The Mosaic Granny Square Final

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The Mosaic Granny Square

To celebrate “Granny Square Day 2021” I have taken inspiration from the beloved traditional granny square and reimagined it in overlay mosaic
crochet. I love granny squares, they were one of the first things I started to make when I rediscovered my love for crochet a few years back.

One of the most wonderful granny square blankets I have seen belongs to one of my BFF’s. She has a treasured “granny square” blanket that
her Nonna made when she was small. It is made up from scraps of yarn that have been unraveled from old jumpers and you can see in places
where the yarn has now felted through use. Her daughter told me, that when they were children they were only allowed to use this treasure when
they were ill and then they were allowed to wrap themselves up in it and feel like they were being hugged by their Great Nonna. This story always
gives me the warm and fuzzies.

I hope my granny square makes it into a treasured heirloom blanket so that any future grandchildren can feel like they are being wrapped in a hug
through the generations.

Have fun and enjoy Granny Square Day.

Moira xx

Equipment: Yarn Weight:

- Correct hook for yarn weight I used Aran/Worsted

Pattern Information: Abbreviations:

This pattern uses the mosaic technique. The instructions are in chart and written form. If sts stitches

you are unsure how to crochet using this technique you can find a short video tutorial on ch chain

daisyknots YouTube channel. dc double crochet

sl st blo slip stitch back loop only

dc blo double crochet back loop only

tr fl2d treble crochet front loop two rows

Pattern notes down
- All crochet terms and measurements used are UK ones.
• UK Double Crochet is US Single Crochet
• UK Treble Crochet is US Double Crochet
- The Chart:
• The chart is read from right to left. (Left to right if left handed.)
• Each square represents a double crochet stitch into the back loop.
• If a square has an X in it; treble crochet into the front loop two rows below.
- Always start on the front of your work and work from right to left. (Left to right if left handed.)
- Start each round at the red square/line on the chart and end each round with an invisible join. There is a video tutorial for an invisible join on
daisyknots YouTube channel. (If you do not wish to cut the yarn you can use a no cut invisible join here instead, but please note all instructions
in this pattern are for a cut invisible join).
- Weave in your ends when you have completed the round.
- The corner chains in each round are included in the stitch counts.

Page 1 copyright daisyknots

Using the correct hook and yarn A, make a magic ring and work into the ring as follows:
Round 1
- 1ch, 7dc into ring
- Join last stitch to first dc with either an invisible join or a no cut invisible join. (8 sts)
Follow the written instructions below or the chart on page 3.
Round 2
- Change to colour B and insert hook into the top loop of any stitch and work a ch,
- [in the next stitch (dc blo, ch2, dc blo), next stitch dc blo] three times, in the next stitch (dc blo, ch2, dc blo). Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (20 sts)
Round 3
- Change to colour C and insert hook into the third stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- 2 dc blo [ch2, 5dc blo] three times, ch2, 2dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (28 sts)
Round 4
- Change to colour B and insert hook into the second stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- 3tr fl2d, 2dc blo, [ch2, 2dc blo, 3tr fl2d, 2dc blo] three times, ch2, dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first tr fl2d. (36 sts)
Round 5
- Change to colour A and insert hook into the fifth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- 4dc blo, [ch2, 9dc blo] three times, ch2, 4dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (44 sts)
Round 6
- Change to colour C and insert hook into the sixth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- 5dc blo, [ch2, 11dc blo] three times, ch2, 5dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (52 sts)
Round 7
- Change to colour A and insert hook into the fifth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- (3tr fl2d, dc blo) two times, [ch2, (dc blo, 3tr fl2d) three times, dc blo] three times, ch2, dc blo, 3tr fl2d. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first tr fl2d. (60 sts)
Round 8
- Change to colour C and insert hook into the eighth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- dc blo, tr fl2d, 5dc blo, [ch2, 5dc blo, tr fl2d, 3dc blo, tr fl2d, 5dc blo] three times, ch2, 5dc blo, tr fl2d, dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (68 sts)
Round 9
- Change to colour B and insert hook into the ninth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- 8dc blo, [ch2, 17dc blo] three times, ch2, 8dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (76 sts)
Round 10
- Change to colour C and insert hook into the tenth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- 9dc blo, [ch2, 19dc blo] three times, ch2, 9dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (84 sts)
Round 11
- Change to colour B and insert hook into the ninth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- (3tr fl2d, dc blo) three times, dc blo, [ch2, (dc blo, 3tr fl2d) five times, dc blo] three times, ch2, (dc blo, 3tr fl2d) two times.
Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first tr fl2d. (92 sts)
Round 12
- Change to colour C and insert hook into the twelth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- dc blo, tr fl2d, 3dc blo, tr fl2d, 5dc blo, [ch2, 5dc blo, (tr fl2d, 3dc blo) four times, 2dc blo] three times, ch2, 5dc blo, tr fl2d,
3dc blo, tr fl2d, dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (100 sts)
Round 13
- Change to colour A and insert hook into the thirteenth stitch from the corner and work a ch,
- 12dc blo, [ch2, 25dc blo] three times, ch2, 12dc blo. Fasten off.
- Join with an invisible join to the first dc blo. (108 sts)

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The Mosaic Granny Square
Stitch count per side
CH2 CH2 27
CH2 X X X X CH2 25
CH2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CH2 23
CH2 CH2 21
CH2 CH2 X 19
CH2 X X CH2 X 17
CH2 X X X X X X X X X CH2 X 15
CH2 CH2 X 13
CH2 CH2 X X 11
CH2 X X X CH2 X X 9
CH2 CH2 X X 7
CH2 CH2 X X 5
Chart Notes X X X
• Work in the round, starting at the red square or red
line with a chain into this stitch, then work the X X X
following stitch as per the chart.
• Finish each round with an invisible join into the
stitch after the initial chain.
• Continue to start each round at the red line with a CH2 X X
chain into the stitch, then work into the following
stitch. If there is an X in this square, move to the CH2 X X
previous free dc square.
• The stitch counts on the right are the amount of
stitches per side and include the chain stitches.
• The round numbers are at the bottom of the chart

• The colour to use for each round are indicated
above the round numbers.





2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
= double crochet stitch into the back loop only
X = treble crochet stitch into the front loop two rows below
CH2 = chain 2 stitches
Colours for The Mosaic Granny Square
= A = B = C

Page 3 copyright daisyknots

I am so happy to have been able to create this pattern and have the
opportunity to make it available to you; however, in our digital world it is
sometimes very easy to forget that a pattern has had many, many hours
spent on it. Therefore:

• Please respect the many hours that have gone into designing and testing
this patten by myself and my amazing testers.
• Please do not copy, amend or use any part of this pattern in any form.
• Please do not share the pattern with anyone.
• You may use this pattern to make a granny square for yourself, friends,
family, the charity of your choice or as a raffle prize.
• You may use this pattern to make a granny square which you intend to sell;
however, please credit me as the designer and a link back to my website would be appreciated.
• You may incorporate this granny square pattern in a product with other
designer’s granny square patterns.
• You may not use any of my photos to sell your product.
• You may not use this pattern for mass production.

Have fun making this and if you share pics on social media use the tag
#daisyknotsmosaiccrochet so that I can find your pics.

Moira x

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