EJHC - Volume 12 - Issue 2 - Pages 630-643
EJHC - Volume 12 - Issue 2 - Pages 630-643
EJHC - Volume 12 - Issue 2 - Pages 630-643
Safaa Soliman Ahmed Mohamed¹ Ashraf Samir Faheem² Hanan Fawzy Elsayed Ali³
¹ Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing Beni-sueif University
² Obstetrics and gynecology Faculty of Medicine - Beni suef university
³ Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing Helwan University
Background: Cesarean section (CS) continues to be the surgical intervention most often
performed in obstetrics, with a daily increasing frequency of use. The risk for all postpartum
infections is increased in CS compared to vaginal delivery. Infectious complications developing
in the aftermath of CS are one of the main causes of maternal morbidity. So, the aim of this study
was to investigate the effect of vaginal cleansing with Povidone Iodine solution before cesarean
section on postoperative Endometritis Infection . Design: A quasi- experimental design was
utilized in this study. Setting: This study was conducted at the operating room of Obstetrics and
Gynecologic Department in Beni-Seuf University Hospital from the period of May 2019 until
August 2019. The study Subjects included 200 pregnant women undergoing elective cesarean
delivery, who were selected by purposive sampling technique. then divided into control and study
group 100 per each group. The study group receive vaginal cleansing before cesarean section by
antiseptic iodine solution 10% and standard abdominal scrub. Control group receive standard
abdominal scrub only. Tools was used of data collection included; 1st tool: Structured interview
questionnaire was designed by the researchers and included demographic characteristics and data
related to the participants’ clinical profile 2nd tool: Postpartum follow-up checklist to assess
presence or absence of the post CS infectious morbidity such as; endometritis (lower abdomen
pain and a smelly vaginal discharge), febrile morbidity, and incisional site infection.3rd tool:
Numericаl rating scale (NRЅ). Study results: Shows there was statistically significant
difference regards fever and a smelly vaginal discharge among both groups, while there was no
statistically significant difference was found regards wound infection and lower abdomen pain.
Conclusion: Preoperative vaginal cleansing using antiseptic iodine solution 10% was an effective
practice for reducing post cesarean endometritis where overall post cesarean infectious morbidity
rate was lower among study group compared to control those exposed to routine care alone;
supporting the study hypothesis. Recommendations: Physicians and Nurses should be used
antiseptic povidone-Iodine 10% or vaginal cleaning as regular practice before cesarean deliveries.
Apply vaginal preparation with anti septic solution before C.S operation for high risk group for
infection as premature rupture of membranes, diabetes, and anemia.
Key words: Efficacy, Vaginal Cleansing, Cesarean Delivery, Antiseptic A Povidone Iodine
Solution, Postoperative Endometritis Infection
Email: safa.ashraf @yahoo.com
Introduction has considered the ideal incidence for CS
to be between 10% and
The most prevalent significant pro 15%. Approximately 25% of pregnant fe
cedure is delivery of the worldwide caesa males in the UK undergo CS for their chil
rean section (CS), For recently 30 years, dren to be delivered. In England alone, thi
the international healthcare community s is equivalent to about 171,000 caesarean
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
Research process
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
Table (1): General Data and anthropometric Measure between Intervention and
Control Groups:
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
Table (2): Comparison between Both Groups as Regards Types and Causes of
Cesarean Section
Table (3): Comparison between both Groups as Regards Cesarean Section Time,
Duration of wash, Method of wash and Washing places
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
Table (5): Comparison between Duration of Wash before CS and Method of Was
has Regards Post Operative Fever , Wound Infection, Pain and Vaginal Discharge for
Studied Group.
complicate the operation of the cesarean supported the study hypotheses that the
section. Such morbidities cause pain and women who are undergoing vaginal
discomfort, delay in returning to normal preparation with antiseptic solution
function. The endometritis cause is (povidone-iodine ) before cesarean
frequently ascending of the upper genital section will have less post partum
tract by cervicovaginal flora. During morbidity. The results of the present
cesarean deliveries, these bacteria are study showed that general data of the
responsible for antibiotic prophylaxis study subjects as age, gravid and para
failure. Furthermore, some prophylactic were not show any significant difference
antibiotic regimens are not effective and between control and study group. This
after surgical prophylaxis, the vagina may insignificant difference between the
colonize with resistant organisms. general and obstetric characteristics data
(Mohamed et al., 2015). The issue of of both groups are reported by many
using preoperative vaginal washing is not studies Hayat et al (2014), Mohamed et
recent and it was previously used since al., (2015).
the early seventies prior to CS, abdominal
hysterectomy and was proved to be Concerning to Postoperative fever
associated with lower postoperative and a smelly vaginal discharge study
infectious morbidity, as well as, findings shown that there was statistical
documented decreasing in the bacteria significant difference between study and
count in vagina by at least 98% with control group. These findings were in
povidone iodine solution (Madny & agreement with Hayat et al (2014) who
Ahmed.,2011). study the effect of vaginal cleaning before
cesarean delivery to reduce post cesarean
There are different methods, to section &postpartum infection and
decrease the risk of infection. These founded that there was statistically
include preoperative antiseptic vaginal significant increase in temperature of
douching on the morning of surgery, control group in comparison to study
wipes, sponges, etc. with any type of group and stated that Vaginal cleansing
antiseptic solution (povidone iodine, with povidone iodine solution reduces the
chlorhexidine, etc). The intervention of risk of post-cesarean endometritis from
vaginal cleansing is a safe and very 8.3% in control groups to 4.3% in vaginal
quickly perfect procedure that can easily cleansing groups. ore over (Tewfik, et al.,
be done before abdominal scrub (Hass et 2015) who study Preoperative vaginal
al., 2014). At the present time, there is no preparation using povidone iodine versus
clear recommendation for or against chlorhexidine solutions in prevention of
vaginal cleansing before cesarean endometritis in elective cesarean section
delivery. So, The aim of this study was to and mentioned that,there was a
investigate the efficacy of vaginal significantly higher rate of postoperative
cleansing before cesarean delivery in fever in group A (Povidone Iodine)
reducing postoperative morbidity. compared to group B (Chlorhexidine
group) (13 (28.3%) versus 4 (8.5%);
The results of the study showed respectively), while the rates of
that using antiseptic povidone-iodine endometritis and wound infection were
solution for cleaning of the vagina before higher in group A (Povidone Iodine)
cesarean section operation decreased the compared to group B (Chlorhexidine
occurrence of postpartum morbidity as group), but this difference was
fever, wound infection, lower abdomen statistically insignificant therefore this
pain and vaginal discharge. This findings result in the same line of current study
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
findings that has been mentioned, there with Haiyan et al (2020) who study
was no statistically significant difference Optimization of Cleaning Management
found regards wound infection and Lower Improves the Efficiency of the
abdomen pain among both groups. Also Continuous Surgery and reported that
study results in the same line with Ried et scientific cleaning management can
al (2001) who study effect of vaginal significantly improve the efficiency of the
preparation on post cesarean infectious operation, prevent the spread of bacteria
morbidity and stated that 7.2% of samples in the operating room, improve the
under study had oral temperature elevated efficiency of the operating room, and
to 37.7 of or more than after the day of thereby increase surgeon and patient
surgery. satisfaction. Additionally Marzouk,
Emarah & Zaitoun,(2019) who
While study results were in reported that assessment of the
disagreement with Ameer., (2019) who incisional wound revealed lower overall
evaluate the risk of post cesarean post cesarean section infectious morbidity
endometritis with preoperative vaginal rate among study group compared to
preparation and reported that there was no those received conventional care (9.0% vs.
measurable effect of a vaginal scrub on 20.2% respectively; 2 = 4.50, p = .034).
the development of postoperative fever. Endometritis rate was significantly lower
Additionally Tewfik, Ibrahim, Hanafi, among the study group subjects equated
Fahmy, Khaled & Ibrahim., (2015) who to those of the conventional care group
study Preoperative vaginal preparation (2.2% vs. 10.1% respectively; _2 = 4.75,
using povidone iodine versus p = .029), meanwhile febrile morbidity
chlorhexidine solutions in prevention of and surgical site infection rates showed
endometritis in elective cesarean section non-significant reduction in favor to the
and indicated that, use of chlorhexidine study group subjects (p = .469 and .700
rather than povidone iodine was respectively). This findings supported the
significantly associated with 3-fold study hypotheses that the women who are
reduction in the risk of post-operative undergoing vaginal preparation with
fever. antiseptic solution (povidone-iodine )
before cesarean section will have less
In relation to fever, wound post partum morbidity infection.
infection, lower abdomen pain and a
smelly vaginal discharge study findings In relation to fever, wound
revealed that the rate of fever, wound infection, lower abdomen pain and a
infection, lower abdomen pain and smelly vaginal discharge study results
vaginal discharge were lower in the study shown that the rate of fever, wound
group than control group and the infection, lower abdomen pain and
difference is not statistically significant in vaginal discharge were lower in between
wound infection and lower abdomen pain the studied group by using sponge stick
while the difference is highly statistically for 30 s. and there was highly statistically
significant in fever and vaginal discharge significant difference regards fever ,
therefore according to the reseachers` wound infection, pain and vaginal
opinion that, the povidone-iodine solution discharge among studied group in
has a significant role in prevent or reduce duration of wash before CS and method
post partum morbidity such as (fever, of wash. These study results were in
wound infection, lower abdomen pain and agreement with Caissutti et al (2017)
a smelly vaginal discharge ) after Cs. who study Vaginal Cleansing Before
These study results were in agreement Cesarean Delivery A Systematic Review
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJH vol. 12 no. 2