Lucid Dreaming Harlow Wolfe.01
Lucid Dreaming Harlow Wolfe.01
Lucid Dreaming Harlow Wolfe.01
By Harlow Wolfe
What if you could be the director of your movie? What if you could
recognize that a dream was occurring when it was happening? What if you
could create changes to your dreams so that it plays out the way you want
it? Does this seem impossible? It isn't. In lucid dreaming, all of these things
become a reality.
Imagine what it would be like to recognize that you are having a dream as it
is occurring. Imagine what it would be like to change the storyline of your
dream as it is playing out. As the dreamer, you change your position from a
passive viewer to sitting in the director's chair.
As the director, you could intentionally explore your dream world and make
changes to it at your whim. You can explore your fantasies, time travel, or
summon dream characters of your choosing.
You can improve your waking life by addressing it in your dreams. While
lucid dreaming, you can access your creativity, solve problems, or
overcome personal issues. In lucid dreaming, you, the dreamer, can
influence the dream's storyline so that you experience whatever you want to
When lucid dreaming, you can change your dream universe through the
power of your thoughts.
Lucid dreaming was part of many ancient civilizations and Eastern religious
traditions, especially Buddhism. In fact, the first written record of lucid
dreaming dates back to the fourth century BCE.
Aristotle wrote about it in this treatise, On Dreams. It was not until the
1970s that lucid dreaming was studied scientifically. Research on lucid
dreaming has concluded that it is a state of consciousness different from the
waking state or REM sleep. REM sleep is the stage of sleep in which
dreams occurs.
While everyone has the potential to have lucid dreams, they are experienced
infrequently, if at all. In fact, a poll has shown that about half of adults have
one or fewer lucid dreams per year.
The same survey also showed that approximately 23% of respondents have
one lucid dream per month. In comparison, 11% indicated that they have
two or more lucid dreams per month. It was also found that those who have
lucid dreams are more often female that the frequency of lucid dreaming
declines with age. The following are ways you can determine if you have
had a lucid dream:
• While having the dream, there is a realization that it is a dream as opposed
to reality.
The dream self and its relationship to the dream world is experienced in the
same way that most of us experience ourselves in the world when we are
awake. What I mean by that is that we experience ourselves as being a
separate and distinct entity from the rest of the world. When I am at work, I
see myself as separate from my coworkers or manager. I also see myself as
being distinct from my desk, chair, or computer. This sense of being a
separate and distinct entity also appears in our dreams. I see myself as being
separate from the tiger chasing me or the landscape that I am flying above.
By saying these things are illusionary, I mean that our experiences are not
what we think they are.
While dreaming of being chased by the tiger, the tiger and I were real.
However, they were just the projections of consciousness. In the same way,
our experiences in our waking life are the projections of the One
Since there is only one consciousness, any changes we create in our dreams
will reverberate to all other levels of consciousness, including the level of
consciousness that is our daily life. Any mysteries that we may associate
with psychic powers will dissolve when one realizes that there is only one
consciousness. As expressions of that consciousness, we can gain access to
the complete information that it contains.
After the session was over and Mazurek woke up, he was debriefed by the
researchers who wanted to know what he experienced. Mazurek shared with
them that he was in a video game; yet, he was aware of what was happening
in the laboratory. When he was asked the math question, the voice came
from the video game. He told the researchers that it was at that moment that
he realized that he was asleep.
This research supports the view that consciousness is not something that is
found somewhere in our brains. Rather, we live in a conscious universe.
Because of our social indoctrination, we believe that we are separate
entities that are conscious and that we inhabit a physical reality. Instead, we
are expressions of consciousness that inhabit a conscious universe.
We are united by one consciousness. This means that each of us has the
potential to explore levels of consciousness that are beyond what the mind
can conceive. Further, each intention that we make sends ripples through
the field of consciousness, a field that encompasses all that is and all that is
to become. Lucid dreaming offers a portal to that exploration.
• Published studies have demonstrated that lucid dreaming can benefit those
suffering from PTSD by confronting their trauma and learning to relax.
• Lucid dreaming has been used to help individuals overcome their phobias.
• It has been theorized that lucid dreams could be a valuable tool for
interacting with their psyche or inner self.
• Therapists have used lucid dreaming to help individuals connect with their
spiritual selves and overcome death's fear.
In one research experiment, test subjects had to toss coins into a cup that
was located two meters away.
Those who had practiced this skill while lucid dreaming performed
significantly better than those who did not practice at all. Those who
practiced while lucid dreaming did not perform as well as those who
practiced this skill in the waking state. Think of the advances you could
make if you practiced both while dreaming and awake! Some athletes have
done just that.
As stated earlier, everyone has the potential to have lucid dreams. It is just a
matter of developing your capabilities for doing so. The following are ways
to bring about lucid dreams, maintain them, and create changes while
having them.
have reached a state of calm, silently repeat to yourself your intention. The
following are examples of intentions:
When one creates intentions, they become ingrained in mind. As dreams are
the projections of the mind, these intentions will be remembered while one
is in the dream state.
Lucid dreams occur during REM sleep. The more REM sleep that you
experience, the more likely to will experience lucid dreams. To get more
REM sleep, take steps to improve the quality of your sleep.
You can do this by evaluating your sleeping habits to see what you can
improve on. The following are tips for improving the quality of your sleep:
• Follow your sleeping schedule by going to bed and waking up around the
same time each day.
Reality Testing
The idea is to rehearse reality testing while you are awake so that your mind
performs it while you are in the dream state. For example, you may press
your hand against a wall. That your hand does not pass through the wall
tells you that you are not dreaming. This information gets retained by your
If you do this often enough, what will happen is that you can perform this
same exercise while you are dreaming. If your hand passed through the
wall, you would know that you are dreaming.
Dream Diary
Dream diaries are one the simplest ways to get the most out of your dream
experience. Keeping a dream diary will help you remember more of your
dreams, dream more often, experience more detailed dreams, and
experience more lucid dreams. The reason for this is simple; anything that
you focus on will become stronger or grow.
By recording your dreams in your dream diary, you are placing your focus
on your dreams. However, the power of recording your dreams is impactful
in another way. There is something about writing that facilitates the
accessing of the subconscious. When you write down your thoughts, as
opposed to just thinking about it in your head, insights appear that would
have remained unavailable otherwise.
The key to dream diaries is to be consistent with them. You want to record
your dreams each morning.
Also, you want this to be the first thing that you do when you wake up so
that you do not forget them.
Identifying Patterns
There is a big difference between having a thought and being aware of that
thought. To be aware of thought is to create space between you and it.
Instead of identifying with the thought, you become a witness to it. To have
this level of awareness is to be mindful. It is for this reason that developing
a mindful practice can help induce lucid dreaming. The reason for this is
because in developing mindfulness, our self-identification with our
experiences starts dissolving.
of the angry thought. Instead of identifying with it, we are aware of it. By
being aware of the thought, we know that we cannot be it.
If we develop our mindfulness, then we will not identify with our dreams.
Instead, we realize that we are the witness to the dream. It is the ability to
not identify with the dream that makes lucid possible.
The reason why paying attention to detail helps bring about lucid dreaming
is that attention to detail during waking hours conditions the mind to
become a habitual pattern. This habit becomes activated while dreaming.
By paying attention to the details of the dream, one can know that they are
dreaming when the dream details do not make sense.
The more you are aware of your dreams, the simpler it is to control them.
This is why it is so important to practice the techniques mentioned in the
previous section. By learning to increase the frequency of lucid dreams, you
will automatically increase your awareness of them. The following are
suggestions for dream control:
Become Intentional
While you have a lucid dream, make the intention of what you want to
happen. It is no different than in your waking life. If you want something to
happen, you become intentional and do it. The same thing is true during
lucid dreaming. Example: Be willful that you will walk through a wall and
then do it.
In your dream, express your desires out loud. Example: "I have the power
to fly." You expressing your desires will empower you while your dreams
will accommodate your desires.
It is important to note that you do not have to control your lucid dreams.
You can also passively enjoy your dreams in your higher state of awareness
and let your dreams simply unfold naturally. Finally, when controlling your
dreams, know that if you expect something to happen, it will occur.
For those interested in learning about lucid dreaming, a whole new realm of
experience awaits you.
Lucid dreaming is truly a fantasy come true. To create your own dream
experience and test the boundaries of your imagination is both fun and
rewarding. It is fun because you can do the imaginable, and it's rewarding
because it reveals our untapped potential.
Even more profound, it cannot help but lead to reflecting on the nature of
who we are.
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