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Lesson 7: Japanese Invasion 1940 (September 27, 1940) that lead to

Reasons for Japanese Invasion integration of their military aims.

❏ Japanese wanted to compete with Western ❏ They initiated conflicts that would become

imperialism theater’s of war in world war 2.

❏ Japan’s expansionist program was planned ❏ On July 7, 1937, Japan invaded China to

and implemented by the military, the state initiate the war in the Pacific.

bureaucracy, and the big business ❏ On September 1, 1939, German invasion

combined (zaibatsu) of Poland unleashed the European war.

❏ Economic restriction on trade by the U.S World War II

❏ To become the leader of Asian Nations ❏ One year after the tripartite pact was the

(Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere) start of World War II which created a

❏ To use Philippines as source of raw defence alliance between countries and

materials for Japan to deter the United States from entering

Aims of Japanese Attack the conflict.

❏ Destroy American fleet units ❏ Japanese bombing of the Pearl Harbour

❏ Prevent pacific fleet from interfering with on December 7, 1941 led the U.S to

Japanese conquest of the Dutch East declare war on Japan.

Indies and Malaya ❏ On December 8, 1941 Japan invaded the

❏ To conquer Southeast Asia without Philippines for 3 years, 1942-1945.

interference ❏ Japanese aircrafts hit the naval station in

Tokyo-Rome-Berlin Axis Cavite and Clark Air Base in Pampanga

❏ Alliance between Italy, Germany, and where America’s largest array of planes

Japan who fought against allied forces in was stationed destroying America’s

World War II armada in the Philippines and also

❏ Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Nichols Field outside Manila.

Japan signed a ten-year Tripartite Pact of ❏ On December 22, Japanese forces

landed at the Lingayen Gulf and to Manila

❏ General Douglas MacArthur, as per February 1942 in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija

advice of President Quezon, declared where they agreed to fight the Japanese

Manila as an open city to avoid as a unified guerilla army.

destruction. ❏ Taruc was the leader with Alejandrino as

❏ Manila was occupied by Japanese on his right hand man. The members were

January 2, 1942. known as Huks!

❏ MacArthur retreated with his troops to Philippine Puppet Government

Bataan while the Commonwealth ❏ The Japanese established the second

government withdrew to Corregidor Island republic or the puppet government on

before proceeding to the United States. October 14, 1943.

❏ MacArthur escaped to Corregidor then ❏ Jose Paciano Laurel was the president

proceeded to Australia. with Benigno Aquino Sr. and Ramon

❏ On April 9, 1942, the joint American and Avancena as vice-presidents.

Filipino soldiers in Bataan surrendered. ❏ On September 20, 1943, the Kapisanan

❏ The 76,000 captured prisoners were ng Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas,

forced to embark the infamous Death (KALIBAPI) under the leadership of its

March to a prison camp more than 100 director general Benigno Sr. held a party

km north. convention to elect 54 members of the

❏ The second world war (1941-1945) was legislative body. There are actually 108

the worst war in the world. members but half of it were incumbent


❏ Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa mga Hapon ❏ KALIBAPI’s main objective was to

❏ Some farmers of Pampanga created local promote Japanese propaganda to gain

brigades for their protection. the trust and confidence of Filipinos who

❏ Luis Taruc, Juan Feleo, Castro refused to cooperate with them, but the

Alejandrino, and other leaders of Japanese failed.

organized farmers held a meeting in

The Return of Gen. Douglas MacArthur ❏ US liberation forces successfully docked

❏ From Australia, allied forces slowly at Lingayen Gulf on January 9, 1945.

advanced to the Philippines. On ❏ It alarmed Japanese Lt. Gen. Tomoyuki

September 21, 1944, they started Yamashita and mobilizes his kamikazes

bombing several Japanese strongholds (Japanese suicide pilots) but they failed to

until they regained control of areas stop the Americans.

previously occupied by the enemy. ❏ It took 3 weeks of intense fighting before

❏ On October 20, 1944, the Americans they surrendered on February 23.

landed triumphantly in Leyte. ❏ Gen. MacArthur continued to liberate

Commonwealth Period other parts of the country and proclaim

❏ Sergio Osmeña was part of MacArthur’s general freedom from the Japanese on

group and took over Manuel Quezon as July 4, 1945.

president when the latter died due to ❏ After the war, all infrastructures built by

Tuberculosis in August 1944 at Saranac Spanish and American period were totally

Lake, New York. destroyed by Japanese bombings

❏ From October 23 to October 26 1944, the because of their ambition to be the leader

Americans (along with Australian forces) in East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

engaged Japanese forces in the Battle of Impact of Japanese occupation

Leyte Gulf (biggest naval battle in World 1. Japan promised to grant independence as

History) where it almost destroyed the long as the Philippines cooperated and

Japanese fleet and rendered it incapable recognized their establishment of a Greater

of further attack. East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

❏ The US Victory in the Battle of Leyte Gulf 2. Japanese sought the support of Filipino

signalled the beginning of Philippine elites to legitimize and win popular support

liberation from the Japanese. in running the government.

❏ By mid-December, the American soldiers 3. Some Filipinos collaborated with them for

reached Mindoro. the continuation of their leadership; as a

means of survival; as a patriotic duty to Lesson 8: Philippine Revolts and

protect their countrymen from the harsh Cavite Mutiny

policies of the Japanese. Revolt - to rise up against an authority in an act

4. It led to economic hardships because of of rebellion.

scarcity of food. Reasons for Revolts:

5. Guerilla groups emerged ❏ Land problems

6. Some Filipino women were made sex ❏ Personal

slaves where they are detained in military ❏ Unjust taxation

camps. ❏ Forced labor

7. Their brutality made the Filipinos ❏ Religious freedom

appreciate Americans. Who

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