach 1–6 podkreśl poprawne odpowiedzi zgodnie z treścią nagrania.
1 Tom would like to be a(n) police officer / pilot / astronaut in the future.
2 Uncle George invited only Tom / Tom and his parents / only Tom’s parents to Florida last
3 In the Kennedy Space Center, Tom didn’t talk with an ex-astronaut / see a rocket take
off / put on an astronaut’s suit.
4 The lunch / exhibits / Atlantis made the biggest impression on Tom.
5 The Atlantis is a planet / an astronaut / a space shuttle.
6 Tom’s dream is to see the Kennedy Space Center again / go into space one day / see the Atlantis
Score: _ / 5
2 W każdą z luk 1–6 wstaw zdanie a-f tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Schools of the future.
Future schools will change a lot. First of all, there won’t be any school buildings or
traditional classrooms as no one will go to school in person. (1) b What is more, each
student will decide when he / she wants to learn and what material he or she prefers.
Secondly, there won’t be any real teachers. (2) ____ Students will choose the teacher –
they want to study with and personalize them. They will decide about the appearance,
voice and character of the teacher robot.
Thirdly, there won’t be paper books or notebooks anymore. (3)____
As teamwork is really important, students will work together on different projects.
However, they will not meet face to face, but they will meet online. (4). ____ They will
look for information on the Internet and use special multimedia resources prepared by
Parents will get short text messages with information about their kids every day. (5) ____
Finally, there won’t be any school trips or PE lessons. (6) ____ Sports and PE
lessons will be virtual
too. Students will play special 3D games, and thanks to them they will keep fit and healthy.
a. There will also be a special website for parents with detailed data about their son or
b. Everyone will study on-line
c. Instead of going on a trip by bus, students will put on special 3D glasses and will go on
virtual trips to many amazing places.
d. Special robots will give lessons and check students’ knowledge.
e. They will use webcams, microphones and good quality speakers when working on projects.
f. Students will use digital books and do homework using laptop keyboards or
smartphone touch screens.
3 Dopasuj wyraz z ramki do ich definicji 1–6.
5 Z podanych grup wyrazów (1–6) utwórz poprawne zdania w czasie future simple i
dopisz krótkie odpowiedzi.
6 Połącz początki zdań 1–6 z ich zakończeniami a-f i wpisz odpowiedzi do tabelki.
1 My dad is sure that scientists will find a it won’t rain today.
2 I think Susan won’t go b cures for many diseases in the future.
3 We are sure that Christmas will be c a postcard from their holiday in June.
4 Gina won’t take an umbrella because d to the camp this weekend.
5 Alex and Helen will send me e my bike at the weekend.
6 Grandpa will repair f snowy and cold.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Score: _ / 5
7 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 wyrazami z ramki.
robots machines
do household chores
healthy food food pills
Will people work a lot? How will people work? How will people travel? Who will do the household
What will people eat? Where will people live?
Hi everybody! Welcome to my blog.
Today I would like to tell you what I think about our world in 50 years.
I am sure people will not work a lot.
Thank you for reading my blog.
What do you think about the future? Please leave a comment.
Score: _ / 5