Gen 004
Gen 004
Gen 004
❏ Japanese wanted to compete with Western ❏ They initiated conflicts that would become
❏ Japan’s expansionist program was planned ❏ On July 7, 1937, Japan invaded China to
and implemented by the military, the state initiate the war in the Pacific.
❏ To become the leader of Asian Nations ❏ One year after the tripartite pact was the
(Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere) start of World War II which created a
❏ Prevent pacific fleet from interfering with on December 7, 1941 led the U.S to
❏ Alliance between Italy, Germany, and where America’s largest array of planes
Japan who fought against allied forces in was stationed destroying America’s
❏ Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Nichols Field outside Manila.
advice of President Quezon, declared where they agreed to fight the Japanese
❏ Manila was occupied by Japanese on his right hand man. The members were
❏ MacArthur escaped to Corregidor then ❏ Jose Paciano Laurel was the president
forced to embark the infamous Death (KALIBAPI) under the leadership of its
March to a prison camp more than 100 director general Benigno Sr. held a party
❏ The second world war (1941-1945) was legislative body. There are actually 108
the worst war in the world. members but half of it were incumbent
brigades for their protection. the trust and confidence of Filipinos who
❏ Luis Taruc, Juan Feleo, Castro refused to cooperate with them, but the
September 21, 1944, they started Yamashita and mobilizes his kamikazes
bombing several Japanese strongholds (Japanese suicide pilots) but they failed to
❏ Sergio Osmeña was part of MacArthur’s general freedom from the Japanese on
president when the latter died due to ❏ After the war, all infrastructures built by
Tuberculosis in August 1944 at Saranac Spanish and American period were totally
❏ From October 23 to October 26 1944, the because of their ambition to be the leader
Leyte Gulf (biggest naval battle in World 1. Japan promised to grant independence as
History) where it almost destroyed the long as the Philippines cooperated and
❏ The US Victory in the Battle of Leyte Gulf 2. Japanese sought the support of Filipino
signalled the beginning of Philippine elites to legitimize and win popular support
❏ By mid-December, the American soldiers 3. Some Filipinos collaborated with them for