Water Fall

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Waterfall Methodology

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The waterfall model approach is a method for building a system sequentially and linearly

during the system development life cycle. The model is described as a "waterfall" since it

progresses logically downhill from one stage to the next. A methodology for ensuring project

success in software engineering was widely embraced for the first time. Because it is an internal

process, the project's client receives little attention in the Waterfall methodology. The software

sector works well since it was created to help internal teams move more swiftly through the

stages of a project. The software development process is broken down into six stages using the

Waterfall methodology. Progressively, the output of one step serves as the input for the next step.

The phrases include requirements and analysis, system design, implementation, integration and

testing, deployment of the system, and maintenance (Kramer, 2018). Below is the discussion of

each phase in paragraph form.

Requirements and analysis. It’s the first phase model. In this stage, specification

documents are used to outline the project's required a feasibility study is carried out to see if they

can be met. There must be consideration given to any potential constraints that might hinder the

development process. Requirements Understanding Documents (RUDs) are generated after

thoroughly investigating the requirements.

System design, the second phase during this phase, hardware andre, system require

during this phase,m architecture of a software development project are specified. The phase is

divided into two high-level design, which comprises a list of modules, their functions, the

relationships between them, and illustrations of the architecture. And in low-level design it’s a

hands-on approach to creating software components. The High-level Design is broken down into

parts, allowing the programmer to begin coding immediately.

Implementation is the third phase. To begin, prerequisites are taken into consideration

when writing the code. A workable program is created from the physical design specifications.

Small programs called units of the system are designed and merged into a larger system. Each

unit created is tested to ensure its performance.

Integration and Testing. It’s the fourth phase. A task is completed by integrating all the

unit functions built during implementation. Testing of e each unit before integration and testing

system after integration is carried out to ensure that each unit works properly and can assist the

integration process. After integration, the entire system is extensively reviewed for flaws or


Deployment of the system is the fifth phase. A client's environment is used to test the

sotestsmance during this stage. End-users can begin using the software as soon as it is installed.

Training real-time users to communicate the system's benefits may also be part of this step.

Maintenance is the final phase. Changing a component's properties or performance is the

purpose of this phase, performed after the system has been installed. Modifications are either

requested by the client or discovered due to a live system's use. For the built software, the

customer receives ongoing support and maintenance.

Based on both int and external considerations, each piece of software-generated is unique

and requires an appropriate SDLC strategy. The Waterfall model is best used in various contexts

where the requirements have been meticulously spelled out and documented, Stability has been

achieved in terms of the product's definition, and Technology is well-understood. It does not

change frequently, and All of the requirements are clear; the product is well supported by many

people who possess the requisite knowledge and skills, And if there is a limited amount of time

to complete the task.

The waterfall approach is a commonly used model in software engineering. It has some

good beneficial factors that make developers consider using it (Model, 2015). Small projects with

well-defined goals can benefit from this step since the team will be more focused on the big

picture and less likely to get sidetracked by the minutiae as the project progresses. In this model,

teams must complete the previous one before moving on to the next step. This means any issues

that may arise during the procedure can be addressed immediately. Projects that have are less

likely to be put on the back burner, leading to better quality products after the process.

Waterfall's progression is simple to follow and does not necessitate certification or training for

project managers or staff (Singhto & Phakdee, 2016).

This approach has a few flaws that make it unsuitable for founsuitablects (Gilb, 1985).

Internally, the Waterfall methodology does not consider the end-user or client much. Because it

was designed to aid internal teams in moving more quickly through the stages of project stages in

the software industry, that’s not all, Regrettably; waterfall methodology, testing is required at

step four out of six because waiting until the second half of the project to do so can be risky for

the team (Chandra, 2015).

In conclusion, the waterfall approach is a sequential model separating development into

pre-defined segments. Before the next phase can begin, the previous phase must be completed,

so there is no overlap between the stages. It contains six phases. This technique is most suitable

for small projects. Its main disadvantage is that it does not involve end-users.

Chandra, V. (2015). Comparison between various software development methodologies. International

Journal of Computer Applications, 131(9), 7-10.

Gilb, T. (1985). Evolutionary Delivery versus the" waterfall model". ACM sigsoft software engineering

notes, 10(3), 49-61.

Kramer, M. (2018). Best practices in systems development lifecycle: An analyses based on the waterfall

model. Review of Business & Finance Studies, 9(1), 77-84.

Model, W. (2015). Waterfall model. Luettavissa: http://www. waterfall-model. com/. Luettu, 3.

Singhto, W., & Phakdee, N. (2016, December). Adopting a combination of Scrum and Waterfall

methodologies in developing Tailor-made SaaS products for Thai Service and manufacturing

SMEs. In 2016 International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) (pp. 1-6).


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